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Israeli special forces invade Gaza, 6 Palestinians and 1 Israeli soldier killed

Netanyahu visits south and tells media that Israel is in the middle of a war with Gaza and will act fiercely. Lots of other Israeli officials(military and political) making threats towards Gaza population as well. Israel must not break the ceasefire again to fix Netanyahu's reputation. It will not achieve what it seeks and will once again be the side who initiated an assault.

Netanyahu visits south and tells media that Israel is in the middle of a war with Gaza and will act fiercely. Lots of other Israeli officials(military and political) making threats towards Gaza population as well. Israel must not break the ceasefire again to fix Netanyahu's reputation. It will not achieve what it seeks and will once again be the side who initiated an assault.


They have power. If they come at Gaza with full force or even close, Gaza is done. I hope sanity prevails though.

They have power. If they come at Gaza with full force or even close, Gaza is done. I hope sanity prevails though.

And we have the power as Muslims to obliterate them once we stop being afraid of martyrdom and Jihad(not the ISIS/AQ terrorist thuggery of course).

Also they are not going to use all their military assets on Gaza, if they do any neighboring country and invade and finish Israel off. And if they attempt anything they will get backlash from the global public.



Netanyahu to meet southern community leaders, IDF chiefs amid anger over Gaza



Meeting is going on now in closed doors.
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And we have the power as Muslims to obliterate them once we stop being afraid of martyrdom and Jihad(not the ISIS/AQ terrorist thuggery of course).

Also they are not going to use all their military assets on Gaza, if they do any neighboring country and invade and finish Israel off. And if they attempt anything they will get backlash from the global public.



Netanyahu to meet southern community leaders, IDF chiefs amid anger over Gaza



Meeting is going on now in closed doors.
Nobody will invade Israel for Gaza or any other entity; much have changed since 1970. They have weapons of mass destruction, and Trump administration on their side. Sorry friend, but this is the kind of world we live in.

Again, hoping that sanity prevails.
Nobody will invade Israel for Gaza or any other entity; much have changed since 1970. They have weapons of mass destruction, and Trump administration on their side. Sorry friend, but this is the kind of world we live in.

Again, hoping that sanity prevails.

My friend, there are God fearing and God believing men in Gaza who will repel this assault if it occurs. Unlike the apostates, they took refuge in their Lord who inspired them with the courage, patience, and defiance or else Israel would have colonized both the West Bank and Gaza. Remember Israel had thousands of settlers & settlements in Gaza. It was on its way to colonize and annex the territory. Jihad and Inspiration from Allah(SWT) is what foiled this. Anyone who does not take refugee in Allah(SWT) and asked for spiritual assistance would have given up long ago and allowed an Israeli annexation of Gaza.

There are tens of millions Muslim men who would love to participate in Jihad against Israel and other enemies of Muslims who are transgressing wrongfully against less fortunate Muslims. If Israel takes anything too far, the rulers must allow Mujahideen(who abide by international laws for war) to assist the less fortunate Muslims or at least arm the less fortunate Muslims.

If these rulers reject both these options, then they are not fulfilling their obligations towards Allah(SWT) and the Muslim Ummah. And thus the curse of God is upon and they will have a severe punishment in the afterlife, and also in this life should be dragged out of their palaces and beaten to death. Allah(SWT) is there an observing all the time, he is also planning. By guiding the hearts of people and various other measures he is aware of himself.

Assuming we deal a blow to Israel, a corridor through Lebanon to Turkey to Europe can be established to evacuate the Jews. They are not going to use nuclear weapons and instead move back to Europe to try rallying US and Europe to retake many parts of the Middle East afterwards.


In the meantime, sociopathic demonstrators blocking roads to pressure Israeli government to declare war on Gaza(after they already invaded it):

Egyptian Delegation arrives in Gaza for resumption of truce talks, will supposedly remain through Friday too.
Parliament of Pakistan does not care.
preachers probably talk about honour and dignity while Parliament of Pakistan cares about $ from Saudi Arabia.


Direct hit in Ashkelon:


Seems like Palestinian rockets are starting to damage now as opposed to in the past
All and Only because of Iranian help. Gaza is Israel's bitch, yes, but she has a right not to agree every time. Arab govts can only look on and whisper to themselves. They cant talk to Palestine now. They are cowards. Gaza ISNT helpless afterall. Israel is paying heftier cost for engaging Gaza. good.

Israel has prepared a good game plan. An excuse for the sweeping of Hamas, who had been taken away local governments , and Ofc Gaza, which is now under the guarantee and control of Egypt was necessary for Israel.

And finally, as a result of Israel's drive, Hamas made the "expected" mistake. UAE failed to generate the theirs desired change in the leadership of Hamas, but because of developments, Hamas away from Turkey. I hope Egypt can solve this problem before more innocent people die.
stop dreaming.

They have big launchers and used them today, that's how they overwhelmed the Iron Dome. Of course it's more than Hamas firing, it's 9 Palestinian factions in total. Hamas has been effective today, 2 Israeli's killed, over 60 injured, military bus hit with AGTM, etc.... Their rockets are doing damage to Israeli infrastructure. That's more than they were ever capable of.

Two Israeli soldiers injured now in mortar fire.

Early Israeli reports that two announced dead in recent Ashkelon rocket hit
All thanks to who? you know who.


I am really impressed by the Hama resistance. They are a people under siege, and fighting against hopeless odds. The Israeli terrorists literally have unlimited resources, all the treasure of the US; while Hamas has to smuggle in every single bullet. Yet they fight on. All the people of the world can learn from their resilience and courage.
Agreed.It only happened because of Iranian help. No ifs, ands or buts.

we know if Palestinians had been relying on their "arab brothers" like Saudis those 5 or 6 special forces IDF soldiers would have taken over the whole Gaza already.

Israeli naval shells have hit something along northern Gaza's coast, will update when more details come out.
If Israel NEEDS IDF ground forces, air force and Navy to subdue small Gaza can we be convinced this military can take on Hezbollah or Iran? YOU guys should stop joking with me pls.

Time for Israel to find solution. This war of economics and basic human need. Bullet is temporary solution and increase hostility .
I guess this Israel is finding out how it feels to be South Korea- You can prepare to fight militarily, but your economy is way more important than military activities that destabilize their "advanced" economies. North Korea and Gaza can easily afford to fight and have their country destroyed in the process because they dont have wealthy /advanced economies in the first place.

Egyptian Delegation arrives in Gaza for resumption of truce talks, will supposedly remain through Friday too.
Egypt is such a bich weak as country. Just a fat p**sy. All Egypt does is talk and talk. All those F-16s and M1s are meant only for ISIS in the desert.
In the meantime, sociopathic demonstrators blocking roads to pressure Israeli government to declare war on Gaza(after they already invaded it):

First let me me clear this out - those demonstrators are youth from settlement around Gaza - they are protesting that the goverment is not doing enough to protect them.

You may agree with them or you may not , but the fact is that in the past 18 years they have been living under the shadow of missile attacks . You really need to see this story from both sides of this conflict.

Calling them " sociopathic demonstrators " hardly describes the true picture of their claims. They have every right to demonstrate and be angry , even if i myself do not agree with their demands.


That was a dumb rant and I'm putting you on my ignore list. Will remove you from the list once you learn how to speak with manners and be rational about your assessments.

For us older guys, the world has stood on its head. The only supporters of the Palestinians are the Iranians, who used to be Israel's friend. And they are being attacked by the Arabs with their Zionist friends.

That was a dumb rant and I'm putting you on my ignore list. Will remove you from the list once you learn how to speak with manners and be rational about your assessments.
If it's because I referred to Gaza as Israel's bit** I'm sorry.it was an analogy but I didnt mean it in a rude way. I respect u and your opinions andi support Palestine 100%.
As for dumb rant,nah,It wasn't dumb. Maybe in your perception it was.
U 8gnoring me wont change anything tho.

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Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar given silenced pistol(during rally) used by Israeli special forces in the raid, which suggests it was an indeed an hit mission and not 'intelligence' mission as Israel claims:



Apparently an Egyptian intelligence official was at this rally, which is interesting and may suggest Egyptian frustration with Israel. Because Israel essentially ignored months of efforts by Egyptian delegations with that raid.

If it's because I referred to Gaza as Israel's bit** I'm sorry.it was an analogy but I didnt mean it in a rude way. I respect u and your opinions andi support Palestine 100%.
As for dumb rant,nah,It wasn't dumb. Maybe in your perception it was.
U 8gnoring me wont change anything tho.

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Palestinian military factions need Iran's assistance and it does a play a big role. But, also keep in mind they are not incompetent and a lot of their training is of their own work on the ground after having experience with IDF military tactics on ground. That's all I want to say, just be rational in your assessment.

They mostly need financial assistance at this point. As well as expertise to help improve rocket production in Gaza. Training is a different story, as they have more combat experience on the ground with Israel and more familiar with their homeland. So let's close this subject here and stay on topic. If you want to continue this discussion post in the 'Palestinian Resistance Fighters' thread in the Arab Defence section.


Edit: Ceasefire is holding, and now what is yet to be seen is if the talks/mediation led by Egypt will resume where they last left off. This will determine stability of the area. Weekly demonstrations are still ongoing.

In the meantime ... Israel has the ability to bomb heavily and cause many casualties to destroy the morale of the Palestinian people. So we shouldn't get carried away with these last events and continue observing the political solution. Israel did not take it any further as both sides deescalated and Israel will not launch a full on operation over a botched raid.

Now Egypt is likely to put more pressure on both sides to achieve an long term truce that will see the siege lifted. And Palestinian factions will not be dragged into an Israeli operation. If there are any escalations they will respond for a day or two and it will end. Which is in their interest.
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