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‘Irrational’ border closure a setback to Pak-India ties: Chinese analysts

You need to study some economics before ranting here how can a stock market be labeled the best in Asia surpassing China , Japan , Korea India etc without being heavily invested?

You people are unable to read the writing on the wall being blinded by fake propaganda of your media.

Pakistan is set to be the coming economical and commercial hub of Asia no matter how much India hates it or tries to delay it .
:rofl::rofl: you won sir ,i got nothing.
India is not going to be concerned about what china feels about securing its borders with any country that too in Indian territory, there media is expected to preach freedom of free media to there own Govt not to Indian Govt about our internal security
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you look at minority India that doing ok, we look at majority India thats like the pic. just like i would say India is a hindu state because Hindus are in majority, you wont say India is a Muslim country because?
your wrong in both the accounts and even your outlook is wrong and since your looking at things from a wrong prespective and have pre concived notions your judgment is already flawed baki lagge raho ji sannu ki :tup:
how is sealing the border irrational,or is china worried that once the border is sealed and no incidents happen which can increase hostilites between India and Pakistan is not what china planned for.
your wrong in both the accounts and even your outlook is wrong and since your looking at things from a wrong prespective and have pre concived notions your judgment is already flawed baki lagge raho ji sannu ki :tup:

so you finally proved yourself to be wrong about Pakistan, you always look at the wrong perspective. There is a argument to be made in favor of anything.
Such attempts speaks volume of India's approach and being in cold war with Pakistan. This is not going to end here and it would lead for further escalation of relations between Pakistan and India.
its good, actually i want all border be sealed except few tranist points for trade with Iran and Afghans,

and btw is there any guarantee that whining gangalander will not cry for cross border terrorism after sealing border? Atleast i dont expect anything will change from dehati aurat..
It is our border and we are not borthered what chinese think about it.
Pakistan and china can simply watch while we seal our border.
Security is not the main point here. Chinese grand plan is OBOR project, and CPEC is just a small part of it. Chinese wants India in OBOR, because India is the second largest market in Asia after its own. India sees CPEC as a trespassing into its sovereignty, and that will affect India's participation in OBOR. So until there is some kind normalcy between India and Pakistan, OBOR is in trouble. The sealing of border is kind of saying, it is long long way for normalcy to come between India and Pakiatan.
Okay by small part you mean OBOR entry point into china? Now thats some small part!

And if its really that small why fear?

At times i really dont understand what world you indians live in!

Why bring US and China, India doesn't want to connect with Pakistan either.

Kashmir for Indians is highly emotive subject, I don't think Pakistan can get Kashmir with out a war, and India will risk anything even nuclear war for Kashmir. At least that is my assessment.

Indians are butt hurt and their egos will be desteoyed if Pakistan manages to conquer Kashmir so to peotect your little pride and ego you will destroy not just Pakistan but also yourself! Gl with that!
Such attempts speaks volume of India's approach and being in cold war with Pakistan. This is not going to end here and it would lead for further escalation of relations between Pakistan and India.
How will it further escalate,India says terrorists are crossing over from Pakistani side and attack on the Indian side,Pakistan says they dont support anyone or there is no crossbroder movement of terrorists.
1)if the sealing achives its purpose then,no reason for hositlities.
2)if it dsnt achive its purpose,still Pakistan can claim the border is sealed and India cannt blame Pakistan much..its a win-win for both.

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