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Israel seeks ways to halt Göktürk satellite project


16 JULY 2009, ANKARA

As per the tender of the Contract on December 18, 2008, the contract negotiations of GÖKTÜRK
Reconnaissance and Surveillance Satellite Project with TELESPAZIO, a Finmeccanica/Thales Company,
has been finalized. GÖKTÜRK Contract was signed between Undersecretariat For Defence Industries
(SSM) and TELESPAZIO on July 16, 2009.

GÖKTÜRK Project is executed in order to meet the image acquisition need of Turkish Armed Forces for
military intelligence in any region of the world without any geographic restriction. In the scope of the
 1 (one) very high resolution Electro-Optical (EO) Reconnaissance and Surveillance Satellite will be
 1 (one) dedicated Fixed Ground Station (Ankara) and 1 (one) Mobile Ground Station (GS) will be
 Assembly Integration and Test (AIT) Facility will be established at TAI A.. premises with
contribution of TÜRKSAT A..

GÖKTÜRK Project is a very important milestone for Turkish Air Forces and Defence Industry in that:

 Turkey will possess a very high resolution Electro-Optical (EO) Reconnaissance and Surveillance
Satellite that will serve both military and civil purposes.
 AIT Facility will ensure the assembly, integration and tests of Reconnaissance and Surveillance,
Communication, Early-warning and Research Satellites up to 5 tons. Capability of simultaneous
assembly, integration and test of three satellites will be gained. The tests of GÖKTÜRK-1 and
GÖKTÜRK-2 Satellites will be conducted in this Facility.
 1 (one) dedicated Fixed Ground Station (Ankara) and 1 (one) Mobile Ground Station (GS) will be
established to serve for command, control, task, and image download, processing and exploitation
operations of all Reconnaissance and Surveillance Satellite Systems.
 Local content ratio that is higher than 20 %, and offset ratio that is around 150% will be achieved.
 TAI A.., ASELSAN A.., TÜBĐTAK-UEKAE and ROKETSAN A. will take responsibility as sub-
contractors within GÖKTÜRK Project. The participation of Turkish Defence Industry in this project
will be in the following areas:
• Development of national crypto,
• Software and hardware of Ground Station,
• Construction of AIT Facility and procurement of equipments,
• Participation to mechanical design and production of satellite,
• Direct Participation to design and production activities.

 By commercialization of the images acquired, the return of the investment will be enhanced and fund
will be supplied for other satellite projects.
 Infrastructure, know-how and human resources for satellite design, integration and test will be
 The images acquired by GÖKTÜRK Satellite will be used in Transportation, Forestry and
Environment, Disaster Management, Production of Data for Geographical Maps, Survey and
Cadastre, and Monitoring of natural resources.
Blah blah blah, you say only time will tell if losing Turkey to Islamist lunatics will be bad, i can assure you it is. For both of our Nations.
And the Distancing began when your Ruling government first took power, and took away power from the secular Military.
We turned a blind eye to what you did to the Kurds because you were once a Friend, no more. The kurds will be our Palestinians, Kurdistan will be our Palestine.
Your Kurdistan love has started before Islamists period not today. After losing of your ally Egypt bad days more closer for Israel.
No argument there, The kurds and Jews were distant ethnic relatives apparently.
Now they have our undivided attention.
Vord, relax with the melodrama. Is it so hard to have a conversation without saying "joo" or calling Israelis "pricks"?
And its pretty clear why Turkey and Israel "parted" ways... We had a friend who was a muslim but a secular muslim named Turkey, but Turkey decided to slowly yet surely become an Islamic state, so we had to Part ways.
I`m sure when Turkey feels like going secular again, we will be friends again. Till then, the enemy of my enemy is my dear kurdish friend.
And with regards to your Satellite, best of luck.

my hate to jews becomes day by day clear..
so just because Turkey is moving towards Iran and islamic state(told by the so called western media which is 1 big bullshit) and being more islamic is the reason why jews had to part away from Turkey?
So Islam and Judaism can't live together?
Doesn't this kinda confirm that jews want to take 100% of palestinians land and actually totally murder them out?(when there wasn't media and cameras like maybe in 1400?)
so when we are secular.. and you guys are 100% zionists...
its allright...
but when in the eyes of so called western world be islamic.. its not okay?
what kind of fcked up animal are you?

i wish ottoman empire was in power just because jewish state would never exist..
Blah blah blah, you say only time will tell if losing Turkey to Islamist lunatics will be bad, i can assure you it is. For both of our Nations.
And the Distancing began when your Ruling government first took power, and took away power from the secular Military.
We turned a blind eye to what you did to the Kurds because you were once a Friend, no more. The kurds will be our Palestinians, Kurdistan will be our Palestine.

The religious aspect was not in play when relations went sour. It happened during the Syria/Israel peace talks we were moderating where we got Syria to agree to almost everything Israel wanted and Israel agreed to many things. Everything on both sides looked very good as almost 4 rounds of talks had took place and the 5th was predicted to end with signing of a treaty and Erdogan even had a celebration dinner with Olmert lasting hours. Days after that happened you went and started a war in Gaza and screwed everything up.

Which resulted in not only the AKP red lining you but even the CHP came out and said they supported cutting relations with Israel along with the MHP. So all 3 main political parties were in agreement on this.

The Davos incident made things worse and finally the flotilla ended all relations. Nations are accountable to others in the region. You can not run around doing what you like and expect strong relations with everyone. It wasn't just Turkey you lost almost every single European state released statements criticizing Israel in Gaza. You brought this on yourself.
PKK had supported by Syria in the past
Yup. Syria actually created it. And they still operate in Syria.

but today by Israel.
There is no even tinniest evidence for this claim.

So Islam and Judaism can't live together?
It can, once Islam will stop be used as political tool for Arab nationalists.

Doesn't this kinda confirm that jews want to take 100% of palestinians land and actually totally murder them out?
Israel took all lands which u call "Palestinian" 44 years ago. And their number grew since then 4 times. Their life standards also drastically improved. Israel also gave them a wide authonomy, something they never had before.
Yup. Syria actually created it. And they still operate in Syria.

Syria ended it's Support for PKK 1998 when Turkey threatend with War, but Israel is Supporting Peshmerga and PKK in northern Iraq with Training and some Weapons.

BTW: Can you confirm the Claim that Syria do Support PKK Today ?

It can, once Islam will stop be used as political tool for Arab nationalists.

That's right, but Israel should do the first Step and end the Settlement in Palestinian populatet Areas !

Israel took all lands which u call "Palestinian" 44 years ago. And their number grew since then 4 times. Their life standards also drastically improved. Israel also gave them a wide authonomy, something they never had before.

Today they have no Acces to clean Water. If these Areas have so called "Authonomy" why is it possible that Jewish (Extremist) Settlers can expand their Settlements ? Also the Number of the ultrorthodox Israeli Settlers are growing, one Family have up to 3 - 5 Child According some German News Dailys, on the other Side the Number of Secular Israelis is decreasing !

Religious Extremism is a big Threat for the Peace in middle East, no matter if it's Motivation come from Islam or Judaism !
Syria ended it's Support for PKK 1998 when Turkey threatend with War, but Israel is Supporting Peshmerga and PKK in northern Iraq with Training and some Weapons.

BTW: Can you confirm the Claim that Syria do Support PKK Today ?
I said that they still operate in Syria. I dont know if they still support them, although hard to imagine that in brutal dictatorship like Syria someone could operate without regimes approval.

That's right, but Israel should do the first Step and end the Settlement in Palestinian populatet Areas !
Israel was attacked before any settlements. And there are plenty of conflicts with Muslims around the world why that obession with Palestinians? Why no one gives a damn about occupied Karabakh or 100,000 killed in Chechnya? Are they less Muslim than Palestinians?

Today they have no Acces to clean Water.
They have, except few bedouins. Infant mortality level of Palestinians is lower than in most of Arab countries and Iran and Turkey.

If these Areas have so called "Authonomy" why is it possible that Jewish (Extremist) Settlers can expand their Settlements ?
Well we removed all settlements from Gaza but they still fire rockets.

Also the Number of the ultrorthodox Israeli Settlers are growing, one Family have up to 3 - 5 Child According some German News Dailys, on the other Side the Number of Secular Israelis is decreasing !

Religious Extremism is a big Threat for the Peace in middle East, no matter if it's Motivation come from Islam or Judaism !
Thats true that orthodox are growing, but most of them dont even serve in the army.

16 JULY 2009, ANKARA

As per the tender of the Contract on December 18, 2008, the contract negotiations of GÖKTÜRK
Reconnaissance and Surveillance Satellite Project with TELESPAZIO, a Finmeccanica/Thales Company,
has been finalized. GÖKTÜRK Contract was signed between Undersecretariat For Defence Industries
(SSM) and TELESPAZIO on July 16, 2009.

GÖKTÜRK Project is executed in order to meet the image acquisition need of Turkish Armed Forces for
military intelligence in any region of the world without any geographic restriction. In the scope of the
1 (one) very high resolution Electro-Optical (EO) Reconnaissance and Surveillance Satellite will be

1 (one) dedicated Fixed Ground Station (Ankara) and 1 (one) Mobile Ground Station (GS) will be
Assembly Integration and Test (AIT) Facility will be established at TAI A.. premises with
contribution of TÜRKSAT A..

GÖKTÜRK Project is a very important milestone for Turkish Air Forces and Defence Industry in that:

Turkey will possess a very high resolution Electro-Optical (EO) Reconnaissance and Surveillance
Satellite that will serve both military and civil purposes.
AIT Facility will ensure the assembly, integration and tests of Reconnaissance and Surveillance,
Communication, Early-warning and Research Satellites up to 5 tons. Capability of simultaneous
assembly, integration and test of three satellites will be gained. The tests of GÖKTÜRK-1 and
GÖKTÜRK-2 Satellites will be conducted in this Facility.
1 (one) dedicated Fixed Ground Station (Ankara) and 1 (one) Mobile Ground Station (GS) will be
established to serve for command, control, task, and image download, processing and exploitation
operations of all Reconnaissance and Surveillance Satellite Systems.
Local content ratio that is higher than 20 %, and offset ratio that is around 150% will be achieved.
TAI A.., ASELSAN A.., TÜBĐTAK-UEKAE and ROKETSAN A. will take responsibility as sub-
contractors within GÖKTÜRK Project. The participation of Turkish Defence Industry in this project
will be in the following areas:
• Development of national crypto,
• Software and hardware of Ground Station,
• Construction of AIT Facility and procurement of equipments,
• Participation to mechanical design and production of satellite,
• Direct Participation to design and production activities.

By commercialization of the images acquired, the return of the investment will be enhanced and fund
will be supplied for other satellite projects.
Infrastructure, know-how and human resources for satellite design, integration and test will be
The images acquired by GÖKTÜRK Satellite will be used in Transportation, Forestry and
Environment, Disaster Management, Production of Data for Geographical Maps, Survey and
Cadastre, and Monitoring of natural resources.

BINGO! from whom it will be procured? as to my understanding it is Israel El-Op subsidiary of Elbit the biggest defense corporation in Israel and placed 30 worldwide, all Israeli observation satellites using cameras developed and manufactured by El-Op, El-Op known for their high quality low price and weight space cameras.
Israel has started lobbying to halt the Göktürk electro-optical satellite project, which will pave the way for the Turkish military to gather its own intelligence.


The project will also enable the acquisition of high-resolution images for military purposes in Europe, the Caucasus and the Middle East, and it will strengthen Turkey’s hand in fighting the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK). Concerned that the satellite will gather images from its territory, Israel has put pressure on France, which is working on the construction of the satellite in cooperation with the Italian-based Telespazio to stop the project. Given the possibility that its efforts in France prove fruitless, Israeli officials are also lobbying in Ankara.

Once the satellite is launched, Turkey will be able to sell the images obtained through the satellite to other countries as well. Israel is currently attempting to negotiate with Turkish officials in order to ensure Turkey does not sell images of Israel to other states. However, the response of Turkish officials was clear: “We decide how to use the images taken by our satellite.”

Speaking to Today’s Zaman, high-level officials from the Turkish Defense Ministry said: “For years, Israel has obtained images of our territory. For the first time, we will have a satellite for intelligence. Reciprocity is essential in international relations. If they observe Turkish soil, Turkey has the same right, too.” Turkey’s defense and procurement authorities had completed a deal with Telespazio for the construction and launching of the country’s first military satellite, Göktürk, in 2009. The 250 million euro contract was signed on July 16, 2009 at a ceremony attended by top Turkish officials including Defense Minister Vecdi Gönül and Undersecretariat for the Defense Industry (SSM) head Murad Bayar and company representatives.

The agreement covers the supply of an earth-observation satellite equipped with a high-resolution optical sensor, an integration and test center for satellites to be built in Turkey and the entire ground segment of the system, which will carry out in-orbit operation, data acquisition and processing. Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) has been eliminated from the approximately $250 million project.

Israel seeks ways to halt Göktürk satellite project | TRDEFENCE

This proves that Israel cannot be trusted. That is where turkey should have better relations with Iran and Syria.
Vord, relax with the melodrama. Is it so hard to have a conversation without saying "joo" or calling Israelis "pricks"?
And its pretty clear why Turkey and Israel "parted" ways... We had a friend who was a muslim but a secular muslim named Turkey, but Turkey decided to slowly yet surely become an Islamic state, so we had to Part ways.
I`m sure when Turkey feels like going secular again, we will be friends again. Till then, the enemy of my enemy is my dear kurdish friend.
And with regards to your Satellite, best of luck.

So you admit your wider enemies are muslims not arabs or turks..and turks became enemy after "supposedly" going islamic even if that was by name only...thanks for exposing yourself..now you are suddenly faced with much larger enemy due to foolish choice of words.!

PKK had supported by Syria in the past but today by Israel. Doubtless they can't be Kurds which terrorists has yellow hair blue eyes killed by Turkish special forces in PKK camps .
There are plently of syrians with yellow hair and blue eyes!

No argument there, The kurds and Jews were distant ethnic relatives apparently.
Now they have our undivided attention.
In politics..anyone even a donkey becomes your distant releative at times of need!
bombing them to the stone age???? :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

The metaphor was helping kurds establish their Kurdistan.


Exposed myself? Every Islamic Nation hates Israel and this is news to you? No, no Islamic Nation is or was a friend of Israel. Iran is not an arab country, they are muslim and they are by far our biggest threat... Are you just playing stupid?
And with regards to Kurds, i just read that we were apparently related
A team of German, Indian and Israeli specialists published the results of their research that showed that the Jews were distant ethnic relatives of the Kurds.[8] The Jews and Kurds according to the research teams have common ancestors who resided in the area between the Kurdish areas of Turkey and Iraqi Kurdistan.
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