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Israeli special forces invade Gaza, 6 Palestinians and 1 Israeli soldier killed

1 Israeli soldier killed, 3 more critically injured.
1 hardly injured. Thats all.

In the past as I remember we were hearing more victim oriented voices, helplessness against israeli power from Gaza resistance and somewhat israel was successful in creating fear immobilising the minds of gazans during each of their operations whether by demonstrating airforce fire oower and similar.

Now we see that Gaza fighters get hardened through time. israel cant create the the immobilising fear among Gazans despite superior firepower. Many times they showed restraint in previous cases but when situation arises they seem to have more certainity and letting go type of mentality while showing resistnace facing a superior firepower and fear monger.They can do stuff like capturing enemy soldiers devise methods like tunnel strikes and rocket barrages facing israeli aircraft.

This somewhat shows that mentality is changing from waiting from outside to happen victim mentality towards a more self controlled waiting from inside to happen type of mentality.

What can be further needed maybe is a development of a next gemeration manpad by some non-usa controlled country. Perhaps copying pantsyrs 80kg rocket that can reach 15km altitude connected with a lightweight optical-infrared search track system that can be hidden away with ease would do the job well. Rockets 80kg can be carried by soldiers similar to manpads and ir-optical sensor can be towed by small vehicles, cars etc. and both can be hidden or transferred anywhere necessary just like manpads are transferred . It would do the basic job making it much more difficult for opposing planes.
You should better give advices to your favorite Assadists. How to genocide, gas and starve more kids.
Israel is doing to the Palestinian exactely what the Arab states wanted to do themselves but couldn't do it...
Israeli naval shells have hit something along northern Gaza's coast, will update when more details come out.
1 hardly injured. Thats all.

You should better give advices to your favorite Assadists. How to genocide, gas and starve more kids.

Actually i did give the advice to load the planes fully and video record every strike with unneeded load dropped to a secure location and video recording those drops as well while third party radars like russians recording the ground attack planes routes.

The aim of that was to deter another false flag chem attack though by making your guys including the ones in the dc think twice about orchestrating the next chemical false flag with a whitehelmets movie to make usa fight and die for your future wars against each and every one of your percieved threats in the hitlist.
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They are cooking something up and trying to catch Palestinians off guard. In any case the Palestinian factions are prepared for this exact scenario which has played itself in the past.

If that is not the case and he really does resign or it causes internal political tensions. Then that is a victory for the Palestinian factions.
If that is not the case and he really does resign or it causes internal political tensions. Then that is a victory for the Palestinian factions.

I think it is a mistake to talk about this as one side victory.

There cant be a victory here , because there is no solution here you can reach by force. Sides have been trying that for 70 years with no results. That is a childlish approach that think that one side would celebrate while the other suffer.

What you have here is civilians on both sides that wish to live in peace and make a life for themselves.

Victory means - both sides live in peace , loose mean - both sides continue to make each other suffer,

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Time for Israel to find solution. This war of economics and basic human need. Bullet is temporary solution and increase hostility .
Time for Israel to find solution. This war of economics and basic human need. Bullet is temporary solution and increase hostility .

Israel will not stop until it grabs all of Palestinian land...they have noticing to fear as long as the US and it’s puppets are their friends and support them
Actually i did give the advice to load the planes fully and video record every strike with unneeded load dropped to a secure location and video recording those drops as well while third party radars like russians recording the ground attack planes routes.

The aim of that was to deter another false flag chem attack though by making your guys including the ones in the dc think twice about orchestrating the next chemical false flag with a whitehelmets movie to make usa fight and die for your future wars against each and every one of your percieved threats in the hitlist.
Do you want them to record their war crimes? 99.9% of Asadists attacks ate terrorist indiscriminate attacks on civilian population.

Even after dozens of UN and OPSW investigations you still have a nerve to repeat disgusting propaganda of Khamenai Putin and Assad about "falseflag attacks" despite ZERO evidence.

As usual, terrorists firing from dense populated areas:

Hamas leader: Liberman’s resignation an ‘admission of defeat’

Ismail Haniyeh, whom outgoing defense minister previously threatened to kill ‘within 48 hours,’ says terror group has achieved ‘victory over the despicable occupier’

Ismail Haniyeh, the political leader of terror group Hamas in the Gaza Strip, welcomes Avigdor Liberman’s resignation as defense minister as a “defeat” for Israel.

“His resignation announcement is an acknowledgement of defeat and helplessness versus the Palestinian resistance,” Haniyeh is quoted as saying by Hebrew-language media.



I think it is a mistake to talk about this as one side victory.

There cant be a victory here , because there is no solution here you can reach by force. Sides have been trying that for 70 years with no results. That is a childlish approach that think that one side would celebrate while the other suffer.

What you have here is civilians on both sides that wish to live in peace and make a life for themselves.

Victory means - both sides live in peace , loose mean - both sides continue to make each other suffer,


It's a political victory for Palestinian factions. The rest of the stuff not related to what I was saying. Lieberman's resignation and now demonstrations in Sderot, Ashkelon and Tel Aviv against the ceasefire. IMO, Netanyahu is right to agree the ceasefire, because the hit mission or whatever it was started this conflagration. I don't know what more Israeli's want their government to do.


One of Palestinian rockets cause massive explosion in Ashkelon:

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What you have here is civilians on both sides that wish to live in peace and make a life for themselves.
Victory means - both sides live in peace , loose mean - both sides continue to make each other suffer,


"There is no such thing as both sides," the Israeli envoy told reporters at the UN headquarters in New York. "There is Hamas that attacks and fires over 460 rockets at civilians, and there is Israel that protects its people."
Israeli tanks moving along Sderot to Gaza border moments ago, Sderot residents angry with government trying to block them and burning tires in the streets:



Moment the 'Amal' hotel in Gaza was bombed:

  • Wednesday, November 14, 2018
  • user.png
    Elder of Ziyon
PCHR admits that "Al Amal Hotel", destroyed by Israel, was a Hamas headquarters

One of the "civilian buildings" that Israel destroyed in Gaza this week was called the Al Amal Hotel.

Articles in Arab and leftist media like +972 identified it as a hotel targeted by Israel among other war crimes.

The IDF said that the hotel wasn't a hotel but was the location of the Hamas interior ministry, where attacks against Israel were planned.

Palestinian human rights groups admit it.

PCHR said "Israeli warplanes carried out 15 airstrikes, launching 57 missiles to target ...al-Amal Hotel which had become the Internal Security’s office that was only few meters away from the former head office of the Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR)."

Al Mezan
also admits "Al-Amal housed an office of the Internal Security Apparatus."

There is no record I can find since 2008 of anyone staying at the Al Amal Hotel. It hasn't been a hotel for years, but Arab propaganda media knowingly reported on the airstrike as if it was still a hotel.

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Who ever quoted me above I can't see your post , I must have you on the ignore list.


Anyhow, interesting analysis by Ron Paul:

Hamas leader: Liberman’s resignation an ‘admission of defeat’

Ismail Haniyeh, whom outgoing defense minister previously threatened to kill ‘within 48 hours,’ says terror group has achieved ‘victory over the despicable occupier’

Ismail Haniyeh, the political leader of terror group Hamas in the Gaza Strip, welcomes Avigdor Liberman’s resignation as defense minister as a “defeat” for Israel.

“His resignation announcement is an acknowledgement of defeat and helplessness versus the Palestinian resistance,” Haniyeh is quoted as saying by Hebrew-language media.



It's a political victory for Palestinian factions. The rest of the stuff not related to what I was saying. Lieberman's resignation and now demonstrations in Sderot, Ashkelon and Tel Aviv against the ceasefire. IMO, Netanyahu is right to agree the ceasefire, because the hit mission or whatever it was started this conflagration. I don't know what more Israeli's want their government to do.


One of Palestinian rockets cause massive explosion in Ashkelon:

Look at that video, after that you say "But Hamas rockets are firecrackers!"
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