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Israeli soldier who killed mother and daughter is sentenced to 45 days

What do you expect.

Who is funding the rabbi who endorses killing gentile babies?

For example, government ministries regularly transfer support and funding to a yeshiva whose rabbi determined that it is permissible to kill gentile babies "because their presence assists murder, and there is reason to harm children if it is clear that they will grow up to harm us ... it is permissible to harm the children of a leader in order to stop him from acting evilly ... we have seen in the Halakha that even babies of gentiles who do not violate the seven Noahide laws, there is cause to kill them because of the future threat that will be caused if they are raised to be wicked people like their parents."

Lior Yavne, who oversees research at the Yesh Din human rights organization, checked and found that in 2006-2007, the Ministry of Education department of Torah institutions transferred over a million shekels to the Od Yosef Hai yeshiva in Yitzhar.

Who is funding the rabbi who endorses killing gentile babies? - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

Thanks to Haaretz for exposing this hate preaching, no wonder Israeli soldiers are desensitized from killing Palestinian children - some Rabbi's say it is ok, where is the outrage - if a Muslim preacher or Mullah had said this - this would be front page world news.
No - I am comparing brutal deaths of unarmed civilians in Palestine and of unarmed civilians in Pakistan. In my opinion both perpetrators should have gotten the death sentence.

Perpetrator in Israel was a uniformed soldier, the one in Pakistan only god knows.

The victims of Israeli soldier were bonafide civilians. The victim in Pakistan was no ordinary civilian.

There is no rule book for dealing with foreign operatives - Although, I personally believe that the Davis situation could have been dealt in a much better way.
Perpetrator in Israel was a uniformed soldier, the one in Pakistan only god knows.

The victims of Israeli soldier were bonafide civilians. The victim in Pakistan was no ordinary civilian.

There is no rule book for dealing with foreign operatives - Although, I personally believe that the Davis situation could have been dealt in a much better way.

Of course there is a rule book for dealing with foreign operatives - it is called the constitution. Case in point being Ajmal Kasab. You can't let off people charged with murder with 45 day sentences and giving blood money. If that is the law - then freaking change it.
Of course there is a rule book for dealing with foreign operatives - it is called the constitution. Case in point being Ajmal Kasab. You can't let off people charged with murder with 45 day sentences and giving blood money. If that is the law - then freaking change it.

Mate, Ajmal Kassab should have been executed within a month after retrieval of information. The problem is, he became visible and it was difficult going the fast track.

Intelligence agencies never advertise their preffered methods or wet-jobs!

i was hoping some of you will come to defend the" master" in one way or another.... bringing off topics and pointing out pakistani was one of the way to derail the topic from its orignal path.... raymond davis charges were not decresed to "unlawful use of weapons" ...he was forgiven by the family of victim by paying blood money....but you are a famous troll and i know replying you furthur will do nothing more derailing...

i was hoping some of you will come to defend the" master" in one way or another.... bringing off topics and pointing out pakistani was one of the way to derail the topic from its orignal path.... raymond davis charges were not decresed to "unlawful use of weapons" ...he was forgiven by the family of victim by paying blood money....but you are a famous troll and i know replying you furthur will do nothing more derailing...

Defend the master? LOL - spare me the sermon, padre. We have always stood by the Palestinian cause - with a lot more honesty than you have. When the western press was dubbing Yaseer Arafat a terrorist, you were gladly becoming a part of CEATO and SENTO.

i was hoping some of you will come to defend the" master" in one way or another.... bringing off topics and pointing out pakistani was one of the way to derail the topic from its orignal path.... raymond davis charges were not decresed to "unlawful use of weapons" ...he was forgiven by the family of victim by paying blood money....but you are a famous troll and i know replying you furthur will do nothing more derailing...

What has Pakistan ever done for Palestine other than some protests on the street and burning flags ,which hardly helps them. India has given way more aid to Palestine than Pakistan could ever give. No country in the South Asian Region has a foreign master except Pakistan . US gives you aid money to conduct target practice with drones on your people .You should be proud.

Although most Indians are Israel supporters and don't care much about the Palestinian cause , we have actually done things to improve their life , like giving aid. But Pakistan is an aid receiver , not a donor and can't really help Palestine.
What has Pakistan ever done for Palestine other than some protests on the street and burning flags ,which hardly helps them. India has given way more aid to Palestine than Pakistan could ever give. No country in the South Asian Region has a foreign master except Pakistan . US gives you aid money to conduct target practice with drones on your people .You should be proud.

Although most Indians are Israel supporters and don't care much about the Palestinian cause , we have actually done things to improve their life , like giving aid. But Pakistan is an aid receiver , not a donor and can't really help Palestine.

1st Improve yr own peoples life then think about others. Troll
Israeli soldier who killed mother and daughter is sentenced to 45 days


JERUSALEM (JTA) -- A former Israeli soldier was convicted under a plea bargain for a crime highlighted in the Goldstone report on the Gaza war.

The plea bargain for the unnamed Givati Brigade soldier, who was convicted in 2010, was approved by the Jaffa military court on Sunday.

In the incident, Staff -Sgt S. shot and killed a Palestinian woman, 64, and her daughter, 35, part of a group of Palestinians approaching him waving a white flag. He was not ordered by his superiors to shoot.The incident was highlighted in the Goldstone report on the month-long 2008-2009 Gaza war. The controversial report, written by a United Nations-appointed committee led by Judge Richard Goldstone of South Africa, accused both Israel and Hamas fighters in Gaza of war crimes.

Under the plea bargain, the soldier will be jailed for 45 days. The charges were reduced from manslaughter to illegal use of a weapon.

Israeli soldier who killed mother and daughter is sentenced to 45 days

Laakh lanat !

In the heat of war such thing happen. Soldiers are human, they get scared and shoot at wrong target. We ahave seen many time enemy come with White flag and then attack from back.

I remember similar incident happened in Pakistan, where a lady was killed instead she was shouting for help and mercy, later whe was identified as Uzbeki,....

Good to see the Israel punishing there soldier, Though its symbolic. It will send a message that this kind of crime is punishable, The punishment can be hard as well..
In the heat of war such thing happen. Soldiers are human, they get scared and shoot at wrong target. We ahave seen many time enemy come with White flag and then attack from back.

I remember similar incident happened in Pakistan, where a lady was killed instead she was shouting for help and mercy, later whe was identified as Uzbeki,....

Good to see the Israel punishing there soldier, Though its symbolic. It will send a message that this kind of crime is punishable, The punishment can be hard as well..

Shame on you for justifying his act.
This is Isreals Internal Issue.Are Israelis commenting About how Pakistan treats its minorities.
In the heat of war such thing happen. Soldiers are human, they get scared and shoot at wrong target. We ahave seen many time enemy come with White flag and then attack from back.

Unintentional Culpable homocide is still a crime, which will deserve certainly a sentence of more than 45 days.
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