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‘Irrational’ border closure a setback to Pak-India ties: Chinese analysts

How will it further escalate,India says terrorists are crossing over from Pakistani side and attack on the Indian side,Pakistan says they dont support anyone or there is no crossbroder movement of terrorists.
1)if the sealing achives its purpose then,no reason for hositlities.
2)if it dsnt achive its purpose,still Pakistan can claim the border is sealed and India cannt blame Pakistan much..its a win-win for both.
I agree with this, What I don't understand is why China giving these opinions when it has no say in India Pakistan border.
In what way this might affect China ?
Pakistan is China’s all-weather strategic partner
Even thought you might not have ment it,but you have put nicely the relationship between Pakistan and china.Pakistan is all weather friend of china,without anything in return from china.
Such attempts speaks volume of India's approach and being in cold war with Pakistan. This is not going to end here and it would lead for further escalation of relations between Pakistan and India.

This is plain silly. What is your complaint about India wanting to seal its borders? India & Pakistan are not in a cold war? It's not going to end here? Further escalation of relations between India & Pakistan? I assume you mean escalation in tension etc... How so? Why?
China wants to trade with everyone, we are the largest trading partner of most countries in the world (including Japan).

While India wants to trade based on emotionalism. India-Pakistan trade is already abysmally low despite sharing one of the longest borders in the world, even before they wanted to seal the border.

And sealed borders mean that both sides have less invested in the other, therefore greater likelihood of war (even nuclear war).

This is the same reason India is refusing to participate in China's One Belt One Road initiative. I don't understand why India has a problem with increasing economic cooperation in the region, preferring instead to hold business ties hostage to emotionalism.
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China wants to trade with everyone, we are the largest trading partner of most countries in the world (including Japan).

While India wants to trade based on emotionalism. India-Pakistan trade is already abysmally low despite sharing one of the longest borders in the world, even before they wanted to seal the border.
I doubt sealing India Pakistan border can do any effect on India-China Trade and moreover even India-Pakistan trade shouldn't be affected as India is just sealing the border to guard it from terrorist attacks and they won't block the traders.
I agree with this, What I don't understand is why China giving these opinions when it has no say in India Pakistan border.
In what way this might affect China ?
may be china dsnt want better relations between India and Pakistan.
may be china dsnt want better relations between India and Pakistan.

And how does sealing the borders improve relations between India and Pakistan?

It will worsen relations. With less people to people contact, less economic ties, less cross border investment... it will make war and even nuclear war more likely. Because there will be less to lose.
I guess sealing the border can improve the relationship between the two countries :
- India can't blame pakistan for cross border terrorism after this
- After some years of peace at the border, even India and Pakistan might reduce their huge investments in Defence and concentrate on eradicating poverty and improve education. which in turn can improve the trade and good relationship between the two countries.
How will it further escalate,India says terrorists are crossing over from Pakistani side and attack on the Indian side,Pakistan says they dont support anyone or there is no crossbroder movement of terrorists.
1)if the sealing achives its purpose then,no reason for hositlities.
2)if it dsnt achive its purpose,still Pakistan can claim the border is sealed and India cannt blame Pakistan much..its a win-win for both.

This is plain silly. What is your complaint about India wanting to seal its borders? India & Pakistan are not in a cold war? It's not going to end here? Further escalation of relations between India & Pakistan? I assume you mean escalation in tension etc... How so? Why?

Sealing the border is an announcement of cold war and keep buying what BJP sells because if the border is sealed once, one wonders what would NaMO sell to the people so there is no sealing but attempt to divert the focus. Furthermore, LoC cannot be sealed as border, as far as I know so India is attempting for the same not the IB which is already guarded, fenced and almost sealed. Forget the LoC to be sealed until & unless peace in IoK. India attempt to cut the relations means escalation due to non Contac and hatred. India is trying to cut IoK slowly so can get away with all the fouls play in there.
China wants to trade with everyone, we are the largest trading partner of most countries in the world (including Japan).

While India wants to trade based on emotionalism. India-Pakistan trade is already abysmally low despite sharing one of the longest borders in the world, even before they wanted to seal the border.

And sealed borders mean that both sides have less invested in the other, therefore greater likelihood of war (even nuclear war).

This is the same reason India is refusing to participate in China's One Belt One Road initiative. I don't understand why India has a problem with increasing economic cooperation in the region, preferring instead to hold business ties hostage to emotionalism.

You are wrong in your understanding of what sealing the border means. I have read nothing that suggests that what is proposed is closure of any possible trade routes though trade between India & Pakistan is abysmal on Pakistan's account, never having given India MFN & holding trade ties hostage to the political disputes. Proposed sealing of the border is a security measure and has nothing to do with possible trade. Your reading of the subject under discussion is completely off the mark.
And how does sealing the borders improve relations between India and Pakistan?

It will worsen relations. With less people to people contact, less economic ties, less cross border investment... it will make war and even nuclear war more likely. Because there will be less to lose.
Sealed borders dsnt mean completly blocking all the activity which happends accross the borders,it means stoping illegal entrys,people will still can cross and do trade or peopek to people contact though the designated border crossings.
And how does sealing the borders improve relations between India and Pakistan?

It will worsen relations. With less people to people contact, less economic ties, less cross border investment... it will make war and even nuclear war more likely. Because there will be less to lose.

Good fences make , good neighbors.

Sealing the India - Pakistan border will only decrease cross border smuggling, cross border infiltration and drugs trafficking.

A sealed border with couple of controlled cross border entries, will have no effect of bilateral trade, people to contact for those who hold valid visa.

Nuclear war is more likely if " Non state actors " from Pakistani side keep carrying out terrorist attacks India.
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