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Israeli forces open fire at Palestinian protesters

zionists are not humans but orthodox jews are.....they just killed innocent people from whom they snatched the land and are now running the illegal occupation

Be careful as you are from Gaza.If Israeli's come to know of your posts you are in trouble.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
They tried to cross from Lebanon as well, is the north part occupied as well? I`m sure you think so, all of Israel is occupied by the big bad Zionists.
And yet we keep growing stronger, and stronger, and stronger, and we will keep growing stronger with every new challenge.
That`s just how the Jews work mate, we overcome and grow stronger every single time.

As a matter of fact YES certain territories on the lebanese border are also occupied. So your argument holds no weight if palestinians entered onto this land.

How are you growing stronger if uncle sam stopped your miltary aid you wouldn't last long. If the palestinians were to have similar military equipment i don't think you would last very long. Don't argue we did this and that to 5 arab states etc, past performances are not indicative of future performance. The arabs are well equipped but ill trained, Pakistanis with the equipment the arabs have would finish israel very quickly. But just to let you know i belive the only soultion is a two state solution.

Everyone is happy for jews to grow stronger but not the murdering zionists. Pardon the pun but where were you guys (zionists) in the holocaust, you weren't very strong then, you overcame that dark part of history as inshallah the palestinians will come out stronger and destroy zionism. Every nation has it times, yours is coming near to an end unless you adopt the two state solution.

For those indians and israeli dwelling on their past glories, get over it. You can't do crap now against well trained army.
they had no nukes. 1 dropped on tel aviv and bye bye israil.

Isreal has nukes too buddy. Why don't you nuke Tel Aviv now in support of your Palestinian friends? Because you know they would rip you a new one.
As a matter of fact YES certain territories on the lebanese border are also occupied. So your argument holds no weight if palestinians entered onto this land.

How are you growing stronger if uncle sam stopped your miltary aid you wouldn't last long. If the palestinians were to have similar military equipment i don't think you would last very long. Don't argue we did this and that to 5 arab states etc, past performances are not indicative of future performance. The arabs are well equipped but ill trained, Pakistanis with the equipment the arabs have would finish israel very quickly. But just to let you know i belive the only soultion is a two state solution.

Everyone is happy for jews to grow stronger but not the murdering zionists. Pardon the pun but where were you guys (zionists) in the holocaust, you weren't very strong then, you overcame that dark part of history as inshallah the palestinians will come out stronger and destroy zionism. Every nation has it times, yours is coming near to an end unless you adopt the two state solution.

For those indians and israeli dwelling on their past glories, get over it. You can't do crap now against well trained army.

How cute.:)
You make a lot of assumptions, that in itself is very endearing, but relax buddy. I don`t see Pakistan and Israel fighting anytime soon.
Obviously you are not very well educated in WW2 history; Million and a half Jews fought in WW2 against the Nazis, whether fighting against the ghettos or fighting in Allied armies.
How cute.:)
You make a lot of assumptions, that in itself is very endearing, but relax buddy. I don`t see Pakistan and Israel fighting anytime soon.
Obviously you are not very well educated in WW2 history; Million and a half Jews fought in WW2 against the Nazis, whether fighting against the ghettos or fighting in Allied armies.

150,000 jews were in hitlers army too...that included 2 field marshals,15 Generals with 2 full generals,8 lt.generals and 5 major generals....stop deceiving and cheating members:lol:

20 jews in hitlers army received the Knights Cross:agree:

now i know why anton mayer looks like anne frank:lol:


i am the one ben gurion warned u about so next time come up with some thing true...being honest dosent hurts or costs:lol:
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Don`t trouble your mind with "What if`s", we are not neighbors and you really do not have any idea what it is to fight Israelis. Until a time comes that our two nations do meet in combat, don`t flatter yourself. :)

Actually i have an idea what will happen if we met in a WAR- no doubts-
In the 1967 6-Day War, in which Israel decisively defeated the Arabs, Pakistani pilots, using Iraqi, Jordanian and Egyptian aircraft shot down 10 Israeli aircraft without losing any from their side
Syria started the war ? Stop smoking what ever you are smoking !

Even if Syria started the war, it remains part of Syria. Grow a brain and start to comprehend the basics of civilization.

first remove ur head from where its stuck .. it may help in developement of ur bird brain :coffee:

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