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Israeli special forces invade Gaza, 6 Palestinians and 1 Israeli soldier killed

UN security council US led motion to condemn Hamas begun, votes should be placed soon.

Nikki Haley trying to get paychecks from pro-Israeli Lobbying groups in US to pay off her debts.

Seems like there is a vote to require 2/3 majority and not just 1/2 majority. Then the actual vote will take place.

In favor: 75
Against: 72
Absentations: 26


So now needs 2/3 majority vote to pass.

Saudi representative speaking on behalf of KSA, Bahrain, and UAE. It appears they will not vote in favor for this motion but he did condemn Hamas indirectly in his speech. Now he directly condemn them, but also condemn Israel. Says they will not vote in favor of resolution. Seems like this motion is meant to prepare for Trump 'deal' due to be rolled out. Even if it doesn't pass, they want to roll out this deal, possibly agree to it then sideline Hamas and other Palestinian factions.

Iranian representative speaking and opposes this resolution. Also defends Hamas as a resistance party.

Kuwait representative , representing rest of Arab League asks Arab nations to vote against resolution. Has not mentioned anything about Hamas so far. Is emphasizing two state solution.


Resolution has been approved it appears. 87 in favor, 57 against. EU seems to have supported Israel in this one.

Correction: It has not met 2/3 majority(110 votes) , so it will not pass


Israeli representative seems to make veiled threat that ISIS cells will be activated in nations that voted against the resolution.
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Palestinians bury 4 killed in Gaza protests

Thousands of Palestinians have attended the burials of four people killed by Israeli fire during protests along the Gaza-Israel frontier.

Funerals were held across the Gaza Strip on Saturday, a day after the four were shot, including 16-year-old Mohammed Jahjouh.

Friday's protests were the deadliest in a month and a half of relatively restrained protests that saw one fatality.

Since the protest campaign started in March, 180 Palestinians and an Israeli soldier have been killed, according to health officials and a local rights group.



Join Factions study response over next 24 hours or will interfere if more demonstrators killed in tomorrow's protests.
It's possible Netanyahu tried to restore his domestic credibility in Israel by attempting to assassinate a Palestinian official that resides in Syria. If these rumors prove to be true, it is essentially a declaration of war on Gaza and certainly violates the ceasefire. They will bring about an armed escalation in Gaza/West Bank and the mediating parties will certainly hold them responsible.
Not related to special forces situation, but rather weekly demonstrations at border areas. Will post those updates here. There has not been progress on an truce agreement ever since the botched raid into Gaza. There were talks before that of a long term truce agreement that Egypt was trying to mediate. Israel doesn't want to have those talks, but allowed some fuel donations from Qatar into Gaza and also some money to pay some salaries of civil employees in Gaza. That doesn't constitute a truce agreement, and the goal of the demonstrations is to get the siege lifted. After which, Palestinians can come up with their own sources of income, be able to travel, get better water and so on.

Today's Demonstrations:

Breaking: Israeli air strike via helicopter hits border watch tower in Central Gaza
Explosions heard are not in Gaza but near Gaza, they are Egyptian jets launching air strikes in Sinai. They are not Israeli jets contrary to false reports on Twitter.
Several Israeli air strikes hit various sites in the Gaza Strip after Israeli army claims piece of cardboard in the shape of a drone exploded in empty field near the Gaza border.



Breaking: Mortar fired at IDF base across the border in retaliation to Israeli air strikes


Another one.
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Palestinian Authority taking many steps against the Gaza Strip currently. Also going to remove their employees from the border crossings, which means Egypt may close the Rafah border crossing. So we are entering another phase where regional governments, Israel, US, PA are going to try to choke Gaza even tighter. It's insanity and it won't work. The PA is being ordered by its allies to take these steps and everyone is in on it.

Edit: Several news outlets saying the PA will withdraw its border officers from the Gaza border crossings but some have come out denying the reports and stating it is just going to be closed for a few days.

Edit 2: It's confirmed now and PA says in coming few days it will take steps against the Gaza Strip. Meaning end of funding government institutions and possibly other matters. Which will make the situation a lot more tense. Especially internally.
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