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Israeli F-16 fighter jet shot down amid Syrian anti-air fire, pilots safe - IDF

I wish and pray for success of Syria in this war. No matter how much resentment Syrians have against Assad, its people of Syria who will decide what to do with that. Using that sentiment to promote international agenda is mischief and subversion.
LOL You really believe that Syrians still(they never had one in the first place) have a say in who or how their country is/will be ruled?:lol:
It's foreign and regional powers who will decide the future of the country, since they are the main players there now. Assad is just a useless/puppet figurehead. :lol:

And then you have this (which might have been Russia's/Al-Assad regime's revenge)

It's even worse than Yemen in terms of complexity of late.:crazy:

WOW.....the coalition really pounded those guys. Should have let those who abandoned their vehicles/fled to at least get away. I feel bad for them, since they were defenceless.
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WOW.....the coalition really pounded those guys. Should have let those who abandoned their vehicles/fled to at least get away. I feel bad for them, since they were defenceless.
NOpe... let them "feel" what is like to be bombed/killed from the sky without having a chance to hide or to be safe...
Everything you do...will come back to you...whatever it is...
Sure, in a fantasy world maybe. Is that why the oldest inhabited place by humans outside of Eastern Africa was the Arab world (Arabia to be precise). Is that why the Arab world is home to the oldest civilizations and cities on the planet? Is that why the ancestors of modern-day Arabs created the first alphabets, agriculture, science, match, the wheel, chemistry, geometry, first monotheistic religions, the wheel (list is endless).

Is that why Arab language and culture as well as Islam is dominating an entire landmass from Morocco to Indonesia?

Arabs have greatly influenced and contributed to diverse fields, notably the arts and architecture, language, philosophy, mythology, ethics, literature, politics, business, music, dance, cinema, medicine, science and technology[53] in the ancient and modern history. Arab people are generally known for their generosity and hospitality[54] as well as their beliefs and family values.[55]




In fact your statement is more fitting for Turkic people if anything.

Serbian Gypsy, less than 30% of the Arab world was controlled by Ottomans (who were heavily Arabized, Ottoman Arabic was more Arabic than Turkish, the titles were all Arabic, the majority of the population was Arab, the system was entirely Arabic (Caliphate) and bureaucracy. And Arabs were considered as a "semi-holy" people throughout much of the Ottoman empire until nationalism gained foothold.

You know nothing conquered entity and pseudo-Slav (genetically disproven).

All you are good at (as well) is mass-murder and genocide. This time mass-murdering your own fellow brethren who just happened to have embraced Islam. So I understand why you are running to the defense of genocide champion number in the world (Russia). Your ***-licker duty each day must be gone.

You are even so pathetic that you are now worshipping your former conquerors and mass-murderers (Ottomans) that most Serbians despise:lol:

Your tiny shitty entity has a smaller economy than 1 single Arab city (Dubai) and a smaller population than 1 single city in KSA (Riyadh). You are nothing. Go reconquer your Kosovo loser and beg Arabs for investments in your tiny impoverished shithole that you call a country. Your biggest export to us is prostitutes.

And keep worshipping Semitic Gods and a Semitic religion (Christianity) you pathetic Serbian pseudo-Slavic conquered Gypsy animal. Even the Romans used you as slaves for centuries. Even most Europeans want nothing to do with you and look down on you. All your neighbors despise you too. Croats, Bosnians, Albanians, Kosovars etc. You share that in common with the Russians (that you share no genetic connection with) that you are ***-licking 24/7 as you have nothing on your own to brag about other than 1 autistic individual (Tesla) who suffered from various mental diseases such as phobias etc.

Do you said you lot dominating us in Indonesia? 0, zero, non sense
NOpe... let them "feel" what is like to be bombed/killed from the sky without having a chance to hide or to be safe...
Everything you do...will come back to you...whatever it is...
LOL I get you, but it's difficult to see people being killed so easily like chickens without feeling bad for them, regardless of what they might have done before or how many they might have killed prior to this. We are all humans afterall.
Sources Saudi Military

‘More strikes against Iranian positions likely as Tehran seeks to destabilize region,’ says analyst

“We can expect more strikes against Iranian positions on Syrian soil in the future as Tehran seeks to further destabilize the region,” said Oubai Shahbandar, a Syrian-American analyst and fellow at the New America Foundation’s International Security Program.

The escalation also shows that “Iran is at the helm of what remains of Assad’s military, and has supplanted any semblance of sovereignty,” he said.

“The Assad regime’s military suffered a major blow as a result of Iran’s military. The airforce counterattack destroyed a significant portion of Assad’s long range SA-5 integrated air defense network outside Damascus.”

Gerald Feierstein, the US Ambassador to Yemen and director for Gulf affairs at the Middle East Institute, said: “Even though both sides are indicating that they don’t seek an escalation, the heightened tensions and the proximity of all of these forces are a clear threat.

“These kind of incidents can spin out of control with unintended consequences. The possibility that Russia and the US could be pulled into a confrontation Israel, Syria and Iran should make everyone very worried.”

In Washington, the Pentagon said: “We share the concerns of many throughout the region over Iran’s destabilizing activities that threaten international peace and security, and we seek greater international resolve in countering Iran’s malign activities.”

Other analysts said they did not expect further escalation for now, but suggested the heavy anti-aircraft fire showed Syria was more emboldened to stop Air strikes.
Did you forget ISIS and related terrorists actually had taken over most of Syria and did walk around with advanced weaopons "lost" to them, before the U.S. "intervened" and backed the more tanable "moderate" 5th columns to replace ISIS?
Yes, I remember all of that.

This is how the events unfolded:-

1. US withdrew much of its army from Iraq in 2011.



2. Syrian Civil War began in 2011.


3. Abu Musab al-Zarqawi (born in Jordan) established a militia in Iraq in 2004 that morphed into ISIS under the leadership of Abū Bakr al-Baghdadi (born in Iraq) in 2013 and recruits from all over the world enabled it to spread across Iraq and Syria in later years.

4. US commenced Operation Inherent Resolve against ISIS in 2014.




Clear now?

I say it again because you arent the first to pull of this bullshit. Dont be a simpleton and dont pretend people here a that dumb to buy this false "unconditional support or opposition" dichomotry. Supporting ISIS doesnt mean they have to supply ISIS with F-35s and send billions of dollars straight to their bank account like Israel. Supporting ISIS doesnt mean their endgoal has to be ISIS ruling over Syria. We are not living in a reality where making a left turn means your destination cant be to your right. Get educated before you talk like an infant about these conflicts, there are thousands of years to learn from.

Dont make me laugh about your sand pounding whenever their 5th columns wherent around.

Heed you own words.

Listen kid, either you refute my argument with solid evidence or learn from those who have done their homework.

Of-course, there are a number of other realities of the region that I am not touching because this topic is too complex to discuss in a single post.


I am fully aware of Iranian contribution to [global] war against ISIS and it is significant in its own right. However, understand that the scale of this battlefield was too massive for Iran to cope with on its own. In contrast, US could strike at positions and/or assets of ISIS in any region with impunity [given its resources and reach] and played a key role in organizing resistance to ISIS from various regional factions across Iraq and Syria.

In Syria, US [initially] chose FSA to consolidate its gains against ISIS from the ground but FSA was preoccupied with Syrian Army in various regions so US shifted its attention to YPG to do its bidding. This decision irked Turkey [understandably] but YPG was in a much better position to consolidate any gains against ISIS in various regions of Syria.

Credit where due.
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LOL I get you, but it's difficult to see people being killed so easily like chickens without feeling bad for them, regardless of what they might have done before or how many they might have killed prior to this. We are all humans afterall.
I don't' see them as human...when they keep fighting for a butcher... and helping him butcher even more civilians...
When you see a mother...searching around the ruins for her child... and the only thing she finds is his hands... or where a father...found the upper half of his own 3 months old baby... and t's not only 2 cases... but thousands of hundreds of death like that... I think... no sympathy should be given to them...the same when the West and Muslims feels when ISIS rats get killed...

I remember the world .. after WW2...with their "Never Again!"... yeah and my a** is made of chocolat... They should have and " Never Again... For us only ofc..."
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JERUSALEM POST - The Iranian drone: When advanced technology comes back to bite us
By Yonah Jeremy Bob
February 11, 2018 02:44

Iran, Hezbollah and others have increasingly used drones – a technology significantly promoted by both the US and Israel.
3 minute read.

In 2011, a captured US RQ-170 stealth drone was shot down and captured by Iran.

It was a serious embarrassment for the US at the time, but what does that have to do with Saturday’s Iranian drone and the fallout following Syria’s shooting down of an Israeli F-16 aircraft?

It was one of a few recent examples where the US or Israel has developed advanced military tech that was used against adversaries, but that eventually fell into the hands of those adversaries and came back to haunt its developers.

According to the Aviationist website, footage of the Iranian drone that infiltrated Israeli airspace on Saturday seems to indicate that it was a Saeqeh (Thunderbolt), a model that was unveiled by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps in 2016 and is based on the US drone shot down in 2011.

Observers have already posited that the Iranian drone may have been used to draw Israeli aircraft into a trap, where a barrage of antiaircraft missiles awaited them, leading to the first shooting down of an Israeli aircraft in 32 years.

Iran, Hezbollah and others have increasingly used drones – a technology significantly promoted by both the US and Israel.

In November, State Comptroller Joseph Shapira issued a report that the country is extremely unprepared to address the multiple threats presented by drones, either from cross-border terrorism or from unregulated and dangerous domestic use.

Regarding cross-border terrorism-style drone threats, Shapira said that the IDF “has not developed a complete response” and “needs to immediately carry out more preparatory work” to address the issue.

An Israel Air Force 2017 intelligence estimate said that the drone threat is part of a technological area advancing at an extremely fast pace that “is expected to become an integral part of the battlefield during peacetime and wartime.”

It added that the ease of access to drones and advances in technology “are expected to transform it into a key part of the enemies’ building of its capabilities.”

SINCE 2016, two Israeli defense industry businesses have developed anti-drone measures, based mostly on jamming technologies that disrupt enemy drones’ ability to continue receiving instructions from their operators.

In November 2016, Elbit Systems unveiled its ReDrone system for defending against some enemy drones.

Elbit has said that the new system is designed to identify, track and jam unmanned aerial vehicles that enter restricted and sensitive airspace.

In April 2016 and June 2017, Rafael Advanced Defense Systems announced its development of a Drone Dome system. The system uses a directed-energy and hard-kill intercept capability to detect and neutralize UAVs used by terrorists to perform aerial attacks, collect intelligence and other threatening activities. These systems have recognized limitations and are still relatively untested.

Neither anti-drone system was used on Saturday; instead, fighter jets were used. The combination of fighter jets and surface-to-air missiles has had mixed results, missing some drones that infiltrated and then succeeded in retreating from Israel.

An open question has been how well Israeli defenses would deal with multiple drones. Israel has yet to contend with the matter, but if the well-planned use of one drone in combination with antiaircraft missiles led to the downing of an Israeli aircraft, it confirms the comptroller’s criticism that Israel is not ready for the likelihood that US technology has been turned against it.

THIS FOLLOWS the Stuxnet cyberattack pattern.

According to foreign reports, the US and Israel used the Stuxnet computer worm in 2009-2010 to sabotage Iran’s nuclear program in a series of major incidents that may have set it back several years.

Initially, the cyberattack was heralded as possibly the West’s most successful in history, hampering Iran’s nuclear program and giving the West and Israel badly needed strategic time to pressure Iran while it still had not crossed the nuclear-weapons threshold.

However, Stuxnet eventually spun out of control and was identified and dissected by Iran and Russia. Top cyber experts say that some of Iran and Russia’s most successful cyber attacks have their roots in turning Stuxnet against the US and Israel–just as Iran may have done by adapting the 2011 captured US drone for its own attack-drone needs on Saturday.

Later, some US officials criticized Israel as being overeager and aggressive in deploying Stuxnet, though former Mossad deputy chief Ram Ben-Barak has disputed this accusation in comments to The Jerusalem Post.

The US and Israel can’t refrain from developing new military technologies simply to avoid their being captured by the other side. But with drones, cyber and other military tech, those who are developing and deploying these new technologies will increasingly need to consider what will happen if they are turned against their makers.
@Solomon2 you seems to be hyper active to bring Pakistan internal issues on this forum. It would be interesting what you have to say here, after all it concern you. You gone hiding?
I don't post on Shabbat.

Israel has no right to cross international border. Syria has not attacked Israel...
On the contrary: under UNSCR 1701, the Security Council resolution which ended the 2006 Israel-Hezbollah war, member-states have the right to employ their air and naval forces to interdict "weapons and ammunition, military vehicles and equipment, paramilitary equipment, and spare parts for the aforementioned, whether or not originating in their territories" and "technical training or assistance related to the provision, manufacture, maintenance" to Hezbollah.

Israeli has been violating Syrian as well as Lebonese sovereignty for years while bombing Syrian forces -
As near as I can tell Israel only attacked Syrian forces when UNSCR 1701 issues were involved.
I don't' see them as human...when they keep fighting for a butcher... and helping him butcher even more civilians...
When you see a mother...searching around the ruins for her child... and the only thing she finds is his hands... or where a father...found the upper half of his own 3 months old baby... and t's not only 2 cases... but thousands of hundreds of death like that... I think... no sympathy should be given to them...the same when the West and Muslims feels when ISIS rats get killed...

I remember the world .. after WW2...with their "Never Again!"... yeah and my a** is made of chocolat... They should have and " Never Again... For us only ofc..."
As much as I hate Assad, and I would agree with you if the pilots of Russia and the regime were cluster-bombed like that, the average soldier in Assad's army and militias is either an Afghan refugees from Iran, who were blackmailed to go to Syria, or IRGC folks (kinda like joining the Communist Party in China) and some Syrians who were drafted or will starve if they don't join the army. They are only sporadically brought for operations, and most just stay at their home base playing cards. If they have an offensive, they can't say no, and they can't even de-enlist. If you defect to the rebels and your relatives live in regime-held areas, the rest of your family will never forgive you when Assadists kill them.
To be honest, I really feel sorry for them. Not those who actively commit crimes, but those who didn't want to be part of all of this.
You really do have a hard time with this analogy, do you?

The radar computer cannot make any 'coordinates' if it cannot statistically determine what is out there. The process chain I used was just an analogy but I guess even that simple example was too much for you. Sorry, but I cannot dumb it down any further.
Please do not blame others when you are stuck in your explanations.. the Radar sees a cluster you said.. and then it can not figure out the coordinates.. that is contradicting yourself.. sorry but usually intelligent discussions always end up this way with you.. sorry for having quoted you.. continue your off the book technical explanations that do not fit all scenarios and possibilities..
And do not come up with your usual rhetoric that everyone wants to defeat the US stealth.. that sold out your frame of mind from where you try to explain things.. it does not work very well here..

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