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‘Irrational’ border closure a setback to Pak-India ties: Chinese analysts

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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‘Irrational’ border closure a setback to Pak-India ties: Chinese analysts
KARACHI: India's decision to completely close its border with Pakistan is 'irrational' and may lead to a major setback in bilateral relations analysts say, Chinese daily Global Times reported on Tuesday.

Citing Indian Home Minister Rajnath Singh's earlier statement that the border between Pakistan and India would be completely sealed by December 2018, the Global Times quoted several analysts who opposed the move due to a variety of reasons.

'Irrational decision'
"India is making a very irrational decision, since no exhaustive investigation has been conducted after the Uri incident, and no evidence proves Pakistan is behind the attack," Hu Zhiyong, a research fellow at the Institute of International Relations of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times.

Hu said that a "completely sealed" border would further hinder the already scarce border trade and talks between the two countries.

'Move complicates China-Pak-India ties'
The Times also quoted Echoing Hu, Wang Dehua, director of the Institute for Southern and Central Asian Studies at the Shanghai Municipal Center for International Studies, as saying that the sealed border would only disrupt peace efforts made by the two sides.

"The country's decision reflects its Cold War mentality, and will only cause deeper hatred among residents living in Indian- and Pakistan-controlled Kashmir," said Hu.

"Since Pakistan is China's all-weather strategic partner, India's decision would make China-Pakistan-India relations more complicated."

"A peaceful resolution on the Kashmir disputes is in the interest of China's homeland security, especially its western regions," he said.

India's new border
Rajnath's announcement came amid escalated tensions between Pakistan and India in the wake of repeated ceasefire violations and Indian claims of a 'surgical strike' in Azad Jammu and Kashmir ─ a claim rejected by Pakistan.

The Indian home minister had said of the border: “It is a new concept. We will be framing guidelines after getting suggestions from all stakeholders."

Rajnath said that technology would be used to seal the border. "Like we have riverine and Sir Creek area in Gujarat, there we will make maximum use of technology for effective sealing of border."
India's decision to completely close its border with Pakistan is "irrational" and would lead to a major setback in bilateral relations, Chinese analysts said.

Indian Home Minister Rajnath Singh on Friday said the 3,323-kilometer-long border between the two countries would be "completely" sealed by December 2018, The Hindu reported.

Singh added India will create a border security grid, with guidelines to be framed with inputs from all stakeholders along the border, the report said.

The Home Minister's statements came in the wake of repeated ceasefire violations allegedly made by Pakistan and heightened tensions, particularly in the aftermath of a terror attack on an army base in Indian-controlled Kashmir's Uri sector last month, the Xinhua News Agency reported on Friday.

"India is making a very irrational decision, since no exhaustive investigation has been conducted after the Uri incident, and no evidence proves Pakistan is behind the attack," Hu Zhiyong, a research fellow from the Institute of International Relations of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times on Monday.

Hu added that a "completely sealed" border would further hinder the already scarce border trade and talks between the two countries.

Echoing Hu, Wang Dehua, director of the Institute for Southern and Central Asian Studies at the Shanghai Municipal Center for International Studies, told the Global Times on Monday that the sealed border would only disrupt peace efforts made by the two sides.

"The country's decision reflects its Cold War mentality, and would only cause deeper hatred among residents living in Indian- and Pakistan-controlled Kashmir," said Hu.

Since Pakistan is China's all-weather strategic partner, India's decision would make China-Pakistan-India relations more complicated, Hu noted.

He added a peaceful resolution on the Kashmir disputes is in the interest of China's homeland security, especially its western regions.

I personally feel Pakistan shouldnt object to it as even after sealing border when Kashmiri freedom fighters will continue their attacks on IA it will only supports Pak's position that nothing is happening across border its all inside IOK as a result of what Hindus army had been doing in Muslims Kashmir for ages and state of Pak is just a moral supporter of Kashmiri muslim brothers.

Besides the strong reaction from China towards india regarding all matters that concern Pakistan ranging from NSG , water disputes , Kashmiris struggle for self determination and this latest border sealing row clearly shows China has now clear plans for her domination in South asia and would go to any extent to secure her interests and will not let any cheap Hindu diplomacy and begging at any world stage to hinder CPEC and China's access to energy and trade routes.
Seem Chinese are now starting to worry about CPEC. And the risk that India - Pakistan relations could have on it. I always felt CPEC could become a casualty of India - Pakistan relations given that it passes through GB.
Seem Chinese are now starting to worry about CPEC. And the risk that India - Pakistan relations could have on it. I always felt CPEC could become a casualty of India - Pakistan relations given that it passes through GB.
Hahaha ... Wakeup man ... Sealing border will actually create more secured gilgit baltistan ... How the hell you were able to compare sealing border with cpec ... No logic at all

China is seeing real possibility of its planned investment going down the drain.
Are you really that naive ? What cpec has to do with sealing border ? Cpec is a trade route for china to save its time and cost and to checkmate india usa vietnam plan for naval blockade of china which get waste through cpec ... Pakistan's is a clear winner from this scenario as it will boast economic activity in pakistan ...

You indians with your stupid imaginatons ...
Seem Chinese are now starting to worry about CPEC. And the risk that India - Pakistan relations could have on it. I always felt CPEC could become a casualty of India - Pakistan relations given that it passes through GB.

Given Chinese thousands of years history its certain they are not worried but are just making sure how to rebuff India next time when she comes begging to them for NSG entry.

This indian dream created by your extremist terrorist minds called RSS to sabotage CPEC would remain a dream given their coward nature the only way to postpone ( not even damage) CPEC would be to attack Pakistan and given Hindus history of over a thousand years against Muslims in Sub continent I highly doubt that Modi has the balls to do so all they can do is loud talk for their domestic consumption and thats all.

If India tries to act stronger Pak-China combine push will throw them from Himalayas all the way down till Indian punjab and no power in world can stop them from doing so if the need arises so its in interest of fanatic Hindus to be in their limits realizing their true abilities and capabilities.

How Kashmiris have kicked IA butts recently clearly shows where IA and Modi stands morally and professionally.
Hahaha ... Wakeup man ... Sealing border will actually create more secured gilgit baltistan ... How the hell you were able to compare sealing border with cpec ... No logic at all

Security is not the main point here. Chinese grand plan is OBOR project, and CPEC is just a small part of it. Chinese wants India in OBOR, because India is the second largest market in Asia after its own. India sees CPEC as a trespassing into its sovereignty, and that will affect India's participation in OBOR. So until there is some kind normalcy between India and Pakistan, OBOR is in trouble. The sealing of border is kind of saying, it is long long way for normalcy to come between India and Pakiatan.
China is seeing real possibility of its planned investment going down the drain.
if China had REALLY looked at this CPEC with no denail before inception they would have known that alreeady. Even i know that so why not China? lol
Security is not the main point here. Chinese grand plan is OBOR project, and CPEC is just a small part of it. Chinese wants India in OBOR, because India is the second largest market in Asia after its own. India sees CPEC as a trespassing into its sovereignty, and that will affect India's participation in OBOR. So until there is some kind normalcy between India and Pakistan, OBOR is in trouble. The sealing of border is kind of saying, it is long long way for normalcy to come between India and Pakiatan.

Has China formally shown interest of bringing India in OBOR?

Lets get views of some chinese members @Chinese-Dragon @long_
Security is not the main point here. Chinese grand plan is OBOR project, and CPEC is just a small part of it. Chinese wants India in OBOR, because India is the second largest market in Asia after its own. India sees CPEC as a trespassing into its sovereignty, and that will affect India's participation in OBOR. So until there is some kind normalcy between India and Pakistan, OBOR is in trouble. The sealing of border is kind of saying, it is long long way for normalcy to come between India and Pakiatan.

This is called wet dreams..

Provide us links to this OBOR project with some real ground work info pics.

Until Kashmir is resolved as per Kashmiris wishes neither USA nor China or any power in this universe can ask or force Pakistan to connect India with Iran , Afghanistan or any other country. We recently shut afghan mouths when they wanted to send a few truck to India through Pakistan.

When it comes to India we are very focused and united and knows how to deal with them.

On the constructive side if Kashmiris get right to self determination then Pakistan would not have any objection to allow any transit to India in fact we will support India as after Kashmir is resolved we have no trouble with India only if Indian masses could understand how this fake atoot ang political rhetoric by RSS fanatics is damaging indian economy and undermining south asian peace keeping things on the verge of nuclear war.

We in Pakistan do understand that keeping tensions alive in South asia is in interest of China , US , russia and west as they can sell weapons and divide masses easily through war mongering but unfortunately Indian stubborn attitude in Kashmir is making things ugly and dangerous in Sub continent as given current scenario and rhetoric of Terrorists and fanatics like Modi a nuclear war is inevitable which will destroy only Sub continent and all the above powers will have more to sell later.

Bottom line is its not about sealing borders its about giving Kashmiris their rights and let people live in peace and harmony .

There are a few things called universal truth and one of the biggest and time tested truth in this world is
There can be no Peace without JUSTICE

Kashmiris wants justice and denial to this justice is the sole reason of hatred and chaos in South Asia.
Yes....and probabily India's participation in OBOR will be limited given India's insecurities regarding OBOR
waisting your time and energy on them no need brother leave it not worth it :coffee:
Seem Chinese are now starting to worry about CPEC. And the risk that India - Pakistan relations could have on it. I always felt CPEC could become a casualty of India - Pakistan relations given that it passes through GB.
Hahahaha CPEC kuch zyada hi Khatak raha hai Tum logon ko
Khair CPEC to banaiga and haters gonna hate :p
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