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US told Pakistan to get out of areas occupied during Kargil war: Former Pak envoy to US

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LOl. Indians must be so riled to read the article that US pressure had made pakistan withdraw, and all the time the indians thought that there army had anything to do with the withdrawal. It must be so annoying when they read this and realize it was just because of Uncle sam we got back our lands otherwise........

Got slaughtered by Indian artillery and Air force on the ground, got pressurized by the US on the diplomatic front that has employed a use-and-throw policy towards Pakistan since 1960s and violates Pakistani borders every other day..And that makes you feel better? Strange...One must have a very low self-esteem to count that as a score..
Got slaughtered by Indian artillery and Air force on the ground, got pressurized by the US on the diplomatic front that has employed a use-and-throw policy towards Pakistan since 1960s and violates Pakistani borders every other day..And that makes you feel better? Strange...One must have a very low self-esteem to count that as a score..
Dont be so harsh he might be just a kid.
Full of bs .. Like a chest thumping jingoistic 16 year old high on nonsense ...
When you know squat, I suggest you cool your radiator. I didn't say it. Ask your generals for clarifications. It's all over YouTube in their interviews on Pak TV too. It's also in the books written by them which I'm sure you haven't even bothered to read but have thought it wise to comment on something you don't have a clue about.

Instead of living in denial all your life I suggest you make some effort to learn the truth by spending some time on research. Not from any Indian sources but your own including your generals who obviously know more than you.

As an epilogue to this post, here's a pic of your logistics base of Muntho Dhalo after it was destroyed by IAF Mirages resulting in a total breakdown of the supply chain - meaning no food, no water, no ammo, no nothing! An army cannot fight without these. I thought you knew?

Before the attack....




Photographic evidence is bullshit too? Now you'll say it is photoshopped!! :rofl:

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Your whole post is baseless habitual lies.

I would only like to ask you about the bold part. Which idiot told you that Pakistanis from other provinces are living there?

UN res requires every Pakistani to leave the territory of J&K including GB( which you now call your 5th province) ie Not even a single Pakistani army unit/ISI/govt official should be in territory of Kashmir..have you done that??
While India is allowed to maintain a minimum number of troops in J&K, AJK, GB to ensure an impartial plebiscite.

P.S Kashmiris wanted to merge with Pakistan but the ruler act against their wishes same as Junagarh/Manvadar & Hyderabad Deccan rulers choose to merge with Pakistan but the population wanted to merge with India hence Indian forces invaded & held referendum in those states under the shadow of Indian Army.

There is a certain thing called 'common sense' which Pakistani leaders need to exercise before making historic blunders.
Junagarh, Hyderabad are deep with in Indian territory,surrounded by India on all sides. There is nothing Pakistan could have done even if it wanted to, whereas Kashmir was a border state to both India and Pakistan..where Indians could have done a lot.

So instead of negotiating with the Raja, 'making him an offer he could not refuse', you decide to invade his country, no wonder he acceded to India, how stupid were you leaders?

Lest you forget Pakistan invaded Kashmir eons before India invaded any of the other place. ie it was India following Pakistani suit and not otherwise, the only difference is where Pakistan had failed, we suceeded.

Pakistan never gift any territory of Kashmir that it controls, to anyone. China control that territory but Pakistan used to claim it counting it as part of Kashmir...Pakistan just backed off it's claims from that territory. Your Indian Army taught propaganda is just unbelievable.

The term is called adverse control. As per UN resolution Saksham valley is recognized as part of Kashmir which the Chinese seized in 1962 war.
China not being party to dispute or the subsequent UN res , is not legally entitled to any Kashmiri territory.

Pakistan signed a treaty with China saying the area belongs to Chinese in exchange for a token piece of land, who gave you the authority to do that..since Kashmir was still an ongoing dispute b/w India and Pakistan..and not yours to barter with

You are so concerned about Kashmiri opinion now, did you bother to ask Kashmiri opinion before bartering their territory ?
Nawaz Sharif was not elected by the majority. Winning in Punjab does not make you a national leader. I want Nawaz Sharif to walk in the streets of Sindh, he would get lynched before he can even bring that smirk on his face.
then you need electoral reform..
IMO the Kargil war would have had ended sooner has Vajpayee allowed the Indian military to cross the LOC.

Our causalities would also have been lesser had our boys been allowed to cross the border and cut off their supply routes.
IMO the Kargil war would have had ended sooner has Vajpayee allowed the Indian military to cross the LOC.

Our causalities would also have been lesser had our boys been allowed to cross the border and cut off their supply routes.
then it was a war .. may be nuclear one .. as in pak ..
even their PM dont know baout internation operation..
think about whether army and ISI let him control the nuclear switch.
JULY 4 ,, do you think US president meet any one excpet its VVVIMP
then it was a war .. may be nuclear one .. as in pak ..
even their PM dont know baout internation operation..
think about whether army and ISI let him control the nuclear switch.
JULY 4 ,, do you think US president meet any one excpet its VVVIMP

pakistan likes balckmailing about nuclear war....empty vessels make the loudest noise.

Those who really intend to use nukes dont brag about it.
pakistan likes balckmailing about nuclear war....empty vessels make the loudest noise.

Those who really intend to use nukes dont brag about it.
you cant take chnace when miliion s life in stake,,
pak is stragne country, many power centres..
any one ISI, govt, army , any other can control that
dont underestimatehe enmey is basic of any war..
the USA, india have top brass who are well informed and stuided the situation
the world know who is ostric and who is eagel
we could have loose some points
but india won milirtarily, ethicaly and moral
but at heavy cost of life of own soldiers

Well according to your own sources, Pakistan still occupies all the strategic peaks hence i am at a loss as what did you exactly achieved..... and you are right that India lost far more number of soldiers than Pakistan did.
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