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Israeli F-16 fighter jet shot down amid Syrian anti-air fire, pilots safe - IDF

It seems so because the area where this drone is shot down is few of the last hot beds of IS in Syria. Israel defending the IS pocket in south and USA defending IS pocket in east only 2 pockets left of IS and both are protected by USA and Israel.
If US had been supporting ISIS, it would have taken over Syria by now and would have been armed to the teeth with advanced weapons to counter Russia.

Did you forget what happened in Afghanistan in the 1980s?

ISIS diminshed in power and presence over the course of years because US has been pounding its positions with precision munition since 2014* and US army worked with diverse groups to consolidate gains against ISIS from the ground.

*Google "Operation Inherent Resolve." It is a masterpiece of American COIN related campaigns.

Unsubstantiated claims should not be propagated around in a forum. There is much greater circumstantial evidence of Russia and Turkey supporting ISIS than US and Israel. Should we accuse Russia and Turkey of supporting ISIS now?

Syria has turned into a hotbed of propaganda because so many stakeholders are involved for different ends.
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Wby not they shot again israel said they heavy bombed syria last night
Long ago , I said unstable Syria is more dangerous for Isreal then stable one. On top when they strike Iseali plane inside Isereali territory.
Long ago , I said unstable Syria is more dangerous for Isreal then stable one. On top when they strike Iseali plane inside Isereali territory.
Same aplly here in our part of world too sir
Looking at Syrian crises , I am sure WW3 will start from Syria.

The world is 5 years away from WW3 .

State sponsored terrorist have finished now. Now the states have come face to face.
Of course it is fake...it is as fake as “Israel”as State...but you do exist , so does the remain of your two craft that were downed by a 30 years old missile ...
It seems that your forces barely can overcome the Palestinian pupils, why don’t you stick at that..Israel will be a lot safer behind her walls...
F-16 is 40 years old plane. It was downed over Israel which was not expected. Pilots are safe. Unlike Assadists and Khamenaists killed in Israeli retaliation.

@500 trolling aside in this thread (I did not begin), I do respect you and often I find myself being in agreement with you when it comes to events in Syria (this will of course create enormous butthurt to the trolls that thanked that "Russian"'s troll's posts but who cares about Al-Assad (worst regime in existence) apologists) but I can't find out why you do not take the same principled (correct in other words) stance when it comes to Palestine and in particular Gaza? I don't see much difference other than the number of casualties.
There is much more differences than casualties, also casualties is a major issue.

1) Israel retreated from Gaza, and gave to Palestinians full autonomy there.
2 million Alawis on the other hand want to rule with iron fist over 22 million Syria and slaughter and displace millions to achieve that. Since Syrians refuse to slaughter own brothers they invited mercenary thugs from all over the world to slaughter them.

2) Israel respects cease of fires. Since last round in 2014 (which was initiated by Hamas) its calm in Gaza. Assadists on the other hand never respected cease of fire even for one day. They carpet bomb daily in Ghouta and Idlib which are in agreed deescalation zones.

3) Israel allows massive humanitarian aid in Gaza on daily basis. Every day some 100 truckloads enter Gaza from Israel. On the other hand during siege of Daraya for example, Assadists allowed only ONE humanitarian convoy in 5 years! More over they stole most of the goods from that convoy. I am not talking that Gaza borders Egypt, so they can enter anything they wish from there.

Also you yourself have admitted to Al-Assad being the best neighbor for Israel due to 40 + years of stability and the Syrian Golan Heights (now under Israeli control for 40 + years) never being attempted reconquered by the Al-Assad regime. So by this token I do not understand why you clearly support the Syrian opposition? If it is because of your principled stance, if so I do not understand why you are not more vocal when it comes to that same principled stance in Palestine. Are Palestinians less deserving of this? Don't the Palestinians deserve freedom and self-rule as well? At least their own state and to live in peace?
I support Palestinian state in 1967 borders with some corrections. I would never support Assadist style slaughter even when they fired rockets at my town.
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F-16 is 40 years old plane. It was downed over Israel which was not expected. Pilots are safe. Unlike Assadists and Khamenaists killed in Israeli retaliation.

There is much more differences than casualties, also casualties is a major issue.

1) Israel retreated from Gaza, and gave to Palestinians full autonomy there.
2 million Alawis on the other hand want to rule with iron fist over 22 million Syria and slaughter and displace millions to achieve that. Since Syrians refuse to slaughter own brothers they invited mercenary thugs from all over the world to slaughter them.

2) Israel respects cease of fires. Since last round in 2014 (which was initiated by Hamas) its calm in Gaza. Assadists on the other hand never respected cease of fire even for one day. They carpet bomb daily in Ghouta and Idlib which are in agreed deescalation zones.

3) Israel allows massive humanitarian aid in Gaza on daily basis. Every day some 100 truckloads enter Gaza from Israel. On the other hand during siege of Daraya for example, Assadists allowed only ONE humanitarian convoy in 5 years! More over they stole most of the goods from that convoy. I am not talking that Gaza borders Egypt, so they can enter anything they wish from there.

I support Palestinian state in 1967 borders with some corrections. I would never support Assadist style slaughter even when they fired rockets at my town.

That particular F-16 was modern and it got hit after it violated Syrian airspace on a bombing mission.

It was very expected. In fact the radar warning receiver always works, so I'm not sure how Israel didn't expect that it's F-16s would be targeted.
as several of its warplanes were reportedly shot down by local air defense units.
What kind of world do u live in dude...always spreading stupid information.
These are fighter jets not murghabis that u can shoot down easily and that too in numbers (several as ur source says).Only 1 fighter was shot down thats all.
Its the job of media to create hype and spread false news and people like u fall for such news easily.
In urdu,agr itne JAHAZ gire hote israel k to KHAP mach gai hoti...get a life.
Aha..that is because I was talking about transferring the coordinates to other detection systems.. so I thought you abbreviated them..:lol:
So anyway my question is the same.. but where ABCD...Z are other detection means..
You really do have a hard time with this analogy, do you?

The radar computer cannot make any 'coordinates' if it cannot statistically determine what is out there. The process chain I used was just an analogy but I guess even that simple example was too much for you. Sorry, but I cannot dumb it down any further.
Every person in this thread has some sort of grudge grievance against some people and country.

Now it is my turn.

Where are the disgusting Indians and Afghans? I am in the mood of crushing skulls.

If US had been supporting ISIS, it would have taken over Syria by now and would have been armed to the teeth with advanced weapons to counter Russia.

Did you forget ISIS and related terrorists actually had taken over most of Syria and did walk around with advanced weaopons "lost" to them, before the U.S. "intervened" and backed the more tanable "moderate" 5th columns to replace ISIS?

I say it again because you arent the first to pull of this bullshit. Dont be a simpleton and dont pretend people here a that dumb to buy this false "unconditional support or opposition" dichomotry. Supporting ISIS doesnt mean they have to supply ISIS with F-35s and send billions of dollars straight to their bank account like Israel. Supporting ISIS doesnt mean their endgoal has to be ISIS ruling over Syria. We are not living in a reality where making a left turn means your destination cant be to your right. Get educated before you talk like an infant about these conflicts, there are thousands of years to learn from.

ISIS diminshed in power and presence over the course of years because US has been pounding its positions
Dont make me laugh about your sand pounding whenever their 5th columns wherent around.

Unsubstantiated claims should not be propagated around in a forum. There is much greater circumstantial evidence of Russia and Turkey supporting ISIS than US and Israel.
Heed you own words.
If US had been supporting ISIS, it would have taken over Syria by now and would have been armed to the teeth with advanced weapons to counter Russia.

Did you forget what happened in Afghanistan in the 1980s?

ISIS diminshed in power and presence over the course of years because US has been pounding its positions with precision munition since 2014* and US army worked with diverse groups to consolidate gains against ISIS from the ground.

*Google "Operation Inherent Resolve." It is a masterpiece of American COIN related campaigns.

Unsubstantiated claims should not be propagated around in a forum. There is much greater circumstantial evidence of Russia and Turkey supporting ISIS than US and Israel. Should we accuse Russia and Turkey of supporting ISIS now?

Syria has turned into a hotbed of propaganda because so many stakeholders are involved for different ends.
U.S armed terrorists in syria to teeth, our commander said that terrorists use about 50 missiles against each tank!

Americans even armed terrorists with chemical weapons.

US has done nothing to stop or weaken the ISIS, when kilometers long of ISIS vehicles were attacking Iraqi cities, just few kilometers away from U.S bases, when ISIS was about to capture the Baghdad, when they were about to capture the whole Kurdish region, when Iranian-backed forces started to counter the terrorists, in none of them U.S did anything except condemning the Iraqi government for not being tolerate! the only reason that Americas finally decided to have a mere symbolic presence against ISIS was continues victory of Iranian-backed forces, they found ISIS dead already, so decided to minimize iran's role by a fake support for Iraq army.
That particular F-16 was modern and it got hit after it violated Syrian airspace on a bombing mission.
F-16 was modified similarity SAMs can were most probably modified too. Shooting happened deep inside Israeli territory (80 km from Syrian border).

It was very expected. In fact the radar warning receiver always works, so I'm not sure how Israel didn't expect that it's F-16s would be targeted.
It's possible that it used external guidance. From now on we will take measures deep in Israeli airspace too, but Assadists will pay for changing game rules much more (they already payed).

U.S armed terrorists in syria to teeth
LOL they don't have even MANDPADS like Afghans 40 years ago.

, our commander said that terrorists use about 50 missiles against each tank!
Quantizillion. No wonder that everyone laugh at Khamenaist propaganda.

Americans even armed terrorists with chemical weapons.
According to UN and OPCW its Assad who used chemical weapons.
F-16 was modified similarity SAMs can were most probably modified too. Shooting happened deep inside Israeli territory (80 km from Syrian border).

It's possible that it used external guidance. From now on we will take measures deep in Israeli airspace too, but Assadists will pay for changing game rules much more (they already payed).

LOL they don't have even MANDPADS like Afghans 40 years ago.

Quantizillion. No wonder that everyone laugh at Khamenaist propaganda.

According to UN and OPCW its Assad who used chemical weapons.
what does the gaming rules means when you attacked them whenever you wanted .

and i wonder what hit that Su-25 just several day ago, a Patriot maybe ?

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