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‘Irrational’ border closure a setback to Pak-India ties: Chinese analysts

This is called wet dreams..

Provide us links to this OBOR project with some real ground work info pics.

Until Kashmir is resolved as per Kashmiris wishes neither USA nor China or any power in this universe can ask or force Pakistan to connect India with Iran , Afghanistan or any other country. We recently shut afghan mouths when they wanted to send a few truck to India through Pakistan.

When it comes to India we are very focused and united and knows how to deal with them.

On the constructive side if Kashmiris get right to self determination then Pakistan would not have any objection to allow any transit to India in fact we will support India as after Kashmir is resolved we have no trouble with India only if Indian masses could understand how this fake atoot ang political rhetoric by RSS fanatics is damaging indian economy and undermining south asian peace keeping things on the verge of nuclear war.

We in Pakistan do understand that keeping tensions alive in South asia is in interest of China , US , russia and west as they can sell weapons and divide masses easily through war mongering but unfortunately Indian stubborn attitude in Kashmir is making things ugly and dangerous in Sub continent as given current scenario and rhetoric of Terrorists and fanatics like Modi a nuclear war is inevitable which will destroy only Sub continent and all the above powers will have more to sell later.

Bottom line is its not about sealing borders its about giving Kashmiris their rights and let people live in peace and harmony .

There are a few things called universal truth
There can be no Peace without JUSTICE

Kashmiris wants justice and denial to this justice is the sole reason of hatred and chaos in South Asia.

Why bring US and China, India doesn't want to connect with Pakistan either.

Kashmir for Indians is highly emotive subject, I don't think Pakistan can get Kashmir with out a war, and India will risk anything even nuclear war for Kashmir. At least that is my assessment.
First everything in India revolved around Pakistan now its CPEC. The level of obsession is too high with them.
They could do whatever they want to do with there border and its a good step for them and us.
Are you really that naive ? What cpec has to do with sealing border ? Cpec is a trade route for china to save its time and cost and to checkmate india usa vietnam plan for naval blockade of china which get waste through cpec ... Pakistan's is a clear winner from this scenario as it will boast economic activity in pakistan ...

You indians with your stupid imaginatons ...
Sealing border is just one of many decisions India is taking,it shows the increased level of tensions.

Why would anyone invest in a region with war ,terrorism,extremism,instability and violence ?

no project even if someday completed will work in this environment.
I think it is good.

Pakistan should do the same on Afghanistan border to keep Indian terrorist proxies out...
Sealing border is just one of many decisions India is taking,it shows the increased level of tensions.

Why would anyone invest in a region with war ,terrorism,extremism,instability and violence ?

no project even if someday completed will work in this environment.

Well given your reasons I am surprised under the same conditions how Pakistan managed to grab the status of emerging markets from developing one's and Pakistan's stock exchange is the top performing in Asia this year.

Pakistan's economy is growing at the fastest pace currently in this decade.



So @ito and other indian members better do some research before buying your Media stories which is being controlled by extremists and fanatics .

Why bring US and China, India doesn't want to connect with Pakistan either.

Kashmir for Indians is highly emotive subject, I don't think Pakistan can get Kashmir with out a war, and India will risk anything even nuclear war for Kashmir. At least that is my assessment.

I wasnt talking about emotions and religions and one's wishes all I was talking about was Justice something which is very alien to Indians or at least Indians on the PDF.

No doubt it is rightly said that to speak truth and to stand with the party which is right in any conflict requires a lot of courage and character something clearly lacking in the ranks of Indian establishment and masses.
no matter what you do, no matter what one says, in the end everything turns around in India's favor. The earth revolves around India. First God created India then expanded the earth so there are more people who can benefit India. then God created galaxies, suns and other planet only to serve India's interest.
That's 100% right cause India is Great and India is always right :tup:
Well given your reasons I am surprised under the same conditions how Pakistan managed to grab the status of emerging markets from developing one's and Pakistan's stock exchange is the top performing in Asia this year.

Pakistan's economy is growing at the fastest pace currently in this decade.



So @ito and other indian members better do some research before buying your Media stories which is being controlled by extremists and fanatics .
Talk to us when your market actually gets some investment, ever wondered why after performing "so good" no one is willing to bet on it ?

wondered why your country has nothing beyond CPEC ? not even hitting 5% growth ?
That's 100% right cause India is Great and India is always right :tup:

now only imagine if India was really great

Seem Chinese are now starting to worry about CPEC. And the risk that India - Pakistan relations could have on it. I always felt CPEC could become a casualty of India - Pakistan relations given that it passes through GB.
China has his own concerns but WE most warmly welcome that move Seal the border with India and Afghanistan and we help you in that if you guys need. Seal it seal it seal it please.
There is no evidence of Islamabad’s involvement in the terror attack on an Indian Army camp in Uri and New Delhi’s decision to seal the India-Pakistan border is “irrational” and will set back bilateral ties, Chinese experts have said.

The move reflects India’s “Cold War mentality”, one expert said.

The sealing of the border, announced by the Indian government last week, will complicate the regional security situation and impact ties between India, Pakistan and China, the experts contended in state media.

The Chinese media has only reported on the India-Pakistan faceoff till now, sourcing articles solely from official Xinhua news agency in line with directives from the government about local media reporting on sensitive issues.

On Tuesday, the Global Times, a newspaper tied to the Communist party mouthpiece People’s Daily and known for its mostly hawkish views on India, published the views of Chinese experts who seemed more than worried about the way New Delhi is dealing with Islamabad, which, they said, was China’s “all-weather strategic ally”.

Neither the experts nor the newspaper commented on the “surgical strikes” carried out by India along the Line of Control to target terrorist bases.

“India’s decision to completely close its border with Pakistan is ‘irrational’ and would lead to a major setback in bilateral relations,” the Chinese analysts told the Global Times.

“India is making a very irrational decision, since no exhaustive investigation has been conducted after the Uri incident, and no evidence proves Pakistan is behind the attack,” said Hu Zhiyong, a research fellow with the Institute of International Relations of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences.

Echoing Hu, Wang Dehua, from the Shanghai Municipal Center for International Studies, said the sealing of the border will disrupt efforts for peace by India and Pakistan.

“The country’s decision reflects its Cold War mentality, and would only cause deeper hatred among residents living in Indian- and Pakistan-controlled Kashmir,” said Hu.

“Since Pakistan is China’s all-weather strategic partner, India’s decision would make China-Pakistan-India relations more complicated,” Hu noted.

The attack on the army camp in Uri last month left 19 Indian soldiers dead, one of the worst cases of peace-time casualties inflicted on the armed forces. A fuming India blamed Pakistan-based Jaish-e-Mohammed for the strike.

Last week, home minister Rajnath Singh said the 3,323-km border between the two countries would be “completely” sealed by December 2018 to prevent infiltration and help border forces monitor the sensitive frontier more efficiently.

The Global Times, quoting Xinhua, noted that Singh’s statements followed “repeated ceasefire violations allegedly made by Pakistan and heightened tensions, particularly in the aftermath of” the terror attack in Uri.

The Chinese media refers to Jammu and Kashmir as “India-controlled Kashmir” and the part held by Pakistan as “Pakistan-administered Kashmir”. The only border China has with Pakistan – if it can be called that – is where its frontiers meet Azad Kashmir.

(There have been a few occasions in the recent past, however, when the Chinese media, including Xinhua, have used the phrase “Pakistan-controlled Kashmir”.)

The newspaper quoted Hu as saying that a peaceful resolution of the Kashmir issue is in the interest of China’s homeland security, especially its western regions.

The article didn’t make any reference to China’s repeated extension of its block on India’s bid to get the UN Security Council to label Jaish-e-Mohammed chief Masood Azhar as a terrorist.

Beijing’s move to prolong the “technical hold” imposed in April has given Azhar – the suspected mastermind of the January attack on Pathankot airbase– another six-month breather.

Talk to us when your market actually gets some investment, ever wondered why after performing "so good" no one is willing to bet on it ?

wondered why your country has nothing beyond CPEC ? not even hitting 5% growth ?

but you will always be ignorant
Talk to us when your market actually gets some investment, ever wondered why after performing "so good" no one is willing to bet on it ?

wondered why your country has nothing beyond CPEC ? not even hitting 5% growth ?

You need to study some economics before ranting here how can a stock market be labeled the best in Asia surpassing China , Japan , Korea India etc without being heavily invested?

You people are unable to read the writing on the wall being blinded by fake propaganda of your media.

Pakistan is set to be the coming economical and commercial hub of Asia no matter how much India hates it or tries to delay it .
so that depends on you weather you always look for gutters only to see or the better options like factories , schools hospitals but thats your prespective how can i help it :sarcastic:

you look at minority India that doing ok, we look at majority India thats like the pic. just like i would say India is a hindu state because Hindus are in majority, you wont say India is a Muslim country because?
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