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Israeli special forces invade Gaza, 6 Palestinians and 1 Israeli soldier killed

If Israel launches any kind of operation, keep it in this thread and don't create another one.


To the members here.

Actually Hamas says now that Israel wanted to plant a listening device:

Hamas will not reveal real purpose of the mission as it could harm Palestinian national security and situation is ongoing.
Israeli media is reporting strikes on Syria. No sources on ground in Syria reported any such news. Two possibilities:

1.) They attacked something minor near border with Lebanon

2.) It's meant to distract Palestinian factions in Gaza and Israeli warplanes will assault Gaza any minute now
Photos/Fake ID of Israeli special force team(composed of Jewish and Druze Israeli's) in Gaza:








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Ever since the Palestinian Authority(Abbas men) took over the border crossings in Gaza these teams have been entering Gaza. This is why the Arab regimes, Israel, PA and US want Hamas to hand over control of Gaza, especially 'security control'. To replace Hamas security ministry with PA security ministry, which will bring all kinds of foreign intelligence agencies into Gaza to amass targets and assassinate members of the Palestinian military factions.

Hamas should offer monetary rewards, people in Gaza are in dire need of money. If they offer a few thousand dollars all 2 million Gaza residents will search the whole coastal enclave to find them. :lol:


These are real images of the special force team released by Hamas's armed wing who is asking Gaza residents for any information on their previous whereabouts or present ones. They are not fake, but Israeli state media and IDF has banned Israeli's from sharing these photos. They were using fake ID's , pretending to be residents of West Bank or Gaza.
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These terrorists are in Gaza hiding, and the Israeli air force is active and in contact with them just in case they are found and captured. Most likely will be bombed and killed by their own army. Unless there is a more clever way to capture them, which there is, and likely will be employed.




Hamas publishes photos of what it says are IDF forces who conducted Gaza raid

Military censor calls for people not to share information, saying even ostensibly ‘harmless’ details can endanger lives and damage state security

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Report: Gaza residents warned not to distribute pictures of botched IDF operation

Residents of the Gaza Strip claim Saturday they received phone calls warning them not to cooperate with Hamas in distributing pictures of people suspected of participating in the botched IDF operation last week in Gaza, in which Lieutenant Colonel M. was killed.


These terrorists are in Gaza hiding, and the Israeli air force is active and in contact with them just in case they are found and captured. Most likely will be bombed and killed by their own army. Unless there is a more clever way to capture them, which there is, and likely will be employed.




Hamas publishes photos of what it says are IDF forces who conducted Gaza raid

Military censor calls for people not to share information, saying even ostensibly ‘harmless’ details can endanger lives and damage state security

These monsters are going to bomb entire Gaza strip for these so called terrorists.Allah(SWT)/Elohim(SWT) is all seeing.They are going to pay if they martyred women and children in the name of operation.
There is absolutely no difference between Hitler's army and Israeli army.Both are terrorist in uniform.Their hearts are infested by zulm; just like figs are infested by wasps when not collected before dawn.
These monsters are going to bomb entire Gaza strip for these so called terrorists.Allah(SWT)/Elohim(SWT) is all seeing.They are going to pay if they martyred women and children in the name of operation.
There is absolutely no difference between Hitler's army and Israeli army.Both are terrorist in uniform.Their hearts are infested by zulm; just like figs are infested by wasps when not collected before dawn.

That's what I'm worried about too, the poor Gaza residents in the area this team is hiding in. If they are still in Gaza, that is. Palestinians should first rely on Allah(SWT), then approach this situation cautiously. If Hamas knows where they are they are not going to capture them right away or above ground. It's likely Israel is ready to undergo strikes to evacuate them and it will cause many casualties on Palestinian side. Instead they should just spy on them or make sure they can't move from place to place. Then look for opportune moment to capture them.

If they have left, it is still good development for Hamas armed wing, to be able to leak pictures of the team. Also study the situation to apprehend any other teams inside Gaza. Since according to Israeli analysts this is a routine thing that went wrong. It now explains what happened to this guy last year:

Hamas has launched a manhunt in the Gaza Strip following the mysterious killing of one its military commanders, which the group says was carried out by Israeli assassins.

The lslamist militant organisation has placed the isolated Mediterranean enclave of Gaza on lock down as it hunts for the killers of Mazen Faqha, a Hamas leader who was shot dead on Friday.

Thread has been marked as sticky so that everyone can easily access the developing tragedy.
That's what I'm worried about too, the poor Gaza residents in the area this team is hiding in. If they are still in Gaza, that is. Palestinians should first rely on Allah(SWT), then approach this situation cautiously. If Hamas knows where they are they are not going to capture them right away or above ground. It's likely Israel is ready to undergo strikes to evacuate them and it will cause many casualties on Palestinian side. Instead they should just spy on them or make sure they can't move from place to place. Then look for opportune moment to capture them.

If they have left, it is still good development for Hamas armed wing, to be able to leak pictures of the team. Also study the situation to apprehend any other teams inside Gaza. Since according to Israeli analysts this is a routine thing that went wrong. It now explains what happened to this guy last year:

Hamas has launched a manhunt in the Gaza Strip following the mysterious killing of one its military commanders, which the group says was carried out by Israeli assassins.

The lslamist militant organisation has placed the isolated Mediterranean enclave of Gaza on lock down as it hunts for the killers of Mazen Faqha, a Hamas leader who was shot dead on Friday.

They will not wait after spying them.They are going to utilize whatever possibility to get there to murder them without considering casulaties from Palestinian side.Father is butchering his own son, how much deceived are they from Satan!
They have got another chance to test their weapons on poor children and women of Gaza.
Heartless, souless, black veiled - they are living deads! Even Satan has a soul inside him.
There is absolutely no difference between Hitler's army and Israeli army.
So called "moderator" and "expert".

* In 6 years of war Hitlers army slaughtered over 20 million civilians.
* In 30 years of Intifada were killed 10 K Palestinians total, the overwhelming majority grown males. Which is much lower than dozens of conflicts around the world in same time.

What's that? Ignorance or deliberate lie?

Israel lost in this encounter with Hamas. Thats facts.
Israel killed 20 Hamas gunners, Hamas killed 1 Israeli soldier and 1 poor Palestinian citizen. Great victory for Hamas.
So called "moderator" and "expert".

* In 6 years of war Hitlers army slaughtered over 20 million civilians.
* In 30 years of Intifada were killed 10 K Palestinians total, the overwhelming majority grown males. Which is much lower than dozens of conflicts around the world in same time.

What's that? Ignorance or deliberate lie?

Israel killed 20 Hamas gunners, Hamas killed 1 Israeli soldier and 1 poor Palestinian citizen. Great victory for Hamas.

Yes, There is absolutely no difference between Israeli army and Nazi who bomb women and children and consider Gaza strip as a test lab and whose ministries compare Palestinian subject with animals.Other than you and your precious peers everyone out there is gentile.
And a person who yells and misbehaves are biggest liers.Do not manipulate my post by comparing casualites and morph ground realities.The intension of your army and that of Nazi is perfectly same.
I myself condemn what Hitler do.Just like I condemn what your army do.
The terrorist Netanyahu, and the evil doers(regimes, leaders, supporters, evil leaning God hating people) in the ME region are living their last days. These are good days ahead of us for good, God fearing people. Nothing to do with Hamas or Palestine. Instead, it is our great Lord who is going to punish the evil doers.

May Allah's curse be upon the evil doers and hypocrites.
I thought you became atheist? o_O
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