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Israel 'assassinates' Hamas commander in Dubai

The Israelis have a history , dont they , Their inclution cannot be ruled out especially when some sort of Palestinian is assassinated ..!
How was he killed? Usually its not easy to get away from a crime like murder in a place like UAE.

u r right upto an extent small timers dont only big ones get away ;
for eg this , the labanese actress and million dollar mall robbery ... that one big heist like you see in movies.
You'd be surprised how many times leaders are killed by their own people. Israel has nothing to gain from ending the Palestinian divide. I'm sure Fatah is celebrating as well.
“Let them think we did it, even if we didn’t,” said one defense official.
Reputation can be a great thing. Some years ago an Al Qaeda operative, ordered to kidnap an American or Brit, thought to please his bosses by luring an Israeli to the terrorists' hide-out instead. Their response was,"You'll get us all killed. Take him back to his hotel at once and come back in the morning." The Israeli departed peacefully after a pleasant dinner, totally unaware of the fate that had been intended for him.

Had he been an American Jew, his fate undoubtedly would have been different: the same operative plotted the abduction of Daniel Pearl several years later. link
How was he killed? Usually its not easy to get away from a crime like murder in a place like UAE.

It's mossad dude. They can get away from anywhere.
I don't remember the name of that operation they undertook, i think it was called thunderbolt. Around 50-100 israeli soldiers landed in uganda and freed their hostages from ugandan soldiers. The operation was a 100% success.
Assassins of Hamas chief 'used British passports'

Hugh Tomlinson in Dubai and Sheera Frenkel in Jerusalem

Mahmoud al-Mabhouh was found dead in his Dubai hotel room

Six suspects in the assassination of a senior Hamas official in Dubai entered the country using British passports, it emerged today.

Police in the Gulf state announced that they are hunting 11 people, including a woman, for the murder of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, a top Hamas commander found dead in his Dubai hotel room on January 20.

Six of these suspects were British passport holders, three were carrying Irish passports, including the woman, while the other two entered Dubai with German and French passports.

“We have no doubts that it was 11 people holding these passports, and we regret that they used the travel documents of friendly countries,” said Dhafi Khalfan, Dubai’s chief of police, speaking to reporters today.

Hamas has accused Israel’s spy agency Mossad of responsibility for the assassination. Mr Khalfan said Israeli involvement could not be ruled out. “We do not rule out Mossad, but when we arrest those suspects we will know who masterminded it,” he said.

Mr Khalfan said details of the 11 suspects had been passed to Interpol and that arrest warrants will be issued soon.

One former Mossad member told The Times that the agency has regularly used foreign passports to travel abroad for previous espionage missions, although he said he did not know if the agency was behind the Dubai operation.

“Sometimes these were legitimate passports of people who held dual citizenship, other times they were acquired,” he said. “An Israeli passport raises red flags, and is best avoided.”

In a speech in Tel Aviv this weekend, Ehud Olmert, the former Prime Minister, appeared to be alluding to a report in The Times on Saturday that the Mossad was waging a covert war of assassinations across the Middle East to target Hamas and Iranian officials.

“There are a huge range of options between a full military attack and accepting a nuclear Iran,” Mr Olmert said. “There are other means that – together with other things happening, and they are happening – can create a result that would not allow the Iranians to reach what they are trying to reach.”

Mabhouh’s body was discovered by staff at the luxury Al Bustan Rotana hotel during the afternoon of January 20. Based in Damascus, he too entered Dubai on a false passport the day before his murder.

One of the founders of the Izzedine al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, he is understood to have visited to Dubai to arrange a shipment of weapons to Gaza.

He was born in northern Gaza. In a video aired more than two weeks after his death, he confessed to his involvement in the kidnap and murder of two Israeli soldiers during the first Palestinian intifada in 1989

He is believed to have masterminded the attempted smuggling of truckloads of weapons into Gaza through Sudan last year — a convoy that was blown up by Israeli jets while still in Africa.

Details of the method of his assassination remain unclear. In January, Dubai police said Mabhouh appeared to have allowed his killers into his hotel room, where he was suffocated or strangled. Other reports have suggested he was poisoned or electrocuted.

Hamas has vowed revenge on Israel for the assassination, although there has been no official comment from Jerusalem.

Dubai is developing a reputation as a place where political scores are settled. Salim Yamadayev, the former Chechen leader, was shot dead last year in an underground car park in apparent retribution for his opposition to Ramzan Kadyrov, Chechnya’s pro-Kremlin President.

Assassins of Hamas chief 'used British passports' - Times Online
Isn't it shameful how a small country like Israel isn't afraid to stand up for itself while India, a nation of over a billion people, is helpless in the face of repeated terrorist attacks?

Oh how I hate our security apparatus.
Isn't it shameful how a small country like Israel isn't afraid to stand up for itself while India, a nation of over a billion people, is helpless in the face of repeated terrorist attacks?

Oh how I hate our security apparatus.

Amen to that bro. Im totally disgusted keep hearing about this blasts and attacks on Indians. Indian authorities should stand against extremism like Israel, hunting down each of em. Like US and Israel, I believe in disproportionate response, and thatz the way forward atleast in this regard. If a terrorist kill one innocent, we should bring down thier entire clan. next time they will think twice, if they still exist.

Terrorist's life $ < $Innocent's life $
Tamim said two suspects are Palestinians, both residents of the UAE. They have been detained on suspicion they provided logistical support to the operation, he said. According to the Dubai-based satellite network Al-Arabiya, the two were handed over by Jordan. One of them is reportedly a security officer in the Palestinian Authority, the US-backed Palestinian government based in Ramallah. Neither suspect was named.

Perhaps the title needs to be changed to Palestine assasinates Hamas commander?

Maan News Agency: Dubai: European team killed Hamas leader

The National, an English-language newspaper in the UAE, said police identified the main suspect at French citizen Peter Elvinger, 49. He was the logistical coordinator and the one who booked a room down the hall from Al-Mabhouh's hotel room, the report said.

The other suspects were identified by the newspaper as Irish nationals Gail Folliard, Kevin Daveron and Evan Dennings; UK nationals Paul John Keely, Stephan Daniel Hodes, Melvyn Adam Mildiner, Jonathan Louis Graham, James Leonard Clarke and Michael Lawrence Barney. German national Michael Bodenheimer is also a suspect, according to the report.
Reputation can be a great thing. Some years ago an Al Qaeda operative, ordered to kidnap an American or Brit, thought to please his bosses by luring an Israeli to the terrorists' hide-out instead. Their response was,"You'll get us all killed. Take him back to his hotel at once and come back in the morning." The Israeli departed peacefully after a pleasant dinner, totally unaware of the fate that had been intended for him.

Had he been an American Jew, his fate undoubtedly would have been different: the same operative plotted the abduction of Daniel Pearl several years later. link
Isn't it shameful how a small country like Israel isn't afraid to stand up for itself while India, a nation of over a billion people, is helpless in the face of repeated terrorist attacks?

Oh how I hate our security apparatus.
Terrorist organizations cannot exist without:

1- Sanctuary
2- State support

Sometimes sanctuaries can be with state support. Sometimes without. But item 2 is problematic for the country that is a victim of terrorism, be it a single event or a history of events. Israel cannot respond at the state level, hence the Mossad is feared. Whereas the US can respond at the state level but American intelligence services are often held in contempt. Afghanistan and Iraq put many nation-states that sponsored terrorism on notice, even with the election of the spineless Barack Obama. There are no guarantees that on the next election cycle, another Bush-like figure will not be in the White House. We may not be as harsh to allies who unknowingly let themselves be sanctuaries for the 9/11 hijackers but none of them want to be on our bad side. They will hunt down potential US enemies among their own. As for nation-states that are not our allies, they need to only look at Afghanistan and Iraq and hope that American intelligence services will not be as ruthless as the Israelis'.
Something for India to learn.....Kill LeT leaders and those who are holding rallies in open. It’s completely fair to kill these terrorist whichever way you can.
True, particularly when...
Indian soldiers serving in Kashmir are a fair kill. Use of force should however only be warranted by Pakistan Army. The use of force would be a valid method of taking Kashmir provided it can work.
Dubai to issue warrants for 11 in Hamas man's killing

gulfnews : Dubai to issue warrants for 11 in Hamas man's killing

Dubai: Dubai Police will issue arrest warrants for 11 suspects carrying European passports, believed to be the killers of Mahmoud Al Mabhouh, the senior Hamas commander who was assassinated in a Dubai hotel room last month.

Two Palestinians have already been arrested and are being investigated on suspicions that they provided logistical support to the killers, Lieutenant General Dahi Khalfan Tamim, Chief of Dubai Police, said at a press conference held at the Media Office of the Dubai Government.

Some of the 11 suspects including a woman fled the country around the time of the crime on January 19. The Palestinians, however, are UAE residents, the police chief said.

Dubai Police managed to crack the case in less than 24 hours, Dahi said. "This is another achievement for Dubai Police."

A police video, combining CCTV footage from the Dubai airport, a number of hotels and shopping malls, showed the arrival of the suspects and Al Mabhouh into Dubai, their checking into various city hotels and the hours before the Palestinian commander was killed in room 230 in the Bustan Rotana Hotel, near the airport.

A surveillance team had followed the victim around the city. Some of the suspected killers disguised their appearance at various times.

"This is a highly sophisticated operation conducted by people who knew when Al Mabhouh would arrive in the country," Dahi said.

The suspects used "highly sophisticated communication instruments" and during their conversations they used encrypted messages, Dahi said. "The communication tools they used are not available in the UAE."

They came from several European countries and left to European destinations and one to Hong Kong. "We know where they are right now and even their residences," Dahi said.

"Arrest warrants through Interpol are being issued and if the European countries cooperated we will be highly appreciative but if they refused we will also reduce our cooperation with those authorities." He told Gulf News earlier that the UAE has no extradition treaties with many of those countries but the police expect full cooperation.

"In my personal opinion I think many parties are involved in the crime and all [Al Mabhouh's] enemies are potential suspects so it is not the time to point fingers at a certain party."

Dahi said the Hamas leader had arrived in Dubai from Damascus en route to Sudan and later to China. He was expected to be here for only one day.


The murder of Mahmoud Al Mabhouh

GNTV Single Video Player (4:3 and 16:9)

Footage from CCTV cameras shows a chronological timeline of the events that took place on the day that Hamas commander Mahmoud Al Mabhouh was assassinated.


Victim was tailed upon arrival

gulfnews : Victim was tailed upon arrival

Although Lieutenant General Dahi Khalfan Tamim, Chief of Dubai Police, doesn't rule out the involvement of Israeli spy agency Mossad, he stated that he believes many parties were involved in the operation.

Dubai: Within less than 24 hours a team of more than 11 individuals entered the country, executed a senior Hamas leader in 20 minutes and later left to various European countries.

Although Lieutenant General Dahi Khalfan Tamim, Chief of Dubai Police, doesn't rule out the involvement of Israeli spy agency Mossad, he stated that he believes many parties were involved in the operation.

The professional team arrived at the airport at various intervals and stayed in several hotels in the city. During the execution around seven individuals are believed to have been in Mahmoud Al Mabhouh's room.

They paid for all expenses in cash and used different mobile phone cards to avoid being traced, he added. Their communication tools were highly sophisticated and coded.

Lieutenant General Dahi said there was at least one unsuccessful attempt to break into Al Mabhouh's hotel room. It was unclear whether he opened the door for his killers or if the room was forcibly entered.

Closely monitored

Al Mabhouh, who arrived on January 19 at 3.20pm, was closely monitored. He stayed in his room for an hour before leaving to meet people who are believed to be Palestinians from Gaza. During his five hours around the city he bought a pair of shoes, said Lt Gen Dahi in response to the reason for his visit to Dubai.

He came back at 8.24pm and within 20 minutes Al Mabhouh was assassinated with the entire team leaving at separate times.

The last team of two people left at 8.52pm to mark the end and the success of their "coward operation," said Lt Gen Dahi. An earlier visit to Dubai by Al Mabhouh was in May 2009 for medical treatment. In fact initially his death was believed to be due to natural causes as he had his medical pills in the hotel room.

At least two suspected members of the hit squad watched Al Mabhouh check into his hotel and later booked a room across from the Hamas commander, Lieutenant General Dahi said.

He added that there was "serious penetration into Al Mabhouh's security prior to his arrival" in Dubai, but that it appeared Al Mabhouh was travelling alone.

"Hamas did not tell us who he was. He was walking around alone," said Lieutenant General Dahi. "If he was such an important leader, why didn't he have people escorting him?"

The chief of Dubai Police also criticised Hamas for taking pride in Al Mabhouh's operation in 1989 in abducting and killing two Israelis.

"It is not an honourable matter to kill captives. And I want everyone to know that no matter what the victim's religious or ethnic affiliation is, we will exert the same efforts to bring the perpetrators to justice," he said.

Lt Gen Dahi said that in the near future they will reveal details of the medical forensic report, which includes one final test about "one aspect that was not considered by any-one and which could be suprising," as well as details about the two Palestinians detained by Dubai Police.

The detained Palestinians are residents of Dubai, and one of them met Al Mabhouh at the airport.

List: Team of assassins

Peter Elvinger - France
Melvyn Adam Mildiner - Britain
Stephen Daniel Hodes - Britain
Michael Bodenheimer - Germany
Paul John Keeley - Britain
Kevin Daveron - Ireland
Gail Folliard - Ireland
Jonathan Louis Graham - Britain
Evan Dennings - Ireland
James Leonard Clarke - Britain
Michael Lawrence Barney - Britain


Details of the prime suspects

gulfnews : Details of the prime suspects

The suspects include six British nationals, one French, one German and three Irish nationals, including one woman, Dubai Police Chief Lt General Dahi Khalfan Tamim told the press.
Indian security establishmetn should be re-modeled to make sure that neither china or pakistan invades India and that's it........since they have proven themselves unfit to stop terrorists they should consider terrorism as some sort of natural disaster and operate at that level.

India should then try to provide those not killed by terrorism - a chance to fulfill their destiny.

Historically there is no indian nation and if the entity that makes up india is considered a nation it has proven itself in-capable of being protecting its people. Things have gotten better atleast now there is an army to protect the country from invasions.
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