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Islamic Union

What are the objectives that will be reached by an "Islamic Union" of all muslim countries?
I am not much of a thread starter man ...... lets continue here as long as we dont go way of course. We can use our sound judgement on this one. Also please dont pay much heed to those who are licked and hence have left the battlefield or do not engage ..... not by choice, but in defeat.

They say if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

Would love to hear your views on religion and Islam brother.

Cheers, Doc

I'm gonna open up a thread for you and i would expect you to show some respect to this thread and not to go off the topic, This thread is all about Islamic Union only including the countires who are Based on Islam, With the majority of Islam and government of Islam so please contribute into this or take a walk in another thread..... I will ask you to join the thread about Religon there not here

I was replying to this quoted post here where YOU bought up the question of muslim laws in India or the lack therof.

Here is your post:
Hey bro i guess you didn't read my Reply carefully, WITH MUSLIM GOVERNMENT which means the LAW of land with be muslim law, Which means India will be ruled under Muslim law..... So if you want that and if you are ok with MUSLIM LAW IN INDIA then, Why not brother Bissmillah Lets do it :smitten: Then your point is valid that India should be given a seat in Muslim Union since India has 3rd biggest Muslim population with Muslim LAW and Governement, Sure why not...........But No less then that It should be ruled by Muslim Government and Muslim Law and Idia will be called Islamic republic of India since all the countries will be called Islamic republic of ............
( Please all the other Indian brothers this message is only for my this brother and those who wants to have a seat in Muslim Union) :pakistan::police::mod::pop::smitten:

And my reply which I think addresses this and is not offtopic

Turkey, all Central Asian states are secular by constitution. Many other countries like Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia strive to maintain secular laws
Also, its only personal laws that directly affect Islamic rules, such as in adoption marriage or inheritance. Most of the legislation nowadays are something that would have to be passed in a parliament and would require ijtihad.

And other interesting thing for you, India has separate Muslim Personal Law, along with seperate laws for other religious communities. These laws although comprise only 3-4% of all laws provide Muslims the right to follow Islamic practices as per the law of the land. Infact, even Turkish govt. and the CIS states don't allow as much freedom to follow Islam as does the Indian constitution and laws.

To go back to the topic, I want to see benefit and improvement of quality of life in average muslims, and infact even non-muslims as well; as we are suppose to do as muslims and part of ummat-e-muhammad.

Some members are saying OIC is not the Islamic/muslim union. Read up on the history of OIC and their charter, it is exactly what most of you have been discussing. It even has a "parliament" like the EU parliament located in Iran.

It would be better to discuss why OIC has failed and then start from there. That is because OIC was precisely made for these reasons, but has still been ineffective
Organisation of the Islamic Conference - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Again, from the theological perspective, Islam does not require you to do this. What we are suppose to do is work on inculcating the true qualities of Islam particularly on mashirat (societal/social values such as honesty compassion tolerance e.t.c.) maamalat (fair dealings in business or otherwise) and ikhlas (sincerety in actions).
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I'm gonna open up a thread for you and i would expect you to show some respect to this thread and not to go off the topic, This thread is all about Islamic Union only including the countires who are Based on Islam, With the majority of Islam and government of Islam so please contribute into this or take a walk in another thread..... I will ask you to join the thread about Religon there not here

Sir with due respect we do not have problem with Islamic union but the problem is with the concept of first we have it on the name of Islam and then we are ignoring Muslims here.

Islamic Union is going to benefit all.. no one is denying this fact.
What are the objectives that will be reached by an "Islamic Union" of all muslim countries?
Free Trade between, One currency, One basic law, One army under one leadership, One foreign policy, No taxs only Zakat, No intrest system the list goes on and on but these are main goals as far as i see it right now since i have wasted my head over BS
What are the objectives that will be reached by an "Islamic Union" of all muslim countries?

It is an attempt to reverse the divide-and-conquer tactics of the colonial powers.

In the current world context, it is an attempt to form an entity that revitalizes the pride and ambitions of Muslims, sheltered by an economy that is large enough to be resistant to Western blackmail and sanctions.

It does not imply a full Sharia legal system or even a strict Islamic way of life, since each state would have its own legal, cultural and linguistic autonomy. But the union would impose broad guidelines.

There would be freedom of trade and travel, joint currency, etc.

The EU is a guiding model.
@ moha199

Sir what happens if pakistan wants to use that common Islamic army to fight India and Iran and Afghanistan and Iraq object soundly sir. Would that not leave Pakistan defenceless against hostile devilish Hindu India on its doorstep sir?

Speaking of one foreign policy sir, supposed India wanted to further diplomatic and trade ties with Afghanistan and Iran and Iraq and the UAE for that matter, but wanted nothing to do with pakistan till the 26/11 sham was resolved, would there be a all-or-none take-it-or-leave-it policy to the detriment of the other islamic nations sir?

I am sorry sir but as an Indian I must participate with India's interests in mind first, unless of course it is taken as off-topic for an Indian to participate in a pakistan or Islam centric thread at all.

Please advise.

Cheers, Doc
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@ moha199

Sir what happens if pakistan wants to use that common Islamic army to fight India and Iran and Afghanistan and Iraq object soundly sir. Would that not leave Pakistan defenceless against hostile devilish Hindu India on its doorstep sir?

Cheers, Doc

You are something!!!
It would be better to discuss why OIC has failed and then start from there. That is because OIC was precisely made for these reasons, but has still been ineffective

Good point, thanks.
OIC was perhaps too ambitious; it attempted too much in one shot, without laying the groundwork. That is why the suggestion came about that we start with smaller regional unions first, which have a greater chance of success.

A pan-Arab union, a CAR union with Turkey, a SE Asian union, Pakistan-Iran union, etc.

Once these smaller unions can demonstrate success, they would form building blocks.

Free Trade between, One currency, One basic law, One army under one leadership, One foreign policy, No taxs only Zakat, No intrest system the list goes on and on but these are main goals as far as i see it right now since i have wasted my head over BS

Right. Things which are agreed 100% by all Muslims can form the common law. Other things can be left speciic to each state. If some countries want sharia law, fine. Others can decide to be more secular. As long as they all obey human rights and basic Islamic principles.
@ moha199

Sir what happens if pakistan wants to use that common Islamic army to fight India and Iran and Afghanistan and Iraq object soundly sir. Would that not leave Pakistan defenceless against hostile devilish Hindu India on its doorstep sir?

Speaking of one foreign policy sir, supposed India wanted to further diplomatic and trade ties with Afghanistan and Iran and Iraq and the UAE for that matter, but wanted nothing to do with pakistan till the 26/11 sham was resolved, would there be a all-or-none take-it-or-leave-it policy to the detriment of the other islamic nations sir?

I am sorry sir but as an Indian I must participate with India's interests in mind first, unless of course it is taken as off-topic for an Indian to participate in a pakistan or Islam centric thread at all.

Please advise.

Cheers, Doc
Your first point, If India is going to attack Pakistan or if devilish Hindu on doorsteps of Pakistan???? I tell you this, Pakistan push rest of arb countries take the matter to the Shurrah which is Islamic Parliment and pass the resolution to block the oil supply or minimize it until India, Doesn't have more fule to go on war. One foreign policy means one, There won't be anything like India doesn't wanna talk to Pakistan or EU doesn't wanna talk to Iran etc rejecting one means rejection all. If rest of the republics feels that Pakistani government is not involved in 26/11 then Either India reject MU as the whole or come to the more favorable way instead of take it or leave it stuff.
Fair enough. An oil embargo, if it happens, can always be worked around via other friendly sources, and brings with it a retaliatory embargo from the non-muslim world, which properly polarizes the world and becomes the flashpoint for something neither side would wish on their future generations. Do you think the US or any of its nuclear allies would sit on their backsides while nuclear-pakistan backed Islamic Union starts throwing its oil weight around? have you guys forgotten what happened to Iraq?

Coming to Kashmir. Will the other muslim countries agree to the resources, money, manpower, needed to keep India in check on the current status quo? Again, will a unified muslim world decision hostile towards the non-muslim country not cause serious polarization and a flashpoint of more global proportions? You have ONE nuclear member country ..... against how many non-islamic nuclear warheads pointed against you? That is, of course, by a divine quirk of fate, you still hold the nuclear trigger once the western world sees the union actually taking shape.

Want to take a WILD guess which way Russia and China would point their nuclear tipped missiles in such a scenario?

Do you think ANY Muslim country wants to remotely take these headaches on to their own already burdened heads?

Cheers, Doc
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Right. Things which are agreed 100% by all Muslims can form the common law. Other things can be left speciic to each state. If some countries want sharia law, fine. Others can decide to be more secular. As long as they all obey human rights and basic Islamic principles.

Is Islamic Laws is so welcomed, what was Pakistani state's objections to SWAT following sharia law, post peace deal and pre Mahsud emergence?
Is Islamic Laws is so welcomed, what was Pakistani state's objections to SWAT following sharia law, post peace deal and pre Mahsud emergence?

Bro It wasn't Islamic law at all, What Pakistan did in SWAT was the eliminate the excuse of talibans of Sharia Law. As soon Pakistan gave green signal to SWAT, Talibans Imposed selfmade so called Sharia Law in SWAT, Which made people realized that this is not the Sharia law and they turned against Talibans and now Talibans are on the run
Is Islamic Laws is so welcomed, what was Pakistani state's objections to SWAT following sharia law, post peace deal and pre Mahsud emergence?

The swat deal was a perversion of sharia law. The Taliban follow an extremist Wahabi form of Islam which is rejected by most Muslims.

I am not an expert on Islamic law, but all laws in the union would have to abide by basic human rights which guarantee equal rights to women, minorities, etc.

There are countries which are experimenting with a blend of secular, common law and sharia law. This is something for the lawyers, but I am sure a happy marriage can be achieved. There are many Muslim countries which are mostly secular; they would never go for full sharia law.
- Self Delete, sub-standard post -
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