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Italy recalls ambassador from India over case against marines: AFP

1. They rushed towards our oil tanker and did not react to any warning. They acted like terrorists / pirates. They can only blame themself.
noo proof....
Why would they do that??...they were fishing.

MarkusS said:
2. I don´t need to prove anything. Your court has to prove they fired the bullets. So far they have nothing in their hands yet and that after 2 years. We already know your court has no evidence and our marines will be back home, we are just annoyed it takes so long.
a trail of 15 bullets...fired from marines guns...what more proof do you want???

MarkusS said:
3. We don´t celebrate "Xmas", we celebrate Christmas. Would be nice if you show respect to other cultures. You demand respect, then show it. Its not a one way street.
I hate to hurt somebody's religious sentiments even in a debate...but I dont see anything wrong with the word Xmas.There are so many cards/messages with Xmas written on it.I know there are many who view the word Xmas part of an overall “war on christmas”.They view it as a blatant attempt to take Christ out of Christmas. But let me tell you the actual origin of the word Xmas has nothing to do with taking Christ out of Christmas.
In Greek, the original language of the New Testament the word for “Christ” is Χριστός which begins with the Greek letter that is essentially the same letter as the English letterX. So originallyXmas was simply an abbreviation of Christmas. No grand conspiracy to take Christ out of Christmas. Just an abbreviation.
And i repeat i 've no intention of hurting anybody's religious sentiments

MarkusS said:
4. We don´t threatening and antagonizing india. We play our diplomatic cards. You can play yours.
so be it....

MarkusS said:
5. Letta was not crying. He is a very calm person. He build up support, thats what i expect my PM to do.
Its simple to understand isn't it...when a small child doesn't get his lollipop he calls his BIG brother....how hard is that to understand???

MarkusS said:
6. Your country has gargantuan rape numbers. Each day 7000 girls are murdered in india. Politicians assasinate enemies and the rich ones go free without any charge. Don´t come me with justice.
Thankfully in my country all this gets reported.In your country half the time women cant prove it....

MarkusS said:
7. No thats not common sense, since you have nothing at your hands. Not one prove. Your court debates about a non issue.
Yes it should not have been anti piracy with which they're charged but terrorism.....mistake..big mistake

MarkusS said:
Some germans already killed indians last year. They crushed them with a german ship. And could leave india after few days. If your fishermen act like pirates they get treated like pirates. Our marines will do exactly the same in the same situation. Its their duty to protect our ships. I would do exactly the same.
Stop concocting stories in your brain...you dont need to strain it soo hard.
What is the UN? India takes UN serious? lol

Beside that i don´t see that india would be able to handle diplomatic issues. You need a functional system and educated officials for that. And honestly i never saw india doing anything on worldstage

papa no help :P
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