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If the Israelis give up their state sanctioned policy of demographic engineering to maintain a jewish majority and Zionism while Falistni arabs too decide to give up seeking independance to integrate into a new nation state built on equality and fairness for all citizens, Jewish and Arabs alike. Can a country called Israelistine made up of these dynamics work under a national inegration program similar to the one started by Nelson Mandela? - How about just share Yerushelum rather than dividing it?

If both sides don't reconcile their differences, they will always be open to foreign interest minipulation. Two state solution is a failure and only way Israel can survive in the long term is by discarding Zionism to build a country with Arabs on the principles of pluralism.

That proposal was given by Yasir Arafat but that time Isreali rejected it. Where ask for equal voting rights etc
Not possible, too much hate and mistrust. Both set of people Israelis and Palestine deserve their countries and live in peace instead of living together and being at each other's throat or trying to dominate each other
Not possible, too much hate and mistrust. Both set of people Israelis and Palestine deserve their countries and live in peace instead of living together and being at each other's throat or trying to dominate each other
Well its not possible because Gaza is extremely overpopulated . 480,000 people live in per square mile. In next few years, we both live in over populated countries.
Israelis reject this idea from coast to coast.

Isreal is a national state an a Jewish homeland, and shall remian like this.
why would Israel even accept such thing... it is occupying land easily... Arabs are busy backstabbing Syria.... Palestine cause is lost because of that... The only country that kept Palestinian cause alive was Syria.. and the only country that was keeping the so called Arab League alive was Syria, and thank God Syria is not part of that traitor league anymore.. people need to wake up.. Israel is only strong because "Arabs" traitors such as western puppets allowed it... as the traitor Qatarael said before Arabs are sheep in front of Israel, and he only means himself and his coward ilk... traitors....
Israelis reject this idea from coast to coast.

Isreal is a national state an a Jewish homeland, and shall remian like this.

You do know that this land has a bad habit of switching hands. You have it today but you won't have it for long unless you share it with its rightful owners.
Not really. Antisemitism is widespread and jews are a target even in the NATO countries. On the other hand, Arabs in Israel lead a much better life than their counterparts do in Palestine - and are protected by Israel.
There are traitors everywhere in everytime, arab israelis are just like sheep waiting to be slaughtered

JEWS host them not for love, but to make the hardest work and to use them against the palestinians
admittedly, very evil !

how do you guys get such "humanitarian ideas" about Israel ?

Did you know Israel is a democratic, secular, multiethnic, diverse country ?

Did you ?

Every scholars agree that Israel is actually an Ethnocracy where even though all ethnicity are equal one are more equal than the others. For example it got over 30+ discriminatory laws for its arab minority.

One state, two state I don't give a shit as long as the conflict & the dispute end.

Although the longer Israel delay the one-state will became much more appealing.

What a bunch of crap. The economies of the GCC are more diversified than your lovely Mullahstan. Google has been invented for that occasion. Not only that but 3 times bigger and the GDP per capita is 6-7 times bigger. Talk about a massive difference despite both regions having similar amounts of natural resources and Mullahstan having a bigger population.

Secondly Jews were treated FAR better for 1300 years in Muslim (Arab lands mainly as this is where most of them lived) than in the Christian world. That's also a fact. The Arab Jews left because of the Israel-Palestine conflict and because Palestinians faced similar hardships when Israel was founded. Despite Israel and the Arab world being in war de jure there are still Jewish communities in countries such as Yemen and Morocco.

It's also a fact that Jews, 95% of them coming from abroad, came and stole the land of the indigenous Palestinians and now they don't even want to give them their own part of the cake. They want it all.

Arabs do owe more resources, investments abroad etc. than any other ethnic group out there. That's also a fact.

Also all what you are talking about is just a matter of time. Laws can change any second and the industrialization is an ongoing process everywhere outside of the West. Only complete fools think that this will never change contrary to what is happening on the ground.
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Secondly Jews were treated FAR better for 1300 years in Muslim (Arab lands mainly as this is where most of them lived) than in the Christian world. That's also a fact. The Arab Jews left because of the Israel-Palestine conflict and because Palestinians faced similar hardships when Israel was founded. Despite Israel and the Arab world being in war de jure there are still Jewish communities in countries such as Yemen and Morocco.

This point keeps getting repeated. Christians treated Jews like crap - Muslims treated them as lesser crap. Big deal. You still levied the Jizya, treated them as second class citizens, refused their testimony in court, placed restrictions on building places of worship, forced conversions and the list goes on. Jewish people have faced persecution for 2500 years now and have growth to realize it is impossible for them to trust other religions.

Additionally, the Koran is openly hostile to the Jews and provides justification for killing the Jews. This is the Hamas charter statement taken from the Koran :- "The time will not come until Muslims will fight the Jews [and kill them]; until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, which will cry: O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, come on and kill him!".

Do you think someone who believes this stuff can life in harmony with Israel? Jews will be back stabbed the moment they blink their eye.

Currently, life of the Arabs in Israel is significantly better than the life of the Jews in Islamic countries. Islamic countries need to reconcile to that fact.

An Indian meddling in internal ME affairs between Arabs and Jews. How surprising on PDF. Come back to me when you educate yourself and know what you are talking about. The treatment of Jews (general) historically in Muslim lands was VASTLY superior to their treatment in the Christian world. That's a fact that every single historian will agree to. Simple as that. Moreover you know nothing about Jizya. For the time it was a very progressive law that protected minorities and gave them full rights to follow their own religions while in the Christian world and most other places of the world only the indigenous religion were allowed. The Jizya was small as well and in return all those privileges were given. But as expected I don't expect many Indians to know anything about ancient ME/Arab/Islamic history as they are not part of that region and never were.

Also NONE of this has anything to do with the fact that Palestine is ENTITLED to their own country as well. Simple as that. If Israel is allowed to establish themselves so such the INDIGENOUS Palestinians whose homeland is Palestine.

This is an open forum for discussion - not Saudi Arabia.

How surprising on PDF. Come back to me when you educate yourself and know what you are talking about. The treatment of Jews (general) historically in Muslim lands was VASTLY superior to their treatment in the Christian world. That's a fact that every single historian will agree to.


Israelistine? | Page 5

Simple as that. Moreover you know nothing about Jizya. For the time it was a very progressive law that protected minorities and gave them full rights to follow their own religions while in the Christian world and most other places of the world only the indigenous religion was allowed.

Again talking form a relative stand point of Christians treating the Jews :hitwall:
This is not India either. You know that country with the highest number of poor people on the planet and illeterates. Discussions are allowed in KSA. About everything. I don't know about any laws that ban any particular discussion and even if there were humans are humans. Maybe that is the case in India?

Yes, so when countered you are not able to answer because of your lack of knowledge about the subject which we already saw. Big surprise.

Now I don't got time to waste on an ignorant who is completely irrelevant in this conflict which is between two cousins (Arabs and Jews).

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