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Is our country being subservient to the West?

mustafa kemal lolz a crypto listen i read history every war but not just action but the figures behind the scenes zionist were running world war 1 , 2 n now want the big 3. They print money out of thin air n ripp off the so called third world of its resouces why is it they want money no they print it. the enslavement of whole world and keep it oppressed. add usury to it then it becomes pound a flesh. usa is a sinking ship it will collaspe soon it done all it can for zionist soon isreal will take over.

@revojam, why are you even paying attention to those comments?
You won't change anything, these people will live and die with their conspiracy theories in their heads.
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read eustace mullins n he aint no Muslim he is American. see not only Muslim but non Muslim speak and write about this conspiracy.

ok flotilla death what did turkey do----------- nothing under nato like a happy kangal jumped syria. n pak is like bully ***** as long it get fed it will roll over. i am not talking about loyal soldiers from both countries but our governments are not loyal or who we think they are.
read eustace mullins n he aint no Muslim he is American. see not only Muslim but non Muslim speak and write about this conspiracy.

ok flotilla death what did turkey do----------- nothing under nato like a happy kangal jumped syria. n pak is like bully ***** as long it get fed it will roll over. i am not talking about loyal soldiers from both countries but our governments are not loyal or who we think they are.

What would you do if you were ruling Turkey?
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What would you do if you were ruling Turkey?

give them the same treatment eye for eye tooth for tooth plus alot muslim remeber ottoman and have great love for it that why we like Turkish people. i watch video many student Turkish people crying / upset over the flotilla, uni professors giving lecturer on it and talking this emotionally and seriously. Turkish people have heart but need to wisen up this false government.
give them the same treatment eye for eye tooth for tooth plus alot muslim remeber ottoman and have great love for it that why we like Turkish people. i watch video many student Turkish people crying / upset over the flotilla, uni professors giving lecturer on it and talking this emotionally and seriously. Turkish people have heart but need to wisen up this false government.

So you are saying that we should've killed innocent Israeli civillians as retaliation?

I was actually expecting from you to say "declare war" or something like that, but whay you just said is even more idiotic :disagree:
So you are saying that we should've killed innocent Israeli civillians as retaliation?

I was actually expecting from you to say "declare war" or something like that, but whay you just said is even more idiotic :disagree:

so ? makem taste it or probably declare war. what is usa going do it exhausted - attacking turkey for that is big no no only weak poor countries like iraq, afghanistan, Somalia. why hasn't it attack Iran cos it knows irans **** usa a ss hard in iraq in afghanistan plus oil price will sky rocket. can only apply sanction to soften it up one of the first steps before declaring war.
north korea tests nukes nothing happens just sanctions yes sanctions hurt but would it dare for war.
I don't think Turkiye is the oruspu of the West, it is an official and long time member of NATO, this comes with collective responsibilities. It just happens Syria and Iraq are near Turkiye's border so frontline Turkiye is called upon action and help in these two countries.

When Yugoslavia was in conflict in early 90's Britain, Italy, France, US (most importantly), Canada, Turkiye to a lesser extent and other NATO states were involved in confronting that issue, with aerial bombing missions.
At least cut relations with Israel. No one is fooled by the theatre show Erdogan is playing, trying to appear Anti-Israel. Israel enjoys a full trade relationship with the Zionist regime in Turkey.

To answer the question of the thread: Yes, absolutely. Erdogan is a rat and the man (well, not only him) that surrended his countrys sovereignty in exchange of a promise from the Americans that Turkey would play role of "Ottoman" in the region. He foolishly took that offer and in the process the opposite happened. Turkey is no longer seen as a country with an independent foreign policy, but a Americanized muslim nation that is not only member of NATO (who have murdered several hundred of thousands of people in the ME) but is also trying it outmost to be a member of EU, and loosing its Turkish identity in the process.
So the opposite has happened of what the Americans promised you. You are not Ottoman. You are a client state (this is clear after your policies in regards to Syria) that no longer enjoys a good influence or relationship with the neighbors.

The sad thing is a significant portion of Turks will see this as me attacking them, and they get very defensive. Totally in denial and dont want to accept reality. Erdogan is destroying your state and identity. Its time to wake up.
PM Erdogan needs to stop privatizing key industries in Turkiye, and that one time he said open border with Armenia. He has some flaws, although he is a statesmen on the international stage but at home makes erroneous decisions and remarks. One time he said assimilation is a crime against humanity, speaking of Turks in Germany, made me laugh on and off for several days.
Erdogan is a son of ***** because he tried to open borders with Armenia and spitting in the face of Azerbaijan. This shows the real face of Erdogan. He hate him and despise his snake characteristics.
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