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Is Pak the national self-expression of the Indus Valley or is it remnant of N.Indian Islamic empires


the conquests of non arab land started way before Abbasids.
It's started by an arab merchant to unite all the arab tribes abd yes the ummayyads didn't want the non arabs to convert but the Abbasids changed it.

Bring your best case and let me deconstruct it for you dani boy. Do you even know what Islam means? What is more frustrating is that a self professed NoN Muslim is spewing hot air at something he/she has no business saying...
Islam means submitting and what does that have to do with islam being an arab nationalistic religion??!!
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It is beneficial to identify with Indus Valley and territorial boundaries but they should be of a secondary status.

Otherwise if you revise the identity of Pakistan to being something other than an Indo-Muslim state, it would be hard to explain why the Nizam of Hyderabad tried to join Pakistan or why was Bangladesh part of Pakistan until 1971

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That means the largest Muslim state in the subcontinent at any given time is an iteration of Pakistan
That means the largest Dharmic state (Hindu/Buddhist/Jain/Sikh) in the subcontinent at any given time is an iteration of India

This also means Pakistan was at its largest during last years of Aurangzeb's rule

interesting ..I like it

What say you,Sir? @Mangus Ortus Novem
It's started by an arab merchant to unite all the arab tribes abd yes the ummayyads didn't want the non arabs to convert but the Abbasids changed it.

did the arab merchant (saws) ever say the purpose of his life was to unite arabs?
present-day Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran was conquested during the time of Umar r.a era who was the second caliph.
Infact Rashidun caliphate extended from Maghreb(non-arab) all the way up to sindh (present day Pakistan), and it included, Jerusalem,Syria ,Persia and a chunk of Turkestan.


Submitting to Allah the arab Semitic god and not to your south asian god.
Now we can talk...
Let's learn Islam, shall we? Instead of unsubstantiated gibberish you've been spewing ...
Qur'an [2:255]
Allah - there is no deity except Him, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of [all] existence. Neither drowsiness overtakes Him nor sleep. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. Who is it that can intercede with Him except by His permission? He knows what is [presently] before them and what will be after them, and they encompass not a thing of His knowledge except for what He wills. His Kursi extends over the heavens and the earth, and their preservation tires Him not. And He is the Most High, the Most Great.
did the arab merchant (saws) ever say the purpose of his life was to unite arabs?
present-day Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran was conquested during the time of Umar r.a era who was the second caliph.
Infact Rashidun caliphate extended from Maghreb(non-arab) all the way up to sindh (present day Pakistan), and it included, Jerusalem,Syria ,Persia and a chunk of Turkestan.


Yes he said that and in fact he was an arab nationalist also these so called conquest were just like the roman conquest for money and lands the Romans didn't care if they subjects worshiped their gods.

Now we can talk...
Let's learn Islam, shall we? Instead of unsubstantiated gibberish you've been spewing ...
Qur'an [2:255]
Allah - there is no deity except Him, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of [all] existence. Neither drowsiness overtakes Him nor sleep. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. Who is it that can intercede with Him except by His permission? He knows what is [presently] before them and what will be after them, and they encompass not a thing of His knowledge except for what He wills. His Kursi extends over the heavens and the earth, and their preservation tires Him not. And He is the Most High, the Most Great.
Again what does this have to do with Islam being an arab nationalistic religion?!
People should stop taking this guy seriously. His fellow Arabs will always consider Islam over his race, which is self evident in the failure of Pan-Arabism and the rise of Islamism. This apostate cannot do anything about it
People should stop taking this guy seriously. His fellow Arabs will always consider Islam over their his race, which is self evident in the fall of Pan-Arabism and the rise of Islamism. This apostate cannot do anything about it
This post show how stupid you are first I wasn't born into muslim family so how I am an apostate second islam was founded to empower and enhance Arabism lol.
Yes he said that and in fact he was an arab nationalist also these so called conquest were just like the roman conquest for money and lands the Romans didn't care if they subjects worshiped their gods.

Again what does this have to do with Islam being an arab nationalistic religion?!
Whats your source? where does he say he is a nationalist?
Before attacking persia prophet Muhammad wrote letter to Khusrow Pervez to convert to Islam.,Umar wrote to the king Yazdgird to convert to Islam..The Rashidun were smart enough unlike romans who not only released right hand possessions, slaves and prisoners of war upon a condition that they convert but also had non muslims escape jizia tax if they converted to muslims and the whole political approach to it was to have next generations follow the religion Islam. looks like more than a hunt for wealth, right?? You know what are Abrahamic religions? and why they cant be called an arab religion for a reason? do you know why the darud (recitation) muslims read is called darud-e-Abrahami?
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Whats your source? where does he say he is a nationalist?
Before attacking persia Umar r.a wrote letters to the king Yazdgird to convert to Islam..The Rashidun were smart enough unlike romans who not only released right hand possessions, slaves and prisoners of war upon a condition that they convert but also had non muslims escape jizia tax if they converted to muslims and the whole political approach to it was to have next generations follow the religion Islam. looks like more than a hunt for wealth, right?? You know what are Abrahamic religions? and why they cant be called an arab religion for a reason? do you know why the darud (recitation) muslims read is called darud-e-Abrahami?
No omar himself was racist and arab nationalist who only about conquering Iraq he wished there was a mountain of fire between arabs and persians and that's it self prove he didn't give a shit about converting them to islam so what you saying have no historical reality.
Islam is an Arab nationalistic religion was founded to unite the Arabs
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) in his lifetime invited the Romans (Byzantines), the Copts (Egyptians), the Persians and African Kingdoms to Islam and gained converts from all the fore mentioned regions. Non of them were Arab at that time. Islam from the onset was a global religion for all mankind. And it did spread in the whole known world despite what some Arab nationalists think. For those Islam is a liability anyway
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he wished there was a mountain of fire between arabs and persians and that's it self prove he didn't give a shit about converting them to islam so what you saying have no historical reality.
unconvincing like always...

yes he said that and it has a context..its hilarious how you translate it into him being a nationalist....He said that when he was sure the peace treaty between his army and the one standing in al-jabal(kufah) was about to be violated..He occasionally used to say this for his adversary when he was facing difficulty.
Yes he said that and in fact he was an arab nationalist also these so called conquest were just like the roman conquest for money and lands the Romans didn't care if they subjects worshiped their gods.

Again what does this have to do with Islam being an arab nationalistic religion?!
What? I think, I can safely let you go as a harmless poodle... it is becoming ridiculous. Good luck daniboy! Arab nationalistic one :)
ands the Romans didn't care if they subjects worshiped their gods.
Duhhhh... the Romans were Christians at that time. They had even banished the Jews from entering Jerusalem. It was during Omar's (RA) time when the Jerusalem was captured that the Muslims and Jews cleaned the area which the Romans had turned in to a dump

It was these Romans who felt threatened by the rise of Islam who thought some "new Jews" had gained a stronghold in Arabia
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