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Israel launches air strikes on Syria

No one can undoubtedly deny that some Arabs works with Zionism to the detriment of the Muslim people. When you are on Israel’s side eg, FSA/Gulf nations you are against Allah and the Islam

Stop using the Israeli card you tool. Nobody here likes the Zionists and if there is one group of people who have caused more harm to Israel/West then those group of people are us Sunni Arabs, not some Iranian foreigners who have no business in Arab lands.

The Syrian sect members, the Child-Murderer and his terrorist gangs have killed over 65.000 Sunni Arabs. That's more than Israel have ever killed. Far more. A few days ago the Child-Murderer massacred 200 civilian Sunni Arabs. Children, infants and women and children.

Also Israel supports no side. The Israelis here are more afraid of the FSA because those people would actually attack Israel and their interests and not use Israel as an excuse as the Child-Murderer has been doing for 40 years. Not even the Golan heights have been retaken or any retaliation. Just cheap talk. The only think he is good at is killing civilians by carpet bombing whole villages and cities. Once another part, that also possesses planes attacks them, then they **** in their pants and do nothing.

The Syrian regime are sect members.

Syria - Assad Army Mocks Islam in Captured Mosque - 9-22-11 - YouTube

Welcome to join that kind of Islam and keep us Muslims and Arabs far away from it.
Whats your beef. You have no business whatsoever even if we ally with Israel....the only thing you will get from us is this :nana:

When you equal Allah and Israel its have many thing to do with us .
By the way if for you Allah is equal israel isn't it sort of considing a partner for God
What you telling is right and the same thing happened to Jews by Romans , Islamic Kings and Etc... Now they're there to take thier house back..... Got that?

By that nonsensical logic, Germany should be next to be attacked.....but then you can't cut the hand that feeds you.
When you equal Allah and Israel its have many thing to do with us .
By the way if for you Allah is equal israel isn't it sort of considing a partner for God

rephrase your post and get back to me. try to use the right form for example. Equal=equate....etc
Well if the SAM were jammed how they loose one of their airplane .

It would be perfect if Syria capture those pilot and convict them for murder and hang them . I'd like to see what will be Israeli people reaction to such thing

Fake news k.... No planes were downed, If so Syrians wouldv'e already showed off like Iranians..And israel would've officially admitted the strike.... Show the downed plane and pilots or bodies of them and talk man
Brother, I understand that you support the Iranian government, government of your country. I support them in some cases as well. Specifically the nuclear issue. But the Syrian regime doesn't have support of the people, it's about 80/20, 80 against it and 20 supporting it. I've seen indifferent Syrians who are Christians that said this to me. But it's also the reality because we know were the remaining support they get is and where they attack means the people are against them. If I see AlHasani after the Syrian conflict saying he wants to go after Shia then I will be against it. But he's just really emotional to the conflict as many of us are.

Some people see a gain in this but they don't like Israel. Not yet. But I am indifferent and just looking at the current chain of events.

But I urge you to be a little more soft your tone. Just like many people here need to do. :)
Iran's policy in Syria has always been a free election under U.N observation, if your info about 80/20% is true, then why F$A wont accept it, why their condition for accepting election is removing Asad from the list of candidates? please refer to your mind, and not your ears. Syrian government accepted changes in political system long time ago, so the Iran's 6 step peace plan, but F$A has no support in syria, from shiah, sunni and christian all support Asad. and look at alhasany statements about Bahrain, Saudi arabia sends his military to suppress the protestors in Bahrain (I hope you know what it mean) and again he talks about sectarian stuff and supports the dictatorship which even arrested and tortured and ... doctors who were accepting injured protestors.
did you the report from Jordan newspaper about the role of KSA and wahhabis in sectarian incitement in Jordan? this is their job and it wont change, their support for Israel isn't new, and I assure you they will continue it no matter if Iran or Syria existed or not. U.S wouldn't choose them as their number one ally in ME if they had any policy against Israel.
What you telling is right and the same thing happened to Jews by Romans , Islamic Kings and Etc... Now they're there to take thier house back..... Got that?
Get your fact right . They get that land after they comitted the first documented genocide . More imporyabtly that land belonged to original jews not the one who converted aka european and aferican jews . The original jews descendants were the jews of middle east
By that nonsensical logic, Germany should be next to be attacked.....but then you can't cut the hand that feeds you.

Does NAZI still hold the power in German? no and Germany already Apologized.... and ISrael hunt down most of the alive Nazi war criminals... Anyway lets stop this and stick to the thread because it's a non ending story.. i won't agree with you and you wouldn't agree with me, so better drop it
This was a busy week at the Lebanese border, starting with a call up of thousands of reservists for a surprise "drill" and ending with some obscure attack on the Lebanese Syrian border, apparently another weapons convoy from Syria to Lebanon. Last time it happened, an Iranian General was killed in the air raid or on a separate operation under the cover of the air raid. Seems to me the US government has decided to give up direct action in Syria, preferring to outsource its response to the Israeli Air Force. I believe same line of action will be followed in Iran.
Iran's policy in Syria has always been a free election under U.N observation, if your info about 80/20% is true, then why F$A wont accept it, why their condition for accepting election is removing Asad from the list of candidates? please refer to your mind, and not your ears. Syrian government accepted changes in political system long time ago, so the Iran's 6 step peace plan, but F$A has no support in syria, from shiah, sunni and christian all support him. and look at his statements about Bahrain, Sadi arabia sends his military to suppress the protestors in Bahrain (I hope you know what it mean) and again he talks about sectarian stuff and supports the dictatorship which even arrested and tortured and ... doctors who were accepting injured protestors.
did you the report from Jordan newspaper about the role of KSA and wahhabis in sectarian incitement in Jordan? this is their job and it wont change, their support for Israel isn't new, and I assure you they will continue it no matter if Iran or Syria existed or not. U.S wouldn't choose them as their number one ally in ME if they had any policy against Israel.

Because he re-elects himself. Usually with 99% of the votes. It's not realistic. He can't stay after the crimes his army committed. And the syrian people won't accept him. They want an end to the decades long family rule. There isn't real reform and there's a court for political opponents. Now it's too late for any reform. But he's not the government to support. You Iranians may not know but I do.

As for Bahrain, I know about that. I'm critical of KSA as well. And I am very critical on Israel. Obviously anyone who knows me here can tell that regardless of the scenario I am always anti Israel.
This was a busy week at the Lebanese border, starting with a call up of thousands of reservists for a surprise "drill" and ending with some obscure attack on the Lebanese Syrian border, apparently another weapons convoy from Syria to Lebanon. Last time it happened, an Iranian General was killed in the air raid or on a separate operation under the cover of the air raid. Seems to me the US government has decided to give up direct action in Syria, preferring to outsource its response to the Israeli Air Force. I believe same line of action will be followed in Iran.

King Solomon, is this true? an Iranian general was killed by Israel? I didnt know that..Do you have any source about this for me to read please?
King Solomon, is this true? an Iranian general was killed by Israel? I didnt know that..Do you have any source about this for me to read please?

and you are believing him , a army General would be with weapons convoy from Syria to Lebanon or a army general would be killed and his govt. would remain silent and he is giving reference of Israel news media :omghaha:
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