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Italy recalls ambassador from India over case against marines: AFP

This is bollywood style blackmailing begging tactics, poor indians!
Begging first fall its italy who has begging motive here they killed are citizens may by mistake but there marines should face are courts.as for creating pressure italy can do nothing about it we are not third world country any more .even population of our middle class is much higher than your whole EU.So come out of supiority complex its 21st century
Begging first fall its italy who has begging motive here they killed are citizens may by mistake but there marines should face are courts.as for creating pressure italy can do nothing about it we are not third world country any more .even population of our middle class is much higher than your whole EU.So come out of supiority complex its 21st century

yes it is 21st century and you should be fair too with us.
Why should we send more of our soldiers to a terrorist regime to be held as hostages, explain please and what guarantees would we have for their secure travel back home?

To be honest i have more trust in Iran or North Korea than India.

Ohhh come on Markus...
Try entering North korean water and killing their fisherman...you will understand the meaning of the word belligerence then.:lol:

lets get some reality check on this issue
1) Your marines killed our fishermen in our waters....
2)Your marines claimed they had only made warning shots...but a trail of atleast 15 bullets were found on the boat...rest went in the air and through the fishermen's body.
3)You took your men back home to celebrate Xmas (wow!! our government allowed it??? lol)
4)Your government promised to bring back the marines...but reneged.That is where all the diplomatic ties began to face the wrath of this case.
5) Our government promised that your marines wont be given death penalty despite the fact that they had killed Indian citizens.You should be cheering for government.
6)Your marines were allowed to stay in the A/C rooms of Italian embassy when they should have actually spent time in our jails.
7)At the max those marines will be sentenced 10years...big deal???

so what the issue?? What is Italy trying to prove???
BTW UN has called it a bilateral issue...so dont expect any help from that quarter.
Italy has no sway over India unless it involves EU.....and EU is unlikely to enter in the mess with Italy's political and financial instability....
My question is why don't Indian govt speed up the case and prison them for life???
They deserve atleast a life sentence.
Go ahead and try antagonizing India....you'll be paid back in kind.:angel:
so Italy throwing tantrums like India was against US in diplomat case. What goes around comes around :D
yes it is 21st century and you should be fair too with us.
Yes we will be fair too every human it's in our nature it is a country of Gandhi .its just a politions of both the sides which are messing it up
Indian fisherman. behave constantly like idiots. There are nonstop incidents with them smashing into larger vessels. And Kerala is pirate center in that region, the state lost all power there.


Pretty much sums up your knowledge ...
Ohhh come on Markus...
Try entering North korean water and killing their fisherman...you will understand the meaning of the word belligerence then.:lol:

lets get some reality check on this issue
1) Your marines killed our fishermen in our waters....
2)Your marines claimed they had only made warning shots...but a trail of atleast 15 bullets were found on the boat...rest went in the air and through the fishermen's body.
3)You took your men back home to celebrate Xmas (wow!! our government allowed it??? lol)
4)Your government promised to bring back the marines...but reneged.That is where all the diplomatic ties began to face the wrath of this case.
5) Our government promised that your marines wont be given death penalty despite the fact that they had killed Indian citizens.You should be cheering for government.
6)Your marines were allowed to stay in the A/C rooms of Italian embassy when they should have actually spent time in our jails.
7)At the max those marines will be sentenced 10years...big deal???

so what the issue?? What is Italy trying to prove???
BTW UN has called it a bilateral issue...so dont expect any help from that quarter.
Italy has no sway over India unless it involves EU.....and EU is unlikely to enter in the mess with Italy's political and financial instability....
My question is why don't Indian govt speed up the case and prison them for life???
They deserve atleast a life sentence.
Go ahead and try antagonizing India....you'll be paid back in kind.:angel:

1. They died of own stupidity in international waters.
2. the bullets found do not match italian weapons.
3. Christmas is the highest celebration beside eastern in italy. You have a problem with this?
4. Our government has the duty to protect its servicemen
5. death penalty would be considered a decleration of war against italy and NATO. Rasmussen said as well as the EU that in this case the defense treaty would step in. Neither side would be interested in that scenario so i don´t applaud for this nonsense. Death penalty was a diplomatic no go from beginning.
6. Our marines stay in our embassy and work there because our government demanded it. It was part of the deal, otherwise we would not have send them back.
7. Italy will not allow even one day in any jail and certainly not in indian jail. You don´t bring just our two marines into court, india...a long time ally calls us openly a terrorist state with this nonsense.

Italy also has EU behind us and the free trade agreement was already stopped. What UN says is irrelevant because UN has no power in any way. Its a nonsense organisation. So far we already isolated india in this issue.

Yes we will be fair too every human it's in our nature it is a country of Gandhi .its just a politions of both the sides which are messing it up
and? what now?
1. They died of own stupidity in international waters.
How??? They were fishing in Indian waters.And theres nothing stupid about it.

MarkusS said:
2. the bullets found do not match italian weapons.
Prove it :coffee:
MarkusS said:
3. Christmas is the highest celebration beside eastern in italy. You have a problem with this?
I wasnt talking about Italy celebrating Xmas...but the two marines who were supposed to be inside the jails were allowed to "celebrate" in their country.
MarkusS said:
4. Our government has the duty to protect its servicemen
But dont you think threatening and antagonizing a country over this is preposterous???

MarkusS said:
5. death penalty would be considered a decleration of war against italy and NATO. Rasmussen said as well as the EU that in this case the defense treaty would step in. Neither side would be interested in that scenario so i don´t applaud for this nonsense. Death penalty was a diplomatic no go from beginning.
Yes I heard how your PM Letta had gone crying to EU over this issue....

MarkusS said:
6. Our marines stay in our embassy and work there because our government demanded it. It was part of the deal, otherwise we would not have send them back.
Exactly !!!
your government can do anything it wants...whether its reneging on its promise to return the marines on time to killing innocents.It is unacceptable in the interest of justice to lobby to turn a blind eye to crimes committed by your nationals.The world order in 21st century demands that west understands that human beings all over the world have the same expectations about adherence to law and right to equal justice...

MarkusS said:
Italy will not allow even one day in any jail and certainly not in indian jail. You don´t bring just our two marines into court, india...a long time ally calls us openly a terrorist state with this nonsense.
You dont kill ppl and sit in cosy comfy rooms...you'll be jailed ...thats common sense.

MarkusS said:
What UN says is irrelevant because UN has no power in any way. Its a nonsense organisation. So far we already isolated india in this issue.
Frankly after reading the first 3 ludicrous points raised by you I wasn't even sure if I should bang my head against a wall again.
One things for sure if we allow your marines to escape punishment now then tomorrow some British...German or just anyone will kill more of our men and will use the same route to escape .....I hope they get punishment as soon as possible.
How??? They were fishing in Indian waters.And theres nothing stupid about it.

Prove it :coffee:

I wasnt talking about Italy celebrating Xmas...but the two marines who were supposed to be inside the jails were allowed to "celebrate" in their country.

But dont you think threatening and antagonizing a country over this is preposterous???

Yes I heard how your PM Letta had gone crying to EU over this issue....

Exactly !!!
your government can do anything it wants...whether its reneging on its promise to return the marines on time to killing innocents.It is unacceptable in the interest of justice to lobby to turn a blind eye to crimes committed by your nationals.The world order in 21st century demands that west understands that human beings all over the world have the same expectations about adherence to law and right to equal justice...

You dont kill ppl and sit in cosy comfy rooms...you'll be jailed ...thats common sense.

Frankly after reading the first 3 ludicrous points raised by you I wasn't even sure if I should bang my head against a wall again.
One things for sure if we allow your marines to escape punishment now then tomorrow some British...German or just anyone will kill more of our men and will use the same route to escape .....I hope they get punishment as soon as possible.

1. They rushed towards our oil tanker and did not react to any warning. They acted like terrorists / pirates. They can only blame themself.

2. I don´t need to prove anything. Your court has to prove they fired the bullets. So far they have nothing in their hands yet and that after 2 years. We already know your court has no evidence and our marines will be back home, we are just annoyed it takes so long.

3. We don´t celebrate "Xmas", we celebrate Christmas. Would be nice if you show respect to other cultures. You demand respect, then show it. Its not a one way street.

4. We don´t threatening and antagonizing india. We play our diplomatic cards. You can play yours.

5. Letta was not crying. He is a very calm person. He build up support, thats what i expect my PM to do.

6. Your country has gargantuan rape numbers. Each day 7000 girls are murdered in india. Politicians assasinate enemies and the rich ones go free without any charge. Don´t come me with justice.

7. No thats not common sense, since you have nothing at your hands. Not one prove. Your court debates about a non issue.

Some germans already killed indians last year. They crushed them with a german ship. And could leave india after few days. If your fishermen act like pirates they get treated like pirates. Our marines will do exactly the same in the same situation. Its their duty to protect our ships. I would do exactly the same.
easy question, if i rent a car in india and make an accident, could i as an italian expect a fair trial there?
As long as you follow the law of the land....you should be ok...The time it takes for the case depends on Indian standard time.

no, we will just grant China North India and russia its euro asian commerce union and they will join our cause.
This is not the 1920's (World War 1)...just remember what happened...all that is left of Italy is some ruins and the Mafia.
Just Chill the marines will pay for what they have done....Go and tell the families of the dead fisherman that they were killed because they were pirates.
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As long as you follow the law of the land....you should be ok...The time it takes for the case depends on Indian standard time.

This is not the 1920's (World War 1)...just remember what happened...all that is left of Italy is some ruins and the Mafia.
Just Chill the marines will pay for what they have done....Go and tell the families of the dead fisherman that they were killed because they were pirates.

Italy has a stronger economy than India. We are just 70 million people but have bigger GDP than india. Italy is in G8. Beside that, Mafia alone has more economical power than the entire nation of India. So what you say about mafia? Half of your government is on their pay roll.

The mariens have done nothing wrong and i would not even talk to the families of idiots. They made the mistake and deserved what happened to them.
Italy has a stronger economy than India. We are just 70 million people but have bigger GDP than india. Italy is in G8. Beside that, Mafia alone has more economical power than the entire nation of India. So what you say about mafia? Half of your government is on their pay roll.

The mariens have done nothing wrong and i would not even talk to the families of idiots. They made the mistake and deserved what happened to them.

I am sure you are very proud of your mafia..No!If what you say is true about the GOI being on the mafia's payrol, I am not going to be proud of it, where as looks like you are very proud of your mafia....

You disgust me dude!...the poor fisherman you are calling Idiots do have family that loves them and will never see them again..just ponder over that for a moment.
I am sure you are very proud of your mafia..No!If what you say is true about the GOI being on the mafia's payrol, I am not going to be proud of it, where as looks like you are very proud of your mafia....

You disgust me dude!...the poor fisherman you are calling Idiots do have family that loves them and will never see them again..just ponder over that for a moment.

Those "fisherman" died because their own mistake. What you expect? If someone drives bicycle on railway and gets killed from train you cry too? Beside that, we are christian. We will care for their families, don´t worry. Its not their families failure that those two acted like terrorists.
Those "fisherman" died because their own mistake. What you expect? If someone drives bicycle on railway and gets killed from train you cry too? Beside that, we are christian. We will care for their families, don´t worry. Its not their families failure that those two acted like terrorists.
What mistake??? if you give guns to mafia minded murderers, in this case these *** Marines what do you expect.
its just like if you were siting at your house and get killed by a drive by..then what you will blame the shooter or the person sitting in his house..its not his fault that he was relaxing at home....Its the Italian Marines who are terrorists and murderers and not the other way around...case-closed..now just sit back and watch the law of the land take its course.
Case is still in court, as for the issue, Italy can throw what ever tantrum it wants to. The international community doesn't give a hoot, and Italy doesn't have the power to force India into a corner.
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