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Is our country being subservient to the West?

If he dont write in Turkish than he is a troll. I think he wil not come back and defending his opinion.
Guys why do you want to see Turkey as ruined as other Islamic countries?

Please let them to experience other type of Islamic nation at least to the point there will be another Islamic nation more successful than Turkey.
At least cut relations with Israel. No one is fooled by the theatre show Erdogan is playing, trying to appear Anti-Israel. Israel enjoys a full trade relationship with the Zionist regime in Turkey.

I'm not sure what exactly you are reffering to by "full trade relationship" but even if the economical relationship with Israel still exists, that doesn't mean we have forgotten what they did. They will either apologize or sooner or later pay the price in some form. For example Suleymaniye incident, it has been 10 years since it happened but people in Turkey still waiting for American soldiers to show up with sacks in their hands. Same goes to Mavi Marmara, it will not be forgotten, no matter what the AKP's agenda was.

To answer the question of the thread: Yes, absolutely. Erdogan is a rat and the man (well, not only him) that surrended his countrys sovereignty in exchange of a promise from the Americans that Turkey would play role of "Ottoman" in the region. He foolishly took that offer and in the process the opposite happened. Turkey is no longer seen as a country with an independent foreign policy, but a Americanized muslim nation that is not only member of NATO (who have several hundres of thousands of people in the ME) but is also trying it outmost to be a member of EU, and loosing its Turkish identity in the process.
So the opposite has happened of what the Americans promised you. You are not Ottoman. You are a client state (this is clear after your policies in regards to Syria) that no longer enjoys a good influence or relationship with the neighbors.

You should pay more attention to Erdogan's stance on Syria issue. He is the one who is pushing West to take action in Syria, not the other way around. His government is the one who constantly push for military intervention in Syria while the West tend to refrain from taking such measures.

The sad thing is a significant portion of Turks will see this as me attacking them, and they get very defensive. Erdogan is destroying your state and identity. Its time to wake up.

Significant portion of Turks will not see you as attacking them, on contrary they will agree with you about your last sentence.
I remember how Turkey was used when Iraq was invaded.. all the fighters used our ports.. and I remember the Hood Event (Çuval Olayı).. when they were done with us how they insulted our army.. and now we are being used against Syria.. both the thugs are supported and the NATO missiles and US bases here.. I don't know what the west aims.. maybe they plan to divide all the countries in the middle-east to form a so-called Kurdish state (in fact Greater Israel).. Our government is ready to accept a state "solution".. and Iraq also now is ready.. only Syria has been against it.. And I think, we are used again, to destroy Assad govt. and divide Syria for a "Kurdish" state.. and their next target is Iran.. the PJAK and MKO is being supported by the west against Iran and the west already does not consider these terrorist groups as so.. How about PKK? Will we have power to fight them after being used again, will the NATO be there for us? or another hood event will occur? and making excuses of so-called nation or sect states will they help divide Turkey too? So many questions.. I hope the AKP comes to their senses and God forbid we won't be used again totally (a war with our fellow mid-east countries)..

I think you guys guess the censored word starts with b..

1- Turkey refused US request to use Turkish land for Iraqi invasion, thats why Turkish US relationships were strained during Bush era. Hence the hood incident.

2- US public and decision makers actually don't want to interfere in Syria, it is Turkey, KSA and EU that pushes US into Syrian civil war against their dictator.

3- Greater Israel thing is a muslim conspiracy theory, nothing more nothing less. Kurdish state will be created, I don't know if they can menage to take land from Turkey or Iran as they are pretty strong and old states but its creation is inevitable.

4- Syria is under pressure because KSA and Turkey needs to have a land route that they can transfer CBF (Carbon-based fuel) to EU and decrease its energy dependence on Russia.

5- Iran was one of the biggest supporters of PKK and always had its spies in it. After Turkey's stance on Syria they propably support them again via Syria if not openly by themselves.

6- PKK is not a threat that can harm Turkey, it is the mindset of Kurds that can harm Turkey. Turkey's fear isn't about the foreign supported PKK but PKK's influence among Kurds which will be decreased if Kurds think that PKK is being used by ''West''. Btw, if Turkish army, one of the most powerful and professional armies in the world can't defeat few thausand terrorists then it wouldn't be in NATO and NATO isn't there to fight against internal threats, NATO's fight against internal threats would damage any members sovereignty it is there to fight against external threats.

7- I think by nation and sect states you mean, KSA (I am sure about this) and Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan is our second home, KSA and Turkey has ties that cannot be broken that easily. No need for your concern.

8- No need to pray for anything, public is against a war.

9- You are propably a false-flag so we don't really care much about your thoughts on Turkey. (My opinion as a member not as a mod. You can come to me with anything if you need something.) :)
I'm not sure what exactly you are reffering to by "full trade relationship" but even if the economical relationship with Israel still exists, that doesn't mean we have forgotten what they did. They will either apologize or sooner or later pay the price in some form.

How will they pay the price? Give me a concrete example, if you dont mind.

You should pay more attention to Erdogan's stance on Syria issue. He is the one who is pushing West to take action in Syria, not the other way around. His government is the one who constantly push for military intervention in Syria while the West tend to refrain from taking such measures.

Thats even worse.
Regardless, Erdogan took this stance on Syria on the promise or idea from America that Turkey would play the leading role of Ottoman in the region, and Erdogan himself would be Soltan.

Significant portion of Turks will not see you as attacking them, on contrary they will agree with you about your last sentence.

Then I stand corrected. That is good to hear.
How will they pay the price? Give me a concrete example, if you dont mind.

Well, there is a legal process going on in order to make the lifes of the 'geniuses' who planned the raid, harder. Other than that, i don't really know how it is going to happen. What i know for sure is, something is going to happen unless they apologize. It is not an easy job to hurt a country which enjoys USA's unconditional support, you know... It could take years, but the opportunities has been and shall be used.

Thats even worse.
Regardless, Erdogan took this stance on Syria on the promise or idea from America that Turkey would become the Ottoman

That is not the case here. The topic is, to what extent Turkey's foreign policy is being shaped by the West. On contrary what you think, when it comes to Syria, Turkey is the one who is shaping the policy of the West, not the other way around.
That is not the case here. The topic is, to what extent Turkey's foreign policy is being shaped by the West. On contrary what you think, when it comes to Syria, Turkey is the one who is shaping the policy of the West, not the other way around.

I dont agree with that. The West has a very large stake in breaking up Syria. Because there have been several attempts at steering Syria away from the resistance axis, but failed.
Countries like Qatar and KSA do not act alone. I very much believe America has mediated behind the table and given them the green light to fund FSA. But now Im only talking about the American role in this.

Turkey is different. Its not a puppet like those GCC regimes. Turkey is a regional superpower.
Ok, so if we say America did not influence Turkey.
In that case Turkey saw the opposition and turmoil in Syria, as an opportunity to extend its influence. But I think it made a wrong move by CHOOSING a side, sheltering and giving support to that side, instead of being a neutral mediator in negotiations. Do you agree with this?
I dont agree with that. The West has a very large stake in breaking up Syria. Because there have been several attempts at steering Syria away from the resistance axis, but failed.
Countries like Qatar and KSA do not act alone. I very much believe America has mediated behind the table and given them the green light to fund FSA. But now Im only talking about the American role in this.

Turkey and West clearly has the same goal about Syria. When i said Turkey is the one who is shaping West's policy, i meant AKP government has a more hasty approach and want to get rid off Assad as soon as possible with military intervention if needed, while West takes it easy and waiting for FSA to handle it in the long run.

Turkey is different. Its not a puppet like those GCC regimes. Ok, so if we say America did not influence Turkey

There is no country on earth which is immune to US influence mate, including Iran. But there is a difference between getting influenced and being a puppet.

In that case Turkey saw the opposition as an opportunity to extend its influence. But I think it made a wrong move by CHOOSING a side, sheltering and giving support to that side, instead of being a mediator in negotiations.

Turkey and West clearly has the same goal about Syria. When i said Turkey is the one who is shaping West's policy, i meant AKP government has a more hasty approach and want to get rid off Assad as soon as possible with military intervention if needed, while West takes it easy and waiting for FSA to handle it in the long run.

There is no country on earth which is immune to US influence mate, including Iran. But there is a difference between getting influenced and being a puppet.


Well I take back the client state thing. Its a bit of strong word. Turkey is much stronger than that. Turkey and Iran are the regional superpowers. I think if we can deepen our ties and not be so rival and compete with another in a destructive way, we can form a very powerful geopolitical bloc. The only problem is that we dont see eye to eye on everything which makes it difficult to form such a bloc (both Turkey AND Iran have their wrong decisions in different matters).
Every country has its own vision and policies. Our interests do now always allign and that is what makes things difficult.
sorry but erdogan is donmeh crypto agent. then you got another agent harun yahya aka adnan oktar . read history of false flags/revolutions.
Rothschild paper money. john perkins economic hitman. eustace mullins just few to read. sorry but every country to an extent now under control n prepared for big war. chain of wars after another economy in mess not by accident by design then world war.
4- Syria is under pressure because KSA and Turkey needs to have a land route that they can transfer CBF (Carbon-based fuel) to EU and decrease its energy dependence on Russia.
I see you and Musa exaggerate this factor that made Turkey stand with Syrians, notting that oil can be transferred to EU by sea BTW. Turkey has deep historical, economic, and geographical ties with Syrians and it can't just ignore the carnage next to it's doors as it's a big country that has obligations toward the world and regional countries such as GCC, EU and Arab world in general. PLS, Erdogan wants to be seen as a hero in Turkey, Islamic and Arab world by supporting bereaved Syrians. Furthermore, he is a leader with high ethics and morals, so he won't just ignore the uprising in a neighboring country, not to forget that Syrian uprising is an excellent chance to spread the influence of Turkey in the region which he has been working on for years.
syria intervention purpose is to throw assad n put in regime that subservient to USA Zion policy n break off Russia/iran alliance. best is assad should step down quickly have someone take over (election or sumthing) n keep Iran/Russian alliance. idiot brainwashed nato jihadis blowing things up in syria n then shout allah akbar while taking instructions from NATO/Anglo alliance.
I see you and Musa exaggerate this factor that made Turkey stand with Syrians, notting that oil can be transferred to EU by sea BTW. Turkey has deep historical, economic, and geographical ties with Syrians and it can't just ignore the carnage next to it's doors as it's a big country that has obligations toward the world and regional countries such as GCC, EU and Arab world in general. PLS, Erdogan wants to be seen as a hero in Turkey, Islamic and Arab world by supporting bereaved Syrians. Furthermore, he is a leader with high ethics and morals, so he won't just ignore the uprising in a neighboring country, not to forget that Syrian uprising is an excellent chance to spread the influence of Turkey in the region which he has been working on for years.
Iranian oil sailing from Syrian ports to Europe would be dangerous for Turkey, energy prices here would increase dramatically and economoc growth would slow. Turkey needs a Syria hostile to Iran.
1- Turkey refused US request to use Turkish land for Iraqi invasion, thats why Turkish US relationships were strained during Bush era. Hence the hood incident.

2- US public and decision makers actually don't want to interfere in Syria, it is Turkey, KSA and EU that pushes US into Syrian civil war against their dictator.

3- Greater Israel thing is a muslim conspiracy theory, nothing more nothing less. Kurdish state will be created, I don't know if they can menage to take land from Turkey or Iran as they are pretty strong and old states but its creation is inevitable.

4- Syria is under pressure because KSA and Turkey needs to have a land route that they can transfer CBF (Carbon-based fuel) to EU and decrease its energy dependence on Russia.

5- Iran was one of the biggest supporters of PKK and always had its spies in it. After Turkey's stance on Syria they propably support them again via Syria if not openly by themselves.

6- PKK is not a threat that can harm Turkey, it is the mindset of Kurds that can harm Turkey. Turkey's fear isn't about the foreign supported PKK but PKK's influence among Kurds which will be decreased if Kurds think that PKK is being used by ''West''. Btw, if Turkish army, one of the most powerful and professional armies in the world can't defeat few thausand terrorists then it wouldn't be in NATO and NATO isn't there to fight against internal threats, NATO's fight against internal threats would damage any members sovereignty it is there to fight against external threats.

7- I think by nation and sect states you mean, KSA (I am sure about this) and Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan is our second home, KSA and Turkey has ties that cannot be broken that easily. No need for your concern.

8- No need to pray for anything, public is against a war.

9- You are propably a false-flag so we don't really care much about your thoughts on Turkey. (My opinion as a member not as a mod. You can come to me with anything if you need something.) :)

First of all there was a coalition between DSP, MHP and ANAP. This coalition with Ecevit as head, was agains any American operation and possible estabilisation of a kurdish state in north Iraq. The attitude of Ecevit agains US caused for a economic coup in Turkey and right after that the elections started and AKP won by support of US. US was sure now for Turkish support. Erdogan also was sure that missive would go trough parliament but with big suprise the parliament showed a national posture. US, ERdogan and abdullah gul failed and the american warships had have to return from Iskenderun.

Turkey did get the job from US, Qatar and Saudie ARabia. Erdogan thought that it would be easy like Libya but failed hard with this. Thanks to the idiotic politics of DavutOglu, Turkey has new enemies and all of them are our neighbours.

It is not a theory but historical facts that dates back to Babylon. Only people without historical knowledge sees this as a conspiracy theory. Before First World war if people talked about Israel, you would call it a consiparcy theory to? Hell no because they estabilished a jewish state right in the middle of Arabs.

You still talking that Syria is under pressure? Man Qatar finaly desided to talk with Assad insead of refusing all diplomatic ways like that Erdogan and davutoglu did. Now Turkey is all alone like First World war. Simdi ise PKK’dan medet umup, kendi rezilliklerini ortmeye calisiyorlar. Sizin gibi gerizekalilarda destekliyor.

Yes because Turkey supports unkownd criminal groups that causing for thousands of innocent lives in Syria. Why you dont talk about this?

PKK is not a threat but caused for more than 30.000 lives. And now the PM of Turkey searching for dialog with the head of terror.

If public was agains war, they wouldnt allow many patriot batteries and foreign troops in our land. If public was realy aware, they would protect their generals and officers that are in jail by lies.

Nice try Deno nice try.

Turkey did get the job from US. Qatar and Saudie Arabie pumped the money. They all thought that this would be easy just like Libya but they failed all, especialy Erdogan failed. Now Qatar decides to talk with Assad and search for possible diplomacy. Wo takes Erdogan now serious? Nobody because he failed with this mission. And now he is all alone just like the last Padisah and Khalifa.

They are playing with the fate of Turkish nation.
Iranian oil sailing from Syrian ports to Europe would be dangerous for Turkey, energy prices here would increase dramatically and economic growth would slow. Turkey needs a Syria hostile to Iran.
Turkey should do what benefits her,but all the whining from AKP about 'Syrian lives' and democracy in Syria is just a joke to be honest.Your post just admitted it.Turkey is one of the very few countries who 'chose' one side of the fight and insists on overthrowing Assad.Even Iran, closest ally of Assad,is demanding dialogue between both sides including the true opposition of Syria and the both sides to put down arms.Even U.S and EU were more cautious regarding Syria. Erdogan did a terrible mistake since he thought Assad is going within 'months' 2 years has past and nothing happened,and you are still doing the same thing, sending rebels to Syria, which is causing even more destruction and death and achieved nothing after 2 years.
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