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Is our country being subservient to the West?

Thank god the almighty that someone called Ir.tab has popped up and tells Iran whats the best to do or not :lol:

Thank god almighty that someone called Aresteh popped up to play the CLOWN.
You wish you would be as apreciated and respected as Ir.Tab.
Based on opinion on members here.Even most of those who oppose Assad.
like @TurAr and some other members, he admitted it once that majority of Turkish public is against arming and sending rebels to Syria and their country's too much involvement in it.though they may oppose Assad regime at the same time.I can't find his post now though.He may not be the most accurate source, but I think as a citizen of the country who interacts with people, he can be right about the opinion of his fellow compatriots, at least the majority.

That's right:

A clear majority of Turks are against a military intervention to put a halt to the violence in Syria, according to a recent poll by the German Marshall Fund.

Some 57 percent of Turkish respondents in the Transatlantic Trends survey categorically rejected a Turkish invasion after being asked: “Recently, there has been discussion of the desirability of intervening in Syria, where the government has been using military force to suppress an opposition movement which is fighting the Syrian government. In this situation, what do you think [Turkey] should do?”

The number of respondents opposed to a Turkish intervention would jump to 63 percent if Russia and China used their position as permanent members of the U.N. Security Council to veto an intervention.

At the same time, 32 percent of Turks said the country should intervene.



Only 35 percent of the Turks agreed that war was sometimes necessary to obtain justice, one percentage point above the European average. In contrast, the rate was 74 percent in the United States.


Bonus :):


Full story:INTERNATIONAL - World, Turkey oppose Syria war, back Obama

Mind you, this survey had been made right after Syria killed 5 Turkish civillians in Turkey with a shell shot from artillery. Which means the number who oppose an intervention would be much higher if it wasn't happened.

Another interesting point: 76% of those who oppose such intervention has said, they wouldn't support it even if it was approved by UN.

But of course, that doesn't mean Turkish people is supporting Assad. I'm against FSA but i'm still considering Assad as a psycopath.

bu itham edenlere cevabı önceki mesajda verdim ama "insult" ? deyu silmişler.. peki, silinmeyecek tarza söyleyim o zaman.. bahsettiğin şahısları tanımamakla birlikte bu foruma ilk defa ve sabit bir ip ile "girmiş" ! bulunuyorum.. ve çokça genç arkadaşlar var sanırım forumda.. Tarihini, hele yakın tarihini hiç bilmeyen.. ayrıca, politik açıdan her karşıt fikirliyi Türk olmama ve ajanlıkla suçlama basitliğine iniyorlar.. Sanki milletimiz kendi dünya görüşleri (ki bir görüşleri olduğundan şüpheliyim) etrafında toplanmış..

Adminim.. Hacım, bu mesajı da silmezsin umarım.. bak hiç bir yanlış söz etmedim gençlere :)

La bari kuklası mıyız diye sorsaydın, kaltağı mıyız diye sorunca tepki görürsün tabii.

Vatandaşı olmadığı ülkenin vatandaşıymış gibi davranıp bu tarz konu açan çok troll oldu zamanında, o yüzden acaba sen de onlardan mısın diye haklı olarak şüphelendi insanlar.

Hacım, modumuz Deno bir kadın aklında olsun.

Sorry for Turkish, i was talking about how he should've asked the question in the title, instead of this.
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What I said in Turkish was deleted again.. But, I think, none has doubts now about my nationality..
TurAr, ok.. I didn't know it was a she.. I am so embarassed now.. Sorry comrades for my foul language..
I can see one thing from your post, you want a civil upraising in Turkey and you know what will happen if what you wish for comes to reality. Turkey will be like Syria or Pakistan in terms of chaos.
If you want company for your misserable state forget it man, what is the problem with your brother hood, that does dictate that if one brother is pathetic that other brothers should follow suite? man rather from my point of view, I would advice that rest of the OIC members to follow the model that Turkey follows and do justice to its people first rather than think about the brother hood bull crap

turkey is already getting into civil uprising by sucking up to NATO and supporting rebels nato jihadis in Syria. russia is getting heated about this too. erdogan got it into mess has he not. if they carry on their will be uprising. turkey should keep out and save face. do this you will isolate Iran and slowly nato wont stop it will continue this games in all muslim countries they now also in mali, do you know what will happen ? once they done all muslim countries to be USA policy regime stooge and oppress people it will lead to total chaos and Russia and china are already getting nervous cos they know they could be next . then it will lead to world war.

shining india should stay quiet your not exactly a model state your self.

note: Russia already proven their point when USA was trying out thier support for Georgian (mikheil saakashvili) putin made sure to crush their covert operation.
turkey is already getting into civil uprising by sucking up to NATO and supporting rebels nato jihadis in Syria. russia is getting heated about this too. erdogan got it into mess has he not. if they carry on their will be uprising. turkey should keep out and save face. do this you will isolate Iran and slowly nato wont stop it will continue this games in all muslim countries they now also in mali, do you know what will happen ? once they done all muslim countries to be USA policy regime stooge and oppress people it will lead to total chaos and Russia and china are already getting nervous cos they know they could be next . then it will lead to world war.

shining india should stay quiet your not exactly a model state your self.

note: Russia already proven their point when USA was trying out thier support for Georgian (mikheil saakashvili) putin made sure to crush their covert operation.

at the end of the day, do you think that the people worry about who is rullng them?
sorry if you think so, its a different ball game, Syriyans are sick of having one single man rulling them for eternity or his blood line. that is the reason that there is a big movement against AZAD and his band of fools.
UK is a monarch for over a 1000 years, why there is no upraising in UK, its because there is a elected government that makes the policies for the people and not the KING or the QUEEN.
GADAFI had been ruling LIBIYA for a long time, had he embraced democracy he would still be alive and he had a chance to rule the nation atleast every 4 or 5 years, so does the other middle eastern states. that is the reason there is chaos in ME.
Pakistan on that other hand has a complicated problem of identity, loyalty, fear of war, etc. that is the reason the army pulls the string at any point in time and that is the reason there is no freedom for people to behave rational.
and you want the same to happen to Turkey
at the end of the day, do you think that the people worry about who is rullng them?
sorry if you think so, its a different ball game, Syriyans are sick of having one single man rulling them for eternity or his blood line. that is the reason that there is a big movement against AZAD and his band of fools.
UK is a monarch for over a 1000 years, why there is no upraising in UK, its because there is a elected government that makes the policies for the people and not the KING or the QUEEN.
GADAFI had been ruling LIBIYA for a long time, had he embraced democracy he would still be alive and he had a chance to rule the nation atleast every 4 or 5 years, so does the other middle eastern states. that is the reason there is chaos in ME.
Pakistan on that other hand has a complicated problem of identity, loyalty, fear of war, etc. that is the reason the army pulls the string at any point in time and that is the reason there is no freedom for people to behave rational.
and you want the same to happen to Turkey

britain people are fed up but they cant do jack s h it it is controlled society, have you seen how much CCTV cameras exist. your free to do what you want until you start to expose them you get jailed. gaddafi had to go why cos he didn't let imf , or any imperial crook exploit Libya and was going to introduce gold n silver currency that hurts the bankers alot = real money.
libyans on their own tv channels were happy for gaddafi only bbc and others try to twist it. Gaddafi in his jeep touring the area n ppl cheering, can obama do that ,can david cameron do that they get their head kicked in, instead they come with bullet proof cars with armed body guards protecting them. most syrians rather have assad than crazy brainwashed nato wahabi jihadis blowing things up (they doing excellent job for bbc fox news propaganda of being islamist terrorist which by the way they dont represent Islam but fools from gulf rich puppet nation / nato slaves).
Do I have to remind you of Tony Blair? Germany is no better.
Of all the muslim countries, I thought Turkey is one country which will not lose self confidence and get sunk in such conspiracy theories. Sigh
Of all the muslim countries, I thought Turkey is one country which will not lose self confidence and get sunk in such conspiracy theories. Sigh

The Muslim world is full of conspiracy theories. The Jews this, the Yanks that. Everything that happens is at least once linked to Jews or Murricans. I believe thats because its easier to cope with the reality when you can blame someone else rather then having to accept that your country is pretty much a failed one.
Name one that isn't! With the exception of old europe (Germany, UK, etc) every other country is a B**** of the west.

Even russia suffered that fate in the 90's .. so ..

You are Counting UK and Germany as exception, huh?! Both of them are Controlled by banksters and Jewish media. Exception would be Iran and North Korea which are isolated from this plague.

The Muslim world is full of conspiracy theories. The Jews this, the Yanks that. Everything that happens is at least once linked to Jews or Murricans. I believe thats because its easier to cope with the reality when you can blame someone else rather then having to accept that your country is pretty much a failed one.

Your country which is also Mine as well, was being ruled by Freemasons from 1940's to 2003. Then from 2003 on, it is being ruled by A jamaat Controlled by USA through his agent Fethullah Gülen. Somebody must be behind it, who has the power over money!
turkey is already getting into civil uprising by sucking up to NATO and supporting rebels nato jihadis in Syria. russia is getting heated about this too. erdogan got it into mess has he not. if they carry on their will be uprising. turkey should keep out and save face. do this you will isolate Iran and slowly nato wont stop it will continue this games in all muslim countries they now also in mali, do you know what will happen ? once they done all muslim countries to be USA policy regime stooge and oppress people it will lead to total chaos and Russia and china are already getting nervous cos they know they could be next . then it will lead to world war.

shining india should stay quiet your not exactly a model state your self.

note: Russia already proven their point when USA was trying out thier support for Georgian (mikheil saakashvili) putin made sure to crush their covert operation.
How can you suck up to NATO if you are NATO?
You watch to many films,come back to reality!
How can you suck up to NATO if you are NATO?
You watch to many films,come back to reality!

just cos your part of the nato pack alliance does not mean you equal to the rest turkey is being taken for ride and you going to pay for this mistake even today on news showed Turkish minister saying this is conspiracy against turkey. it not me watching films like valley of wolves while flotilla got attacked. reality check for turks best to keep out otherwise backfire already car bombs taken place not in united states not in eu nato but turkey how come? why? you taken for ride.
You are Counting UK and Germany as exception, huh?! Both of them are Controlled by banksters and Jewish media. Exception would be Iran and North Korea which are isolated from this plague.

Your country which is also Mine as well, was being ruled by Freemasons from 1940's to 2003. Then from 2003 on, it is being ruled by A jamaat Controlled by USA through his agent Fethullah Gülen. Somebody must be behind it, who has the power over money!

rothschild (red shield)paper money this aint conspiracy read people - old English writers even American even Russians lolz turkey was one of the first to acknowledge this when it was ottoman. eustace mullins, antony sutton, willian shakesspeare - merchant of venice, are they muslims no. why is the pound higher than rupees - it called slavery switch to gold n silver. russia is now free to a point iran is free but it does have crypto moles in the mullah regime.
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