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Israel seeks ways to halt Göktürk satellite project

And your thought about Turkey's Nato membership proves your ignorance about these issues..

well said..actually they are all crying in the same way.take a look at ynetnews,jerusalempost etc. they always say "hey nato,kick them out of the organization".. they have no clue about international politics..

i think they created a world for themselves and they live in that tiny little world..being delusional,playing the victim,whining all the time...these are all the symptoms of post-genocide syndrome..hope they recover:rolleyes:
Aww how cute, you actually believe you can win over Israel. I did say "Eventually" Turkey will be kicked not "Soon" or even "Near future" want me to look up the definition of the word?
And didn`t you know? Israel is perceived as the aggressor nowadays, not the victim. But i guess one of our theories prove right only when Hezbollah is under attack and Erdogan said he would intervene on their behalf, so either all he will do is whine about Israel or actually scramble jets to intercept our jets. In that case Ankara is fair game. But like i said only time will tell little buddy.:)
Aww how cute, you actually believe you can win over Israel. I did say "Eventually" Turkey will be kicked not "Soon" or even "Near future" want me to look up the definition of the word?
And didn`t you know? Israel is perceived as the aggressor nowadays, not the victim. But i guess one of our theories prove right only when Hezbollah is under attack and Erdogan said he would intervene on their behalf, so either all he will do is whine about Israel or actually scramble jets to intercept our jets. In that case Ankara is fair game. But like i said only time will tell little buddy.:)

you asked me before that why i excluded you from the troll list..it was because i hadnt seen you trolling..but dont worry..trolling is easy,you wont need a brain..

however,you are not able to understand what you read..i said that you are playing the victim and here is your genius response:"israel is perceived as the agressor":lol: i know it is and it should be..you are the agressor but you are playing the victim..are you able to understand now,genius?

yawn...enjoy yourself in your tiny little world..

i hope you recover...eventually:whistle::lol:
Yes, braniac, my sarcasm has clearly been detected by you.
Thank you for your best wishes, ditto.
If a liberal Democrat like Obama had to use such large amounts of Political capital just to make congressmen back off from this resolution, against his own fellow democrats i might add, Imagine what a full bred Conservative Republican President will do to Turkey once Obama is gone.

Wishful thinking on your part.

Turkey may not be as 'important' to America as Israel is 'perceived' to be but perhaps the second most important country for America in the region. I say 'perceived' because in 'The Israel Lobby' Walt and Mearseimer (spp?) have made a strong and historically famous case that it is the Israeli Lobby which tries to make a Israel as strategically more important than Israel really is. And, yes, a lot of that Lobby is the dual citizens who have a lot of clout through media and money. But that does not necessarily mean Israel is really as important to America, oil or no oil. The major oil producing 'Moderate Arab' regimes are American allies anyway.

So, true, while a Republican administration may be more pro-Israel I doubt it will go too far in alienating a rising Turkey.
Turkey is already alienated, an ally, but no better than Saudi Arabia or Pakistan; An essential ally for a higher purpose. We could argue who is more "important" but when it comes down to do it, ask yourself, if war broke between Turkey and Israel who would the US back? It is as simple as that.
Turkey was very important because it was secular so the three countries shared more than just Strategic values, we did so with Iran as well, but look at Iran now...
No single member country has the ability to 'kick' another single member country from NATO just because it's unhappy with the politics of the other. You must be a deluded, ignorant little twat to believe otherwise. NATO is a huge 28-member organization with very strategic roots that go beyond the individual politics of governing parties and base its foundations in the geostrategic. military and socioeconomic resources of its members. Turkey's one of the oldest members (joined in 1952) situated at an extremely critical location. In fact it has the second largest standing army in the NATO and ahs been at the forefront of the organization during the Cold War. Turkey is still extremely important as a bridge between Europe, Middle East and the Caucasian regions, with which Turkey shares important historic, cultural, economic and linguistic ties.

It'd take a lot more than the usual bitching and crying of the Jews to get the other 27 countries to vote on removing Turkey from NATO. You should do yourself a favor and just forget about it to save yourself from the embarressment.
Again you degenerate never have i said it would happen anytime soon. And if you believe USA can`t get turkey kicked by leveraging other members of NATO you`re the ignorant little twat.
US lawmakers blast 'disgraceful' Turkey over Iran, Israel

(AFP) – Jun 16, 2010

AFP: US lawmakers blast 'disgraceful' Turkey over Iran, Israel

WASHINGTON — US lawmakers slammed "disgraceful" Turkey on Wednesday over its ties to Iran and charged Ankara had the "blood" of nine Turks killed in an Israeli raid on a Gaza-bound aid ship on its hands.

"There will be a cost if Turkey stays on its present heading of growing closer to Iran and more antagonistic to the state of Israel," warned Representative Mike Pence, the number three House Republican.

The group, firing an unusually harsh rhetorical broadside at a NATO ally, rebuked Turkey for backing the aid flotilla, criticizing Israel, and opposing US efforts to impose new sanctions on Tehran over its suspect nuclear program.

"Because Turkey is a NATO ally, it's even more disgraceful, their actions," said Democratic Representative Eliot Engel, who joined his colleagues in accusing Ankara of drifting away from the West and into the arms of Iran.

"If we look at what the Turkish government has done in the past couple of years: they certainly have a very strong Islamic bent, but a bent in terms of looking towards Iran, and looking towards the Middle East, and not looking at the West and NATO anymore," said Engel.

The lawmakers slammed Turkey for backing an aid flotilla for Gaza and said Ankara was to blame for the deaths of eight Turks and a dual Turkish-US national in a May 31 raid on one of the ships, the Turkish ferry Mavi Marmara.

"I believe that blood is on the hands of Turkey," Republican Representative Peter King.

"As far as I'm concerned, Turkey is responsible for the nine deaths aboard that ship, it is not Israel's troops that are responsible,"
said Democratic Representative Shelley Berkley.

Pence said he would consider dropping his opposition to a US Congress resolution branding the World War I era mass killings of Armenians by Ottoman forces as "genocide" and hinted at other consequences.

Berkley said she had turned Turkish officials away from her office this week and would continue to do so "until I see and change in policy" and vowed to fight against Turkey's accession to the European Union.

"They don't deserve to be a part of the EU until they start behaving more like the European nations and a whole lot less like Iran," she said.

Ohh i can see your logic that Turkey is quite loved in the US.
Again you degenerate never have i said it would happen anytime soon. And if you believe USA can`t get turkey kicked by leveraging other members of NATO you`re the ignorant little twat.
Once Einstein said " two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity and i am not sure about the universe" .. you are an alive evidence how he was right.. I hail einstein the great.
WASHINGTON — US lawmakers slammed "disgraceful" Turkey on Wednesday over its ties to Iran and charged Ankara had the "blood" of nine Turks killed in an Israeli raid on a Gaza-bound aid ship on its hands.
lets have a look which lawmakers are they who criticize Turkey..
2 of them already jewish.. so thats normal
one of them is own an electoral district contains over 300.000 jews..
one another is a member of "congrassional anti-semitism task force" whatever is it..
"There will be a cost if Turkey stays on its present heading of growing closer to Iran and more antagonistic to the state of Israel," warned Representative Mike Pence, the number three House Republican.

"I believe that blood is on the hands of Turkey," Republican Representative Peter King.

"As far as I'm concerned, Turkey is responsible for the nine deaths aboard that ship, it is not Israel's troops that are responsible," said Democratic Representative Shelley Berkley.
Berkley said she had turned Turkish officials away from her office this week and would continue to do so "until I see and change in policy" and vowed to fight against Turkey's accession to the European Union.

"They don't deserve to be a part of the EU until they start behaving more like the European nations and a whole lot less like Iran," she said.

"Because Turkey is a NATO ally, it's even more disgraceful, their actions," said Democratic Representative Eliot Engel

Ohh i can see your logic that Turkey is quite loved in the US.
you becoming my idol day by day :lol:

btw did you guys notice this peter king guys seems like twin of walter bishop from fringe series :P
Ohh 2 Jews and 2 Jew sympathizers. So they must be biased and not actually acting out of their own beliefs and rights as elected officials? Turks like you make me wonder about the fate of Turkey.
Yes albert einstein is great, i agree. We could yet again argue who is the dumb one, the retarded one, the blind imbecile. But it seems in everything you`ll find the Mossad, Jews, Zionists, Jews/Zionists controlled Media, Jew/Zionist Congressmen and whatnot. Let`s sum it up then shall we? If you hate this country so much be a man and do something about it. Might even become a shahid if you`re lucky.
Ohh 2 Jews and 2 Jew sympathizers. So they must be biased and not actually acting out of their own beliefs and rights as elected officials?But it seems in everything you`ll find the Mossad, Jews, Zionists, Jews/Zionists controlled Media, Jew/Zionist Congressmen and whatnot.
next if you wanna exemplify something pick people from non-jews and non-sympathizers, idiot.. now begin searching google, after my seminar has finished i will be here to see what you have got.. cant wait to see wooo :cheesy:
Turks like you make me wonder about the fate of Turkey.
if i were in your place i would worry about israel's fate..
Let`s sum it up then shall we? If you hate this country so much be a man and do something about it. Might even become a shahid if you`re lucky.
u wanna get rid of me, dont you? :cry:
Is that a Special school you go to? If they weren`t Israel`s friends they wouldn`t have came out and supported it... Jesus what do they do to you people in Turkey...
It would encourage you though to know that after the Flotilla incident 87% of the US senate came out in Support of Israel and 307 members of the House of Representatives.
Reid and McConnell lead letter to Obama defending Israel in flotilla incident - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

A huge majority of senators co-signed a letter to President Barack Obama Wednesday defending Israel's actions in the flotilla incident last month and urging the administration to oppose a U.N. resolution critical of the country.

Led by Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) — and signed by 85 other members of the upper chamber — the letter argues that Israel's blockade of Gaza was both legal and necessary, and that Israeli commandos were acting in self-defense when they landed on the ship.

"[V]ideo footage shows that the Israeli commandos who arrived on the sixth ship, which was owned by the Turkish Humanitarian Relief Foundation (the IHH), were brutally attacked with iron rods, knives, and broken glass," the senators wrote.

"They were forced to respond to that attack and we regret the loss of life that resulted," the letter adds.

The bipartisan group of lawmakers urged Obama to oppose a resolution in the United Nations critical of Israel.

"We commend the action you took to prevent the adoption of an unfair United Nations Security Council resolution, which would have represented a rush to judgment by the international community," the authors wrote. "We also deplore the actions of the United Nations Human Rights Council which, once again, singled out Israel."

87 Senators Sign Letter Urging Obama's Support of Israel, Media Mostly Mum | NewsBusters.org
btw did you guys notice this peter king guys seems like twin of walter bishop from fringe series
:woot: That's exactly what i thought when i saw his face! But those guys look like aliens:devil:

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