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Israel seeks ways to halt Göktürk satellite project

See how these anti Islam forces hate Islam. As Turkey started parting ways with Israel due to its terrorist policies against Palestinians, Turkey became an Islamic state in their eyes then what if Turkey implements Sharia, announces restablishment of Khilafah as Erbakan tried once and starts forming military alliances with muslim and arab states specially encircling Israel.

Its high time that Muslim masses revolt and through out the puppet and corrupt leaders, work hard, and select a leadership which will invest wisely and in higher percentage in higher education as well as research and development in high technology areas such as Aerospace sciences, Material Sciences, Nuclear technology, Biotech, Chemicals, Mathematics etc
Its not. Also I asked u to bring something better than Kurdish website.

Whut? Can u express yourself more clearly?

I did not see so far any evidence or document.

come on joo its not that hard :) i gave that iran example for you to understand better otherwise i see you forcing yourself to understand things...

tel-aviv a city of israel right? Can you assume this city as somewhere else out of israel? No.. Thats the same thing you cant assume pjak and pkk seperately. hope u got it now.. you finished me..

"partiya jiyana azadiya kürdistan" or pjak is wing of pkk active in iran. That one also run by puppet kurds, unofficial supporters are israel and usa.
come on joo its not that hard :) i gave that iran example for you to understand better otherwise i see you forcing yourself to understand things...

tel-aviv a city of israel right? Can you assume this city as somewhere else out of israel? No.. Thats the same thing you cant assume pjak and pkk seperately. hope u got it now.. you finished me..

"partiya jiyana azadiya kürdistan" or pjak is wing of pkk active in iran. That one also run by puppet kurds, unofficial supporters are israel and usa.
OK lets finish PJAK flame. Here the original wikileaks link:

Cable Viewer

Everything what Mossad chief said about Kurds there is:

E) Force Regime Change: Dagan said that more should be done
to foment regime change in Iran, possibly with the support of
student democracy movements, and ethnic groups (e.g., Azeris,
Kurds, Baluchs) opposed to the ruling regime.

He did not even mention any PJAK. So next time use more reliable sources than ekurd.net. :lol:
PKK training camps were found even here in Holland. And PKK is not created by Syria thats nonsense, Syria only used them because of territorial disputes with Turkey what later was solved peacefully anyway thats another story. The truth is it was the Armenians who created PKK, Abdullah Ocalan is not even Kurdish he doesnt know a single Kurdish word, His parents were Armenians, he became an orphan when they died during the so called ''genocide'' happend. later a Kurdish/Turkish couple adopted him and his sister that's the reason why he said: ''im ready to serve my country and people, my mother is also Turk'' when he was captured and underway to Turkey by plane.
He worked for Turkish intelligence later somehow Armenians found him. Intellegence say most of the PKK guerillas are Armenians, officers who checked bodies of killed guerillas found them almost everytime with cross on their necks and they are not circumcised. The PKK was created by Armenia after ASALA stopped their terrorist activities against Turkey at that time the PKK started, it is to avenge the so called ''genocide'' against them. The goverment and intelligence know this and thats the reason why they offered Armenia normalization of relations and open the borders dispite of Azeri/Turks anger, this happend at the same time when the government came with national unity project to give Kurds more rights etc. So that's the reason why they involved also Armenia in the process.
And Israelis telling us who our real enemies are is so funny.
wait and see,your daddy(usa) will discipline you;)[/QUOTE]

USA will discipline nothing, Jews own US politics and banks.
wait and see,your daddy(usa) will discipline you;)

USA will discipline nothing, Jews own US politics and banks.[/QUOTE]

the biggest power in the world is money..capitalism faced a hard test in the last economic crisis..westerners all know that they should find new markets and with their great young population north africa and ME countries are good options..they need stability in order to open those markets..

most of turkish people think jews own usa but its not true,usa is too big,noone can eat it alone..there is no place for a crazy israel in the new middle east.israel will be disciplined..

here is a question: have you ever wondered why turkish-usa relations didnt deteriorate when turkish-israel relations did?
here is a question: have you ever wondered why turkish-usa relations didnt deteriorate when turkish-israel relations did?
Why Israel-Turkey trade grew by 30% in 2010? :whistle: By the way, when Turkey is going to get Reaper UAVs?

PKK training camps were found even here in Holland.
Probably Holland is hiden Armenia :woot:
Why Israel-Turkey trade grew by 30% in 2010?

not only israel-turkey but also turkey-iran,turkey-syria,turkey-georgia,turkey-russia,turkey-uae etc.

btw i never said that israeli and armenian lobby have no effect in us policy..i dont think you are able to understand what i said,i mean,if we consider your jokes."holland is hiden armeniahahahaha" so funny troll..
USA will discipline nothing, Jews own US politics and banks.

most of turkish people think jews own usa but its not true,usa is too big,noone can eat it alone..there is no place for a crazy israel in the new middle east.israel will be disciplined..

Yes USA is too big and noone can eat it alone. Sure Jews are not the only ones but only they have the power to influence USA like no other. Israel will be disciplined but never by USA.
i wasnt expecting usa will support us in flotilla incident.also im not expecting that usa will stop supporting israel..without the us support,israel would be an illegal organization..the usa is devoted to israel,they never want israel to be destroyed etc

but what im saying is different..in the new perspective of ME,they will be forced to act rational(i explained before)..israel and usa are quite integrated,thats why usa giving military aid and political legitimacy to israel but they are all capitalist economies.they have to do what is needed.
not only israel-turkey but also turkey-iran,turkey-syria,turkey-georgia,turkey-russia,turkey-uae etc.
But I asked about Israel. U dodged both of my questions.

i dont think you are able to understand what i said,i mean,
I understood that you could not answer my questions.

,if we consider your jokes."holland is hiden armeniahahahaha" so funny troll..
Its ur friend who trolled about Holland and Armenia.
i wasnt expecting usa will support us in flotilla incident.also im not expecting that usa will stop supporting israel..without the us support,israel would be an illegal organization..the usa is devoted to israel,they never want israel to be destroyed etc

but what im saying is different..in the new perspective of ME,they will be forced to act rational(i explained before)..

Yes and thats also the true reason why Israel became hostile to Turkey. They dont like this new perspective of ME.
Look ovarel, are you mentally challenged? Because there is no other definition of a person refusing to acknowledge reality.
After the flotilla incident and deterioration of the Israeli-Turkey relationship US Congress threatened to recognize Armenian Genocide and not to mention what Americans have said about your FM and PM in the leaked Wikileaks documents.

According to leaked diplomatic cables, Erdoğan was described by US diplomats as having "little understanding of politics beyond Ankara" and as surrounding himself with an "iron ring of sycophantic (but contemptuous) advisors". He is said to be "isolated", and that his MPs and Ministers feel "fearful of Erdogan's wrath". Diplomats state that "he relies on his charisma, instincts, and the filterings of advisors who pull conspiracy theories off the web or are lost in neo-Ottoman Islamist fantasies".

Who the hell are you kidding, you enraged the Americans when your country refused to vote in favor of sanctions on Iran and tried to go behind their backs and brokered that useless deal about exchanging uranium.
Its ur friend who trolled about Holland and Armenia.[/QUOTE]

It was for the guy who said PKK operate from Syria and they created PKK. I mean just because they operated from there doesnt mean they created it.
U.S. thoughts on Turkish Foreign Policy: 'Rolls Royce ambitions but Rover resources'

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