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Israel launches air strikes on Syria

Without long range rockets in terrorist hands the world will be safer.
Isn't that like saying, " I fancy myself as the world policeman". !!!
Albeit I'm no fan of the Syrian regime but did any attack ever mounted on Israel from Syria.....every action invites a reaction...the world would be a lot safer without an aggressor. !!
Regardless of what was hit, you have the lamb excuse of sending in F-16s against gun totting Palestinians, what was the threat perception from Syria for the Israelis to show their bravery. !!

What's the lame reason for them to fire rockets at Southern Israel with closed eyes?.... Since the Last Gaza conflict whom do you think fired the first shot? It was Those Gaza terrorists... Sending Ground troopsto eliminate would escalate the situation that;s why IAF make surgical strikes
Haha, the Shias, especially the Ajamis, are getting all desperate because their end is near. Not only are they a tiny little minority sect but also a poisonous one led by Iranian Mullah's.

The recent massacre on Sunnis in Bayda etc. will be avenged. They need to be put in their place once and for all.

Israel serves our interest right now. The Child-Murderer and his terrorist gang have been bombing whole cities and villages and killing thousands of civilian Sunnis in the process. As soon as another party with planes enter they **** in their pants as expected.

Can't wait for the cleaning up in Syria. A group of people are going to be in HUGE, HUGE trouble. Their crimes in the last many decades will not be forgotten.

Long Live the Free Syrian Army - YouTube

Let the Iranian Mullah's come to Syria and Arab lands if they dare. They will return as headless chickens or in body bags as their Hezbollah mercenaries are doing every single day.
we know, Israel always has served wahhabis and wahhabis always have served the Israel too, you are the same.
we know, Israel always has served wahhabis and wahhabis always have served the Israel too, you are the same.

Screaming Wahhabi (Hanbali) is not going to help you rafidah. You are a tiny poisonous sect supported by Iranian Mullahs. Your crimes in Syria and elsewhere will be avenged by Sunnis like me and many others. Do not worry about that.

Your end is near.
Seems like a diversion tactic , to emphasis Israel attacked from planes , on well protected site in reality the attack could have been done via ground using gorrilla + US agents on ground.

The reason why US is actively announcing Israeli firghter jets is to confuse Syria thinking their SAMs are not working :P seems like diversion tactics

Probbably US stealth plane + crew landed and detonated something via stealth technology
Screaming Wahhabi (Hanbali) is not going to help you rafidah. You are a tiny poisonous sect supported by Iranian Mullahs. Your crimes in Syria and elsewhere will be avenged by Sunnis like me and many others. Do not worry about that.

Your end is near.
Karak group denounces sectarian incitement | Culture & Society | Ammon News
A local group in Karak denounced in a statement on Saturday calls for sectarian and ethnic incitement and strife that has reached Jordan, a day after local rioters set ablaze a building belonging to the Bohra Shi'a sect in the southern Mazar region.

The Populist Arab Committees in Southern Mazar rejected attempts by what they described as "proponets of Wahhabi ideological expansion" who incite sectarian and ethnic strife and hatred in their speeches and sermons in local mosques.

They described such incitement as stemming from "extremism and fundamentalism that is not of the core of Islamic values."

"Amidst the conditions afflicting the Arab nations, and amidst the Zionist imperialist attack that uses sectarianism and ethnic strife as instruments to divide people, headed by Wahhabis, the Arab Populist Committees denounces such sectarian discourse and calls for efforts to confront it," the statement said.

The statement warned the Saudi Arabian government and propagators of Wahhabi and Takfiri thought of the repercussions of their discourse, and called on Arabs and Muslims to stand united against such thought that is "unIslamic."

The statement comes a day after local residents in Southern Mazar followed urges and incitement by preachers to attack a building belonging to the Bohra Shi'a Muslims near the Jaafar bin Abi Talib shrine, which is revered by Muslims but is also a site of pilgrimage and reverence to Shi'a Muslims.

The Southern Mazar contains several centuries-old tombs and shrines revered by Shi'a.

Reports that a Husayniyah site for Shi'a rituals was being built in Mazar incited local residents to reject what they described as "shiite expansion" and attempts to propagate Shi'a ideology in Jordan.

A Bohra Shia family was evacuated from the building, including parents and children, reportedly of Southeast Asian descent. No one was hurt in the incident, police said
you are hated everywhere, you will be finished with Israel.
What's the lame reason for them to fire rockets at Southern Israel with closed eyes?.... Since the Last Gaza conflict whom do you think fired the first shot? It was Those Gaza terrorists... Sending Ground troopsto eliminate would escalate the situation that;s why IAF make surgical strikes

If i barged into your house threw you out so you could live in the garage and then turn off your life line whenever i felt like it, i guess you will then understand the desperation.....in the past some superpowers tried to force some countries into submission without any success, what hope for Israel. !!
Screaming Wahhabi (Hanbali) is not going to help you rafidah. You are a tiny poisonous sect supported by Iranian Mullahs. Your crimes in Syria and elsewhere will be avenged by Sunnis like me and many others. Do not worry about that.

Your end is near.

Bro, he has nothing to do with what's happening in Syria and you can't make this a sectarian thing because they know they would lose if they did. That's not what we should be saying to each other. And his sect isn't poisonous, and their end isn't near. Hopefully the regimes end is near. But not ordinary people who also say La Illah ila Allah are gonna live a fair life.
Seems like a diversion tactic , to emphasis Israel attacked from planes , on well protected site in reality the attack could have been done via ground using gorrilla + US agents on ground.

The reason why US is actively announcing Israeli firghter jets is to confuse Syria thinking their SAMs are not working :P seems like diversion tactics

Probbably US stealth plane + crew landed and detonated something via stealth technology
they have used both missile and airplanes, Syrian media talks about hitting Israeli planes and channel 10 Israel announced that the fate of 2 of their pilots is unknown. Israel doesn't dare to send it's ground forces against a real military like Syria, and they have no way to extract them( if they remain alive).
He is a apologist for the Iranian Mullah's and supports the killings of Sunnis in Syria. He is not my friend or brother. Nor any brother of Sunnis. Where was his comments and his likes about the 100 civilian Syrian Sunnis who were massacred? Children, infants, women etc?

They have already started the massacres in many Arab countries. Of course they will lose but that will be their problem. I will not feel sorry for murderers.

All supporters of the regime who have killed thousands of civilian and innocent Syrians will be avenged. Not by me but by the Syrians themselves who have sworn to do that before they die.

We will fight against poisonous sects and Iranian interference/killings of our Muslim and Arab brothers.

They will never succeed or gain a foothold in Sunni lands. We do not want them.

Iranian Mullah's are the enemies of Sunnis and Arabs. Always been that way since 1979. Will continue to be so if the Mullah's still will be in power.

They started the meddling in our region and we will help finish them off since they don't understand the language of diplomacy.
Can't wait for the cleaning up in Syria. A group of people are going to be in HUGE, HUGE trouble. Their crimes in the last many decades will not be forgotten.

I couldnt have said it better myself.
Once Syria is cleansed from Al-Nusrah/Qaida terrorists and other Wahhabi dirt working for Israel (whether they know it or not), the GCC will be in HUGE, HUGE trouble. And their crimes will not be forgotten, for decades to come. ;)
He is a apologist for the Iranian Mullah's and supports the killings of Sunnis in Syria. He is not my friend or brother. Nor any brother of Sunnis. Where was his comments and his likes about the 100 civilian Syrian Sunnis who were massacred? Children, infants, women etc?

They have already started the massacres in many Arab countries. Of course they will lose but that will be their problem. I will not feel sorry for murderers.

All supporters of the regime who have killed thousands of civilian and innocent Syrians will be avenged. Not by me but by the Syrians themselves who have sworn to do that before they die.

We will fight against poisonous sects and Iranian interference/killings of our Muslim and Arab brothers.

They will never succeed or gain a foothold in Sunni lands. We do not want them.

Iranian Mullah's are the enemies of Sunnis and Arabs. Always been that way since 1979. Will continue to be so if the Mullah's still will be in power.

They started the meddling in our region and we will help finish them off since they don't understand the language of diplomacy.

I know what you mean, I think in reality he's not that supportive of the regime but because on this forum it's like a black and white issue. It's either you're with them or them. So this is what causes people here to argue.
Israel launches more 'airstrikes' in Syria
Syria state media reports of Israeli airstrikes targeting several military positions.

Israeli warplanes struck areas in and around the Syrian capital, setting off a series of explosions as they targeted a shipment of highly accurate, Iranian-made guided missiles believed to be on their way to Lebanon's Hezbollah group, officials and activists said.

Syria's state media on Sunday reported that Israeli missiles struck a military and scientific research centre near the Syrian capital and caused casualties.

The attack, the second in three days, signaled a sharp escalation of Israel's involvement in Syria's civil war.

"The new Israeli attack is an attempt to raise the morale of the terrorist groups which have been reeling from strikes by our noble army," Syrian television said, referring to recent offensives by the forces of Bashar al-Assad, the Syrian president, against the armed opposition.

A Western intelligence source confirmed the attack to The Associated Press, saying the target of Sunday's strike was a shiptment of advanced guided Iranian-made missiles, believed to be on their way to Lebanon's group Hezbollah.

Video footage uploaded onto the internet by activists showed a huge ball of fire rising into the night sky.

'Felt like an earthquake'

A Damascus resident described the blasts to Al Jazeera, saying they felt like "an earthquake" and "unprecedented".
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