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Italy recalls ambassador from India over case against marines: AFP

easy question, if i rent a car in india and make an accident, could i as an italian expect a fair trial there?
still better than your country were 80% people run govt are the part of the family(costa nostrA):D:D:D:D
Hahahaha only in dreams we have russians to protect are back and china also (if us involves) russia will activate all its ICBM THEN EU AND USA WILL PISS IN THEIR PANTS OR THEY WILL BE RESPONCOBLE FOR WORLD END;);););):mad:;):mad::D:D:D:D:D

no, we will just grant China North India and russia its euro asian commerce union and they will join our cause.
LOL at the war talk in here.Grow up children !
exactly.. this all talks of war is childish .. so are comments coming from their ministers... did they appoint a few teenagers for the posts... 'act of war' my foot.
GoI should simply maintain silence and let courts deal with issue. Its not in their hands anyway.
if it was so easy to fight war against any country you wish, syria wont be still ruled by al asad.

I just was responding to that insane assumption, that is all.

Syria isn't entirely ruled by Assad either.
still better than your country were 80% people run govt are the part of the family(costa nostrA):D:D:D:D

What is your problem with cosa nostra? its sucessfull and helps the people and is biggest corporation worldwide, controlled from italy. You dont like sucess?
Hahahaha only in dreams we have russians to protect are back and china also (if us involves) russia will activate all its ICBM THEN EU AND USA WILL PISS IN THEIR PANTS OR THEY WILL BE RESPONCOBLE FOR WORLD END;);););):mad:;):mad::D:D:D:D:D

Russia won't stand a change against the US bro.

Give it a rest.
The blame is on the Indian Government.Now SC is asking under which clause will they be tried in court......Seriously!Sounds like local Police :disagree:
What is your problem with cosa nostra? its sucessfull and helps the people and is biggest corporation worldwide, controlled from italy. You dont like sucess?

I like Tod's and Gucci.

I'm so loyal to them :lol:
Some here say mafia is bad, face reality. all great italian corporations are mafia. Look at italy biggest cruise line Costa Crociere. All its ships are build in italy from Fincantieri. Italian railway Italo...let trains design from Ferrari. We sell products outside but keep business inside italy. Italy is like one big corporation. Private economy, politics and vaticano form one powerful unit. and what you call mafia is the connecting web.
no, we will just grant China North India and russia its euro asian commerce union and they will join our cause.
Hahaha only in your dreams russian are always are dependable allies every thing involves US THEY oppose that see in sriya case india is biggest ally of russia since soviet times all tech we have credit goes to them they will always be are side our relationship are like old wine mature day by day
My maternal family has an Italiano ancestry, I heard lots of stories like these from Papa.

They moved to Texas almost 200 years ago, and still preserving some of their heritage.
Some here say mafia is bad, face reality. all great italian corporations are mafia. Look at italy biggest cruise line Costa Crociere. All its ships are build in italy from Fincantieri. Italian railway Italo...let trains design from Ferrari. We sell products outside but keep business inside italy. Italy is like one big corporation. Private economy, politics and vaticano form one powerful unit. and what you call mafia is the connecting web.
A confrontation with the Italians means dragging NATO into it, which evetually brings the US. If the war was Santa's present, India will be the prize.

NATO is a defensive alliance, not an offensive one. No member of NATO is treaty bound to join members in declaring war on other countries. They are treaty bound only to protect members in case they face invasion.
Hahaha only in your dreams russian are always are dependable allies every thing involves US THEY oppose that see in sriya case india is biggest ally of russia since soviet times all tech we have credit goes to them they will always be are side our relationship are like old wine mature day by day
old wine becomes acid over time. :)
NATO is a defensive alliance, not an offensive one. No member of NATO is treaty bound to join members in declaring war on other countries. They are treaty bound only to protect members in case they face invasion.

I'm just saying that if an escalation cab reach to such point, things will turn and get ugly. They flinch us all if you wish :lol:

I'm sure you know what I mean.
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