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Italy recalls ambassador from India over case against marines: AFP

you are desperate . . . . Italy can simply Bomb the shit out of us with their double crust pizza and pasta . .:hitwall:

i can't imagine. . cheese and tomato concasse all around me . .. . .i'm so scared :(

I don´t think thats needed. We live in 21st century. It is still at a point where we can solve this dispute friendly. Could someone push the idiotic trolls out here?

@MarkusS mate you are SCARED of even talking about war with India.......just imagine what would happen if Italy is FOOLISH enough to attack India :rofl:

World Military Strength Comparison

You are DOOMED.

You are doomed, as anyone with IQ below room temp.

btw i finally found the ignore function yay!
Italy now sell us advanced weapons like we have italian otomat cruise missile :whistle:
pani me rah kar magar se bair.....:whistle:
you won't survive too long......:D:D

I don´t think thats needed. We live in 21st century. It is still at a point where we can solve this dispute friendly. Could someone push the idiotic trolls out here?

You are doomed, as anyone with IQ below room temp.

btw i finally found the ignore function yay!
common chill down....it's just a war...I really haven't witnessed any real war....
you know I am so exited about it....
we need this war..good for both economy....if italy will survive......:D
hehehe....what will you do now..:D:D

Italy has a valid point, that is GoI is unnecessarily dragging the case by not deciding what charges will be applied on the marines. This is another pathetic lapse of this congressi govt. The SC is ready to try them but the prosecution is still contemplating on the charges to be applied. Having said that Emma Bonino's rant is laughable.

Italy cannot complain, it did whatever it could do to sabotage and delay the investigation.

IMO The GOI has decided to troll the Italian government, for a reason. Like the US, Italy showed lot of arrogance and contempt towards India and the Indian institutions. If the move is not deliberate then what was the reason behind transferring the case to the NIA which is an anti-terror agency? Centre could easily have put the responsibility of investigation into the hands of the CBI.

Due to heavy presence of Western Gun boats so close to our territory, India expects repeat of such incidences like shooting, gun-running and it is practical for India to nip the issue in the bud. We need to make a good example of these marines for the sake of our national security. These westerners think that they can do a Rambo Act and get away with it thanks to over exposure to the Hollywood movies.
Sorry but we are living in the 21st century were war is not fought with bows and arrows (missiles and aircraft) it is now fought economically. Italy is a member of EU what if they stop purchases or dealings with banks, stop by putting arms embargo (Currently British and French Aircraft are flying in IAF). Over flight rights are not given to Indian Civil Airlines to fly into European Air Space.

Maybe Italy on her own might be a third rate power but combined with European Union...NO.
Military wise Italy may not be as strong as India but NATO and EU Members...IT IS FAR MORE STRONGER.
international relations are based on nation to nation deplomacy .deplomatic relations of india is different with other EU nations like france or britain germany etc. with itlay its diffrent no EU nation wants to spoil its billions of trade,business or deplomatic relations with india for the sake of itlay its a mean world every nation have to look their own motives
I don't understand why Italy expects Indian courts to move at a pace faster than it is used to just because they are Italians. Calm down !
We need to make a good example of these marines for the sake of our national security.

If we are going to set a good example then we should try them sooner rather than later. It's not child's play that GOI would be "trolling" Italy.
I wish they took Sonia Gandhi too ,,:-)
that was funny!

Why do you try so hard to be primitive? It gets boring.

Why should we send more of our soldiers to a terrorist regime to be held as hostages, explain please and what guarantees would we have for their secure travel back home?

To be honest i have more trust in Iran or North Korea than India.
If couple of IN Commandos shot Italian fishermen, how would Italy respond?
Italy cannot complain, it did whatever it could do to sabotage and delay the investigation.

IMO The GOI has decided to troll the Italian government, for a reason. Like the US, Italy showed lot of arrogance and contempt towards India and the Indian institutions. If the move is not deliberate then what was the reason behind transferring the case to the NIA which is an anti-terror agency? Centre could easily have put the responsibility of investigation into the hands of the CBI.

Due to heavy presence of Western Gun boats so close to our territory, India expects repeat of such incidences like shooting, gun-running and it is practical for India to nip the issue in the bud. We need to make a good example of these marines for the sake of our national security. These westerners think that they can do a Rambo Act and get away with it thanks to over exposure to the Hollywood movies.

so much for fair trial. thanks for admitting to be an unjust banana republic

international relations are based on nation to nation deplomacy .deplomatic relations of india is different with other EU nations like france or britain germany etc. with itlay its diffrent no EU nation wants to spoil its billions of trade,business or deplomatic relations with india for the sake of itlay its a mean world every nation have to look their own motives

you are wrong, germany backs italy 100% and so does EU. German ambassador in india already said this case is treated from germany as highest intererest.

that was funny!

If couple of IN Commandos shot Italian fishermen, how would Italy respond?

our fishermen know maritime rights and do not start a raid against an oil tanker. Lets face reality, india does not fight terrorism and pirates. our sailors would fall victim to pirates and india would not help, like what happened in mumbai. sorry but our soldiers will always defend our ships.
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we don't care about our relations with a THIRD RATE POWER.

If you have guts, better start the war which your govt. is promising since long.

Oh I am sorry, you don't have BALLS to attack India.

It needs BALLS to attack India.........Italy only has a SHOE :lol:

What the fack was that? Hor immature and childish?

This is the reason why we're in diplomatic mess with Italy right now? Indians like you think Italy is 'third rate power' and India is big brother whereas Italy thinks how can a third world country treat our marines like this?

Big fragile egos!

Plus what is it with the war mongering and 'we don't care about our relations with italy'?

When you say 'we don't care'. We as in who? You and your family or you speak for the nation? Good relations with Italy is definitely in India's relations and specially in the interest of hundreds of thousands of Indians living in Italy.
so much for fair trial. thanks for admitting to be an unjust banana republic

you are wrong, germany backs italy 100% and so does EU. German ambassador in india already said this case is treated from germany as highest intererest.
Show me the source were any EU representative officialy said this all they are saying that both nations should solve this through deplomatic means peacefully their is no harsh satement issued by EU even UN GERNAL SEC ban ki monn directed to solve this problem peacefully itlay failed to create any unrest btw india and Eu relations :p:p:p:p:p:p
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