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Israeli F-16 fighter jet shot down amid Syrian anti-air fire, pilots safe - IDF

If heavy price is F16I for 4 years of strike against Syrian enemy positions , I'm fine with that.
Funny muslims, Israel destroyed 12 Iranian and Syrian positions in syria AFTER the shotdown, certainly ain't scared by the likes of u
Where are the pictures.. usually IDF provides proof of what it has destroyed.. or is it just some face saving propaganda?

I call it bullshit when the person says something that defies the laws of physics and/or illogical. No one should be open minded about such nonsense when the defiance and the non-logical is that obvious.
Forget defiance..that is your perception .. not my fault..

What is illogical in this:
"the radar can see a definite (not really so) cluster at some stage of the processes ABCD...Z.. it can transmit its coordinates to other detection systems with other means of detection ..mostly passive means..I am obviously not talking about consistency here but about doubt (since no "false alarm" is taken lightly in war).. that is when the Radar detects many targets (not stealth ones) and at some stage it finds an inconsistent signal.. it will be possible to transmit the general coordinates to other systems to verify what it is (validation).. because the Radar knows what Area it is covering, the range and direction of the radar waves.."

You call it Networking when it comes to the US.. but for others it is illogical:lol:
An Israeli plane gets shot down and chortling antisemitic viciousness erupts from these members' keyboards. See their courage, tolerance, and peacefulness on display! So proud and happy they are!
What an attention seeking post. Btw ur pilot wasnt killed if he was killed i would have cheered more. Not that i care about that terrorist assad, Not one bit, but seeing israeli arses banged is just another level of fun
What an attention seeking post. Btw ur pilot wasnt killed if he was killed i would have cheered more. Not that i care about that terrorist assad, Not one bit, but seeing israeli arses banged is just another level of fun
hey ocean how is argentina what r u doing over thr
Lol, No sense, like it's the first time missiles from SAM batteries shot at Israeli planes at the latest few years.
Fact is, It's the only time they manage to actually damage a plane, after more than 1000 Israeli operations in syria in this year alone .

'IDF performed 1000s of operations in Syria over past year'

Atleast our jets weren't shot down by rebels lol

at first assad wasn't responding, not wanting to risk another front. he recently moved on to actively firing on Zionist aggressor planes in Syrian territory. With rumours (always denied by Israel) of damaging some planes.

Now they have gone into actively hunting and ambusing Zionist planes. not even afraid of firing directly into occupied palestinian airspace. and vowing to continue doing so from now on. there is a huge difference. this is a new phase.

I actually expect Israel to perform some strikes short term to try and save face and say they weren't phased. But the danger levels , risks and ramifications of Israeli planes getting shot down, and possibly getting pilots captured, or leading to large scale war are going to have a huge influence in Zionist decision making in the medium term going forward.
@The SC

Bro, point is about successful execution of the so-called "kill chain" which is virtually impossible to accomplish when the target is a stealthy aircraft such as F-35 because it won't be visible like an aircraft on a radar screen in the first place. It might be dismissed as clutter but even if relevant information is relayed to another system, F-35 would be in motion and attacking any target in the vicinity.

And an F-35 will not be operating alone. Entire squadron will be operating and actively employing electronic warfare and precision munition to confuse and/or knock out threats in the vicinity.

Good luck at executing the desired kill chain under such circumstances.
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If we had nukes , we could teach Israelies a good lesson without worrying too much about USA and Nato ...
I hope Trump cancel that damned JCPOA that was signed by our traitors in power ....
to be answered my brother by me
As more information comes to light, it seems that the Syrian regime and the terrorist entity called Iran have suffered a massive blow in Syria with possibly many fatalities attributed to Israeli retaliatory strikes. T-4 air base suffered heavy damage as well as other bases belonging to the savage Shia terror regime.

It's also emerging that the Israeli F-16 was not directly hit and may have been pilot error in deciding to eject.

One such Iranian target was the military air base in Mezzeh, which is closed to the Syrian army. Iranian "advisers" from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps' (IRGC) Quds Force are stationed there to supervise the transfer of military equipment from Tehran to Damascus and from there to Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Another target was the T-4 air base in the eastern Homs province, 60km east of Palmyra. This is the largest military air base in Syria, which houses IRGC air force teams. The base suffered extensive damage, putting it out of commission after its control tower and 54 runways suffered direct hits.

The remaining two Iranian targets were a weapons depot in Jabal Mana, east of Al-Kiswah, which is being run by Iranian forces, and a military base in Tel Abu Tha'alab, south of Damascus, which is being used by Iranian troops.

Among the Syrian targets bombed was a Syrian army weapons depot west of Al-Kiswah on the outskirts of Damascus; a military base in Al-Dimas, in northeastern Damascus; and a military base in the nearby Madaya.

Also among the Syrian targets was the base of the Syrian army's 16th Division in the Qalamun Mountains, where the Syrian air force's anti-aircraft batteries are stationed; the base of the elite Syrian Republican Guard south of Damascus; the 156th Division's base north of Daraa, which also includes arms depots; the bases of the 79th and 89th Divisions, north of Daraa, which are located near the Israel-Syria-Jordan border; and the 175th Division's base in the Izra area.

So far, six military personnel were reported killed in the strikes, some of them "foreigners." Their identities have yet to be revealed. Arab commentators hinted on Sunday that the number of casualties could be much bigger.

Pilot who was seriously injured recovered:


A. Israeli propaganda about their "invincible" air force just came crashing down......
Israel never claimed anything like that. In every war we lost planes. In past 40 tears we lose much much less than before but no one claimed they are immune.

B. The rules of the game completely changed.
Nothing changed. You will keep slaughtering helpless civilians in Syria on daily basis and we will keep eliminating ur thugs time to time.
As more information comes to light, it seems that the Syrian regime and the terrorist entity called Iran have suffered a massive blow in Syria with possibly many fatalities attributed to Israeli retaliatory strikes. T-4 air base suffered heavy damage as well as other bases belonging to the savage Shia terror regime.

It's also emerging that the Israeli F-16 was not directly hit and may have been pilot error in deciding to eject.

Another case of plugged careburator..:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
So one F16I was intercepted by multiple sam missiles (20+ missiles launched at the force) after numerous attacks only Syria without damaged, and Israel intercepted an Iranian drone and Stroke 12 targets within syria including Iranian targets and anti aircraft batteries killing atleast 6, and people still think Israel is "scared" for some reason.
So syria had some luck destroying a missile with multiple sam batteries.
As for turks replying here, I remember your plane got intercepted just when it got inside syria, I wouldn't be so sure of my self
I agree to some extent. However, you also have to understand that as a mini hegemon in the region with superior firepower to almost all its adversary, it's normal that the weaker sides will obviously rejoice even if it can lay only a slight scratch on its far more powerful enemy.
It's like for example when you are in school and there is this big strong senior guy everybody in school fears and one day he fights a small weak opponent, but the small weak guy obviously losses the fight but even so, if the weak guy manages to at least scratch the stronger senior guy, for him that in itself is a victory and he will celebrate it for as long as he will be alive, his mates in school will also admire him and celebrate with him for as long as they are alive, even though the big guy is still the one calling the shots in the school and beating them when provoked or threatened.
So you have to see things from their own perspective as well. It's the same when the U.S/U.K invaded Iraq/Afghanistan. The militias and other radical Islamic/jihadists groups there will always celebrate and make endless videos about their achievements if/when they ever managed to target a few of our troops with some IED's/hit and run/using civilians as human shields from attacks etc etc. They will obviously celebrate this, which is normal and expected, regardless of the number of battles or casualties they have suffered. So, in short, the weaker party will always celebrate such trivial 'achievements/victories'. Since they know that doesn't happen very often.
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