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Israel launches air strikes on Syria

I thought you said you would stop posting in this thread for now you dirty lizard eater? You just came back cuz your s.hit dirty deserts were too hot to be in ? Anyway you have a perfect opportunity to make yourself a shaheed in syria and get your hairy 72 male virgins. Let me rub it again in your inferior bedouin illiterate face... only place for arab unity is the grave that assad has dug for you hehehehe.

Inferiority complex at it's best exclusively in Iran.
Well you need to be rational with me bro. The FSA isn't committing massacres. The Syrian military and Assad forces are doing so from the air and ground. We can argue about this all day long, but you don't get to decide the fate of the Syrian people and neither does the Iranian government. The last thing Assad is looking for is peace, he's looking for a surrender. This won't happen. He already destroyed most of the country and it's time for him and the corrupt system to go. Nobody is willing to go back to the same life.
I'm rational, but we get our news from 2 different sources, in one side is U.S ,Europe, and GCC dictators and in the other side is Iran, Syria and Russia. you chose your side and I did too, you trust the news from that side and I trust this side. yeah, we don't have right to decide about Syrian people so do you, US and GCC dictators. and this is their troops who are in Syria, the very same country that is suppressing the protestors in Bahrain, so unless you run an election no I can trust your words about Asad and his regime.
Gulf Africans? I am not from the Gulf region nor are there any Africans in the Gulf aside from immigrants and descendants of African slaves who only number 3-5 percent. Just as in parts of Iran btw. Iranians were slaves once as well, don't forget.

I am from Hejaz, the same region Prophet Muhammad (saws) came from and his family. I am a Meccan Hashemite. My ancestors were Sharifs of Makkah.

Do you also call them Africans when you cry for them and flog yourself in their name? I guess not, Kazakh Nomad. If not then keep quite. You can support your tiny sect members all you want as long as you do not support the genocide/killings of Sunnis and Arabs as you do in Syria. Then we will be against you.

Also don't talk about race. We all know that Iranians are mutts. Genetics prove this. You where ruled/conquered by so many peoples. Turks, Arabs, ancient Semitic peoples, Mongols, Gypsies etc. Hence why you have so many different group of people.

Posting pictures from Iraq and Palestine is not going to help you, Kazakh Nomad. Don't you have a donkey to ride on mutt?

Iran is world champion in state-sponsored terrorism. Your Mullah's break all world records. Thousands of little brainwashed Iranian kids were used as cannon fodder against the Iraqi forces.

You have a 13 year old Iranian suicide bomber who is a national hero and whose grave is a place of pilgrimage. I guess when you are a sect then another pagan ritual does not hurt.

Worry about your poor and isolated country that is about to fall apart. Then I will enjoy living in one of the most rich areas in the world with the biggest Muslim economy and Middle Eastern economy, with the fastest growing economy and in blessed and beautiful lands.

Here are your cartons that teach children suicide bombing:

Iranian cartoon teaches children suicide bombing.mp4 - YouTube

Make sure to say hello to your boyfriend on your avatar.

Anyway I have wasted enough time with you. Go enjoy a Mullah and your failed country. I hope that not too many webpages are blocked and that you can survive the day. Maybe a few carpet bombs or two, like the Child-Murderer your Mullahs support in Syria have done regularly, will help you regain your senses.
^^ :omghaha: A Yemeni calling Iran a failed state. Stupid bedouin , Iran's GDP per capita is 7 times that of your poor country. Yemen is where Iran was 200 years ago , both economically and socially. No go wash your camels.

Bashar and Hassan Nasserallat: "If any single missile falls into Syria, we will burn Tal Aviv".

Aljazeera: "But, Mr.Shahadah, you haven't responded to any of Israeli raids!?"

Mr.Shahadah: "Idiot! We clearly said a single missile, but 3 were used."
Gulf Africans? I am not from the Gulf region nor are there any Africans in the Gulf aside from immigrants and descendants of African slaves who only number 3-5 percent. Just as in parts of Iran btw. Iranians were slaves once as well, don't forget.

I am from Hejaz, the same region Prophet Muhammad (saws) came from and his family. I am a Meccan Hashemite. My ancestors were Sharifs of Makkah.

Do you also call them Africans when you cry for them and flog yourself in their name? I guess not, Kazakh Nomad. If not then keep quite. You can support your tiny sect members all you want as long as you do not support the genocide/killings of Sunnis and Arabs as you do in Syria. Then we will be against you.

Also don't talk about race. We all know that Iranians are mutts. Genetics prove this. You where ruled/conquered by so many peoples. Turks, Arabs, ancient Semitic peoples, Mongols, Gypsies etc. Hence why you have so many different group of people.

Posting pictures from Iraq and Palestine is not going to help you, Kazakh Nomad. Don't you have a donkey to ride on mutt?

Iran is world champion in state-sponsored terrorism. Your Mullah's break all world records. Thousands of little brainwashed Iranian kids were used as cannon fodder against the Iraqi forces.

You have a 13 year old Iranian suicide bomber who is a national hero and whose grave is a place of pilgrimage. I guess when you are a sect then another pagan ritual does not hurt.

Worry about your poor and isolated country that is about to fall apart. Then I will enjoy living in one of the most rich areas in the world with the biggest Muslim economy and Middle Eastern economy, with the fastest growing economy and in blessed and beautiful lands.

Here are your cartons that teach children suicide bombing:

Iranian cartoon teaches children suicide bombing.mp4 - YouTube

Make sure to say hello to your boyfriend on your avatar.
Once again this dirty Arab is showing his very clear inferior side. Atleast Iranians did self suicide for their nation, what did motherf.uckers Arab do for ? for what cause ? for a religion that allows you to marry your 72 hairy virgins you dirty arab hehe ?

You know this yourself that you can have a big mouth here but on the ground it is a whole different story. Lets have a look at the Arab world :

In Syria, there is a civil war
In Libya, more then 40.000 deaths and they killed their ruler in such a barbarian way that the world got shocked looool... this is arab culture for you !!
In Egypt, foreign women get harassed in your national squares by horney takfiri wahabis hehe and people made sitting in squares a national festivity hehe.
In Saudi Arabia it is forbidden for Women to drive a car or even ride a bycycle hehehe, this is your Arab unity and culture al gohsani. This is your wonderful Arab unity hehehe

In Tunisia, still a mess, people cant even elect their representatives, meaning they are confused f.uckers
In Jordan, there is this unelected Monarchy who licks the Jewish Israeli as.ses so it can stay in power hehe

In Lebanon, you have luck that we are there otherwise this would be a failed state too hehe
In Bahrain and Qatar there are these 2 fat sheikhs that do not respect the wishes of their local shia people, opressing them with guns.

In Kuwait and UAE they talk about disbanding Alqaeda cells but at same time send their Jihadis into Syria hehe.

Al Hassani, no matter how much you jump and down, you Arabs will remain divided f.uckers, you will always be dictated by foreigners, by Iranians,Chinese,Russians,Americans etc. You cant decide your own future, and this is written on your forehead, it is embedded in your soul hehe. Al Hassani, you are a Arab lizard eater, your ancestors are known of spreading your religion with Sword, you are a barbaric Anmal. The most disgusting Iranian would look like a prophet compared to the Best Arab hehe. Now go fuc.k a 9 year old
^^ :omghaha: A Yemeni calling Iran a failed state. Stupid bedouin , Iran's GDP per capita is 7 times that of your poor country. Yemen is where Iran was 200 years ago , both economically and socially. No go wash your camels.

I am not from Yemen nor do I live there, dumb Hindu. Go worship a cow. My mother is Yemeni though and I am immensely proud of that. Such a beautiful, ancient and unique country that is praised by everyone that has visited it regardless of origin. Same with it's ancient culture and wonderful cuisine.

Funny that is coming from an Indian. The country which has the highest amount of poor and starving people who are in hunger. India on that regard is a massively failed country with 100 of MILLIONS of poor people. Not to mention all the frequent rapes and slums and general dirt.

Yemen is a fertile land and has tropical climate in many areas. Famous for it's coffee, tea, banana production and other tropical fruits. Rice included. It is one of the oldest civilians in the entire world. Queen Sheba is the oldest known queen in world history. Yemen and Yemeni people have been blessed by Prophet Muhammad (saws) and even the Bible and Talmud talks wonders about them.

Also don't forget that Yemen hosted poor Indian immigrants and treated them well.

Iran is 3 times bigger than Yemen and has a population that is 3 times bigger.

Next time try compare Monaco with USA.

^^ :omghaha: A Yemeni calling Iran a failed state. Stupid bedouin , Iran's GDP per capita is 7 times that of your poor country. Yemen is where Iran was 200 years ago , both economically and socially. No go wash your camels.
He is a poor dirty Arab that still lives in a mudhouse hehe. Iranian citizens had much better life 5000 years ago then he has now looooooooool hehehe
Really? Last time I checked the GDP pr. person in KSA is many times higher than that of the failed and poor state called Iran. Looking at the Gulf coast on the Arabian Peninsula and comparing that with the Iranian coast on the other side is like comparing the slums of India with Monaco and Saint-Tropez. So don't make me laugh.

Moreover KSA has the biggest economy in the entire Muslim world and Middle East. The fastest growing as well.

On the other hand you ride your donkey while selling carpets and pistachios and living under sanctions and a failed state. Ever wondered why so many Iranians immigrated to the Arabian Peninsula once and why so many risk their lives to do that to this very day?

I don't see any Arabs or foreigners for that matter risking their lives to emigrate to the failed, poor and isolated state this is called Iran.

Gulf Africans? I am not from the Gulf region nor are there any Africans in the Gulf aside from immigrants and descendants of African slaves who only number 3-5 percent. Just as in parts of Iran btw. Iranians were slaves once as well, don't forget.

Make sure to say hello to your boyfriend on your avatar.
You repeat to much the same thing... please keep it short. I talk about your race because I see you are acting like a nazi here. I think there is much more black slave blood in saudi arabs than only 3% or 4%. Google saudi soccer team, i think at least 70% are central africans. You should go back to your original place, I know it's sad that your ancestors were brought for slavery to what is named saudi arabie today.

And dont come with this semitic bemitic nonsense because indo-europeans and asians are superior with the total of lands, technology, money etc. 6 million little semites were burned by their masters in World war 2 and many more were killed by indo-europeans attacking them and now even guarding the incompetent lizard eaters and their wifes in the persian gulf region.

If you want to make such semitic pemitic bullshit stories, then i can write 1000 for you. Do I as Iranian care about semitic pemitic lunatic indo-european hahaha.. go and look for help lizard eater. Just count how many years sassanids, acheamenids, parthians conquered you. However not the deserts, no one ever would conquer desert.

And lizard eater, the 13 year old hero you are talking about blew up tanks, not civilians. And he was a soldier/fighter in a war situation. Get this through your lizard brains dear gulf african/descent of african slaves (60-70% of saudis, just google saudi soccer team). I really think you're not arabs but central-africans.

And please dont export your "culture of terrorism" , as Al-Maliki mentioned, to Iraq, Syria, Iran. Stop with beheading and blowing up civilians.
I am not from Yemen nor do I live there, dumb Hindu. My mother is Yemeni though and I am immensely proud of being that. Such a beautiful, ancient and unique country that is praised by everyone that has visited it regardless or origin.

Funny that is coming from an Indian. The country which most people who are in hunger and who is a massively failed country with 100 of MILLIONS of poor people. Not to mention all the frequent rapes and slums and general dirt.

Yemen is a fertile land and has tropical climate in many areas. Famous for it's coffee, tea, banana production and other tropical fruits. Rice included. It is one of the oldest civilians in the entire world. Queen Sheba is the oldest known queen in world history. Yemen and Yemeni people have been blessed by Prophet Muhammad (saws) and even the Bible and Talmud talks wonders about them.

Also don't forget that Yemen hosted poor Indian immigrants and treated them well.

:omghaha: It's beautiful only for you desert dweller. A Bedouin will find Switzerland and Canada ugly compared to his desert wasteland. No one except Yemenis praise Yemen you retard. It's known as a dirty terrorist $hithole where Osama was born. Btw Yemeni, Yemen's GDP per capita is 1000 dollars lower than India. Your country is a poor $hithole failed state. India is a technologically advanced country capable of sending probes to the moon , satellites into space .Meanwhile , you primitive Yemenis are learning the art of Camel Breading. In India , yes , women get raped. In your country , guys even rape goats and cows because they are sexually frustrated , or even better ,they blow themselves up in other countries. Going by statistics , India's rape rate is several times lower than that of Yemen. Go sing songs of Praise for your useless country elsewhere. For everyone else except Yemenis, Yemen is a poor failed state that is a burden on the planet inhabited by low IQ suicide bombers like yourself. There is nothing beautiful or unique about that wasteland. Maybe you should export all that sand to India. We are an advanced race that will make silicon chips out of it. Now again , go back to camel riding.
Yemenis are so poor they can't even afford to pay attention :lol:
Semitic culture is the oldest in the world. Open a history book. Queen Sheba alone predates any Persian culture. The word Persian did not even exist at that time, LOL.

Asians is not a race, dumbo. Arabs are Asians as well. Europeans have nothing to do with you people.

In fact the first Europeans, ancient Greeks and Romans, came to Southern Europe from current day Levant/Near East. Arab/Semitic lands. This is why many Greek/Cypriot/Italian people have the same genetics as current day Arabs (J1, J2 etc.).

LOL, a 13 year old soldier. So suicide bombers are heroes now? Funny. I suggest that you people blow yourself up now. Preferably against your enemies. Then the poison of the Middle East might be removed.

That cow worshipper was just probably raped while writing that funny post. You have a great imagination cow worshipper. I will give you that. Take a bath next time. I can smell the dirty smell from here. Did you drink, you know what, from the cow you worship?
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