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Is LCA Programme finally dead?

we paid 1 billion dollars a piece for that 'radar picure' equal to the enitre annual budget of the Pakistan Navy. And it's a system so advanced that simplifies tracking to a level that even a 4 year old can understand.

And we paid it to a country called ISrael which uses F16 as its frontline fighter specifically because it can pick up the F16 ...

So....we say we shot an F16, then the F16 was shot.....accept it or not....that is the fact.

lol us, the Americans, the rest of the world and sane Indians all agree IAF has been and will always be incompetent. This is true for most of Indian military.

India is only Pakistan centric and nothing more.

if the Indian military or the government of India had any honor they would have attacked Pakistan and stoped this slaughter of indian soldiers in Indian occupied Kashmir and beyond. India alleges that Paksitan attacker her parliament yet there was no response from these cowards.


you lost all wars so.....
Aircraft production rates per year (2019)

Typhoon (BAE Warton) Production - 38
JF-17 (PAC) Production - 16
Italian F-35 Production line - 26
Lockheed Martin F-16 Production - 46
Lockheed Martin F-35 Production - 121
Chengdu J-10 Production - 60

HAL LCA Production - 6
lol us, the Americans, the rest of the world and sane Indians all agree IAF has been and will always be incompetent. This is true for most of Indian military.

India is only Pakistan centric and nothing more.

if the Indian military or the government of India had any honor they would have attacked Pakistan and stoped this slaughter of indian soldiers in Indian occupied Kashmir and beyond. India alleges that Paksitan attacker her parliament yet there was no response from these cowards.


you lost all wars so.....
No you lost all wars to country
- 1/4th your size,
- 1/8th the size of your population
- and 1/10th the size of your economy.

We continue to shell your incompetent military every day in Indian occupied Kashmiri. You guys are just so dishonorable that you don’t respond!

Aircraft production rates per year (2019)

Typhoon (BAE Warton) Production - 38
JF-17 (PAC) Production - 16
Italian F-35 Production line - 26
Lockheed Martin F-16 Production - 46
Lockheed Martin F-35 Production - 121
Chengdu J-10 Production - 60

HAL LCA Production - 6

To be fair quote the number of orders they got before starting the production.

I think iAf has no choice now . They will order Tejas as we don't have budget 4 anything else.
But you never know ,Modi friends might win the tender and India orders foreign fighters so who knows .
To be fair quote the number of orders they got before starting the production.

I think iAf has no choice now . They will order Tejas as we don't have budget 4 anything else.
But you never know ,Modi friends might win the tender and India orders foreign fighters so who knows .

they have a choice they should buy 35 more Rafael and 70-80 f-18s and 70-80 griphens

all these aircraft should be made in their respective countries

they also must keep the Jaguars and mig 29s and su-30 Mki s

I wrote a long post on how with the help and expertise of the PDF (this forum) India can build the medium role fighter in 50+ years maybe even 60+

Quite a bit of Pakistani obsession with a jet that they classify as dated !
they have a choice they should buy 35 more Rafael and 70-80 f-18s and 70-80 griphens

all these aircraft should be made in their respective countries

they also must keep the Jaguars and mig 29s and su-30 Mki s

I wrote a long post on how with the help and expertise of the PDF (this forum) India can build the medium role fighter in 50+ years maybe even 60+


We don't need to buy any another fighter aircraft from any other country.

best available options:

Rafale - 36 + 36 (Should go for it) = 72
HAL Tejas Mk1a - around 83 + 40 HAL Tejas Mk1 (Upgraded to the same level)
HAL Tejas Mk2 - Around 100

AMCA or 5 gen fighter- Only need to purchase a 5th Generation fighter if we can not able to make.

Su 30 MKi - Need to upgrade with ASEA, AA missile 150 - 300 KM (Range).

Indian navy
F 18 or Rafale M or F 35 (if available)

It will be enough to deal with any threat...
We don't need to buy any another fighter aircraft from any other country.

best available options:

Rafale - 36 + 36 (Should go for it) = 72
HAL Tejas Mk1a - around 83 + 40 HAL Tejas Mk1 (Upgraded to the same level)
HAL Tejas Mk2 - Around 100

AMCA or 5 gen fighter- Only need to purchase a 5th Generation fighter if we can not able to make.

Su 30 MKi - Need to upgrade with ASEA, AA missile 150 - 300 KM (Range).

Indian navy
F 18 or Rafale M or F 35 (if available)

It will be enough to deal with any threat...
never ever consider a bomber? an air force without bomber would always remain as a tactical air force.
C'mon, set yourself a higher goal.
Quite a bit of Pakistani obsession with a jet that they classify as dated !

No, obsession if with proving the LCA really is the failure the world knows it is and 6 planes a year proves this.
This is IMO highly unlikely and as such may I ask what's your source for this number?

Apologies, got number from total in service and production years
never ever consider a bomber? an air force without bomber would always remain as a tactical air force.
C'mon, set yourself a higher goal.

Actually, it is totally depends on your requirements.

Example - Treat to china is from US... and, distance matters and also, China's Military Has Global Ambitions. So they really needed a bomber.

Wherein, we don't have! our maximum threat is from China and Pakistan. Big range missiles can do the same as a bomber.
We don't need to buy any another fighter aircraft from any other country.

best available options:

Rafale - 36 + 36 (Should go for it) = 72
HAL Tejas Mk1a - around 83 + 40 HAL Tejas Mk1 (Upgraded to the same level)
HAL Tejas Mk2 - Around 100

AMCA or 5 gen fighter- Only need to purchase a 5th Generation fighter if we can not able to make.

Su 30 MKi - Need to upgrade with ASEA, AA missile 150 - 300 KM (Range).

Indian navy
F 18 or Rafale M or F 35 (if available)

It will be enough to deal with any threat...

Reality is a foreign concept to you?

India has just had it's lowest growth rate in 50 years. Indian Navy already cutting back on major programmes. No order for 83MK1A this year despite every Bahkt on this forum claiming it was "definately" being signed.
Rafales were now ordered 4 years ago, no follow on order when Indian economy was in a much better position back than so you can pretty much forget any new order for next 2-3 years.

While all this is happening with lots Indian media reports and shouting and "approvals" , "trials" , "Acceptances", " signings" etc Nothing ever moves forward.

Than very quietly PAF puts up 17 PAC Produced Thunders from 2020 in one photo and announces Block III production. All without any talk throughout the year. In one event PAF blew away myth of LCA being any serious contender to JF-17.

In a month or so first JF-17 Block III will role out. MK1A contract will still not be signed. That is not my opinion, this is the actual reality of things.....
The Indian military don't want it, they are being forced to take it by bakhts in government
if US Navy is lobbied into buying this jet then it will be a great success story and bragging right for Tejas program.
Indians have the necessary influence in USA to secure a token sale.so lets not mock this jet program.
JF17 modest success doesnt automatically make TEJAS a failure or bad jet.
if US Navy is lobbied into buying this jet then it will be a great success story and bragging right for Tejas program.
Indians have the necessary influence in USA to secure a token sale.so lets not mock this jet program.
JF17 modest success doesnt automatically make TEJAS a failure or bad jet.

That will literally never happen. Ever.

The US Navy buying a jet that can easily be built to a higher standard from a manufacturer that has no experience in naval aviation, no experiance on CATOBAR ops, no experiance with US Navy, no luck selling the plane to it's own Navy and a project that will give the US Navy a plane a full generation behind the F-3C that they will need trained pilots for.

To add to the above there would be a massive political s""t storm if a foreign jet was purchased by the USN. No amount of Indian lobbying would overcome that.

In my list of crazy *** Indian fantasies (and it now seems like a long one) this comes very close to the top....
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