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Israeli special forces invade Gaza, 6 Palestinians and 1 Israeli soldier killed

1 Israeli soldier was killed in first clash.

1 Israeli soldier killed, 3 more critically injured.


Heavy Israeli drone presence in Gaza skies now, Israel is reloading Iron Dome batteries. Palestinians should remain on alert.


Let's hope the ceasefire will remain and an long term truce deal will be reached to lift the siege in upcoming weeks/months.
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Israel terrorist has agreed to cease fire with Gaza authorities latest update.
In the past as I remember we were hearing more victim oriented voices, helplessness against israeli power from Gaza resistance and somewhat israel was successful in creating fear immobilising the minds of gazans during each of their operations whether by demonstrating airforce fire oower and similar.

Now we see that Gaza fighters get hardened through time. israel cant create the the immobilising fear among Gazans despite superior firepower. Many times they showed restraint in previous cases but when situation arises they seem to have more certainity and letting go type of mentality while showing resistnace facing a superior firepower and fear monger.They can do stuff like capturing enemy soldiers devise methods like tunnel strikes and rocket barrages facing israeli aircraft.

This somewhat shows that mentality is changing from waiting from outside to happen victim mentality towards a more self controlled waiting from inside to happen type of mentality.

What can be further needed maybe is a development of a next gemeration manpad by some non-usa controlled country. Perhaps copying pantsyrs 80kg rocket that can reach 15km altitude connected with a lightweight optical-infrared search track system that can be hidden away with ease would do the job well. Rockets 80kg can be carried by soldiers similar to manpads and ir-optical sensor can be towed by small vehicles, cars etc. and both can be hidden or transferred anywhere necessary just like manpads are transferred . It would do the basic job making it much more difficult for opposing planes.
Israeli Channel 10: Arab and International parties pressured us to accept the ceasefire


It's possible they actually they blamed this time for that botched special force operation.


Quds Brigades show new rockets used in strikes in Ashkelon, similar to the elephant rockets in Syria:


Assuming this isn't meant to deceive Palestinian factions then we can say Israel acknowledges they made a mistake with the special force incursion and that they regret what happened. Palestinian factions were successful in avenging what occurred and making Israel pay a price. Their cooperation on the ground helped them a lot.

So good for them and let's hope the siege is lifted as both sides do not seek an all out war. Of course Israel can many people if they want, but they are not going to risk that under Trump(who might tweet against them) or risk another international condemnation. And that is not a long term solution to the conflict.
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From all this I can only say one thing. The truce was about to happen and Israel threw it out of context with violating the ceasefire. Israel don't wants peace this is now very clear and Zionist will remain mischievous and not let Arabs and Jews live in peace.
Palestinian factions/officials release statements, suggesting they remain on high alert and will continue observing situation on the ground. In other words, they don't trust that Israel really wants a cease fire and believe it might launch a surprise attack.

In the past as I remember we were hearing more victim oriented voices, helplessness against israeli power from Gaza resistance and somewhat israel was successful in creating fear immobilising the minds of gazans during each of their operations whether by demonstrating airforce fire oower and similar.

Now we see that Gaza fighters get hardened through time. israel cant create the the immobilising fear among Gazans despite superior firepower. Many times they showed restraint in previous cases but when situation arises they seem to have more certainity and letting go type of mentality while showing resistnace facing a superior firepower and fear monger.They can do stuff like capturing enemy soldiers devise methods like tunnel strikes and rocket barrages facing israeli aircraft.

This somewhat shows that mentality is changing from waiting from outside to happen victim mentality towards a more self controlled waiting from inside to happen type of mentality.

What can be further needed maybe is a development of a next gemeration manpad by some non-usa controlled country. Perhaps copying pantsyrs 80kg rocket that can reach 15km altitude connected with a lightweight optical-infrared search track system that can be hidden away with ease would do the job well. Rockets 80kg can be carried by soldiers similar to manpads and ir-optical sensor can be towed by small vehicles, cars etc. and both can be hidden or transferred anywhere necessary just like manpads are transferred . It would do the basic job making it much more difficult for opposing planes.

They can never stop the jets, but they need to find a way to disable or shoot down the drones. There is a 24/7 drone presence in Gaza, which can identify movements on the ground and so on. This affects them , more so in ground combat.
Israeli actions this time round are baffling

Im pondering if israeli stupidity this time will destroy the recent cosy behaviour with the arab states

Knowing the useless arab states probably not
The Israelis are not telling the peace brokers the full story. I’v got a hunch that they’v got some IDF / intelligence officers in Gaza and are bombing like crazy to let them escape

Ashkelon victim: Palestinian father of 6 from Hebron area

Mahmoud Abu Asbah

Building contractor Mahmoud Abu Asbah (48) would sleep in Israel and return home to West Bank on weekends; his son, Bashir: ‘he called me, said he was scared and wanted to return home.’
Hassan Shaalan and Yishai Porat |Published: 11.13.18 , 20:08

The Palestinian village of Halhul, located a kilometer north of Hebron in the West Bank, is mourning the death of Mahmoud Abu Asbah (48). The father of six, a construction contractor, was killed Monday night when a rocket fired by militants from the Gaza Strip hit a building in Ashkelon.

"We have not yet told our little brother about the incident," said Bashir, one of the victim’s six children. "He is 4 years old and was very attached to dad."

Mahmoud Abu Asbah

Bashir said that his father used to sleep in Israel all week and returned home on weekends. "Yesterday, a few hours before the incident, I spoke to him and he told me that the 'situation is very scary and dangerous' and that he would like to return home until the end of the fighting, but could not find a cab."

The son added that "before dad went to sleep he told me that he would call us in the morning and let us know that he had left Ashkelon. We were waiting for his call, we started to worry, we called him several times and he did not answer anyone until we were told he was killed by a missile."

Monday night at 23:49 a heavy barrage of rockets from the Gaza Strip was fired at Ashkelon. One of them directly hit the back of a building in one of the older neighborhoods of the city. The apartment on the fourth floor, where Abu Asbah was staying, suffered the most severe damage. As a result, the Palestinian contractor was killed and another woman who was in the apartment suffered moderate injuries.

Building hit by rocket (Photo: MCT)

"We are four brothers and two sisters," said his son. "Three of the brothers are students. We are afraid to go pick up my 4-year-old brother from kindergarten because he does not know that father will return home in a coffin. He was very attached to my father, this morning he even said to me, 'I miss dad and I am happy he is coming home today. My mother does not stop crying, our lives are destroyed; we do not know how to deal with his death."

As for the current round of fighting, the son said, "I hope that this war will stop. My father has Jewish friends and he was in good contact with everyone, we do not want others to go through what we've been through. It is very painful.”

'I took the girl out of the rubble'
Gennady Baskin, who was one of the first rescuers to reach the injured in the house in Ashkelon, said: "I went up to the fourth floor and suddenly I heard movement between the stones, I moved a stone and then I saw someone's hand. I began digging and suddenly I saw a body. I removed the woman from the rubble and she was screaming ‘child, child,' and I realized that I had to look for a child. Then the rescue forces came and removed me."

This morning Baskin arrived at Barzilai Hospital in the city because he was feeling ill. "I'm all trembling and suffering from anxiety, when I hear sirens, I do not know where to run and what happened with that child. It’s running through my head all day.”

פרסום ראשון: 11.13.18, 20:08
Israeli residents in Sderot furious with ceasefire and demonstrating in public streets, Netanyahu is being heavily lambasted by other Israeli politicians as well :


This means there was not a clear answer to Egypt from Israel. Hamas and other Palestinian factions want to make sure they are dedicated to a ceasefire and will end any covert ops inside Gaza. There needs to be a guarantee or pledge by Israel that it will abide by ceasefire. There hasn't been, and there are fears Israel will use military force Friday during demonstrations on border(which will continue until siege lifted).

Lieberman says he opposed the ceasefire and is blaming Netanyahu. I think they both know what was going on two nights ago. They were to kidnap or assassinate someone to use as a bargain for their prisoners of war inside Gaza or other purposes. So it's unlikely Lieberman did it on his own. They all knew but it went wrong. If it went right they would have been boasting on Israeli national television.
Israeli residents in Sderot furious with ceasefire and demonstrating in public streets, Netanyahu is being heavily lambasted by other Israeli politicians as well :


This means there was not a clear answer to Egypt from Israel. Hamas and other Palestinian factions want to make sure they are dedicated to a ceasefire and will end any covert ops inside Gaza. There needs to be a guarantee or pledge by Israel that it will abide by ceasefire. There hasn't been, and there are fears Israel will use military force Friday during demonstrations on border(which will continue until siege lifted).

Lieberman says he opposed the ceasefire and is blaming Netanyahu. I think they both know what was going on two nights ago. They were to kidnap or assassinate someone to use as a bargain for their prisoners of war inside Gaza or other purposes. So it's unlikely Lieberman did it on his own. They all knew but it went wrong. If it went right they would have been boasting on Israeli national television.

Obviously both of them knew about the ops. This is crystal clear.

Israel wants cease fire because those rockets are hurting Netanyahu politically. If there are rockets falling on my house I will not vote for the politician. Hamas is going to target energy sector of Israel and it will become costly for them so they want an end to rockets, there will be a cease fire.
LOL, US is wiling to alienate the whole population of the Middle East to appease the state of Israel and some 7 million Jews. Let that sink in. Eventually if they keep allowing Jewish Americans to dictate US foreign policy, they will get what they are asking for. Zero influence in the Middle East.

60 plus killed in California, massive fires raging and this pathetic Jewish Washington Oligarchy is so insensitive to the victims and just trying to give a false victory to Israel and justify its breaking of the truce.



I am really impressed by the Hama resistance. They are a people under siege, and fighting against hopeless odds. The Israeli terrorists literally have unlimited resources, all the treasure of the US; while Hamas has to smuggle in every single bullet. Yet they fight on. All the people of the world can learn from their resilience and courage.
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