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Is Turkey the natural ally of the West

Few days ago Syria/Russia killed approximately 40 Turk soldiers,
(Turkey is supporting ISIS & Nusra Front (Al Qaeda) & some other groups with new name)

Then Erdogan asked help from NATO,
In reality Erdogan wants to drag NATO in Syria by blackmailing via Refugees,

But NATO only condemns attacks on Turk Soldiers,

Why ? Because Russia is there..
Even america is going out of Syria,
Why ? Because it is impossible for them to gain their goals, reason is Russia is there..
NATO & US is now only wants to use their proxies, but it too looks them impossible to gain their objectives..

NATO & US can drag Turkey to their wars,
But Turkey can not drag them in his war,
Why ? Because NATO members like UK, FRANCE and US is strong than Turkey military wise and economically,
and other reason is Turkey is Muslim country, they do not trust on Turkey and Erdogan is Blackmailer and more stupid even than Trump..

Chapter 5 covers defense of NATO territory. It does not cover Turkish troops inside Syria.
There are also geographical limitations.
When Argentina invaded the Falkland Islands, this was outside that geographical area, so that was also not applicable.
The west can extract a very price from turk. If they misbehave again, they can encourage Russia to start nuking turkish cities as a subtle message
Russia have proved itself to be untrustworthy. Shame on Russia.

Pakistan, please take notes.

The current regime of Russia is no angel, that is the reality, during the last decade they have been constantly meddling in the affairs of foreign countries for wrong reasons.
Russia have proved itself to be untrustworthy.
Russia is only "trustworthy" to her interests. "Trusting" any country more than your direct and real interests and advantages is just naive, and i know you know better.

Shame on Russia.
Russia must be winning because you sound hurt from disadvantage caused by Russia. You poked the bear and it reacted. Russia let you have the 1st punch, and you naively took it.

Pakistan, please take notes.
A must.

The current regime of Russia is no angel, that is the reality, during the last decade they have been constantly meddling in the affairs of foreign countries for wrong reasons.
But all advanced, competitive and rich countries meddle in the affairs of foreign countries. YOu're just crying fake wolf here bro.

Saudi Arabia

They all meddle in other countries affairs so i dont really understand your point. Its like you prefer to ignore reality and hope for the perfect world hypothetical situation which is just non-existent.
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