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Islamic Brotherhood, Ummah, common market, Khilafah

Should muslims strive for Pan Islamism or individual nation states is the answer now?

  • Pan Islamism

    Votes: 12 48.0%
  • Nation staes

    Votes: 13 52.0%

  • Total voters
The concept of Khalifah and Khilafat floated by terrorist organizations such as the Hizb-ut-Tahrir is one of the biggest fraud and deception of the 21st Century.
They aren't a terrorist organisation though.
Though I do remember you wanting to bomb a crowd of protesters a couple of years ago... So kinda seems of hypocritical that you're calling others terrorists.

I am pro-Muslim unity and brotherhood. Frankly cannot see any other way out of this situation in which we find ourselves.

Many posters will say that our friendship with Turkey is based on race or ethnicity, but it’s because of our common understanding of Islam which is anti-sectarian and pan-Islamic.

Our relationship with China and Russia are temporary, convenient for the time, based on common short term goals and common adversaries.

Khilafat also is a necessity and we can implement a modern system of it to allow our present nation states.

I think our friendship with Turkey comes from them being descendants of the Ottomans. Our ancestors respected each other and the respect passed down the generations even though mustafa kamal tried to eradicate Islam from the Turks.
Pakistan has throughout its history put the interests of other states in front of its own and you can see the results.
The Muslim Ummah was no where to be seen in 71 and when Kashmir bled and still continues to....
Just a few months ago Pakistan was stabbed clean in the back at the FATF by no less than its 'brothers' from the Middle East and the meeting in July looks set to be more of the same. Malaysia also went against Pakistan.

Don't get me wrong I believe in the concept, but if Pakistan now tries to pursue this idealism it runs the risk of hurting its own people and nation.
Let's see some reciprocation and then we can talk.
Pakistan has throughout its history put the interests of other states in front of its own and you can see the results.
The Muslim Ummah was no where to be seen in 71 and when Kashmir bled and still continues to....
Just a few months ago Pakistan was stabbed clean in the back at the FATF by no less than its 'brothers' from the Middle East and the meeting in July looks set to be more of the same. Malaysia also went against Pakistan.

Don't get me wrong I believe in the concept, but if Pakistan now tries to pursue this idealism it runs the risk of hurting its own people and nation.
Let's see some reciprocation and then we can talk.

Yeh I get where you're coming from.

I think the leaders of the governments of many foreign muslim countries probably don't see us as "brothers". Some in the gulf (particularly the UAE) probably see us as slaves even. Though I've seen a lot of brotherhood coming from normal citizens though, came across plenty of great arab bros, somali bros, kurds etc...
They aren't a terrorist organisation though.
Though I do remember you wanting to bomb a crowd of protesters a couple of years ago... So kinda seems of hypocritical that you're calling others terrorists.

I think our friendship with Turkey comes from them being descendants of the Ottomans. Our ancestors respected each other and the respect passed down the generations even though mustafa kamal tried to eradicate Islam from the Turks.
You can call it what you want. HT and its followers are barbaric terrorist scum who tried to undermine our nuclear weapons and state organizations. If I see one and I am carrying a gun, I will pull the trigger or make sure someone does find and pick that person up, dump their body in the Arabian sea.

Oh yeah, I did want to bomb the rizvi crowd.. spouting filth in the name of the prophet.
Yeh I get where you're coming from.

I think the leaders of the governments of many foreign muslim countries probably don't see us as "brothers". Some in the gulf (particularly the UAE) probably see us as slaves even. Though I've seen a lot of brotherhood coming from normal citizens though, came across plenty of great arab bros, somali bros, kurds etc...

Normal people are great bro.
Until there is a true Islamic socialist system (as Quaid-e-Azam wanted us to have) in Pakistan that citizens of other muslims countries aspire to have in their countries, ummah will remain a distant dream.
You can call it what you want. HT and its followers are barbaric terrorist scum who tried to undermine our nuclear weapons and state organizations. If I see one and I am carrying a gun, I will pull the trigger or make sure someone does find and pick that person up, dump their body in the Arabian sea.

Oh yeah, I did want to bomb the rizvi crowd.. spouting filth in the name of the prophet.

You're just proving my point and coming across as some mindless monster lol. I wonder how an extremist like you ever became a mod, eh? Perhaps they need to have a vetting process.

Gosh, you want shoot people for their political beliefs (regardless of how you word their beliefs) and bomb protesters who use filthy language (whatever that means anyway).

And please, don't act like you care about Islam or the Prophet (pbuh). It's obvious what people like you actually think. If you even had the slightest love of the Prophet (pbuh) in your body, maybe you wouldn't feel so bloodthirsty towards your fellow Muslims.
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It would be great if we can have some comments from the following areas:
European Muslim Countries
North Africans
Central African
Far East Asian
Central Asia / Afghanistan

So far it seems that just like in 1918 it is the betrayal of the Arabs and use of Indian Muslims (Now Pakistan) being used as the foot soldiers of west which has created a situation where most of the muslims are not in favour of Ummah concept. I might be wrong, would love to see more comments.

Why do we always look at others to solve our Islamic problems? are we as Pakistanis not muslims, is Al Aqsa not important to us as Pakistanis? Al Aqsa belongs to ALL muslims

in time of Saladin Europe threw everything they had at him, from England Richard the Lionheart, from France Raynald of Chatillon, from Germany Fredrick and from Italy Pope Urban II, Fredrick from Germany marched with over 1 million men

Saladin wrote letters to all muslims including the 3 calpihs yes thats 3 caliphs none of them responded most of them sided with crusaders

Saladin was not a Sahaba, or Tabein he was from the ummah of prophet just like us but he had imam and he filled his rights to the ummah, at the time of Saladin there was 3 calpihs how many people know the names of those 3? no one because they didn't care and history forgot them but history remembers Saladin because he cared

my point we shouldn't look to others but rather ourselves, it takes just one man just one single man to change the course of history

in 1918 Churchill was rear admiral for the Royal Navy at Gallipoli and he was handed a very heavy defeat by the Ottoman Turks, and he swore after that that as long as muslims are united they can't be defeated there is just no way

then he devised the plan for flag, anthem and country for each of the Muslim nation to keep them divided

sad thing is 100 years on his planned has worked, every morning muslims in muslim country wake up to national anthem and die for flag and country
The Treaty of Lausanne will be 100 years in 2023, Turkey is already talking about it not having relevance anymore. This is why Erdogan is building Turkish defense emplacements on the Bosporus, drilling for oil, and planning on taking back Greek occupied islands, Mosul (which was an important part of Turkey,) and Northern Syria.

This is the real reason for the demonization of Turkey from the West. Nothing stops Turkey from reclaiming the Khilafat.
Asalamu Alaikum

These Muslim nations armed Pakistan with equipment during 1971, but that's all they could do. It was impossible to salvage Bangladesh.

Pfft most Afghans have no problem with Pakistanis, I know plenty of them.

As for Arabs, they asked for assistance, not cannon fodder. We should have helped them, we are allies. They've done the same for us before (albeit not through direct military action).

1. You can get citizenship provided you live there for a long time and contribute to the country in a significant way. They don't let everyone have citizenship because otherwise Arabs would become a powerless minority, and Saudi Arabia would turn into Tamil Arabia.

2. Yes they will, provided the government gives permission first. They don't like race-mixing which I disagree with, but that's not really anything major since they have the same views about everyone else, including other non-Gulf Arabs.

3. Yes they will, it comes with a few caveats though because again, they want their Arab country to remain Arab.

4. Complete crap lol, I lived in Qatar for 4.5 years and know for a fact how crap that is. I saw Pakistanis and even Hindustanis earning more than their white counterparts.
You are agreeing that "Arab Thing" is above "Ummah Thing", but that is not the case with Pakistanis living in UK/ China
Ummah bothers treating tier 2 ummah brothers as unequals
then he devised the plan for flag, anthem and country for each of the Muslim nation to keep them divided
This is a lie. The only thing Pakistanis die for these days IS islam nothing else. Same goes for all other Islamic nations.
There was a time when we as a Pakistanis were taught about the ummah, islamic brotherhood etc. Then came 911, we turned against the then Afghan government and our national narrative was changed from Ummah to Pakistan first. Now if some one talks about Ummah / Khilafah / Islamic Brotherhood he is frowned upon.

I would like people to discuss pros and cons of "Ummah" unity narrative.

Thank you
Pakistan first,second and last nation states look for their interest above other things they misuse the ummah case to further national interests and discard them when it doesnot suit them

You want ummah love then start from scratch. Meaning Pakistani consititution has to be dissolved and a new Pakistan with a new constitution is set. Along the lines of -
ISIS oh wait non arabs were either cannon fodder,jihadi brood mares or toilet cleaners
now its seems joke
It always was joke sir ji read a little about conflicts of different Islamic empires in the sub-continent and outside of it we are being duped into this manjan which isnt going to work
My words are going to sting some people here but I cannot help but to state the obvious fact:

Pakistan is NOT an Islamic country, not it's people nor it's politicians.

How can a country where black magic, cheating in business dealings/transactions, Indian Bollywood propaganda, open sexuality and degeneracy, where people even refuse to read and understand the Urdu translation of the Quran, is so common, can be called an "Islamic" country?

On what basis? Because it's labeled "Islamic Republic" (which is an oxymoron, you cannot be "Islamic" while also being a "Republic" which is a Western style system)?

If I label a pig halal does it become halal?

Before we ever claim the title of "Islamic" we should live the example of Islam, which neither our people do nor do our leaders.


Let's first live up to Islamic ideals within our personal lives before even thinking about calling ourselves "Islamic".
I totally agree with you on this.
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