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Israel helped India turn around Kargil war

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This must be the biggest joke!

Answer lies in following questions:
What is India's military build up (defence) all about?
Where the hell suddenly India started to learn making missiles?

we had a space program remember.......have you wondered when pakistan started making missiles? and how did pakistan suddently develop missiles?

Who the hell influenced US foreign policy to take about turn with regards to India?

have you not noticed ...india has an awesome economy-the answer is simple-----money....and we have i

Next is Influencing Europe embrace same Indians whom they once called ****** creatures from slums?

again though you are a racial mother ****** .we have money . and no nation can afford to ignore a nation with money...and miss an opportunity.

I don't know what's wrong with Israeli's why they are so precarious of Pakistan?
Is their any historic reason?
I'm a Pakistani I have no problems with any one based on his religon or acts until it effects the society!

that is because you have refused to even recogonise israel as a nation....according to pakistan ISRAEL does not exist....so why are you worried about an imaginary country anyway?

I cannot believe a nation who controls world's economy and sits on the most influential benches around the world could be so conservative in their belief and I'm sure Indians must be laughing at them at their backs for having them for free ride.

when your nation wakes up and comes to reality and accept the existance of israel....
when people like you wake up and see that INDIA is not the INDIA of 1947 anymore and accept that INDIA is developing and there is nothing you can do to stop it,,,,,,,then you might be able to comprehend the reality of the world.....

Thirty-five years ago, in September 1968, when the Research and Analysis Wing was founded with Rameshwar Nath Kao at its helm, then prime minister Indira Gandhi asked him to cultivate Israel's Mossad. She believed relations between the two intelligence agencies was necessary to monitor developments that could threaten India and Israel.

The efficient spymaster he was, Kao established a clandestine relationship with Mossad. In the 1950s, New Delhi had permitted Tel Aviv to establish a consulate in Mumbai. But full-fledged diplomatic relations with Israel were discouraged because India supported the Palestinian cause; having an Israeli embassy in New Delhi, various governments believed, would rupture its relations with the Arab world.

This was where the RAW-Mossad liaison came in. Among the threats the two external intelligence agencies identified were the military relationship between Pakistan and China and North Korea, especially after then Pakistan foreign minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto visited Pyongyang in 1971 to establish a military relationship with North Korea.

Again, Israel was worried by reports that Pakistani army officers were training Libyans and Iranians to handle Chinese and North Korean military equipment.

RAW-Mossad relations were a secret till Morarji Desai became prime minister in 1977. RAW officials had alerted him about the Zia-ul Haq regime's plans to acquire nuclear capability. While French assistance to Pakistan for a plutonium reprocessing plant was well known, the uranium enrichment plant at Kahuta was a secret. After the French stopped helping Islamabad under pressure from the Carter administration, Pakistan was determined to keep the Kahuta plant a secret. Islamabad did not want Washington to prevent its commissioning.

RAW agents were shocked when Desai called Zia and told the Pakistani military dictator: 'General, I know what you are up to in Kahuta. RAW has got me all the details.' The prime minister's indiscretion threatened to expose RAW sources.

The unfortunate revelation came about the same time that General Moshe Dayan, hero of the 1967 Arab-Israeli war, was secretly visiting Kathmandu for a meeting with Indian representatives. Islamabad believed Dayan's visit was connected with a joint operation by Indian and Israeli intelligence agencies to end Pakistan's nuclear programme.

Apprehensive about an Indo-Israeli air strike on Kahuta, surface-to-air missiles were mounted around the uranium enrichment plant. These fears grew after the Israeli bombardment of Iraq's Osirak nuclear reactor in 1981.

Zia decided Islamabad needed to reassure Israel that it had nothing to fear from Pakistan's nuclear plans. Intermediaries -- Americans close to Israel -- established the initial contacts between Islamabad and Tel Aviv. Israel was confidant the US would not allow Pakistan's nuclear capability to threaten Israel. That is why Israeli experts do not mention the threat from Pakistan when they refer to the need for pre-emptive strikes against Iraq, Iran and Libya's nuclear schemes.

By the early 1980s, the US had discovered Pakistan's Kahuta project. By then northwest Pakistan was the staging ground for mujahideen attacks against Soviet troops in Afghanistan and Zia no longer feared US objections to his nuclear agenda. But Pakistani concerns over Israel persisted, hence Zia decided to establish a clandestine relationship between Inter-Services Intelligence and Mossad via officers of the two services posted at their embassies in Washington, DC.

The ISI knew Mossad would be interested in information about the Libyan, Syrian, Jordanian and Saudi Arabian military. Pakistani army officers were often posted on deputation in the Arab world -- in these very countries -- and had access to valuable information, which the ISI offered Mossad.

When young Israeli tourists began visiting the Kashmir valley in the early nineties Pakistan suspected they were Israeli army officers in disguise to help Indian security forces with counter-terrorism operations. The ISI propaganda inspired a series of terrorist attacks on the unsuspecting Israeli tourists. One was slain, another kidnapped.

The Kashmiri Muslim Diaspora in the US feared the attacks would alienate the influential Jewish community who, they felt, could lobby the US government and turn it against Kashmiri organisations clamouring for independence. Soon after, presumably caving into pressure, the terrorists released the kidnapped Israeli. During negotiations for his release, Israeli government officials, including senior intelligence operatives, arrived in Delhi.

The ensuing interaction with Indian officials led to India establishing embassy-level relations with Israel in 1992. The decision was taken by a Congress prime minister -- P V Narasimha Rao -- whose government also began pressing the American Jewish lobby for support in getting the US to declare Pakistan a sponsor of terrorism. The lobbying bore some results.

The US State Department put Pakistan on a 'watch-list' for six months in 1993. The Clinton administration 'persuaded' then Pakistan prime minister Nawaz Sharif to dismiss Lieutenant General Javed Nasir, then director general of the ISI. The Americans were livid that the ISI refused to play ball with the CIA who wanted to buy unused Stinger missiles from the Afghan mujahideen, then in power in Kabul.

After she returned to power towards the end of 1993, Benazir Bhutto intensified the ISI's liaison with Mossad. She too began to cultivate the American Jewish lobby. Benazir is said to have a secret meeting in New York with a senior Israeli emissary, who flew to the US during her visit to Washington, DC in 1995 for talks with Clinton.

From his days as Bhutto's director general of military operations, Pervez Musharraf has been a keen advocate of Pakistan establishing diplomatic relations with the state of Israel.

The new defence relationship between India and Israel -- where the Jewish State has become the second-biggest seller of weapons to India, after Russia -- bother Musharraf no end. Like another military dictator before him, the Pakistan president is also wary that the fear of terrorists gaining control over Islamabad's nuclear arsenal could lead to an Israel-led pre-emptive strike against his country.

Musharraf is the first Pakistani leader to speak publicly about diplomatic relations with Israel. His pragmatic corps commanders share his view that India's defence relationship with Israel need to be countered and are unlikely to oppose such a move. But the generals are wary of the backlash from the streets. Recognising Israel and establishing an Israeli embassy in Islamabad would be unacceptable to the increasingly powerful mullahs who see the United States, Israel and India as enemies of Pakistan and Islam.

RAW & Mossad: The Secret Link
The ISI knew Mossad would be interested in information about the Libyan, Syrian, Jordanian and Saudi Arabian military. Pakistani army officers were often posted on deputation in the Arab world -- in these very countries -- and had access to valuable information, which the ISI offered Mossad.

BS!!!! Pakistani ISI has done no such things. Pakistan did not need to offer anything to Israel aside from getting an understanding through that Pakistani deterrence is India-specific.

Nice fantasy stories in the article above.
Moshe Dayan had interaction with India despite the lack of diplomatic relationship between the two countries

Moshe Dayan

Why Israel- India relations became strong(Major factors).These are the reasons:

1.In 1986, the members of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) issued a joint declaration supporting Pakistan's claim over Kashmir.India responded to the anti-India position taken by the OIC by re-evaluating its Middle East policy.

2.When R&AW was founded in 1968 by Rameshwar Nath Kao, he was advised by the then Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi to cultivate links with Mossad. This was suggested as a countermeasure to military links between that of a hostile Pakistan and China, as well as with North Korea.

3.Israel was also concerned that Pakistani army officers were training Libyans and Iranians in handling Chinese and North Korean military equipment.

4.The Pakistanis eventually started to suspect intelligence relations between India and Israel resulting in a threat to Pakistani security. When young Israeli tourists began visiting the Kashmir valley in the early nineties, Pakistan suspected they were disguised Israeli army officers there to help Indian security forces with counter-terrorism operations.

5.Pakistani intelligence inspired a series of terrorist attacks on the unsuspecting Israeli tourists with one slain and another kidnapped. Intense pressure from the 'Kashmiri' Muslim diaspora in the United States led to their release.

RAW & Mossad: The Secret Link

6. India is a great market for selling and now Joint ventures more over its a safe destination :cheers:
BS!!!! Pakistani ISI has done no such things. Pakistan did not need to offer anything to Israel aside from getting an understanding through that Pakistani deterrence is India-specific.

Nice fantasy stories in the article above.

Dont know my friend saw the article posted it nothing to flame abt its just a peice of Information :cheers:
One solid reason for long lasting Indo-Israel friendship can be this :cheers:

"For thousands of years we have marched on parallel causes and have now built bridges of cooperation between the two religions. Jews have lived in India for over 2000 years and have never been discriminated against. This is something unparalleled in human history".

This is the foundation of our friendship :cheers: great rite ? proud to be an Indian.

Daily News Egypt - Full Article
The Paradesi Synagogue is the oldest synagogue in the Commonwealth of Nations, located in Kochi, Kerala, in South India. It was built in 1568 by the Malabar Yehudan people or Cochin Jewish community in the Kingdom of Cochin.



One solid reason for long lasting Indo-Israel friendship can be this :cheers:

This is the foundation of our friendship :cheers: great rite ? proud to be an Indian.

Daily News Egypt - Full Article

Its a great publicity point.

But in reality I am always lost on Indo-Israeli ties.
I dont get the strategic depth.

The only thing we share most in modern history is the Hate by which our neighbors wish to destroy us.

Can some on tell me why we need Israel

And why they need us.

and before some one tells me We need them for defense, They have been known to cooperate in secret with the Chinese as well.

The Russians i could figure out. They have their reasons.

But Why is Israel working with us can we trust them I dont know.

I have nothing against Israel but i just cant see the Strategic depth
Its a great publicity point.

But in reality I am always lost on Indo-Israeli ties.
I dont get the strategic depth.

The only thing we share most in modern history is the Hate by which our neighbors wish to destroy us.

Can some on tell me why we need Israel

And why they need us.

and before some one tells me We need them for defense, They have been known to cooperate in secret with the Chinese as well.

The Russians i could figure out. They have their reasons.

But Why is Israel working with us can we trust them I dont know.

I have nothing against Israel but i just cant see the Strategic depth

No when i started reading this thread even i thought its the same but there are a lot of dimensions to Indo-Israeli relations man India has been like the safe haven for Jews for 2000 yrs thts like huge.

Wait ill give u more info ..... on the non defense angle.
Its a great publicity point.

But in reality I am always lost on Indo-Israeli ties.
I dont get the strategic depth.

The only thing we share most in modern history is the Hate by which our neighbors wish to destroy us.

Can some on tell me why we need Israel

And why they need us.

and before some one tells me We need them for defense, They have been known to cooperate in secret with the Chinese as well.

The Russians i could figure out. They have their reasons.

But Why is Israel working with us can we trust them I dont know.

I have nothing against Israel but i just cant see the Strategic depth

You have answered your questions in your own post.:)

As you said we can't have good relation with any country just because we have common 'enemy'. And for the same reason we can't jeopardize our relations with any country just because they have good relations with our 'enemy'.

You mentioned India's relations with Russia in your post and I think that is the reason why you can't see the strategic depth between India and Israel relationship.

I Agree with what navtrek said. There are a lot of dimensions to Indo-Israeli relationship.
Indian Jews communities map


The Jewish population in India is hard to estimate since each Jewish community is distinct with different origins;
1.some arrived during the time of the Kingdom of Judah,
2.others are seen by some as descendants of Israel's Ten Lost Tribes.

Of the total Jewish population in India, about half live in Manipur and Mizoram and a quarter live in the city of Mumbai.

Unlike many parts of the world, Jews have historically lived in India without anti-Semitism from Hindus

Jews have held important positions under Indian (Hindu) princes in the past and even after independence from British Rule, have risen to very high positions in government, military and industry.

there are five native Jewish communities in India:

The Cochin Jews

arrived in India 2,500 years ago and settled down in Cochin, Kerala as traders.
The oldest of the Indian Jewish communities is in Cochin.

The Bene Israel

arrived 2,100 years ago after a shipwreck stranded seven Jewish families from Judea at Navagaon near Alibag, just south of Mumbai.[citation needed] The families multiplied and integrated with the local Maharashtrian population

Baghdadi Jews

Despite the name, the Baghdadi Jews are not exclusively of Iraqi origin: many came from Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, and Yemen as well. These Jews emigrated to India around 250 years ago and settled in the city of Bombay (Mumbai).

Bnei Menashe

An estimated 9,000 people in the northeastern Indian states of Mizoram and Manipur started practicing halachic Judaism in the 1970s, claiming to be descendants of the Tribe of Manasseh.

Bene Ephraim

The Bene Ephraim are a small group of Telugu-speaking Jews in eastern Andhra Pradesh whose recorded observance of Judaism, like that of the Bnei Menashe, is quite recent, dating only to 1981.

The majority of Indian Jews have "made Aliyah" (migrated) to Israel since the creation of the modern state in 1948. A total of 75,000 Indian Jews now live in Israel (over 1% of the nation's total population).

JewishEncyclopedia.com - INDIA:

The Virtual Jewish History Tour - India

Indian Jewish Community in Israel

Synagogues in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Indian Jews - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Paradesi Synagogue is the oldest synagogue in the Commonwealth of Nations, located in Kochi, Kerala, in South India. It was built in 1568 by the Malabar Yehudan people or Cochin Jewish community in the Kingdom of Cochin.




This synagogue is beautiful. Just visited it last month.

The neighborhood where this synagogue stands along with a museum is known as Jew Town. I was surprised to see Jews still living there and running gift and antique shops.
This synagogue is beautiful. Just visited it last month.

The neighborhood where this synagogue stands along with a museum is known as Jew Town. I was surprised to see Jews still living there and running gift and antique shops.

Yes its an awesome place and a tourist attraction too.. Its in my city :victory:
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