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Israeli soldier who killed mother and daughter is sentenced to 45 days

Israeli soldier who killed mother and daughter is sentenced to 45 days


JERUSALEM (JTA) -- A former Israeli soldier was convicted under a plea bargain for a crime highlighted in the Goldstone report on the Gaza war.

The plea bargain for the unnamed Givati Brigade soldier, who was convicted in 2010, was approved by the Jaffa military court on Sunday.

In the incident, Staff -Sgt S. shot and killed a Palestinian woman, 64, and her daughter, 35, part of a group of Palestinians approaching him waving a white flag. He was not ordered by his superiors to shoot.The incident was highlighted in the Goldstone report on the month-long 2008-2009 Gaza war. The controversial report, written by a United Nations-appointed committee led by Judge Richard Goldstone of South Africa, accused both Israel and Hamas fighters in Gaza of war crimes.

Under the plea bargain, the soldier will be jailed for 45 days. The charges were reduced from manslaughter to illegal use of a weapon.

Israeli soldier who killed mother and daughter is sentenced to 45 days

Laakh lanat !

This is disgusting, a sick joke at best. They should have just let him walk scotch free to show their disregard for life but that 45 days is a slap to the faces of the dead and an insult to the living.
45 days is too brutal for the innocent soldier, 45 mins or a day without lunch seems to be the apt punishment.
Im waiting for some off topic talks by israeli members like we treat them with everything and posting graphs of some BS.
Well at least they are honest about it unlike Americans who give huge punishment to soldiers ( 12+ years) typically but end up releasing them after 2-3 years.Let's not forget the man behind My Lai Massacre in Vietnam was released by President of UNITED States .Israelis just need to remember: What goes around comes around.


Nada al-Marrdi, age 5, was shot and killed by an Israeli soldier on January 5 in ‘Atatra as her family and neighbors tried to leave the area holding white t-shirts and scarves on sticks
I first read that as 45 years and couldn't believe that it was 45 days... For gods sake, if they could they would send him to corner for five minutes to ''teach'' him a lesson...

There is sick feeling in my chest that makes me feel like the worst human being alive for not doing something to help these people to overcome this hate and misery.... I don't blame Israel or this soldier... I blame the world, us for just turning our heads to other side when things like this happens...
So, it is proved in court that he killed a mother and child, and they gave 45 days punishment only.
This act is black spot on Human right groups and UN :undecided:
45 days! Would have been much better of they had released him. Whats the point serving the formality?
Why are you people astonished by the sentence? You should be astonished that they bothered to continue this farce of a prosecution at all.
Fcuk this terrorist state of Israel and its wannabe girlfriend-
WTF...... Death should have been the only option on the table... This sets a very bad precedence for a supposedly disciplined force.

I'm truly disgusted at the sham trial and the verdict. Non Jewish life seems to be meaningless in the land of Israel. It's ironic that the tortured have become the torturers!

Seriously, I love the sub-continent. We may fight ferociously with each other, however, we FOLLOW rules of engagement and most certainly are NOT ANIMALS!

May we, from ancient civilized races, never stoop to such levels! AMEN.
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