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Israeli F-16 fighter jet shot down amid Syrian anti-air fire, pilots safe - IDF

All I hear from Israeli posters is "wah wah wah, look at me, I am telling the truth". Hilarious.

Stop ethnic cleansing Palestinians. Go back to the West.
I agree to some extent. However, you also have to understand that as a mini hegemon in the region with superior firepower to almost all its adversary, it's normal that the weaker sides will obviously rejoice even if it can lay only a slight scratch on its far more powerful enemy.
It's like for example when you are in school and there is this big strong senior guy everybody in school fears and one day he fights a small weak opponent, but the small weak guy obviously losses the fight but even so, if the weak guy manages to at least scratch the stronger senior guy, for him that in itself is a victory and he will celebrate it for as long as he will be alive, his mates in school will also admire him and celebrate with him for as long as they are alive, even though the big guy is still the one calling the shots in the school and beating them when provoked or threatened.
So you have to see things from their own perspective as well. It's the same when the U.S/U.K invaded Iraq/Afghanistan. The militias and other radical Islamic/jihadists groups there will always celebrate and make endless videos about their achievements if/when they ever managed to target a few of our troops with some IED's/hit and run/using civilians as human shields from attacks etc etc. They will obviously celebrate this, which is normal and expected, regardless of the number of battles or casualties they have suffered. So, in short, the weaker party will always celebrate such trivial 'achievements/victories'. Since they know that doesn't happen very often.
OH let's see what happen to soldiers of Queen who are responsible for death of the thousands civilians and childs in Iraq

The rule of the engagement changed, Resistance will answer Israel attacks.
and it seems that you forget who is fighting in border of whom.

Oh I forgot about shit in pants of your brave Marines.
OH let's see what happen to soldiers of Queen who are responsible for death of the thousands civilians and childs in Iraq

The rule of the engagement changed, Resistance will answer Israel attacks.
and it seems that you forget who is fighting in border of whom.

Oh I forgot about shit in pants of your brave Marines.
you forgot this
All I hear from Israeli posters is "wah wah wah, look at me, I am telling the truth". Hilarious.

Stop ethnic cleansing Palestinians. Go back to the West.
Palestinians live better than your fellow Bengalis.
you forgot this
Thank you brother
I was child but I remember we humiliate both Americans and Old fox soldiers in (1382 or 83) as well.

last year Matt dog was Barking a lot about Iran but now he looks like Good dog.:-)

I don't take random internet posts as sources. Israel confirmed 20 missiles were fired at 8 Israeli aircraft, and not a single F-16.

Satellites can detect missile launches, so Israel should know the precise number of missiles fired.

I guess every time jets fly near Syrian border dozens of radars are locked on them.

Radar warning receivers can destingush differences in radar frequency and wave type among many other things. Military aircraft know if they are locked on by an S-200 or a ground radar or something else.

This is why EW aircraft try to sample radar and other data from different aircraft and weapons systems.

S-200 are stationed in Syria for 35 years and never were able to hit a shyt. Its not a serious threat when jet expecting it.

Again it is well established that the F-16 expected it. The F-16 was equipped with a RWR, the F-16 was returning from an attack on Syria and F-16 pilots know the range of S-200.

Obviously it was a prepared ambush with that Iranian UAV. From now on every time S-200 locks on Israeli aicraft we will simply destroy it.

You make no sense. The entire point of warfare is to outsmart and ambush the enemy. That is how Israel has historically been successful as have other militaries. How do you think the Serbs downed the F-117? How did Iraq down so many coalition aircraft during Desert Storm?

Aircraft and anti aircraft units always play a cat and mouse game. It's about planning and strategy. If well trained Russian units were to use the S-200 they could probably down a lot more then 1 Israeli F-16 it they have adequately trained crews, adequate number of S-200s. Things such as how those S-200s are hidden, how they are linked with radars and how well they are protected also play a role.
I don't take random internet posts as sources. Israel confirmed 20 missiles were fired at 8 Israeli aircraft, and not a single F-16.

Satellites can detect missile launches, so Israel should know the precise number of missiles fired.
Its pro Assad journalists with ties to Assadists and Hezbollah. Anyhow they fired over 20 missiles to hit one jet.

Radar warning receivers can destingush differences in radar frequency and wave type among many other things. Military aircraft know if they are locked on by an S-200 or a ground radar or something else.

This is why EW aircraft try to sample radar and other data from different aircraft and weapons systems.
There are dozens SAMs near border, each can track the jet with its radar and trigger alert.


You make no sense. The entire point of warfare is to outsmart and ambush the enemy. That is how Israel has historically been successful as have other militaries. How do you think the Serbs downed the F-117? How did Iraq down so many coalition aircraft during Desert Storm?
Shooting fighter deep inside Israel is called changing game rules. Problem that when u change game rules vs. much stronger rival u will bear much more heavy consequences.
That's actually the point. S-200 has huge range (about 300 km) but poor maneuverability. So it can hit fighters only when they are not expecting it. They caught F-16 off guard when it was deep inside Israeli territory. Even then they had to fire over 20 missiles to hit it.

What did they achieve? Some moral boost that's it, But In return Israel took out 12 targets inside Syria, including two S-200 batteries. Also from now on Israel also can shoot fighters deep inside Syria.

Do you understand S200 is an ancient product?

If your top of line F16 "sufa" can be shot down using this rusty old timer, flying among the so called best defence shield, god forbid if S400 enters the arena. And if you are getting off guard, that in itself is a failure of builtin ECM of the jet and your defence shield.
Its pro Assad journalists with ties to Assadists and Hezbollah. Anyhow they fired over 20 missiles to hit one jet.

So you are saying Israeli was lying when they said 20 missiles were fired at their attacking force? Israel has satellites that can detect launches but you believe some random people on a forum?

There are dozens SAMs near border, each can track the jet with its radar and trigger alert.


Again a RWR will not just alarm because of radars in the area. They will alarm once a radar lock is achieved. You can't fly without being tracked by some form of radars so what would be the point of a RWR if it works the way you think it works?

RWRs can destingish different waves lengths, bands, frequencies, etc. They are much more sophisticated and target specific then you think.

Shooting fighter deep inside Israel is called changing game rules. Problem that when u change game rules vs. much stronger rival u will bear much more heavy consequences.

What game rules? There are no rules. Israel have shot down almost every Arab aircraft outside of Israel but now that someone does the same to Israel it somehow changes something? As of a week ago Syria started playing by Israeli rules.

In other words, Israel is allowed to shoot aircraft down over Egypt, Syria and Lebonon but the latter can't do the same? What am I missing because I am confused.
In other words, Israel is allowed to shoot aircraft down over Egypt, Syria and Lebonon but the latter can't do the same? What am I missing because I am confused.
God's chosen people. I don't say that as a joke. We are all goyim.
Yes I am pretty sure. Considering China is an atheist state I have no idea what you're trying to prove here. But please do enlighten me.

God doesn't care who is or isn't atheist. Many bad things happen to religious people. Many good things happen to atheist people.

My point is, how are Chinese not God's chosen people?
God doesn't care who is or isn't atheist. Many bad things happen to religious people. Many good things happen to atheist people.

My point is, how are Chinese not God's chosen people?
Okay but what does that have to do with what I said originally?
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