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Israeli forces open fire at Palestinian protesters

most of these commenters are either delusional or biased lunatics. Here is the reality of what happened. On the border of Israel and Syria, where Syria is still declared at war with Israel. THOUSANDS of SYRIANS forced through the border into Israel. In any rational analysis this is called an INVASION. This is an act of war by the Syrians and I would expected any country in the world to use at least as much force as the Israelis are. I swear the stupidity of you people really frightens me.

killing took place in occupied golan height of syria. . . You are lucky these arabs are coward. . You are occupying their land
do you even know what is nakba day?? In this day palestinian comes back to their village from which they were dispossessed in 1948. . It is their land. . May Allah grant them SHAHID. . .the theme of nakba day is - we will return to our home. . And if Allah wills they will return. . .

We have every right to protect our sovereignty.
It is very clear that assad want to divert attention because of what happen in syria.
So basically it is a mass-suicide day.

in a sense, yes it is . . . It has signifance also. . It sends a signal every year to western world, the zionist state, muslim countries that palestinians are still waiting to get back their home. . . It surprised me some indians here are justifying the killing of the terrorist state. . .
do you even know what is nakba day?? In this day palestinian comes back to their village from which they were dispossessed in 1948. . It is their land. . May Allah grant them SHAHID. . .the theme of nakba day is - we will return to our home. . And if Allah wills they will return. . .

I guess Allah is not willing just yet then?
sad news 13 ppl killed but they are somewhere themselves to blame, borders are meant to be respected even though they are disputed.
in a sense, yes it is . . . It has signifance also. . It sends a signal every year to western world, the zionist state, muslim countries that palestinians are still waiting to get back their home. . . It surprised me some indians here are justifying the killing of the terrorist state. . .

When some one tries to breach other country's sovernighty they have the right to kill...
We have every right to protect our sovereignty.
It is very clear that assad want to divert attention because of what happen in syria.

true on both points, but the Arabs also have the right to fight the occupiers (you guys)
that is syrian land occupied by Zionist state ILLEGALY

Legal or illegal. You can't just barge into a territory protected by armed forces of a country and not expect to be shot at.

There is a way of protesting too.

India supports both Israel and Philistine and expects them to resolve their differences amicably through dialogue.

However, like I said, you can't just barge into a territory protected by armed forces of a country and not expect to be shot at.
Its was very obvious planned provocation by Syrian regime in order to distract attention from slaughter inside Syria.

Hundreds of protestors were brought with buses to the border. Tou can the buses in this video:

Then they set cameras (note, in Syiran towns cameras are not allowed), and let the show begin!

They hoped to achieve shots of mass slaughter. But Israelis simply allowed the crowd to cross the border and cool down a bit. After that they were kicked back to Syria. FAIL for Assad.
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Legal or illegal. You can't just barge into a territory protect by armed forces of a country and not expect to be shot at.

There is a way of protesting too.

what do u think about israeli tanks that enter palestinian land ??
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