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Italy recalls ambassador from India over case against marines: AFP

What mistake??? if you give guns to mafia minded murderers, in this case these *** Marines what do you expect.
its just like if you were siting at your house and get killed by a drive by..then what you will blame the shooter or the person sitting in his house..its not his fault that he was relaxing at home....Its the Italian Marines who are terrorists and murderers and not the other way around...case-closed..now just sit back and watch the law of the land take its course.

They rushed towards our ship and reacted to no warning. It could well be that tehy had explosives in their boat and tried to ram our tanker to let it explode in a terrorist attack. They deserved what they got. I have 0 compassion with them.
Those "fisherman" died because their own mistake. What you expect? If someone drives bicycle on railway and gets killed from train you cry too? Beside that, we are christian. We will care for their families, don´t worry. Its not their families failure that those two acted like terrorists.

Markus stop calling our dead fisherman terrorists! the only scum terrorists is the 2 fascist looking Italian pigs who shot them. Now you can cry all you want but nothing is going to happen until after the Indian elections ;) because if Congress give in the BJP will think it is Christmas come early get my point son?

The law must take it's course but the Indian judicial system is very slow :-) and your NATO buddies can't do shit lol
Case is still in court, as for the issue, Italy can throw what ever tantrum it wants to. The international community doesn't give a hoot, and Italy doesn't have the power to force India into a corner.

We already cost india several billion € per week, since EU imposes sanctions, stops free trade and that will be pushed even further. We also said we will stop anti pirate missions so USA has to fill the gap. Since then USA stands on our side too:

I believe it is important to hurt indian interests wherever we can. Germans ambassador in india already said the relations of India and EU is damaged because of this and several talks in various topics have been stopped already. Since evry decission must be made with all EU members agreement an italian no stops any positive pact with india.

Markus stop calling our dead fisherman terrorists! the only scum terrorists is the 2 fascist looking Italian pigs who shot them. Now you can cry all you want but nothing is going to happen until after the Indian elections ;) because if Congress give in the BJP will think it is Christmas come early get my point son?

The law must take it's course but the Indian judicial system is very slow :-) and your NATO buddies can't do shit lol
your fishermen are even less worth than terrorists. Terrorists usually have some functional brain cells. Your fishermen were already brain dead at very beginning. I would shot them too in same situation.
We already cost india several billion € per week, since EU imposes sanctions, stops free trade and that will be pushed even further. We also said we will stop anti pirate missions so USA has to fill the gap. Since then USA stands on our side too:

I believe it is important to hurt indian interests wherever we can. Germans ambassador in india already said the relations of India and EU is damaged because of this and several talks in various topics have been stopped already. Since evry decission must be made with all EU members agreement an italian no stops any positive pact with india.

your fishermen are even less worth than terrorists. Terrorists usually have some functional brain cells. Your fishermen were already brain dead at very beginning. I would shot them too in same situation.

This shows the type of sick slime ball type of person you are lol and you want us to show leniency to pigs like you? If it were me in charge I would have sent these 2 killer dogs to be some Indian mans bitch inside jail and their foods get glass in them everyday that is what we should do to animals like you and them.
We already cost india several billion € per week, since EU imposes sanctions, stops free trade and that will be pushed even further. We also said we will stop anti pirate missions so USA has to fill the gap. Since then USA stands on our side too:

I believe it is important to hurt indian interests wherever we can. Germans ambassador in india already said the relations of India and EU is damaged because of this and several talks in various topics have been stopped already. Since evry decission must be made with all EU members agreement an italian no stops any positive pact with india.

your fishermen are even less worth than terrorists. Terrorists usually have some functional brain cells. Your fishermen were already brain dead at very beginning. I would shot them too in same situation.

Lol, everyone shunned you even when you went to EU, UK is never gonna go down with you guys, and France is already in our boat with huge defense contract on the line, and Germany whose private industry have heavy investment in India's private sector. So that leave US, who is already trying hard to win over India, since they just lost their good ally Pakistan and need someone to be on their side in Asia because of China's rise. India has way more to offer to the EU countries than Italy.
post reported for bringing in religion

I reported yours as well for bringing personal insult. Beside that i did not bring in religion. I brought up comic figures i saw at Simpsons. I did not insult any religion.
Is that the Shiva speaking out of you? :D Or Ganesha?

You still don´t get it right? Evry single decisison EU makes must get a yes from evry single member state. So italy can blockade evry single treaty with india :) No matter what UK and France want.

Beside that, germany already is in our boat.

Italian marines issue halting IndiaEU relationship says German ambassador

You can block it in EU, but a country own trade cannot be blocked. You can't block any trade with India, even the UN sent you back to tackle the issue bilaterally.

Jesus is not primitive and wishs death and sufefring on people. I don´t know how indian religion thinks about this though.

You can block it in EU, but a country own trade cannot be blocked. You can't block any trade with India, even the UN sent you back to tackle the issue bilaterally.

What is the UN? India takes UN serious? lol

Beside that i don´t see that india would be able to handle diplomatic issues. You need a functional system and educated officials for that. And honestly i never saw india doing anything on worldstage
Jesus is not primitive and wishs death and sufefring on people. I don´t know how indian religion thinks about this though.

What is the UN? India takes UN serious? lol

Beside that i don´t see that india would be able to handle diplomatic issues. You need a functional system and educated officials for that. And honestly i never saw india doing anything on worldstage

Lol, I guess you missed India's diplomatic victory over US. As for Italy I guess the whole World War 2 and helping a Nazi Germany helping killing million of innocents can be considered a victory on world stage.

Well if you guys considered UN as nothing, why go begging to them to intervene.
Not because there is a chance to get in fight between two but some of you indians sound like war is a game... I doubt if some of you "keyboard warriors" could fire a couple of bullets in a real combat... My words to whom pretending they live in the battlefield day n nite and sleep with his rifle...

P.S.. Italy sometimes becomes an a*ss.. This is from 98'.. The time Turkey and Italy took off their battle axes for a terrorist...

Italy Frees Kurdish Rebel, Widens Crisis With Turkey The Alleged Terrorist Is Seeking Asylum In Rome Rather Than Face Charges In His Native Land. - Philly.com
They rushed towards our ship and reacted to no warning. It could well be that tehy had explosives in their boat and tried to ram our tanker to let it explode in a terrorist attack. They deserved what they got. I have 0 compassion with them.
No worries...The Marine murderers will also get what they deserve!...I am sure they will serve for their sins in Tihar jail.
There are mistakes from both side. Our mistake is that our process is extremely slow and thus It could have been handled in better way and Italy's mistake is that they are extremely rude and warning India every now and then. I hope both side will solve this issue more appropriately but sadly Only after elections now.

India should just keep the marines. India judicial system is just fine compare to the Italians.

Read up about the Amanda Knox case and the murder of Meredith Kercher

Murder of Meredith Kercher - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Italy has a stronger economy than India. We are just 70 million people but have bigger GDP than india. Italy is in G8. Beside that, Mafia alone has more economical power than the entire nation of India. So what you say about mafia? Half of your government is on their pay roll.

The mariens have done nothing wrong and i would not even talk to the families of idiots. They made the mistake and deserved what happened to them.

That says a lot on how you like to do things .... this isn't mafia ruled country kid unlike yours which you are proud of (BTW that's sick) ....

The courts shall not favor Indians or Italians, It would be as per the law.
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