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But herein lies the bigger question.. a United Arab Coalition means that all Arab states(and their respective power centres) agree that the ISIS is wrong, the Syrians/Iraqis and Kurds need their help.. and this is the right Islamic thing to do..
Yes or rather simply the right thing to do. Honestly I am not aware of the stance of the Arab states in the first place - that is whether there is a consensus on the evil that ISIS undeniably is. I mean, I hope there is an agreement among the states.
Yes or rather simply the right thing to do. Honestly I am not aware of the stance of the Arab states in the first place - that is whether there is a consensus on the evil that ISIS undeniably is. I mean, I hope there is an agreement among the states.

There is agreement among them that Iran is their enemy.. anything beyond that is doubtful.
Arab, it's allies and other Islamic nations out there in the middle-east could take out these IS / ISIS lunatics with "boots on the ground" faster than these fail US/West led airstrike joke. Not only this will stabilize Iraq and Syria but also will put Islam, muslims and Islamic nations in the good book of the secular mass from all over the world.
Its 2014 numbers.

Aid to Israel is only 1/5 of our defence spends.

Also 1/3 of Israel population are either Arabs or ultraorthodox, who don't participate much in economics.
So, where do you get your money from, considering all these facts?


i bet you could buy them IN Israel. Proving my point. that true freedom exists in Israel irrespective of religion. Wish I could say the same about arabs in arabia and muslims in pakistan or bangladesh. and that's a fact ! you know it too !
i bet you could buy them IN Israel. Proving my point. that true freedom exists in Israel irrespective of religion. Wish I could say the same about arabs in arabia and muslims in pakistan or bangladesh. and that's a fact ! you know it too !

Not exactly some books & authors are forbidden in Israel. Beside you & I both know that there's no such thing as democracy in the middle-east.

What proof do you have that Israel is a democracy?
But herein lies the bigger question.. a United Arab Coalition means that all Arab states(and their respective power centres) agree that the ISIS is wrong, the Syrians/Iraqis and Kurds need their help.. and this is the right Islamic thing to do..
There is already an Arab coalition against ISIS led by the US. The size of this coalition wouldn't have changed a thing, since it would have been led by the same US who is trying to advance its own agenda, by scaring (again ; see the Iraq invasion) the Arabs with the same tool of their creation, namely ISIS!
By the way Irak has stated many times that it won't allow any foreign boots on its ground, it only needs the right tools for its own armed forces to deal with the threat.
All this is more related to the reshaping of the Iraqi and Syrian borders, two states who are known to be on the front-line against Usrael hegemonic ambitions!
the same bull shit will happen for another 50 yeears then we will fight on who controls martian land

and im serious
Not exactly some books & authors are forbidden in Israel. Beside you & I both know that there's no such thing as democracy in the middle-east.

What proof do you have that Israel is a democracy?
They can't come up with any proof that a military state is a democracy aprt from covering their own established military state in Kashmir based on the advice of Usraeli "experts" advice. The resemblance is too much to bear for Indians, thus the justification for Usrael's actions.
In reality this love affair between them is utterly superficial, I bet that if an Indian tries to hug an Usraeli, this latter will run away like crazy, but in this world political hugs are allowed, and any support for Usrael is welcomed with some rewards, mostly if it comes from "mighty India", mighty in population numbers to counter the huge Arab numbers that scare Usraelis to death, but it is just an illusion to sooth their troubled minds, I mean both of them...
Not exactly some books & authors are forbidden in Israel. Beside you & I both know that there's no such thing as democracy in the middle-east.

What proof do you have that Israel is a democracy?

do u know the kind of "stuff" quran has about jews ? is quran banned in Israel ? in fact there are famous, world famous mosques in Israel. No amount of proof would be enough for those who have nothing but hatred and tey take pains to keep it alive.

meanwhile Israel continues to give you the proverbial middle finger even militarily. not altogether without reason.
do u know the kind of "stuff" quran has about jews ? is quran banned in Israel ? in fact there are famous, world famous mosques in Israel. No amount of proof would be enough for those who have nothing but hatred and tey take pains to keep it alive.

meanwhile Israel continues to give you the proverbial middle finger even militarily. not altogether without reason.


Guys help me out here.

! and you dare say it, that is the biggest fraudulent market on earth,with most exploitation of the South African people, and the prices are set by...Mostly Usraelis worldwide.

Pharmaceuticals! another monopoly... contested everywhere so much that the West was forced to accept generic medication, because of the unaffordable prices to the common western citizen.

Besides that, most if not all of the technologies you claim to be yours are dual US-Usraeli technologies, I was surprised every time I have done an inquiry. now you can understand why I call it Usrael...

Do not take it wrong, you do work for it albeit with much help. With which any country in the world would achieve the same.
So there is nothing to be proud of really, but the effort...if it is not used to camouflage the black economy and the monopoles support.

do u know the kind of "stuff" quran has about jews ? is quran banned in Israel ? in fact there are famous, world famous mosques in Israel. No amount of proof would be enough for those who have nothing but hatred and tey take pains to keep it alive.

meanwhile Israel continues to give you the proverbial middle finger even militarily. not altogether without reason.
That is because those mosques existed before Usrael came to existence.
There military prowess has been proven many times to be a myth. and there middle finger if you want to see it,you just have to turn you head a little bit behind you to find it, don't you feel it yet, you are talking from its tip.:bad::lol:
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Diamonds! and you dare say it, that is the biggest fraudulent market on earth,with most exploitation of the South African people, and the prices are set by...Mostly Usraelis worldwide.
Israel only cuts the diamonds. Another economy cutting diamonds is Hong Kong. If you think that cutting diamonds is easy u are welcome to try. In production of crude diamonds on the other hand are involved zillion groups and countries. Your beloved Hezbollah is heavily involved for example in production of crude diamonds (which Israel later cuts).

Pharmaceuticals! another monopoly... contested everywhere so much that the West was forced to accept generic medication, because of the unaffordable prices to the common western citizen
Since when pharmaceutics became a monopoly? Most of western countries export them.

Besides that, most if not all of the technologies you claim to be yours are dual US-Usraeli technologies, I was surprised every time I have done an inquiry.
You are a RETARD who believes that Qaher-313 is real and that Israel nuked Syria. Nothing personal. Just stating facts. So spare us of ur retard inquiries.
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