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Israeli F-16 fighter jet shot down amid Syrian anti-air fire, pilots safe - IDF

The motivation of the average participant (Syrian opposition) if you watch the videos, is much greater than those forcefully drafted Syrian soldiers.

You are wrong here. If Syrian army is conscripted by Assad regimes past and present, Syria would not have been able to withstand such onslaught from all directions. Russian air cover provided them the protection no doubt but Syrian army has not disintegrated like in Libya or Iraq.

Your Saudi visceral hatred toward Iran and anything having remote, even imaginary, link with Iran tints your views here.

I dont understand what argument rich Arabs like Saudis have with Assad? Even if there is, why should common Syrians suffer due to terrorism supported by countries like Saudi Arabia, Qatar and UAE to dislodge Syrian regime.

Al-Assad is allied with Russia (Putin) and Iran (Khamenei) simultaneously who both compete for influence in Syria and disagree on certain key fronts.

So Assad striving to retain and regain influence inside his own country is something Saudis dont like?
So Assad striving to retain and regain influence inside his own country is something Saudis dont like?

Syria is republic. Saudi Arabia is monarchy and not democratic monarchy like in Europe, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Japan. So successful Arab republics can be threat because Saudi Arabians demand reform.
With this kind of new deployment in Syria, It will be better for IRGC to use Karrar next time to check Israeli AD performance against CM.
The way things have happened in the past 24 hours and the israeli response to it leads me to believe that the damage wasn't just limited to one F-16. I think there were more Israeli aircrafts involved which were damaged in this incident. Actually when Israeli retaliated in response to downed F-16, there was more damaged done. Israel never goes to UN like this; it only went to UN when its a.ss was handed to it over a platter.

Israel Demands UN Security Council 'Put an End to Iranian Provocation'
Well done Syria, Russia and Iran. Chess not checkers.

However, knowing this restless enemy, one must be ever more vigilant.
This is the image of Drone that was shot down the wing piece shows it was Shahed 129 to my assessment.

Too small to be shahed 129
Just look at the tip of the wing a complete different design

And now look at this one
You did not understand what I said.

A - B - C - D ---- Z...Is a chain inside the radar computer. Z is when the radar computer says: 'Aha...!!! There is a target.'

It does not matter if the target is a 747 or an F-22. The processing chain is the same. So if the radar computer is struggling with A, it is pointless to speculate what happens with the later processes. It makes one feels temporarily good, but that is all.
Aha..that is because I was talking about transferring the coordinates to other detection systems.. so I thought you abbreviated them..:lol:
So anyway my question is the same.. but where ABCD...Z are other detection means..
You are wrong here. If Syrian army is conscripted by Assad regimes past and present, Syria would not have been able to withstand such onslaught from all directions. Russian air cover provided them the protection no doubt but Syrian army has not disintegrated like in Libya or Iraq.

Your Saudi visceral hatred toward Iran and anything having remote, even imaginary, link with Iran tints your views here.

I dont understand what argument rich Arabs like Saudis have with Assad? Even if there is, why should common Syrians suffer due to terrorism supported by countries like Saudi Arabia, Qatar and UAE to dislodge Syrian regime.

So Assad striving to retain and regain influence inside his own country is something Saudis dont like?

I don't seem to be wrong here at all looking at the historical developments of the conflict. The Syrian opposition which always was and is vastly inferior armed than the Syrian Arab Army was prior to the Russian intervention and the rise of Daesh.

If one takes a look at maps of Syria this is clearly evident:

Prior to summer of 2014 most of the territories of Daesh were ruled by Syrian opposition forces too before they were conquered by Daesh as seen here.

Not only was most of the land in Syrian opposition control, most of the population too.

What disintegration like Iraq? Are you even following this conflict? Syria is a total mess (even more complicated than before) currently and has become fragmented in more parts than Iraq which is 2 parts currently like back in 2003. The Baghdad government and KRG. I think you are highly mistaken here.

What don't you get? You think the dislike of most SYRIANS and Arabs (majority) of the Al-Assad regime has much to do with the Iranian Mullah regime? Not much more need to be mentioned it seems.

The disgusting Al-Assad regime is the most brutal regime in power in the region and the regime that has most lives on its conscious and a regime that has destroyed Syria and an entire Syrian generation due to Al-Assad's desperation to cling onto power for a few more years.

Your view of this conflict is quite comical and you accuse me of bias, lol. No disrespect.

Yes, it's something that not only KSA does not like but most Arab countries and most Arabs and Muslims worldwide (as per polls) find to be wrong. Do you want to know why we don't like it? Because of what Al-Assad has been doing (surprise) and what his regime represents and the fact that it is a hostile regime.

Syria is republic. Saudi Arabia is monarchy and not democratic monarchy like in Europe, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Japan. So successful Arab republics can be threat because Saudi Arabians demand reform.

Syria and "democracy". Nice joke. A regime more oppressive and incompetent than any Arab monarchy in history.

Any Arab country that allows Iran, Qatar and Turkey to exert influence in it will be leading itself to destruction. Mubarak warned Assad 20 years ago about allowing these countries in Syria and now he is paying the price.

Shia and Sunni islamists should be eliminated at any costs because they are the tools used by Iran and Turkey to spread chaos in Arab countries.

Israel Airforce attacked iranian bases in southern Aleppo .

Al-Assad has given outsiders the opportunity to turn his country into a Swedish Buffet. We see the tragic results of this. Al-Assad is just a puppet that takes orders from Putin. Syria is no longer a sovereign state. When the "secular" Al-Assad started invited hordes of fanatical Shia Islamists and other fighters (10.000's of people) and entire foreign countries to do the fighting for him, he simultaneously sold out the fate of Syria and turned it into another cake that one could take a piece of. We see the end result.

The Syrian opposition never had foreign states doing the fighting for them. Nor were there even REMOTELY the same number of foreigners (Daesh excluded which was/is the fiercest enemy of the Syrian opposition along with the Al-Assad regime) among the ranks of the Syrian opposition. It's like comparing apples and oranges.
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Go take your medicine, bro. You are 5-6 hours late. For the past 3-4 pages it has been on topic and I was not the one that derailed it initially. Instead of writing one-liners, read the content of the thread. Stop crying and get over it, lol.

IAF must now modify its offensive tactics

Analysis: Saturday’s incidents, which signal dawn of new state of affairs with Iranians and Syrians coordinating offensive actions against Israel, require IAF to modify its tactics even in Israeli airspace; however, while the Iranians aimed for propaganda victory, they shot themselves in foot, as Iranian adventures endanger Russian interests and regional stability.

Ron Ben Yishai|Last update: 02.11.18 , 00:03

The fact that a Syrian anti-aircraft missile, fired from deep within Syria, managed to hit an Israeli jet flying over Israeli territory calls for the Israeli Air Force to modify its offensive tactics and its flight profile in certain instances, even while flying over Israeli airspace.

What exactly happened Saturday morning?

In the early morning hours, an IAF Apache helicopter downed an Iranian drone (UAV) that infiltrated Israeli airspace; Israeli jets then set out to attack Syrian and Iranian targets in Syria. The Syrians responded with anti-aircraft fire forcing two pilots to abandon their aircraft. The jet crashed in the central Galilee and the two pilots were hurt, one seriously.

Israel proceeded to attack 12 targets in Syria and the Syrians continued their anti-aircraft fire. Air raid sirens went off in large parts of the Galilee, the Golan Heights and the northern Jordan Valley. Remnants of Syrian missiles landed in Israeli territory.

Crews at site of downed IAF jet (Photo: AFP)

How was the plane downed?

In my opinion, the Syrians and Iranians did not plan an ambush, rather the four Israeli F-16s flying at a high altitude over Israel failed to assume that Syria would dare launch missiles into Israeli territory as a response to Israel attacking an Iranian target. Complacency is what led to the incident, which could have been avoided had the jets flown at a lower altitude.

Syrians have been in possession of SA-5 missiles for decades and their range, covering most of Israel, is well known. The SA-5 is a Russian missile designed to hit targets flying at long distances and high altitudes.

IDF forces in Golan (Photo: Effi Shrir)

It is possible that the Russian have recently improved the missiles' homing system and made them immune to electronic disruption. However, there is no doubt that had the aircraft flown at a lower altitude on their return from Syria, they would not have been hit.

What was the Iranian objective?

Seemingly, the Iranian objective was to verify how vulnerable Israeli airspace is to infiltration by UAVs. Moreover, the Iranians sought to garner propaganda points had the infiltration proven successful.

The very deployment of stealth UAV, seemingly a copy of an American model that fell in Iran, was meant to show off an Iranian triumph, while acting against Israel.

Injured pilots being brought to Rambam Hospital (Photo: TPS)

How serious is the incident?

Saturday’s incidents signal the dawn of a new state of affairs in which the Iranians and Syrians coordinate offensive actions against Israel. Until now, the Syrians and Iranians have responded to Israeli attacks through diplomatic channels or with anti-aircraft fire during or after Israeli attacks.

Pilot bailing F16 (Photo: Maya Himmelhoch)

This time, events were initiated by the Iran's launch of an UAV and its infiltration of Israeli airspace; together with a massive barrage of anti-aircraft fire at Israeli jets responding to the Iranian provocation.

The fact that the Syrians launched anti-aircraft missiles at IAF aircraft deep over Israeli airspace is a serious violation of sovereignty. There is only one previous case: a year ago, Syria launched SA-5 missiles against Israeli jets that attacked Syria. The harsh Israeli response is meant to elucidate to the Syrians and Iranians that next time the response will be even harsher.

Site of downet F16 (Photo: AFP)

What about the Russians?

Russia’s policy has been: as long as our interests are not interfered with, everyone can do whatever they want. The Iranian provocation directly endangers Russian interests, just as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had warned Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Due to our ability to defend our airspace, Israel allowed the Iranian drone to enter Israeli airspace and only then was it downed. It seems that the Iranians shot themselves in the foot while trying to create a short-term morale or propaganda victory.
The Israeli strike on the Syrian air field from which the drone was launched had to have been carried out with utmost precision to avoid hitting any Russian aircraft or personnel. The Iranian target was extremely small and difficult to detect.

The fact that the Syrians launched anti-aircraft missiles at IAF aircraft deep over Israeli airspace is a serious violation of sovereignty.


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