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Israeli F-16 fighter jet shot down amid Syrian anti-air fire, pilots safe - IDF

The young generation of Israelis are less racist than old timers like Netanyahu. Hopefully Likud loses power next year election.
IMO frankly the general attitude of muslims towards jews whether israeli or non israelis frankly (leaving out palestinians as their grievances are legit) and attitude of jews towards muslims is wrong. Its wrong from both sides. Both have demonized each other to the point they fear each others presence as a threat for them.

Likes of netanyahu stand for nothing except lust for blood.

Basically , not all jews but orthodox type of jews are indoctrinated to be racists towards every other faith and mainly islam. But if we speak of sons of israel then compared to any other jew they have dual racism ingrained into psyches, one due to lineage tracing to prophet yaqoob second superiority sense due to faith.

Nonetheless i have nothing against jews , i am kind of cool with them.
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Why odd? It's not like the distances between Israeli territory and their targets are hundreds of miles away; probably it's only a few dozen. The Israeli warplane was returning home when hit. Seems natural that it would crash in Israeli territory.

I understand the jet got hit 80km inside Israeli airspace. If that is the case, effectively, the rag tag Syrian forces can hit Israeli jets within Israeli own airspace!

Do you not see the significance of this?
I understand the jet got hit 80km inside Israeli airspace. If that is the case, effectively, the rag tag Syrian forces can hit Israeli jets within Israeli own airspace!

Do you not see the significance of this?
Well, they always could've, same goes the other way around.
Can't India shoot down Pakistani plane inside Pakistan territory?
And when Israel's acts aren't "criminal" but praiseworthy? Ocean, Pakistanis are going to continue to have problems with corruption as long as they continue to trumpet words rather than use them to truthfully represent deeds in context.
frankly idont think israel has ever invested in image building efforts whether through media PR just like india has done or through other altruistic means.

However,israelis do deserve a credit for developing advanced defence tech. And my comments about cowardice wasnt out of biasedness i have often read accounts of israeli soldiers morale and reaction who got trapped in enemy clutches. Like read how ur forces had responded to common people on freedom flotilla. But then obviously some guys dont mean i would take it to generalize entire forces. But i just gave opinion based on what i have read in intl news coverages.

I understand the jet got hit 80km inside Israeli airspace. If that is the case, effectively, the rag tag Syrian forces can hit Israeli jets within Israeli own airspace!

Do you not see the significance of this?
Its not syrians who shot down its said its russians who did it. Atleast idont believe syrians would have done without russians help.

Well, they always could've, same goes the other way around.
Can't India shoot down Pakistani plane inside Pakistan territory?
But pakistan neither india boast of multi tier air defence systems like ones isarel has deployed. Even i am finding it hard to believe they were shot down over israeli territory.
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Well, they always could've, same goes the other way around.
Can't India shoot down Pakistani plane inside Pakistan territory?

Perhaps, maybe, who knows? BUT, considering 80km is a huge distance looking at the map of Israel and its strategic depth, they can , theoretically speaking, create a buffer zone within Israeli space in case of a war. Size of your country cannot afford such privilege to the adversary.

A US Air Force B-52 bomber arrives at Al-Udeid Air Base, Qatar. (Reuters)


JEDDAH: Arab News has been asked by the US State Department to correct a story published on Feb. 10 reporting an increased state of alert at Al-Udeid Air Base in Qatar. However, given the confirmed information it obtained before publishing, Arab News stands by the story.

We reported that the base, the main US air and military HQ in the Middle East, implemented exceptional heightened measures amid rising tension after an F-16 fighter jet was shot down over Syria on Saturday.

In response to the US request for a correction, Arab News asked the US State Department official who made the request if there had been any change in status at the base, any situation meetings, or any examination of possible engagement scenarios after the jet was shot down.

In a written statement, Capt. AnnMarie Annicelli of US Air Force Central Command Public Affairs at Al-Udeid, replied: “US Air Force Central Command is aware of news reports asserting Al-Udeid Air Base was placed on high alert following an incident in which Israel shot down a drone over its territory and one of their F-16s went down. At no time did the command or base go on a heightened state of alert. This incident highlights the dangers coalition aircrews have faced for nearly four years as they carry out air operations to enable the defeat of Daesh, flying over one of the most dangerous integrated air defense systems in the world. We are well aware of the dangers these systems pose and take necessary precautions and measures to mitigate the risks to our aircrew and aircraft.”
Capt. Annicelli’s statement did not answer most of the questions put by Arab News.

The source for our report, a Gulf intelligence officer who has asked for, and been granted, anonymity because of the sensitive nature of his role, confirmed that while the heightened alert status at Al-Udeid was not made public, there was increased activity and extra measures in place after the jet was shot down.

“These arrangements were made in response to the strike, and the fact that the US officials would not answer your questions should be enough to tell you what really happened,” the source said.

Arab News asked for further comment from the US, but officials declined to add to their statement.


CAIRO: The United States and Egypt on Monday reaffirmed their commitment to battle militants in the Middle East as US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson held talks with Egyptian officials in Cairo at the start of his week-long trip to the region.

Tillerson and his Egyptian counterpart, Sameh Shoukry, cited productive discussions on regional security and the struggle against the Daesh group, whose Egyptian affiliate, based in the Sinai Peninsula, has struck military and civilian targets across the Arab world’s most populous country.

At a joint news conference with Shoukry, Tillerson said Egypt was an important part of the anti-Daesh coalition and that Washington was “committed to strengthening this partnership in the years to come.”

“We agreed that we would continue our close cooperation on counterterrorism measures, including our joint commitment to the defeat of Daesh,” Tillerson said.

“We highly value the support the US gives us in this war,” Shoukry said.

The visit comes as Egypt is undertaking a major military operation in Sinai, where militants have been leading an insurgency for years, and in remote areas of the mainland where extremists have attacked security forces and civilians.

The campaign also comes ahead of March elections in which President Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi faces no serious competitors, after authorities sidelined his opponents using a variety of charges and disqualifications, leaving only a little-known supporter to run against him. El-Sisi, who will hold talks with Tillerson later in the day, says he is the only one who can bring stability to the country. Militant attacks, however, have surged under his leadership.

Washington, which gives Egypt some $1.3 billion in annual military assistance and hundreds of millions more in civilian aid, withheld some of the funding last summer, ostensibly over new Egyptian legislation that blocks much foreign funding of non-governmental organizations, especially those involved in human rights research.

Asked about his country’s view of the upcoming vote, Tillerson said the US always advocates for free and fair elections and would continue to do so. He did not specifically mention el-Sisi’s virtually uncontested election, or the aid being withheld.

“We have always advocated for free and fair elections, transparent elections, not just for Egypt but any country,” Tillerson said.

After his talks with el-Sisi, Tillerson is traveling on to Kuwait, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey, where he will meet local officails as well as Saudi, Emirati, Iraqi and Syrian delegations.
@The SC

Bro, point is about successful execution of the so-called "kill chain" which is virtually impossible to accomplish when the target is a stealthy aircraft such as F-35 because it won't be visible like an aircraft on a radar screen in the first place. It might be dismissed as clutter but even if relevant information is relayed to another system, F-35 would be in motion and attacking any target in the vicinity.

And an F-35 will not be operating alone. Entire squadron will be operating and actively employing electronic warfare and precision munition to confuse and/or knock out threats in the vicinity.

Good luck at executing the desired kill chain under such circumstances.
Bro, some new radars can see more than a clutter.. so the kill chain might just happen..I am not taking anything from the stealth fighters abilities.. but neither dismissing the new radars capabilities at detecting them..even if partially..it can trigger the kill chain..
Bro, some new radars can see more than a clutter.. so the kill chain might just happen..I am not taking anything from the stealth fighters abilities.. but neither dismissing the new radars capabilities at detecting them..even if partially..it can trigger the kill chain..
A stealth fighters rcs is not same all over it will vary at angles and also at the lateral or frontal sides. Asusming stealth aircrafts are invincible is not really not right.
Why are they showing only one pilot?
The same happened when they recovered "them"..they were supposed to be two!!
So either one pilot was lost..or worst yet it was not a F-16.. the only one with one pilot left is the F-35!!!?
I understand the jet got hit 80km inside Israeli airspace. If that is the case, effectively, the rag tag Syrian forces can hit Israeli jets within Israeli own airspace!
Do you not see the significance of this?
Since the harsh Israeli response appears to have deterred further escalation of the conflict, no, I don't see that shooting down one Israeli plane has much significance.
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