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Is Pak the national self-expression of the Indus Valley or is it remnant of N.Indian Islamic empires

Yet he spent most of his time fighting his own tribe, with Africans and Indo-Iranians assisting him.
Yeah because his tribe stood against his project just like ariella and genghis khan. Also most of his close men and many of his commanders were from his tribe includes bani ummaya and bani al abbas.

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) in his lifetime invited the Romans (Byzantines), the Copts (Egyptians), the Persians and African Kingdoms to Islam and gained converts from all the fore mentioned regions. Non of them were Arab at that time. Islam from the onset was a global religion for all mankind. And it did spread in the whole known world despite what some Arab nationalists think. For those Islam is a liability anyway
These are made up lies made by the Abbasids just how Christianity was for jews but later the Romans made it international but I am glad many Europeans specially the Scandinavians going back to their ancestral beliefs. Islam is an arab and it's for arabs only period just how judaism is for Israelites.

Whats your source? where does he say he is a nationalist?
Before attacking persia prophet Muhammad wrote letter to Khusrow Pervez to convert to Islam.,Umar wrote to the king Yazdgird to convert to Islam..The Rashidun were smart enough unlike romans who not only released right hand possessions, slaves and prisoners of war upon a condition that they convert but also had non muslims escape jizia tax if they converted to muslims and the whole political approach to it was to have next generations follow the religion Islam. looks like more than a hunt for wealth, right?? You know what are Abrahamic religions? and why they cant be called an arab religion for a reason? do you know why the darud (recitation) muslims read is called darud-e-Abrahami?
Oh yeah and how that worked today?! The Iranians hated arabs because if this conversion and they destroyed many arab countries they should have left alone.

unconvincing like always...

yes he said that and it has a context..its hilarious how you translate it into him being a nationalist....He said that when he was sure the peace treaty between his army and the one standing in al-jabal(kufah) was about to be violated..He occasionally used to say this for his adversary when he was facing difficulty.
Omar disliked non arabs he himself was nationalist who was even against arabs mixing with the people of the conquered lands.
Yeah because his tribe stood against his project just like ariella and genghis khan. Also most of his close men and many of his commanders were from his tribe includes bani ummaya and bani al abbas.

These are made up lies made by the Abbasids just how Christianity was for jews but later the Romans made it international but I am glad many Europeans specially the Scandinavians going back to their ancestral beliefs. Islam is an arab and it's for arabs only period just how judaism is for Israelites.

Oh yeah and how that worked today?! The Iranians hated arabs because if this conversion and they destroyed many arab countries they should have left alone.

Omar disliked non arabs he himself was nationalist who was even against arabs mixing with the people of the conquered lands.

Is Hazrat Bilal an Arab?
You seem to be deficit in history knowledge
Oh yeah and how that worked today?! The Iranians hated arabs because if this conversion and they destroyed many arab countries they should have left alone.
What happened later is another debate..Stick to what you are trying to prove.
Omar disliked non arabs he himself was nationalist who was even against arabs mixing with the people of the conquered lands.

All those numerous people who were part of the inner circle of Prophet Muhammad that were non-arabs.
Like I said deficit in historical knowledge while those history you know is skewed by your perception
No, they were fine to make him their king. They just didn't like his strict monotheism.
That's is another lie because he wasn't from a rich background he was a shepherd who only became rich by marrying a rich woman and no one would make him a king but they disagreed on his new arab political ideology even one of them said leave him to the arabs if they kill him than it's done and if he wins than his victory will be your victory. When the Muslims were defeated in the beginning of hunayn abu sufian was happy bin safwan bin ummya was angry and he said he wouldn't like his own tribal brother muhammad losing to the tribe of hawazin so even if muhammad had different religion while hawazin was pagan like quraish they still sided with muhammad because he was their kin and for them tribe is more important than religion.
That's is another lie because he wasn't from a rich background he was a shepherd who only became rich by marrying a rich woman and no one would make him a king but they disagreed on his new arab political ideology even one of them said leave him to the arabs if they kill him than it's done and if he wins than his victory will be your victory. When the Muslims were defeated in the beginning of hunayn abu sufian was happy bin safwan bin ummya was angry and he said he wouldn't like his own tribal brother muhammad losing to the tribe of hawazin so even if muhammad had different religion while hawazin was pagan like quraish they still sided with muhammad because he was their kin and for them tribe is more important than religion.
man, arabs have great history so do pakistanis but we live in present and future , modern world is creation of west with some contribution from japan and now china. Future is what we can change with hardwork . I will like pakistanis(punjabis, pashtuns, sindhis, balochs, dardics......) to all focus on nation building so that after like 100 or 200 years they can start competing with best in contribution to global arts and sciences. Hopefully you think the same regarding you arabs.

Now please leave us alone here.
These are made up lies made by the Abbasids just how Christianity was for jews but later the Romans made it international but I am glad many Europeans specially the Scandinavians going back to their ancestral beliefs. Islam is an arab and it's for arabs only period just how judaism is for Israelites.

So great you understand...So many donot understand the rise of nationalistic racial Germanic neopaganism..Race and religion are forever intertwined...A religion without a racial linkage is like a gravy without meat
These are made up lies made by the Abbasids
Again wrong
Was Jerusalem/parts of the Roman empire, Egypt or Persia captured during the Abbasid period? Did the local people convert during the Abbasid time?

Christianity was for jews but later the Romans made it international
True but the It gave a the Romans/Europeans a unifying glue and a sense of purpose more than any of their pagan philosophies could. It even unified them to push back the Turkish and Moorish invasions

ut I am glad many Europeans specially the Scandinavians going back to their ancestral beliefs
Prosperity does that to you. You start claiming to be god or starting inventing them and even start denying him altogether. Believing in a ONE True God has always been a problem with mankind

going back to their ancestral beliefs
How is believing in made up regional deities that have the same desires and fighing over petty things like ordinary humans a good thing?

Islam is an arab and it's for arabs
Where exactly in the Quran does it say that? The Quran itself classifies mankind into believers and non believers unlike the Bible which addresses the Children of Israel. If anything the Quran itself calls the Arabs, Umeyeen (The Ignorant), Sura Juma

A religion without a racial linkage is like a gravy without meat
That may be true for older religions with their regional limitations but Islam with its universal message and appeal is free from such geographical constraints. In fact Islam through it's missionary activity, trade and wars was able to bring the world together like no other movement.
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So great you understand...So many donot understand the rise of nationalistic racial Germanic neopaganism..Race and religion are forever intertwined...A religion without a racial linkage is like a gravy without meat

For hinduism YES. For Islam, NO. Different religions have different parameters and social/cultural constraints.
For hinduism YES
For Hinduism worshipping the land is the glue that binds all Hindus. You can believe in any god, gods or don't believe in him at all or follow any other conflicting theology. As long as you hold the land sacred and your belief system originated in India, your salvation is guaranteed

Hence the slogan: "bharat mata ki jai"
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Again wrong
Was Jerusalem/parts of the Roman empire, Egypt or Persia captured during the Abbasid period? Did the local people convert during the Abbasid time?

True but the It gave a the Romans/Europeans a unifying glue and a sense of purpose more than any of their pagan philosophies could. It even unified them to push back the Turkish and Moorish invasions

Prosperity does that to you. You start claiming to be god or starting inventing them and even start denying him altogether. Believing in a ONE True God has always been a problem with mankind

How is believing in made up regional deities that have the same desires and fighing over petty things like ordinary humans a good thing?

Where exactly in the Quran does it say that? The Quran itself classifies mankind into believers and non believers unlike the Bible which addresses the Children of Israel. If anything the Quran itself calls the Arabs, Umeyeen (The Ignorant), Sura Juma

That may be true for older religions with their regional limitations but Islam with its universal message and appeal is free from such geographical constraints. In fact Islam through it's missionary activity, trade and wars was able to bring the world together like no other movement.

Buddhism was the first missionary religion on the planet...and Pakistan played a critical role in it...That China has Buddhism as its primary religion along with Taoism is entirely the doing of Pakistan...most probably Pak will do the same thing to China vis-a-vis Islam...CPEC will bring more change in China than in Pakistan

For Hinduism worshipping the land is the glue that binds all Hindus. You can believe in any god, gods or don't believe in him at all or follow any other conflicting theology. As long as you hold the land sacred and your belief system originated in India, your salvation is guaranteed

Hence the slogan: "bharat mata ki jai"

Brilliant...you get it Sir!!!!! This is why Hindus donot have any problem with atheists as long as they say they are following Charvaka or Lokayata philosophy...since both of them originated in India

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