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Islamic Union

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I dont have good feeling about this :sick: religious unions shouldnt be made,blocs should be made for economic,political and social interests of a particular region like the EU because religion doesnt unite people.
I dont have good feeling about this :sick: religious unions shouldnt be made,blocs should be made for economic,political and social interests of a particular region like the EU because religion doesnt unite people.

The primary motivation is economic and geopolitical. Immunity against Western blackmail and a sanction-proof economy to exploit economies of scale.

Islam just provides a glue. If used judiciously, it could be as good as any other glue.
Fair enough. An oil embargo, if it happens, can always be worked around via other friendly sources, and brings with it a retaliatory embargo from the non-muslim world, which properly polarizes the world and becomes the flashpoint for something neither side would wish on their future generations. Do you think the US or any of its nuclear allies would sit on their backsides while nuclear-pakistan backed Islamic Union starts throwing its oil weight around? have you guys forgotten what happened to Iraq?

Coming to Kashmir. Will the other muslim countries agree to the resources, money, manpower, needed to keep India in check on the current status quo? Again, will a unified muslim world decision hostile towards the non-muslim country not cause serious polarization and a flashpoint of more global proportions? You have ONE nuclear member country ..... against how many non-islamic nuclear warheads pointed against you? That is, of course, by a divine quirk of fate, you still hold the nuclear trigger once the western world sees the union actually taking shape.

Want to take a WILD guess which way Russia and China would point their nuclear tipped missiles in such a scenario?

Do you think ANY Muslim country wants to remotely take these headaches on to their own already burdened heads?

Cheers, Doc

Yo my man when Muslims will decide to fallow MU trust me no one will be able to stop it. Not US not even entire world, You asked me a stupid question and i gave you a stupid answer, Tell me one thing, Would a country like India will tell the Muslim empire that i wont talk to You one state until she listen to me? I tell you right now India will never even dare to talk or think like that. This world will chang and it is changing very fast.
You asking about nuclear countries letting Pakistan make Muslim union? It's not the Pakistani agenda, But it's the voice of Muslims around the world just go around and find out?
Last question about which way Chaina and Russia point their missles hahahhaha you are funny,
Buddy we mislims had good relations with China from the very start of Islam so Chinies will be totally fine with it, trust me, Rest about russia? So muslims have lived with Russians aswell and Muslims don't pose threat when they are Strong but just to say a little, Allah say in Quran almost the same words but again its in my own wording " When they plan against me, I plan something big and i'm the best planer"
Predicting a Majority-Muslim Russia :: Daniel Pipes
Go google it, Go google france becoming muslim neatherland germeny list goes on and on so buddy i tell you this 22nd century is Islamic century since most of the powerful countries will be muslims and under that they will become one and Muslim Union will be there Inshah Allah.
The primary motivation is economic and geopolitical. Immunity against Western blackmail and a sanction-proof economy to exploit economies of scale.

Noble motive but workable only if you are living on a fully self-reliant self-sustained kibbutz, an island if you will, cut off from the mainland over millenia and developing your own flora and fauna over that time (think madagascar).

Does not quite work so well in the present world economy. I dont know what your line of work is, but even as a medico I can poke big holes all day in your economic self-reliance theory, forget about the geopolitical ramifications.

Cheers, Doc
Yo my man when Muslims will decide to fallow MU trust me no one will be able to stop it. Not US not even entire world, You asked me a stupid question and i gave you a stupid answer, Tell me one thing, Would a country like India will tell the Muslim empire that i wont talk to You one state until she listen to me? I tell you right now India will never even dare to talk or think like that. This world will chang and it is changing very fast.
You asking about nuclear countries letting Pakistan make Muslim union? It's not the Pakistani agenda, But it's the voice of Muslims around the world just go around and find out?
Last question about which way Chaina and Russia point their missles hahahhaha you are funny,
Buddy we mislims had good relations with China from the very start of Islam so Chinies will be totally fine with it, trust me, Rest about russia? So muslims have lived with Russians aswell and Muslims don't pose threat when they are Strong but just to say a little, Allah say in Quran almost the same words but again its in my own wording " When they plan against me, I plan something big and i'm the best planer"
Predicting a Majority-Muslim Russia :: Daniel Pipes
Go google it, Go google france becoming muslim neatherland germeny list goes on and on so buddy i tell you this 22nd century is Islamic century since most of the powerful countries will be muslims and under that they will become one and Muslim Union will be there Inshah Allah.

As my Pakistani-Aussie friend would say, Good night Gracie!

As me the dehati would say, Jee Hazoor!
Why should I edit it? Is there anything wrong in what I have said? Do you think these things are a figment of my imagination or creations of corrupt biased Zionist funded Western media?

And why cant I see you online ..... i so look forward to your comebacks.

Cheers, Doc

Sure go study Islam buddy, Get yourself a Quran and learn get some hadit and learn then claim about it, lmao
Sure go study Islam buddy, Get yourself a Quran and learn get some hadit and learn then claim about it, lmao

Thank you buddy but I am most satisfied with the simple teachings of the Avesta, which is just a few thousand years older.

No disrespect meant in any way to my Muslim friends here, and I hope none is taken.

Cheers, Doc
Yo my man when Muslims will decide to fallow MU trust me no one will be able to stop it. Not US not even entire world, You asked me a stupid question and i gave you a stupid answer, Tell me one thing, Would a country like India will tell the Muslim empire that i wont talk to You one state until she listen to me? I tell you right now India will never even dare to talk or think like that. This world will chang and it is changing very fast.
You asking about nuclear countries letting Pakistan make Muslim union? It's not the Pakistani agenda, But it's the voice of Muslims around the world just go around and find out?
Last question about which way Chaina and Russia point their missles hahahhaha you are funny,
Buddy we mislims had good relations with China from the very start of Islam so Chinies will be totally fine with it, trust me, Rest about russia? So muslims have lived with Russians aswell and Muslims don't pose threat when they are Strong but just to say a little, Allah say in Quran almost the same words but again its in my own wording " When they plan against me, I plan something big and i'm the best planer"
Predicting a Majority-Muslim Russia :: Daniel Pipes
Go google it, Go google france becoming muslim neatherland germeny list goes on and on so buddy i tell you this 22nd century is Islamic century since most of the powerful countries will be muslims and under that they will become one and Muslim Union will be there Inshah Allah.

Do you think that rest of the population will be able to provide with the supplies and middle east would be ready to shun down billion dollar trade with India itself for the sake of Pakistan without anything in return where they will be feed to many states which are poor. So they will be into total loose loose situation creating more hostilities with countries like India where they enjoy a healthy relation. Such blackmailing would result the west to stop the supplies.

Are the nations including middle east rich enough to sustain without any external help when the burden will be more on middle east with no trade to do... and other nations in a state to hardly sustain supplies from themselves
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Do you think that rest of the population will be able to provide with the supplies and middle east would be ready to shun down billion dollar trade with India itself for the sake of Pakistan without anything in return where they will be feed to many states which are poor. So they will be into total loose loose situation creating more hostilities with countries like India where they enjoy a healthy relation. Such blackmailing would result the west to stop the supplies.

Are the nations including middle east rich enough to sustain without any external help when the burden will be more on middle east with no trade to do...

You talk about poor states? If islamic states are poor is because of others aswell? Pakistan makes military weapons and is good at certain fields/ Iran does the same, turkey does the same! All the Muslim countries spend their most of the money on weapons because of the threat from outside, Well when All are together no one will mess with MU countries. All the money that is paid to US or russia etc for weapons will be self made so cheap weapons and more money to support the countries! All the muslim countries will have free trade and eventually world will except this sooner or later, Muslims has all the resorces, For example Pakistan is not allowed to buy from Libya because UN said or Syria is not allowed to work with Pakistan Iran vs Saudia arabia, Egept vs another etc but once all are one we really don't need more, World will except Muslim Union since it will have some strong countries in its favor just sit and watch, I feel bad for one country though and i feel really bad coz i don't see that bright future of it :what: As far as India is concernd as a hostile state? I believe India will improve her relationships with all the muslims including Pakistan by herself, It's the question of when not IF buddy
What is stopping YOU, Pakistan, from saving your (actually its technically not yours, in that even that belongs to the US till and if you ever repay it) money TODAY and making these "self-made cheap weapons" buddy?

Do it as a dummy run and prove your prowess to your other Muslim nations and I am sure they will flock to you. After all the "threats from outside" are not going to magically disappear.

If at all, they are going to do some coming together of their own. It works both ways you know ..... in a free market economy of course. :)

And speaking of oil embargoes, if the world decides to impose a foodgrain embargo, have you ever thought what the MU nations are going to EAT? Or are they going to drink oil and go to bed? Last i saw in my geography texts in school, most potential MU countries are not exactly fertile alluvial plains and rice/wheat belts you know .....

Its the world's oldest warfare tactic man ..... to starve an enemy out in a blockade.

What does your prophecy have to say about that?

Cheers, Doc
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To be fair, the whole concept of Islamic union might just bring moderation to extremist nations joining this union. Arabs will need to take the sensibilities of Iranians and Pakistanis and vice versa. Indonesian and Malay Muslims are moderate and would need to be accommodated. Hence a consensus based decision making would need to emerge. Any consensus based system like democracy brings moderation to the society. Wahabi form of Islam, supported by Petro Dollar is the malaise of most Muslim countries might be subdued by rational sufi and neo sufi Islam. It might do good to the world on large. India and most non Muslim world do not have any problem with Muslims. We have problems with irrational extremism, irrespective of which religion. Hopefully, a peaceful Islamic union, following rule of law, will negate the base of non-muslim extremism. The moot question, that will need to be answered is – Will perceived benefit of such an union overcome nationalism and pride of the constituent nations? Will the emirs who exercise tremendous power on account of petro dollar, accept a round table instead of autocracy ?:undecided:
You talk about poor states? If islamic states are poor is because of others aswell? Pakistan makes military weapons and is good at certain fields/ Iran does the same, turkey does the same! All the Muslim countries spend their most of the money on weapons because of the threat from outside, Well when All are together no one will mess with MU countries. All the money that is paid to US or russia etc for weapons will be self made so cheap weapons and more money to support the countries! All the muslim countries will have free trade and eventually world will except this sooner or later, Muslims has all the resorces, For example Pakistan is not allowed to buy from Libya because UN said or Syria is not allowed to work with Pakistan Iran vs Saudia arabia, Egept vs another etc but once all are one we really don't need more, World will except Muslim Union since it will have some strong countries in its favor just sit and watch, I feel bad for one country though and i feel really bad coz i don't see that bright future of it :what: As far as India is concernd as a hostile state? I believe India will improve her relationships with all the muslims including Pakistan by herself, It's the question of when not IF buddy

I think this will further trigger the arms race because with such huge army buildup there will be more stockpile of weapons within the nations ultimately pushing more investments.

As far as India is concerned India already has good relations with almost all Islamic states apart from Pakistan.

If you go by the geographies of Islamic world you cannot survive without exports because of lack of irrigable land and the nations which actually have are not yet self sufficient enough to feed such a huge population.

Though China has good relations with most of Islamic states but with such huge buildup it will also be threatened.
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I feel bad for one country though and i feel really bad coz i don't see that bright future of it :what: As far as India is concernd as a hostile state? I believe India will improve her relationships with all the muslims including Pakistan by herself, It's the question of when not IF buddy

India has very good relationship with almost all Islamic State of the world, my friend.
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