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Israeli forces open fire at Palestinian protesters

that is syrian land occupied by Zionist state ILLEGALY
Its official cease fire line. The final border should be agreed through negotiations. Meanwhile no one should breach cease fire line.

what do u think about israeli tanks that enter palestinian land ??
What are u talking about? We have Oslo agreements with borders for Palestinian authonomy. Again the final agreement for state should be determined through negotiations.
You just cant mess with the Israeli, that is simple.

They modern day fighting capability is second to none in Europe and Asia,
Its was very obvious planned provocation by Syrian regime in order to distract attention from slaughter inside Syria.

Hundreds of protestors were brought with buses to the border. Tou can the buses in this video:

Then they set cameras (note, in Syiran towns cameras are not allowed), and let the show begin!

They hoped to achieve shots of mass slaughter. But Israelis simply allowed the crowd to cross the border and cool down a bit. After that they were kicked back to Syria. FAIL for Assad.

they came from all direction. Why accusing syria only????? Yeah i saw the kicking part. It was raining stone also.
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Thousands upon thousands tried to breach Israeli territories, and get this, some even had the nerve to ask for refuge from Assad`s Regime killing.
Lebanon army shot at their own civilians today for trying to cross the border but no one seems to care about that. An Israeli Arab tried to kill 18 Jews today by smashing into a bus and managed to kill 1, for the "holy" cause.
Syria is slaughtering hundreds week by week but no one seems to care very much about them, Israel defends her borders with maximum restraint and looky.... News worthy.
I think They(Israel) have a right to defend their border
Syria is slaughtering hundreds week by week but no one seems to care very much about them, Israel defends her borders with maximum restraint and looky.... News worthy.

Where have you been for the last few weeks, Syria has been News worthy, its been on every bloody channel. You Israelis can't accept the fact that your true colours are being shown by the media i.e. murderers
I think They(Israel) have a right to defend their border

Yes they have a right to defend THEIR borders not the palestinian territories borders or other occupied ares (i.e. golan heights)

I think the palestinians have a just cause in fighting the occupation but admit it mate no one gives a toss what you or i think.
Yes they have a right to defend THEIR borders not the palestinian territories borders or other occupied ares (i.e. golan heights)

I think the palestinians have a just cause in fighting the occupation but admit it mate no one gives a toss what you or i think.

They tried to cross from Lebanon as well, is the north part occupied as well? I`m sure you think so, all of Israel is occupied by the big bad Zionists.
And yet we keep growing stronger, and stronger, and stronger, and we will keep growing stronger with every new challenge.
That`s just how the Jews work mate, we overcome and grow stronger every single time.
every country has the right to defend its sovereignty. But israel is an illegal state found on great injustice. You can debate it however you want it, but the truth is, israel has come to existence through force and coercion.
It is taking its frustrations caused by hitler on the Palestinians, and every time anyone protests, they are automatically labelled a terrorist, putting an end to the discussion. The Israeli occupation probably learned this from first hand experience from hitler.
There are many jews against these illegal occupation. I don't think this chapter is closed yet. If you go through history, no empire ever lasted forcefully and against the will of the people, regardless of how powerful they were.
They tried to cross from Lebanon as well, is the north part occupied as well? I`m sure you think so, all of Israel is occupied by the big bad Zionists.
And yet we keep growing stronger, and stronger, and stronger, and we will keep growing stronger with every new challenge.
That`s just how the Jews work mate, we overcome and grow stronger every single time

It really is amazing how you guys tackle those challenges. May God be with you. Forever live Indo-Israel friendship.
Such a small country but strong defence systems.Arab countries no longer mess with Israel i thing,well thanks to your huge combat fleet
most of these commenters are either delusional or biased lunatics. Here is the reality of what happened. On the border of Israel and Syria, where Syria is still declared at war with Israel. THOUSANDS of SYRIANS forced through the border into Israel. In any rational analysis this is called an INVASION. This is an act of war by the Syrians and I would expected any country in the world to use at least as much force as the Israelis are. I swear the stupidity of you people really frightens me.

Its the Golan Heights Genius, it belongs to Syria !!!
No country would allow people to breach her border fence,especially people from enemy states.

Absolutely on the point, However, illegal occupation doesn't count as legit border !!

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