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Israel seeks ways to halt Göktürk satellite project

Yes terrorist can penetrate Israel with suicide belt on his body, but gang traveling hundreds miles throught Israeli territory with large rockets? That can never happen.PKK is creation of Syria. There is no a tinniest evidence of Israel helping PKK.

lol..do you think they launched a hellfire from car? its not a big deal to hide a launcher and rocket in truck, maybe they got help from inside who knows millions of kurds live in this country. Why you force yourself that much, you have no evidence to support your claims but assumptions.

but gang traveling hundreds miles throught Israeli territory with large rockets? That can never happen

you already see anyone as terrorist who entered israel, obsessively, it really could be shame if it happens after all those precautions. you have tiny border to check if you compare to us.
lol..do you think they launched a hellfire from car? its not a big deal to hide a launcher and rocket in truck, maybe they got help from inside who knows millions of kurds live in this country. Why you force yourself that much, you have no evidence to support your claims but assumptions.
In country with more or less competent security forces people wit rockets could not travel hundreds of miles.

you already see anyone as terrorist who entered israel, obsessively, it really could be shame if it happens after all those precautions. you have tiny border to check if you compare to us.
You dont know what u are talking about. 20% of Israel population are Arabs and tens of thousands of Palestinians work here. Before Intfada there were vortually no checkings.
PKK is creation of Syria. There is no a tinniest evidence of Israel helping PKK.

Wikileaks: Israeli Mossad wanted to use Kurds against Iran 3.12.2010
By Wladimir van Wilgenburg


December 3, 2010

Documents leaked on last Sunday by Wikileaks suggest Israeli Mossad chief Meir Dagan wanted to use Kurds and ethnic minorities to topple the Iranian government. The Israeli spy service wants to have a weak divided Iran, like in Iraq where the Kurds have their own government, the spy chief told an U.S. official.

According to a memo from August 2007, Dagan described to Under-Secretary of State Nicholas Burns the five pillars of Israel's Iran policy, among them the desire to spark a revolution.
The memo notes, ‘instability in Iran is driven by inflation and tension among ethnic minorities. This, Dagan said, “presents unique opportunities, and Israelis and Americans might see a change in Iran in their lifetimes.”

Dagan notes that Iran could end up like Iraq. “As for Iraq, it may end up a weak, federal state comprised of three cantons or entities, one each belonging to the Kurds, Sunnis and Shias.” He added that Iran's minorities are "raising their heads, and are tempted to resort to violence."

There are several Iranian Kurdish opposition groups. The Party for Free Life in Kurdistan (PJAK) is based in the border mountains of Iraqi Kurdistan and carried out several attacks against Iranian forces in the Kurdish regions of Iran. The party is closely linked to the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK).

Often Iran accused PJAK and other Kurdish nationalist groups from Iran for being supported by Israel, but so far they have denied this support. Also U.S. and Israel denied supporting PJAK. The U.S. Treasury branded the PJAK as a terrorist organization last year. Furthermore the journalist Seymour Hersh also claims U.S. supports PJAK and other Iranian opposition groups.

The PJAK, or the (Partiya Jiyana Azad a Kurdistane) (Party of Free Life of Kurdistan), is a militant Kurdish nationalist group based in northern Iraq that has been carrying out attacks Iranian forces in the Kurdistan Province of Iran (Eastern Kurdistan) and other Kurdish-inhabited areas.

Since 2004 the PJAK took up arms for self-rule in Kurdistan province northwestern of Iran (Iranian Kurdistan,www.ekurd.netEastern Kurdistan). Half the members of PJAK are women. The PJAK has about 3,000 armed militiamen.

Iraq, Iran, Syria and Turkey all have significant ethnic Kurdish minorities. Estimate to 12 million Kurds live in Iran.

Wikileaks: Israeli Mossad wanted to use Kurds against Iran

If this is not enough for you, i can find a lot of sources about it.
If this is not enough for you, i can find a lot of sources about it.

doesnt matter how many sources you find, when these jewish fellows see an opponent article or investigation, they call journalists and sources as professional israel haters and anti-semite.

btw you can add seymour hersh to the list, i suggest you guys read his articles too.. you may find them interesting
I think it's in Turkey's interest to assume the worst when it comes to national security. So I think it's okay to assume that US, Israel and even UAE support the terrorist PKK and PJAK.

You could feel compelled to ask, "why should they", and it's pretty obvious "divide and conquor". US and Israel are interested in having the ME in constant conflic, so they are occupied with bickering. Support PJAK to keep Iran busy or in constant conflict, and since there isn't "really" any difference between PJAK and PKK, you're supplying and training those as well.

Someone said "civilian contractors" who train the terrorists, well I don't remember where I read it, but one reason why you call them "civilian contractors" is because you can't have a country's military conduct training against another country without that being the equivalent as declaring war, so yes, they call them "civilian contractors" I will not rule out that there are some civilian contractors involved, but we're not "blueeyed".

To be honest, I don't consider Israel an enemy, they're just a bigger nuissance than they're worth it. So it's better to do R&D and improve our own country's security and like the rest, supply the enemies of "my" enemies quid pro quo.

I am really glad To read this article about turkey having their first Recon/spy satellite and hope that our country's military can use it to keep better control with our border.

I read someone saying Israel was the only supplier of EO, so I made a little search on the internet and can see that several other countries have their own Spy satellite in orbit, so I am pretty sure that countries like China, Russia could provide some parts.

I'm quite excited tbh.
we will have this satellite,we will observe israeli soil too and will give the images to hizbullah and hamas if needed..those nazis observe our soil and have the chance to help pkk..we must be under the same conditions and we will be...
Be careful when all is said and done that satellite doesn`t have an accident and crash in the ocean. You give turks a bad name all of you, i remember a time when turks were proud to be above Israeli-Arab conflict. But that time is dead, welcome to the chaos. We do not lose.
Turkey USA
Iran vs Israel
Arabs Kurds

The big middle east game has started.
welcome to the chaos but you will lose.
Be careful when all is said and done that satellite doesn`t have an accident and crash in the ocean. You give turks a bad name all of you, i remember a time when turks were proud to be above Israeli-Arab conflict. But that time is dead, welcome to the chaos. We do not lose.

your country acts like crazy..i think you are drunk with power just like the nazis,we have to force you to get sober..we know your plans about east jerusalem and that makes us sick..

and of course you dont lose,you are the chosen people,right?:lol:
No, we are the the 6 million who if you choose to start a war with us you will get shunned by USA, Expelled from NATO, and hand over the power of the country to the military. Not because of religion but through strength.
And what plans with regards to east Jerusalem, there is an actual Law that has been implemented in 1980 that recognizes Jerusalem Undivided as the Capital of Israel. Or is this not known to you?
There are also laws in place that in case of any agreement it will require a Super Majority in the Knesset or a National Referendum in order to hand over any annexed land. So unless you are willing to go to war with Israel and have confidence that you might win, that won`t be happening little buddy.
No, we are the the 6 million who if you choose to start a war with us you will get shunned by USA, Expelled from NATO, and hand over the power of the country to the military. Not because of religion but through strength.
And what plans with regards to east Jerusalem, there is an actual Law that has been implemented in 1980 that recognizes Jerusalem Undivided as the Capital of Israel. Or is this not known to you?
There are also laws in place that in case of any agreement it will require a Super Majority in the Knesset or a National Referendum in order to hand over any annexed land. So unless you are willing to go to war with Israel and have confidence that you might win, that won`t be happening little buddy.

nope east jerusalem doesnt belong to you..there wont be a war so you wont get the armageddon you want..its not necessary tough..screw the knesset and referandum,you are getting delegitimazed day by day..i dont think you are aware of this but dont trust USA that much because they are also uneasy about your acts in ME..usa wants a stable ME,thats why they prefer moderate Turkey rather than crazy israel..they plan to chasten you..

wait and see,your daddy(usa) will discipline you;)
No, we are the the 6 million who if you choose to start a war with us you will get shunned by USA, Expelled from NATO, and hand over the power of the country to the military. Not because of religion but through strength.
And what plans with regards to east Jerusalem, there is an actual Law that has been implemented in 1980 that recognizes Jerusalem Undivided as the Capital of Israel. Or is this not known to you?
There are also laws in place that in case of any agreement it will require a Super Majority in the Knesset or a National Referendum in order to hand over any annexed land. So unless you are willing to go to war with Israel and have confidence that you might win, that won`t be happening little buddy.

That's some arrogance! Your Knesset can pass the law to claim the Mars or Timbuktu but that has no relevance in international law which--even according to American official policy--states that Settlements are illegal. Go and gobble up the whole Jerusalem and deny the Islamic world even that. But you will certainly see a point where the tide will turn against you. You cannot count on American support for over either. Your only viable option will be the 'Samson Option' which will make you no better than a suicide bomber. Is that how you guys want to end up? I hope not.

BTW Israel still needs Turkey more than vice versa. And Israel--like some of you above confess--is hoping that soon there is a 'secular' government in Turkey so that things can go back to 'normal' with Israel. May be that happens. May be not. The geo-political chess game is not waiting for Israeli wishes to be realized--the game in the Middle East is moving very fast. I think Israel and its 'Lobby' has still not attacked Turkey as it can because there is still this hope in Israel for a secular turn-around--even a military coup!

Also, it is a fallacy to say that Turkey is turning too-Islamic. Indeed, AKP is overtly more Islamist than CHP but Turkish foreign policy is driven by pure economic interests and that has paid big dividends through tourism and trade since at least 2003. Turkey is also cozying up with Russia. Is that Islamic too?
Every single Muslim Enemy of Israel has cozied and is cozying with Russia. Not because Russia cares for Muslims(Chechnya) but because when USA supplies one side Russia supplies the other side.

And yes i agree Samson Option is a Viable choice if all our Allies abandon us, Chaos will ensue.

With regards to the Law, it is an Internal law which is protected by the IDF. So it doesn`t really matter what International body accepts our laws or not, IDF protects them despite the fact others disagree.

Let me ask you this; If Israel were to be abandoned by the US, all Nations turn on Israel, Arab Nations and other hostile Muslim Nations attack us, doom seems imminent. What would you have us do? Would you have us not make a final stand? Destroy those that seek to destroy us? Or in the very least take them down with us?

I ask you this because unlike these Turkish "Israel Lovers" and their grammar skills, i find i can ask you this without your retort being "Allah huakbar"; I.E A rational person.
nope east jerusalem doesnt belong to you..there wont be a war so you wont get the armageddon you want..its not necessary tough..screw the knesset and referandum,you are getting delegitimazed day by day..i dont think you are aware of this but dont trust USA that much because they are also uneasy about your acts in ME..usa wants a stable ME,thats why they prefer moderate Turkey rather than crazy israel..they plan to chasten you..

wait and see,your daddy(usa) will discipline you;)

Sure. We`ll see i imagine.
Let me ask you this; If Israel were to be abandoned by the US, all Nations turn on Israel, Arab Nations and other hostile Muslim Nations attack us, doom seems imminent. What would you have us do? Would you have us not make a final stand? Destroy those that seek to destroy us? Or in the very least take them down with us?

Sure, if all Muslim countries are going to attack you en-mass then, yes, you may just resort to light-up the whole world. BUT...No one is going to attack you if you give justice to the Palestinians, return the Golan Heights to Syria. The Iranian big-mouth will not remain a hero once you achieve peace with the Palestinians. TRUST ME that people may not like Israel but they will learn to live with Israel. Israel can be a great positive force in the Middle East. I have often said that. Quit being an 'outpost of the West' in the Middle East. Your neighbors are not savages or primitive brute. And you must not forget that Jews were killed by the Europeans in large numbers in 20th century--not by Arabs or Muslims.

About your claim about 'internal' law as a basis to defy international policies, well, you are clearly using IDF's power to defy the whole international community. In that case you know that the Samson Option becomes more likely. History is a long process. Today you dominate--especially being backed by Americans--but tomorrow you will certainly not. Nothing lasts forever.
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