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Israel launches air strikes on Syria

They did do parliamentary elections with 250 seats and refused to show a breakdown on the votes in areas such as Homs. I'm not prejudging, this happened in 2012.

Good for you that you like your leader. That's not my point, but you can't speak like that and expect Arabs to be reasonable when you speak as if Syria is your country. So that's all I'm going to tell you and you should consider that. We know how the 'elections' work in Syria and we know what our people and the Syrian people want. The majority of course.

I tried to get AlHasani to also be more reasonable but you have to cooperate.
listen, in our news F$A are the ones who are committing the massacre in Syria ( It's about who trust whose news), so we will never accept to cooperate with them unless they win in an election, there is no other way out.
No it is not possible since Hezbollah was created with the help of Khomeini who wanted to spread Islamic revolution to the region. even if hezbollah never accepted such Valiyat al-faqih for them.

Shut the hell up bache mojahed... you know nothing.
listen, in our news F$A are the ones who are committing the massacre in Syria ( It's about who trust whose news), so we will never accept to cooperate with them unless they win in an election, there is no other way out.

Your news is not entirely true. And neither is any news. But it's more than guaranteed that the Assad government and forces committed numerous massacres.

And what do you mean 'we won't accept....', I can't understand this.
The 1 million dollar question is what foreigners like Iranian Mullah's who are disliked in the Arab world and especially in Syria, do in the heartland of the Arab world? This is a internal Arab conflict! The Jewish-Arab conflict has nothing to do with Iranian Mullah's either. The Syrians, fellow Sunni Arabs, have asked the help of their Arab brothers and sisters first of all before anyone else. Just like the Palestinians. The responsibility lies among us first of all.

The obsession of meddling in the Arab and Sunni world will have its consequences. It already caused consequences and more is to follow.

I hope that the Iranian Mullah's will commit the huge mistake of sending troops to Syria in order to support the Child-Murderer so they will make a cemetery for them.

But they are well-known cowards who can only oppress civilians and support genocide and carpet bombing of whole cities and villages but otherwise they cannot do anything. The Iranian Mullah's have talked about attacking Israel and USA for 35 straight years and they curse both countries every Friday. But nothing has ever happened:lol:

The most tragicomical thing is that the moronic Iranian Mullah sect members do not understand that they are getting more hatred for each single day. Instead of doing the opposite they are digging their own graves and doing all those millions who oppose them a huge favor. Stupidity at its finest. There is no way that we Arabs will forget their dirty hand in Syria and everywhere else they have interfered in the Arab world.

Last post for now at least.
Hahahaah al gohsani you seem to be a obsessed motherf.ucker hehe... keep thinking about iran all day long lizard eater hehe
No it is not possible since Hezbollah was created with the help of Khomeini who wanted to spread Islamic revolution to the region. even if hezbollah never accepted such Valiyat al-faqih for them.

Yeah, I did phrase it wrong I guess, what you write is true. What I meant is that up till recent years it was Syria who as providing the bulk of the weapons training and support, this has been shifting slowly to more direct Iranian support since the 2006 war.
Your news is not entirely true. And neither is any news. But it's more than guaranteed that the Assad government and forces committed numerous massacres.

And what do you mean 'we won't accept....', I can't understand this.
'we' refers to anyone that opposites F$A. and we are more than sure that F$A is committing the massacre, so as you can see it's a dead end. if you are looking for peace, election is the only solution (with any kind of observation), else continue your support of war.
The 1 million dollar question is what foreigners like Iranian Mullah's who are disliked in the Arab world and especially in Syria, do in the heartland of the Arab world? This is a internal Arab conflict! The Jewish-Arab conflict has nothing to do with Iranian Mullah's either. The Syrians, fellow Sunni Arabs, have asked the help of their Arab brothers and sisters first of all before anyone else. Just like the Palestinians. The responsibility lies among us first of all.

The obsession of meddling in the Arab and Sunni world will have its consequences. It already caused consequences and more is to follow.

I hope that the Iranian Mullah's will commit the huge mistake of sending troops to Syria in order to support the Child-Murderer so they will make a cemetery for them.

But they are well-known cowards who can only oppress civilians and support genocide and carpet bombing of whole cities and villages but otherwise they cannot do anything. The Iranian Mullah's have talked about attacking Israel and USA for 35 straight years and they curse both countries every Friday. But nothing has ever happened:lol:

The most tragicomical thing is that the moronic Iranian Mullah sect members do not understand that they are getting more hatred for each single day. Instead of doing the opposite they are digging their own graves and doing all those millions who oppose them a huge favor. Stupidity at its finest. There is no way that we Arabs will forget their dirty hand in Syria and everywhere else they have interfered in the Arab world.

Last post for now at least.
f~ck off your sectarian BS.
Shut the hell up bache mojahed... you know nothing.
hey kid maybe your parents did't explain you:
Hezbollah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The ideology of Hezbollah has been summarized as Shi'i radicalism.[53][54][55] Hezbollah was largely formed with the aid of the Ayatollah Khomeini's followers in the early 1980s in order to spread Islamic revolution[56]
Since the Supreme Leader of Iran is the ultimate clerical authority, Hezbollah's leaders have appealed to him "for guidance and directives in cases when Hezbollah's collective leadership [was] too divided over issues and fail[ed] to reach a consensus."[82] After the death of Iran's first Supreme Leader, Khomeini, Hezbollah's governing bodies developed a more "independent role" and appealed to Iran less often.[82]

you have a problem with this? you don't like what did Khomeini or you say it is a lie?

don't say me you don't know Chamran ? you're kiding me?
f~ck off your sectarian BS.

Thats what i told that braindead lizard eater. There is a higher chance for monkeys taking over the world then we see arab unity. These bedouin f.ckers have only one solution to everything : "blow yourself up in the middle of a crowd"
'we' refers to anyone that opposites F$A. and we are more than sure that F$A is committing the massacre, so as you can see it's a dead end. if you are looking for peace, election is the only solution (with any kind of observation), else continue your support of war.

Well you need to be rational with me bro. The FSA isn't committing massacres. The Syrian military and Assad forces are doing so from the air and ground. We can argue about this all day long, but you don't get to decide the fate of the Syrian people and neither does the Iranian government. The last thing Assad is looking for is peace, he's looking for a surrender. This won't happen. He already destroyed most of the country and it's time for him and the corrupt system to go. Nobody is willing to go back to the same life.
Hossein... i have nothing to do with a bache mojahed like you. Go discuss politics with your fellow camp ashraf brothers hehe
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