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Israel helped India turn around Kargil war

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Pakistan is a country of more than160 million people, the sixth largest in the world. Since over 100 million are below the age of 25. This demographic dividend will help ensure unprecedented growth and create a rapidly expanding middle class we are projecting the doubling of our per capita income in the next 8-10 years. To make this possible, we are investing in higher education as well as technical and vocational training. Our objective is to build a knowledge-based economy.

Pakistan is also blessed with abundant natural resources. With a vast network of rivers and canals as well as fertile land, we have the potential to substantially increase our agricultural productivity and promote our agri business sector. We envisage sustained agricultural growth of 4 to 5% per annum as a result of policies involving market based pricing, scientific and technical methods for enhancing productivity, improving the rural infrastructure, promoting value addition, focusing on high value products, improved water storage and usage and encouraging foreign and domestic investment in development of the agri business sector. Similarly, we are making strenuous efforts to fully exploit the country’s mineral wealth. Several multi-national corporations are now engaged in exploration and drilling for our already established oil and gas reserves. We are also mining our coal, copper and gemstones apart from onyx, gypsum and other minerals
Our double-digit manufacturing growth rates will lead Pakistan to emerge as a major manufacturing hub for quality goods ranging from textiles to engineering, consumer durables to pharmaceuticals, chemicals to hi-tech products at internationally competitive prices.

Pakistan’s strategic location at the crossroads of South Asia, Central Asia, West Asia and China is another asset and we fully intend to exploit this competitive advantage. Pakistan can serve as the hub for multiple corridors of cooperation in the region including trade, transportation, tourism, energy and manufacturing. To fully exploit our pivotal position, we are creating the necessary infrastructure through opening up the third port of Gwadar on the Arabian Sea coast and establishing a road and rail network connecting these major ports to Central Asia and Western China. We are also negotiating setting up of oil and gas pipelines as well as electricity grids to bring Central Asian energy to the rest of the region. These will become major growth drivers for the regional economies. Pakistan would also emerge as the preferred conduit for the oil and gas as well as goods and services needed by growing Western China. As a result, our goal of developing Pakistan into a regional powerhouse and position it as an economic lynch pin of the region is now eminently achievable.

The financial institutions of the country are now primarily owned and managed by the private sector. Several multinational financial and banking institutions have invested in Pakistan and this trend is growing. This sector is leading the way in innovation and modernization of the economy. We are keen that our banking system connects with the regional economies to channel investments into Pakistan in diverse sectors of the economy. To boost industrial growth and Foreign Direct Investment, we have taken measures to provide a hassle free environment. Modern industrial parks, special economic zones, free trade and warehousing zones are also being created with the requisite infrastructure facilities including communications and connectivity. We are rationalizing and reducing the number of taxes, creating a tax system that encourages investment and thereby promoting employment. Our labour laws and arcane regulations that stifled entrepreneurship in the past has been changed and we have substantially reduced the cost of doing business in Pakistan. Our motto is that it is not the business of government to be in business.

With the growth of our economy, there is an increasing need to upgrade and enhance our infrastructure including the communication systems such as electronic, road, rail, sea and air networks. Progress in this direction is already underway including implementation of the 5 billion dollars North-South trade project. Construction activity is also at an all time high with the development of new hotels, commercial properties and housing projects. The urban retail and wholesale markets and supply chains are being modernized as well. As a result of growth, Pakistan’s energy requirements are increasing at double-digit rates. To meet this growing demand, we plan to undertake construction of five mega dams on the Indus river, which will not only help to expand our cultivable area but also provide much needed hydro power. At the same time, we are increasing exploitation of our new domestic energy reserves, developing thermal, hydel and nuclear power projects as well as utilizing alternative sources of energy. Setting up of electricity grids and gas pipelines from our neighbouring energy rich countries such as Iran, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan are being undertaken as well.

Source: Privatisation Commission

It’s a matter of no interest that you accept Pakistan’s importance or not. No sensible individual can deny the importance of Pakistan.
But we have to realize (and this applies to India as well) that many of these factors like the so called demographic dividend, strategic location and natural resources are not new and both the countries have not been able to utilize them in the past. Some factors are definitely new, but are they sufficient to give a hope that the future will be much different?

Both India and Pakistan have had young populations for the last 4-5 decades but could not use this as they failed to educate/skill/train them sufficiently and utilize this great manpower asset effectively. It is sad to see that the hard working people from our countires toil in the Arab countries for meagre incomes to build their countries because they can't earn even that much back home. The best from our countries are forced to look west to achieve success and their potential. Thiings are changing now, but is it sufficient?

I am not sure that India will be able to use this so called demographic dividend effectively. The education system is not robust enough to educate and train the millions of students and not all of them can be absorbed in well paying jobs. It may happen but is not a certainty. A lot of work has to be done and a lot needs to change in terms of our priorities. Above all the political mindset needs to change.

Same may be true for Pakistan too. Some Pakistani members may offer their comments.
By indian logic, if the unelected ruler of kashmir wanted to join india( Which he did not, nehru used public money to bribe him) then hyderabad should be part of pakistan. If however both pakistan and india follow the terms of the british plan, kashmir should be in pakistan, and hyderbad in india. Ofcourse the british were very pro-indian, they brought forward indepdence day with the hope that pakistan would crumble with a year.

The british and nehru conspired to ensure india got a disproportionate share British Imperial Army military battalions and civil service.

Ofcourse pakistan was aware that life as a new country would not be easy, but what was alarming was how unfair the british were diving the assets.

Pakistan today, maybe behind india today economically, but in 1947, pakistan was more behind, in number of schools,railways,univicities and mills. The British did no investment in the muslim areas and concentrated thier growth on the central states.

Isreal of course is the open enemy of islam, the people of isreal are corrupted by their zionist media. The zionist see right wing hindus such as rss as thier allies in world domination.

Pakistan is the only muslim country with WMD, as for the rubbish of egypt and isreal being best pals. The egypt are the scum of the muslim world(gov not ppl) they are in a small number of muslim countres which have diplomatic realtions with isreal . Egypt recieves aid from USA For being friends with isreal . Isreal sees pakistan as a bigger threat than iran, because iran has sactions against it, and its military runied by the iran iraq war
Wasn't Israel ready to give Phalcons to chinese? J-10 - Lavi? Nothing to do with bring Muslim countries down.

Isreal will do buiness with any country that is below its thumb. Pakistan is below the thumb of usa not really with isreal. Zulficar Ali Bhutto send PAF fighter jets to help the arabs in the 6 day war. Furthermore pakistan is the only muslim country with WMD. Irans aresnal was destroyed during the iraq-iran war and sactions since have made in hard for iran to get new technology. Furthermore the anti-iran properganda is very well developed whilst pakistan was being called saviour of the west less that 6 years ago ( how things change)

Isreal love on india, is more to do with how it sees india right wing rss and a alley to the zionist.

The best way to win favour with india, destory pakistan

Does that mean we need to befreind india, in order to stop isreal ? no because isreal would only stop went pakistan gave up her nukes and WMD and then split into 6 or 7 parts so it could never unite again.

I hope Pakistan and India will stop fighting and become good neighbours soon. Both countries are nuclear powers. Weapons in our days are more deadly then in 1965 and 1971. Lets hope it would not break out new war, else the consequence for both countries would be horrible.

Even if India gets the best of the best Israeli and American technology, Pak is still able to do a serious damage to India.

I belive Hindues and Muslims, 62 years after partition can start building fandament for a solid friendship. Its sad that each time its a terror act, it set back the peace process between both countries many years.

We have lived togheter in the past in one country, and i belive we can do it as neighbours in future to. In South asia(Pk, In, BD), there are approximatly 520 million muslims and 800 million hindues.

So both should have intrest in peace. The one who press for war in our days are stupid and responsible for killing millions if nuclear war break out.
How Israel helped India win the Kargil War

Vishal Thapar / CNN-IBN

Published on Mon, Jul 30, 2007 at 03:18 in World section

Tags: Kargil War, Soldiers , New Delhi
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UNMANNED WARRIORS: The unmanned aircrafts of Israel helped India locate the enemy targets in Kargil's difficult terrain.

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New Delhi: There were those who applauded the Indian restraint in Kargil War, and pressured Pakistan to blink and pull back after three months of combat. And there were those who actually jumped into the war zone to help India hunt down the aggressors.

Read part one: The truth about Kargil War

Israel sprung to India's aid for providing the desperately-needed imagery about Pakistani positions on the Kargil heights.

"The terrains where they came from was all stones. The intruders merged in the background and it was not very easy to locate them. Secondly the targets where they had occupied the peaks, were also on the other side of the hills," Air Marshal PS Ahluwalia told CNN-IBN.

Tel Aviv stepped in with unmanned reconnaissance aircraft or drones in the battle zone to assist India direct its war effort. This was one force multiplication Pakistan had not reckoned with.

"Unmanned UAVs make a lot of difference. They fly for much longer - up to 24 hours and are able to sense even simple movements on the ground,” he said.

The Israeli Heron and Searcher UAVs were critically useful for target information, as most of India's aerial surveillance aircraft were either too quick, or vulnerable to enemy missile fire.

An Indian Air Force Canberra snooping over the Batalik was hit by a Pakistani stinger on May 21, exposing the limitations of India's photo reconnaissance platforms.

Did the operation show India’s desperation? “In war you have to try everything and come across with whatever methods you have got,” said Air Marshal PS Ahluwalia.

The Israeli Heron and Searcher UAVs are now flown by the Indian Armed forces. And strategic ties with India's undeclared war ally are on fast track.
^^^^It might be interesting to know if the Israelis just provided the drones during Kargil or were they operating them as well? My guess is only the former.

If the latter is true then it will reveal a much deeper level of co-operation than previously thought.
well, Israel is helping India in proxy of America. America cannot help India because we do not want to offend Pakistan, so we send Israel instead as Israel also is not friendly with Pakistan. As of now, Israel would not do things contrary to US wishes. ie, sell weapon systems to China.
well, Israel is helping India in proxy of America. America cannot help India because we do not want to offend Pakistan, so we send Israel instead as Israel also is not friendly with Pakistan. As of now, Israel would not do things contrary to US wishes. ie, sell weapon systems to China.

I don't buy the theory that America uses Israel as proxy to help India. Israel and India have had a good relationship even during the cold war when India was in the rival camp.

You are overestimating US's concern for Pakistani sensibilities vis-a-vis India. Or else the US wont have offered F-16s or F-18s for MRCA.
Pakistan is also a home land for many non-Muslims of sub-continent who have co-existed and have equal rights.
No other country of the world offer equal religous freedom to its minorities as offered in Pakistan.

Wake up and smell the coffee mate.. what do U mean U guys give non muslims EQUAL rights.. heres a little incident I want to share wt U batman...
My friend brought a pakistani stage show for us to watch in punjabi.. and the way YOU guys ridicule the Hindus and Hindu Deities is PATHETIC.... I remember a line from it...
One pakistani to other : "Main mandar gaya te BHAGWAAN ro reha si"(I went to a temple and bhagwaan was crying) and the **** went on and on ....the pigs were also making fun of Kali mata.. (and its all censored):no: and the people in the audience were laughing and hooting.... and the stuff said for the christians and the sikhs was also pathetic....

i say WTF? Do U watch it in Indian media and listen such sh!te abt our indian brothers of different relegion???
pls dont rant your story of U being secular and we not...:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
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Wake up and smell the coffee mate.. what do U mean U guys give non muslims EQUAL rights.. heres a little incident I want to share wt U batman...
My friend brought a pakistani stage show for us to watch in punjabi.. and the way YOU guys ridicule the Hindus and Hindu Deities is PATHETIC.... I remember a verse from it...
One pakistani to other : "Main mandar gaya te BHAGWAAN ro reha si"(I went to a temple and bhagwaan was crying) and the **** went on and on ....the pigs were also making fun of Kali mata.. (and its all censored):no: and the people in the audience were laughing and hooting.... and the lines you speak abt the hindu`s arent much different....

i say WTF? Do U watch it in Indian media and listen such sh!te abt our indian brothers of different relegion???
pls dont rant your story of U being secular and we not...:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

Astonishing. :undecided:

Do you happen to remember the name of the play?
Astonishing. :undecided:

Do you happen to remember the name of the play?

I willl try and find out.... but the last time I posted such article I got BANNED... the topic was `pakistani guys using indian names to get married in ireland`... (GOOgle it and U`ll find it..)
mail me ur e mail addeess I ll send U the you tube link of my earlier post...
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