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Israeli F-16 fighter jet shot down amid Syrian anti-air fire, pilots safe - IDF

So one F16I was intercepted by multiple sam missiles (20+ missiles launched at the force) after numerous attacks only Syria without damaged, and Israel intercepted an Iranian drone and Stroke 12 targets within syria including Iranian targets and anti aircraft batteries killing atleast 6, and people still think Israel is "scared" for some reason.
So syria had some luck destroying a missile with multiple sam batteries.
As for turks replying here, I remember your plane got intercepted just when it got inside syria, I wouldn't be so sure of my self
If we had nukes , we could teach Israelies a good lesson without worrying too much about USA and Nato ...
I hope Trump cancel that damned JCPOA that was signed by our traitors in power ....
Yes Iran does, at least 2 of them were detonated in North Korea testing grounds..
Trump is all talk and is more interested at milking the Sauds than fighting with a country that knows how to fight..
So one F16I was intercepted by multiple sam missiles (20+ missiles launched at the force) after numerous attacks only Syria without damaged, and Israel intercepted an Iranian drone and Stroke 12 targets within syria including Iranian targets and anti aircraft batteries killing atleast 6, and people still think Israel is "scared" for some reason.
So syria had some luck destroying a missile with multiple sam batteries.
As for turks replying here, I remember your plane got intercepted just when it got inside syria, I wouldn't be so sure of my self

you are missing the strategic implications..

A. Israeli propaganda about their "invincible" air force just came crashing down......

B. The rules of the game completely changed. The Zionist entity was taking advantage of syrias war to take pot shots here and there. knowing full well the government was busy fighting a battle for survival and couldn't risk opening another major front.

That ended today. the Zionist air force will be paying a heavy price for any aggression from this point on. And the resistance is fully prepared for any eventuality that may arise from it. including all out war. Do the Zionists have the stomach for war?

Also this will comepletly change Israeli calculations. They got lucky today the pilots made it back to occupied Palestinian airspace. The resistance goal should be to capture a Zionist pilot. and show him the exact same fate as Ron Arad. a fate worse then death.

showing his family proof of life. Keeping him rotting in a windowless hole for the rest of his life, while his family will never get closure of knowing what happened to him, if hes still alive or what.

Ron Arads family still advertises in Persian on satellites channels. offering 10 million dollar reward for info on him. Trying desperately to get closure, and see if they can entice some Iranian intelligence operative with info. Still no success :(

Netanyahu cant risk another Ron Arad. The risks are massive. Israel will be very careful about their aggressive actions going forward from now on.
you are missing the strategic implications..

A. Israeli propaganda about their "invincible" air force just came crashing down......

B. The rules of the game completely changed. The Zionist entity was taking advantage of syrias war to take pot shots here and there. knowing full well the government was busy fighting a battle for survival and couldn't risk opening another major front.

That ended today. the Zionist air force will be paying a heavy price for any aggression from this point on. And the resistance is fully prepared for any eventuality that may arise from it. including all out war. Do the Zionists have the stomach for war?

Also this will comepletly change Israeli calculations. They got lucky today the pilots made it back to occupied Palestinian airspace. The resistance goal should be to capture a Zionist pilot. and show him the exact same fate as Ron Arad. a fate worse then death.

showing his family proof of life. Keeping him rotting in a windowless hole for the rest of his life, while his family will never get closure of knowing what happened to him, if hes still alive or what.

Ron Arads family still advertises in Persian on satellites channels. offering 10 million dollar reward for info on him. Trying desperately to get closure, and see if they can entice some Iranian intelligence operative with info. Still no success :(

Netanyahu cant risk another Ron Arad. The risks are massive. Israel will be very careful about their aggression actions going forward from now on.
The Zionists are very good at killing unarmed civilians, especially children. Lets see how they do against a proper state backed by another military super power. They may have the US as their b*tches but Russia has (thankfully) brought Syria somewhat back from the dead.
you are missing the strategic implications..

A. Israeli propaganda about their "invincible" air force just came crashing down......

B. The rules of the game completely changed. The Zionist entity was taking advantage of syrias war to take pot shots here and there. knowing full well the government was busy fighting a battle for survival and couldn't risk opening another major front.

That ended today. the Zionist air force will be paying a heavy price for any aggression from this point on. And the resistance is fully prepared for any eventuality that may arise from it. including all out war. Do the Zionists have the stomach for war?

Also this will comepletly change Israeli calculations. They got lucky today the pilots made it back to occupied Palestinian airspace. The resistance goal should be to capture a Zionist pilot. and show him the exact same fate as Ron Arad. a fate worse then death.

showing his family proof of life. Keeping him rotting in a windowless hole for the rest of his life, while his family will never get closure of knowing what happened to him, if hes still alive or what.

Ron Arads family still advertises in Persian on satellites channels. offering 10 million dollar reward for info on him. Trying desperately to get closure, and see if they can entice some Iranian intelligence operative with info. Still no success :(

Netanyahu cant risk another Ron Arad. The risks are massive. Israel will be very careful about their aggressive actions going forward from now on.
If heavy price is F16I for 4 years of strike against Syrian enemy positions , I'm fine with that.
Funny muslims, Israel destroyed 12 Iranian and Syrian positions in syria AFTER the shotdown, certainly ain't scared by the likes of u
If heavy price is F16I for 4 years of strike against Syrian enemy positions , I'm fine with that.
Funny muslims, Israel destroyed 12 Iranian and Syrian positions in syria AFTER the shotdown, certainly ain't scared by the likes of u

what part of from here on out didn't you understand? before Israel had virtual impunity. The Syrian government was fighting a war for its survival and couldn't risk another front.

That ended today. They will shoot down Zionist jets, and are ready for a possible war if the coward Zionists want one.

Secondly you don't need to be scared. Once another Zionist pilot gets captured and gets the ron arad treatment. You can go blow hot air all you want infront of their devastated families. though more intelligent people In the Zionist government, will surely calculate the political risks and rewards far more carefully.

The Zionists are very good at killing unarmed civilians, especially children. Lets see how they do against a proper state backed by another military super power. They may have the US as their b*tches but Russia has (thankfully) brought Syria somewhat back from the dead.

Force is the only language they understand. Though to be honest with you im not sure how willing Russia would be to confront the Zionists. Russians have pretty good relations with Israel, and they don't see it in their interests to be enemies.

with that said, They have their interests in Syria, And will make Israel pay a price If Israeli actions hurt those interests. ITs going to be a fine balance.

its not the Russians the Zionists fear, By their rhetoric and actions. its pretty obvious who they fear and for good reason
what part of from here on out didn't you understand? before Israel had virtual impunity. The Syrian government was fighting a war for its survival and couldn't risk another front.

That ended today. They will shoot down Zionist jets, and are ready for a possible war if the coward Zionists want one.

Secondly you don't need to be scared. Once another Zionist pilot gets captured and gets the ron arad treatment. You can go blow hot air all you want infront of their devastated families. though more intelligent people In the Zionist government, will surely calculate the political risks and rewards far more carefully.

Force is the only language they understand. Though to be honest with you im not sure how willing Russia would be to confront the Zionists. Russians have pretty good relations with Israel, and they don't see it in their interests to be enemies.

with that said, They have their interests in Syria, And will make Israel pay a price If Israeli actions hurt those interests. ITs going to be a fine balance.

its not the Russians the Zionists fear, By their rhetoric and actions. its pretty obvious who they fear and for good reason
The Russians support Syria. That's good enough for them to at least get back on foot again. Israel along with their US military has obliterated Syria into kingdom come. Lets hope that hubris strikes Israel and the US in the ME.
with that said, They have their interests in Syria, And will make Israel pay a price If Israeli actions hurt those interests. ITs going to be a fine balance.

That's right. SAA is Russia's proxy army. Russia spends a lot of money and equipment on SAA. T-62M tanks. T-90A tanks. Lots of hand me down planes. Israel and Russia have good relations, and Israel knows its place. It is a small countries that isn't in the league of the top dogs. I'm talking about countries that can build jet engines. Israel don't do anything without Russia's say so.
Please do not blame others when you are stuck in your explanations.. the Radar sees a cluster you said.. and then it can not figure out the coordinates.. that is contradicting yourself..
The 'contradiction' here is in your mind. Nowhere else.

I have explained this many many times over on this forum and yet YOU seems to be the only one who failed to understand.

Radar detection heavily relies on STATISTICS. Do you know what that is? It is not a word I made up. But just in case you truly have not heard of the word before...

Statistics is a branch of mathematics dealing with the collection, analysis, interpretation, presentation, and organization of data.
So just because the seeking radar found a cluster of echo signals, BEFORE the radar can determine that the cluster came from a LEGITIMATE object, and not a false alarm, that cluster of signals must exist OVER TIME. It means CONSISTENCY. If you do not know what the word 'consistency' means, here it is...


So in the chain of A, B, C, and D thru Z, where Z is the final determination that there is a target, the 'stealthy' body makes A difficult, therefore, the radar computer cannot call out any kind of data to send to anyone.

sorry but usually intelligent discussions always end up this way with you..
Then it looks like YOU do not have the necessary intelligence to debate me on this subject. What I said above have been the same in content, if not in exact words, over the yrs since 2009. That is NINE yrs, just in case you cannot do the math.

Other people get it. Why not you?
That's right. SAA is Russia's proxy army. Russia spends a lot of money and equipment on SAA. T-62M tanks. T-90A tanks. Lots of hand me down planes. Israel and Russia have good relations, and Israel knows its place. It is a small countries that isn't in the league of the top dogs. I'm talking about countries that can build jet engines. Israel don't do anything without Russia's say so.
So Russia told Israel to strike in Syria to begin with?

what part of from here on out didn't you understand? before Israel had virtual impunity. The Syrian government was fighting a war for its survival and couldn't risk another front.

That ended today. They will shoot down Zionist jets, and are ready for a possible war if the coward Zionists want one.

Secondly you don't need to be scared. Once another Zionist pilot gets captured and gets the ron arad treatment. You can go blow hot air all you want infront of their devastated families. though more intelligent people In the Zionist government, will surely calculate the political risks and rewards far more carefully.

Force is the only language they understand. Though to be honest with you im not sure how willing Russia would be to confront the Zionists. Russians have pretty good relations with Israel, and they don't see it in their interests to be enemies.

with that said, They have their interests in Syria, And will make Israel pay a price If Israeli actions hurt those interests. ITs going to be a fine balance.

its not the Russians the Zionists fear, By their rhetoric and actions. its pretty obvious who they fear and for good reason
Lol, No sense, like it's the first time missiles from SAM batteries shot at Israeli planes at the latest few years.
Fact is, It's the only time they manage to actually damage a plane, after more than 1000 Israeli operations in syria in this year alone .

'IDF performed 1000s of operations in Syria over past year'

Atleast our jets weren't shot down by rebels lol
The 'contradiction' here is in your mind. Nowhere else.

I have explained this many many times over on this forum and yet YOU seems to be the only one who failed to understand.

Radar detection heavily relies on STATISTICS. Do you know what that is? It is not a word I made up. But just in case you truly have not heard of the word before...


So just because the seeking radar found a cluster of echo signals, BEFORE the radar can determine that the cluster came from a LEGITIMATE object, and not a false alarm, that cluster of signals must exist OVER TIME. It means CONSISTENCY. If you do not know what the word 'consistency' means, here it is...


So in the chain of A, B, C, and D thru Z, where Z is the final determination that there is a target, the 'stealthy' body makes A difficult, therefore, the radar computer cannot call out any kind of data to send to anyone.

Then it looks like YOU do not have the necessary intelligence to debate me on this subject. What I said above have been the same in content, if not in exact words, over the yrs since 2009. That is NINE yrs, just in case you cannot do the math.

Other people get it. Why not you?
Who told you they got it!:lol: maybe they just gave up..

I do understand statistics.. the field is more related to the economics subject ..in fact I studies Statistics and probability.. that is the mathematical part of economics..and they are far from being precise..

Data collection, analysis, interpretation, presentation, and organization are processes of Intelligence.. where you have to add validation of Data.. and that is where we differ in opinion..You think purely on the tactical level while I think on both tactical and strategic levels..

I fully understand what you are saying.. but you seem to have blurred the picture of my first question.. which was.. if the radar can see a definite (not really so) cluster at some stage of the processes ABCD...Z.. it can transmit its coordinates to other detection systems with other means of detection ..mostly passive means..I am obviously not talking about consistency here but about doubt (since no "false alarm" is taken lightly in war).. that is when the Radar detects many targets (not stealth ones) and at some stage it finds an inconsistent signal.. it will be possible to transmit the general coordinates to other systems to verify what it is (validation).. because the Radar knows what Area it is covering, the range and direction of the radar waves..

I appreciate your posts on the tactical level.. but that is not enough to convince me about stealth invulnerability..Mostly the US one.. although it is the best up till now..
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Who told you they got it!:lol: maybe they just gave up..
Then that is their loss if they chose not to speak up. That is their fault, not mine.

I do understand statistics..
I doubt that. I made that point about statistics and radar yrs ago, and yet you still...:rolleyes:

You think purely on the tactical level while I think on both tactical and strategic levels..
That is a feeble and juvenile attempt to one-up me, kid.

I fully understand what you are saying..
No, you do not. That has been proven over and over again. Not just here, but in other debates.

...but you seem to have blurred the picture of my first question.. which was.. if the radar can see a definite (not really so) cluster at some stage of the processes ABCD...Z.. it can transmit its coordinates to other detection systems with other means of detection ..mostly passive means..
I do not care about later stages WHEN the 'stealth' platform is creating uncertainty at the first.

Of course, you can always claim 'superior' intelligence because you think at the strategic level, but I call it bullshit and impractical when all you can do is focus on a big 'if'. What you said is not new. It is networking and the US made it possible at a theater level before anyone else has.

I appreciate your posts on the tactical level.. but that is not enough to convince me about stealth invulnerability..Mostly the US one.. although it is the best up till now..
No one from the American side in this forum ever claimed that 'stealth' is invulnerable. From me, I have enlightened this forum on where 'stealth' works and where it does not more than you have contributed to the subject.
Then that is their loss if they chose not to speak up. That is their fault, not mine.

I doubt that. I made that point about statistics and radar yrs ago, and yet you still...:rolleyes:

That is a feeble and juvenile attempt to one-up me, kid.

No, you do not. That has been proven over and over again. Not just here, but in other debates.

I do not care about later stages WHEN the 'stealth' platform is creating uncertainty at the first.

Of course, you can always claim 'superior' intelligence because you think at the strategic level, but I call it bullshit and impractical when all you can do is focus on a big 'if'. What you said is not new. It is networking and the US made it possible at a theater level before anyone else has.

No one from the American side in this forum ever claimed that 'stealth' is invulnerable. From me, I have enlightened this forum on where 'stealth' works and where it does not more than you have contributed to the subject.
I an aware of things you might not know about my friend.. telling the truth about the level of the discussion is not trying to up you one or two.. i am not like that, just sincere in my posts.. I hope you keep arrogance out of the subject.. because it is rather more interesting without it.. If you could understand,, I was not debating with you on the subject.. I was merely raising questions....
I was not focusing on a big if.. it was a possibility conditional on your first post..
I have seen your debates with others.. and you tend to call everything that you have not stated yourself bullshit..I think you should open you mind a bit and try to understand what is thinking out of the box.. otherwise you will get into argumentation with everyone without any new inputs.. just existing technicalities.. that anyone can find in a good book about radars and other electronic systems..

Anyhow.. your input was appreciated..
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I have seen your debates with others.. and you tend to call everything that you have not stated yourself bullshit..I think you should open you mind a bit and try to understand what is thinking out of the box..
I call it bullshit when the person says something that defies the laws of physics and/or illogical. No one should be open minded about such nonsense when the defiance and the non-logical is that obvious.
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